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Poetry competition CLOSED 29th June 2015 11:54am
Krosgood (Violence)
View Profile Poems by Krosgood

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bdsm ~ soft [or] hardcore  

poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

keep vanilla where it belongs [on an ice cream cone]  
rigger, rope slut, sadist, masochist, dominant, submissive, s.s.c/r.a.c.k...
... write a poem [any length] on fetishes, paraphiliae or a scene

~ while ykinmk [& that's okay] please don't submit anything involving scat, incest, pedophilia or beastiality  
~ old or new entries welcome
~ one per pervert please
~ two weeks

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
Joined 5th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 1

It's a chill in the air so moist everything around us, cold sweating with a dark presence of my insanity.

Swaying dim light, shadows dance in joy 

Desiccated stone walls undulating with life 

Cold steel bed, she lays naked so perfectly 

Blood flows sedation, limbs without sensation 

Curves so perfect, her tears trickle beautifully 

Legs long and spread, raised high on stilts 

Whimpers screamed, as I taste thigh to thigh 

Scissors snipping smoothly dividing her whole 

Cold steel warms within Latté's blood flow 

My lips tango in her lesions, love at first kiss 

Buried my head in euphoria within her bleeding breasts such tranquility found

Drown all iniquity within Lattè's heartbeats 
once strong now withering to heavens gates
as I lay upon her heart. 

Hey little lattė I remixed this one for you. Peace✌

Thought Provoker
United States 12awards
Joined 21st Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 166

She begs for bondage ! extreme content !
At the heightened state of arousal
She yearns for my leathers
My dilated eyes staring up from her thighs
"Tie me up" she screams in pleasure

Bound by the wrists
Ankles are the same
Hands behind her back
Tethered by chain
Screaming in lust
She screams my name
As the smell of sex
Fills my domain

Reddening skin becomes hot and flush
Violent and hard is how we both like to fuck
I spank her ass and she begs for no mercy
Pulling her hair she says "fucking hurt me"
I do as I'm told
With this fistful I hold
Buried deep to the hilt
My cock in her hot, wet pussy

Her moans are heard from blocks away
Through my open window a sexual display
My neighbors start yelling
They tell us to shut up
I yell back
"You're just jealous as fuck!"

I hold her against the walls
Her cum saturates my balls
It drips like my sweat
As I give her my all

Almost to the edge
Ol' faithful is coming
She's been there all night
Her evidence is running
Down her thighs
And all over the bed
She's been wet
Since I began giving her head

A lack of circulation
Her hands and feet turn blue
I grab her throat
And her face goes too
I wait for the look
To loosen my noose
She gave it to me
Her breathing ensues

So close now
I can feel the urge
In just a few moments
My cum will mix with hers
So I undo the shackles
And now it's my turn
In the shape of a crucifix
I get what I've earned

The next day she says that she's sore
I rearranged her uterus yet she asks me for more
This time her friend wants in on the fun
Stay tuned folks there's more to come


Miss Indie
Tyrant of Words
Australia 39awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 3281

are old poems allowed, or new poems only?

poet Anonymous

Indie said:are old poems allowed, or new poems only?

oldies are welcome, i'm easy like that

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 19th July 2014
Forum Posts: 194

Pain Slut

She sits at her usual table in the
back corner of the diner.
Watching the crowd as they come and go.
A stranger walks through the door,
her eyes instantly find his.

She fidgets with her fingers, he spots her watching.
Turns many shades of red as he walks over.
"Seat taken?" As he sits without a reply.
He sits next to her, she moves shyly away.
Keeping her head down, glances up.
He puts his arm up around her leaning in.
"Don't be afraid of what is coming"

She looks at his hand on her, he tightens his grip
She shivers, he swiftly grabs the back of her head
Pulling her head back by her hair
She grabs the table's edge with his force
Items on the table make noise
Attracting other gazing

She looks at him out the corners of her dark eyes
He whispers in her ear "We're leaving"
He slides out letting go of her hair
She slides out, shakingly standing next to the tall stranger.
Grabs her arm, pulling her beside him, leaving

She went with him
She thought about the danger
She thought he would hit her
She thought she would like it
She would like it too much

When he hit her
He didn't think about it
He just hit her

He strips her of everything,
Binding her with restraints to the bed
Open handedly smacks her face hard
Her head moves with his force
Walking around the bed he looks at her body

Lays there helpless, slips his belt off
Grabs her ankles flipping her over
Her ass exposed, belt in hand reaches back
Whack! Hearing it hit bare skin
Whipping her ass with it

Welt pops up, he rubs his fingers over it
pushing on it, feeling the heat.
She whimpers with his touch
Stepping back he whips her full force
He counts every hit, "One, two, three"
Purple marks, blood starting to drip
She screams out as her body tightens

"You've been a very bad girl!"
Open handedly slaps her ass
At the end of bed he stands
Takes his belt beats her sexy thighs
Her fine back till they match her ass

Grabbing her ankles roughly flipping her over
Kneeling now belt still in the hand
"Dont make a fucking sound!"
Flicks her nipples with his large fingers
Rubbing them between pointer and thumb
Clenching her teeth, tightening her body

"Cry for me my little whore"
Eyes tightly close, tears roll down her fine pale skin
Kneeling on the bed, unzipping
pulling out his now hard cock
Moving closer, leaning into her

"Beating you makes me so hard"
grabbing her hips
Forcing himself into her
She screams, belt in hand he hits her
Drawing more blood droplets
"Fucking whore" as he fucks her hard

He feels her tight, warm, wet pussy around him
Five more times on her fine pale skin
Breaking it open
Pulling out flipping her over, fucking her ass hard
She whimpers in pain, yanking her head back
His hands around her neck, leaving nice marks
Beating her more, finishing with her.
Passing out, intense pain.

When she woke up he was gone
The blood on her face was dry
She rinsed it off in the sink
There was pain but she did not cry
She hoped he would find her again.

poet Anonymous


Deep in the bowels
of his fornication's nest
bounded within the perils of
cuffs leashes chains
is where he covets me
with an endless joy
of pain
thrusting the pