Poetry competition CLOSED 5th October 2015 8:22pm
_shadoe_ (yiyi)
View Profile Poems by _shadoe_
RUNNER-UP: unseen_

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Psych Drugs

Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672

Poetry Contest

have you ever taken them or are on them now ? how have they affected you?
old or new write

I'm on psych drugs for being bipolar and hate the side affects and am addicted to the benzos

what are your experiences with them

share your thoughts whether positive or negative

Strange Creature
Joined 21st Sep 2015
Forum Posts: 13

iam on perscription drugs for PTSD abd depression

Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672

feel free to enter a poem about it would love to see your entry sincerely Crimsin

Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2880

hE wAs Me - I wAs HiM

Wings for for Marie to to 10,000 Days of of tool
With the loud music a guy laying in bed like a fool

Mother welcomes to to machines in in Floyd
Is he trying to escape or trying to fill his void?

Ville not not gonna lose you you tonight to to HIM
Its hard to see a face, because he put the lights to dim

Every every Radio in in in its its right Head
Next to him on the floor he had puked in red

He got up with the googly eyes and for a second
He went insane and wondered where is he sitting?
who is he? what's his name? then he saw the curtains

Face bathed in sweat then he calmed him self down
Lit up another joint and set the new playlist down
Its the evening, he could hear the cries of a crow
Take it all the way with the Red in the next row

Sometimes I miss those days, Haven't done it in like 4-5 years now.
But because of that I started listening to music in a different level,
that's positive I guess, But I still remember how I got scared when
suddenly I couldn't remember my name...
Since then I reduced the dose. Because I was addicted to that feeling
losing ur self in the music.

Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672

thank you Dejure for starting off the comp.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 577

pseudo-poetic prolix ~ patchwork perception post
psychotic episode

i am
fashioned from
threadbare wings
by a blind god
who painted my aster lips
the darkest shades of fire ~
... obsidian veins
against the dirty snow
& the spiders scurry unseen
across ribbon & blade
in the inferno
cradled in
the crooked curve
of my smirk...
he says:
you can see it
see the madness tint
the jade[d] edges
and spill in dark crescents
below my lashes
i painted your eyes
from clots
& licked the walls
to taste what you look like
just another hallucination
like the others
all delusions
shadowing my steps ~
... they never flee
before the light
growing bolder by day
by day by day
to stay all night
while i string them
from my prayer beads
howling the destroyer's name
[108 times over
& over &
over again]
kicking dust into my face
thoughts of you
cling wetly though
i recoil from memories...
could cut them
from my pale cheeks
but still find your name
scored on my skin
hope hangs on to
the blonde roots
i rip
from my aching scalp
[must hurt
kill something
eradicate the audacity
to dream
between the nightmares ~
... they wear you
most nights
wear you like wolves
with teeth bared
& i'm famished too, darling
so starved of chaos
i'd devour the apple of discord
just to taste hell on earth ...
between the padded walls
with that naked bulb
could be me, you know
could have snuffed me
with the flick of a switch
can't stop
the crawling bumps
rolling across nowhere
swatting at nothing
with that
gaze at fuckall ~
... except them
& accept their presence
letting them stay
[i know you
they know]
outstaying their welcome
my scratch-post-neck
clawed to shit
trying to cleave fire
from my throat...
it's not there though
not really
nothing's real

Brenda, this is an oldie, written while off my home pharmacy, dunno if that counts

Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672

it's a spectacular entry beautiful Katja of course it counts thank you :)

poet Anonymous

Admitting that you are having a problem is where it's at

Chemical imbalance, kiss my ass
If I want to get high, don't bother to ask
They don't really have a clue
so I just do what they ask me to do

Check in every so often
and renew those prescriptions they send
Give them a call once in a while
when you feel exceptionally happy or vile

Taking psychotropic drugs is common
In fact, me and my pills have a special bond
They keep my house clean
and they keep me from being mean

When I take them correctly and with rigor
they even stop me from pulling the trigger
on my life, because, you know, I'm not always right
My thoughts are sometimes out of sight

At family gatherings, they all know that I'm the crazy one there
It has been said that I am in need of "serious psychiatric care"
What they don't know is that I've had it for years
because of them and all of my fears

So, don't be afraid to ask for help
if you are sad and depressed and just want to lay down and whelp
And when the pills start to kick in
you will find yourself amongst the living

If your mind rolls around a mile a minute
and if you care deeply and want to get emotionally fit
Tell your doctor the truth and forget the stigma
Not everyone can admit that they need help which is an enigma

Having trouble forgetting a horrible past
Get it together and put it behind you at last
There are little pills for this and that
and admitting that you are having a problem is where it is at

Now if anyone out there is offended by what I say
trying being in my shoes for a day
without pills, I don't sleep, I overeat, and I hate everyone around me
Trust me, it is better to admit that you have a problem which you will see

Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672

thank you Primogenito for a fantastic entry :)

Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672

bump :)

Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 30th July 2015
Forum Posts: 103


I was once prescribed
by doctors who told lies
whose eyes were blind
thanks to dollar signs


And though it calmed my nerves
it also blurred
and obscured
the entire world

And sent me into black outs

I was found, lost in timelines
fast forwards sans rewind
a blank slate mind
with no account for time

Which made me feel even crazier

And though I couldn't panic
and was no longer erratic
not depressed or even manic
Just couldn't cope on Xanax

It just wasn't worth it

Somehow losing reality
seemed a grave fatality
I aimed to reclaim my vitality
and sold those pills with finality.


Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672

thank you Harlie for a heart felt entry..

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 30th Sep 2015
Forum Posts: 13

Title: Rock Dust

i can't decide
if the blue or the orange pill
will make the day seem
okay. if i need to stop my mind
from racing or

let everything out from where
it rolls itself over, mookaite tumbled into
gold veins and red thoughts,

i wish i knew i was human.

i wish mistakes didn't turn
black freckles into shame,

this collection of bracelets, necklaces,
and facial expressions. is sobriety
the answer or do i remember a day
when i felt like more than a reminder of

futility, rage, and a victim complex,

20 milligrams before therapy.
Maybe she'll have an answer.

Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672

thank you muscularteeth for a very real entry..

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 2nd Oct 2015
Forum Posts: 17

Who is she?

I look through the mirror
Into eyes that pierce like a knife
A woman is there... who is she?
Carrying herself with such grace
Her face draped with a smile which conceals no pain.
Heart so pure, so picturesque
I cannot remember if she is real
Back to reality I see my frailty
The weight of this life, too much to bare
I long for a feeling other than numb
To feel pain or love or happiness
But I am numb
Numb to my children laughing in the den
Numb to my husband’s caress
So soft so tender so eager for more
But I am numb...
This blue pill in my hand
It takes away my every want my every desire
I am lost within this chemistry
I fear I will never find me….

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