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Poetry competition CLOSED 15th August 2015 11:04am
View Profile Poems by deadblackdove
RUNNER-UP: crowfly

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Write a poem about a movie

poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

Write a poem about a movie you watched
On a previous competition someone wrote a poem on my avatar, but the poem was about the movie and not a DU user like the title said so i though for that competition the poem was not fitting, but this does not means it was not a good poem of course. However he gave a nice idea.

- Write a poem about a movie you did watch.
Can be also a porn movie it does not matter.
- You MUST say the name of the movie, but you can title your poem the way you want.
If the name of the movie wont be there you will get less points.
- It is a poem about a movie, you do NOT have to write a book about it.
Do not write a prosa or a whole trama, if you want to do so it is ok but less points.
- You can have 2 entries new or old it does not matter.
As title says.

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

dislocation of his will is sought
bartered with blood that I'll spill
supplication in my eyes is nought
dislocation of his will is sought
a Southpaw's fury he has wrought
hollowed echoes do run shrill
dislocation of his will is sought
bartered with blood that I'll spill

Tyrant of Words
United States 83awards
Joined 18th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 325

      the scarecrow always loved her (Wizard of Oz)

the land stretches flat for miles
in austere black&white
so Victorian & without drama.
our homes are gingerbread redundancies
adorned with dry floral wallpaper
and ancient furniture made sturdy
by long dead artisans;
bleak & oblique.

but we make it cinemascopic
by telling ourselves
there’s no place like it.

the colors are non-technic even in our dreams
where romance is a stoic procession
of tin men & catatonic lions.

the farmhands have done what they can
to rob the richness from the soil
and an old woman strikes a dinner chime
to remind us that we are still in Kansas.

I will hi-lite my secrets for you, Bud
with the hammer of my heart
as we wait for the redemptive cyclone
that will carry us all
to the Emerald City…

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

Seasons with You

I came with few expectations
Only wanting the simplest of pleasures
A stolen moment at best
That's what summer evenings bring
Warmth that envelopes you
Pierced by a breeze that quivers yet delights
To validate life and your sense of it in one quick passing

Didn't figure you'd invade my soul
Seeds planted in a setting sun took root and grew
Loping along the roads and
Bridges of Madison County

The season changed
Leaves browned and withered
Yet your beauty remained constant
Still a sun kissed blossom
Reminding me of glorious days
And lusciously warm moonlit nights

It changes once again
Cool, crisp
Unrelenting is the inevitable passage of time
Unyielding is my desire like the storms surely to come


In the aftermath we're left to bring a sense of order back to it all
Yet the pure rapture of the unknown filled with thunder and moans is more comforting
Though strange and forbidden it's most desirable of all

This season will pass too
With its’ storms that cripple us
Making it hard to breathe or function in the routine
A new season will call
And new answers will have to be found
Just find them with me

Strange Creature
United States 1awards
Joined 11th July 2014
Forum Posts: 2

Edward Scissorhands

This life was not for me
Better off if they leave me be
Better I just stay away
Alone in the dark is where I'll stay
But her love did grace my mechanical heart
Yet I knew that we must be apart
I wanted and needed her so much
But I destroy everything that I touch

Tanzen Lilly
Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 18th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 14


A loyal soldier of Rome
Only wants to get home
When a surprise attack
Leaves them stranded, wrecked.
Gathering survivors
He formulates a plan
Rescue their commander,
Then find the nearest garrison.
The Picts will not rest
Until each soldier is lifeless!
Neither side will relinquish,
All those who oppose must be extinguished!
Born to be a leader
Quintus will fight until the grave
Because everybody knows,
Being a legend gets you laid!

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14595

The name of the movie


he said he'd return
and in doing so
told no lie


Guy gets beat up
chases a chicken
punches dead cows
runs up lots of steps
shouts for his missus


but you said the last two
were impossible

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Thought Provoker
Joined 24th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 333

You Possess The Glow

From, The Last Dragon

Bruce Lee Roy,
who da fiercest
most ferocious
martial arts master
you ever seen in your
pathetic kung fu shoe wearing life?

who da baddest
beat down boss ,
the maddest mofo
monkey knuckle
that ever walked the jungle
of New York City?

who da prettiest
jive talking turkey giblet
chocolate coated Chiclet
in Converse high tops
you ever heard sweet talk
the sugar off a chic-o-stick?

Bruce Lee Roy responds,
Confucius say, It’s Yo Mama

Why you fortune cooking reading
chop stick eating
noodle slurping
son of a cricket jumping crack head

Shogun is the master,
Sho’nuff kick your ass backwards
you disco jive talking kung fu shoe
wearing sucker

poet Anonymous

//* Fight club.

Lonely life.

Here I stay,
Just for now,

With my friend,
But he does not exist.

They send me from a place to another,
From a country to another,

Oh yes it was fun when i began,
Then i realized i'm too old to keep it going.

No time to make friends or females,
That i have to take another plane,

And everytime,
I wish the plane to crash,

Into a deeply speedy run,
Deeped in the ocean,

Where nothing is there but death.

I wake up in the morning,
And it takes me time to understand where am I.

All those junks i got,
Costed me a family i will never get.

And only in my dreams,
Things seems working good.

But in real,
There are too many evil mask,

That i have to wear.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 25th June 2015
Forum Posts: 3208

Serena the Sexplorer (2013)

'An Alien Babe On A Mission'

A lusty interstellar babe with dark hair
Comes to Earth seeking those with the flair
To satisfy one's deepest erotic desires for
The Supreme Mistress within the core
Where she happens to have her lair.

She goes over to this one house and
Watches a couple having such grand
Sex before she gets caught and talks her
New friends into experiencing a whole other
Type of erotic pleasure that is also grand.

And while she is having sex in the shower
With some blonde chick, some other
Gets talked into joining their fuck fest
And sampling what happens to be the best
Piece of ass in this universe or any other.

It is unclear that after she completes her mission,
She would stay or return to her home dimension.

Thought Provoker
United States 7awards
Joined 5th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 217

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Carry your youth
as it ends
in the back of the car
with your friends.

You may notice it
wither and die,
give it more
than regret or a sigh -

give it love,
give it freedom and fun,
dodge a bullet
or grab it and run.

He let red through the window
to smash,
turned his father's remains
with a crash -

I rest easy
just knowing he's free,
but that car died
with some part of me.

The Gardener
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 28awards
Joined 10th Oct 2010
Forum Posts: 1347

Maggie (The Secretary)

My heart was circled in red pen
the day you warily let me in,
out from the madding noise in the street
traipsing my meat to meet yours.

We studied the skin from your thigh to your buttock to your navel,
and I took from it you had a half-turned skull
for mulling over too much and dragging yourself through the muck.
We were stuck, you and I, at an impasse.

The earth was craddled by an outside agent
and this, with words stuttered by you in begs and pleas, was our stage.
The look in your eyes, the sincerity on your tongue, the guttering climaxes you must have endured before set.
It killed me.

What I would give to steal your hips and your wrists
and miss not a piece of your lips and your throat,
I could chase down your tongue and swallow myself there
to live in the pit of your small intestine.

To come out again pristine.
To have embraced your muscles and blood,
and this, for the words and the movements of one so waif like, for you.
The world is all new with it's convention and normality
and I am all flushed with ideas.

Cameras (A dedication to the Truman Show)
there are wires for you
i wear wires for you
every night
and the dim light
keeps me focused on the prize
that sits to one side
grows dusty and loses its allure
and i ponder what it was for
that you and i happened to meet
when it seemed to me any number of humans may have fit this piece
but i must cease
for the infection of your skin for your laughter for your trust
this slumbering tenderness within
fuels me
greed fuels me
and i could not would not even consider returning a second of your birth to any retailer or merchant
i feel certain that the plant that grows here
will be quite grand
as you entwine your resources with mine
despite your lack of knowing and my deceit and clever showing
there is a here for you
with wires
though forest fires may not keep you
nor the water
nor the storm
and the steps that take you from me
are more beautiful than before
for your being upon them and the blue
and in that soft hue i know you are leaving
yet i would rather not face it
to watch you slit through the very directions of my soul
to make a hole
a deep incision in our ethically questionable existence
there will be a distance now
for me and you
there will be no more wires for you
and none most certainly for me

Lost Thinker
India 1awards
Joined 23rd Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 66

Movie: Unfaithful
What He did  ...... was wrong ,
But the Way other cheated ......... was not a song ,
He kept on move ....... nearer to His wife ,
and that lady too felt a relief of sigh ,
and later she realized ,
that She became an unfaithful guide ,
so she came back ,
for Her ward sack ,
and they lived happily again ,
as Love had no space for pain .

Dangerous Mind
Joined 25th June 2015
Forum Posts: 3208

Young Lady Chatterley (1977)

'Description Of The Lady'

As soon as she found out
Through an attorney about
The estate that her aunt had
Left her, she gave the pad
The full inspection bout.

And during her stay there,
She let herself throw care
In the garbage and start
Having sex with a tart
Maid who lets herself be bare.

Then, she allowed the gardener
To also get naked and fuck her
Before throwing a costume ball
And letting herself invite all
Of her friends to the makeshift alter.

And after a few drinks, the party
Had suddenly turned into an orgy
With her fiancee having sex
With a maid like he had a hex
Put on him by someone who was witchy.

And of course, she was able to rome
No more because she is finally home.

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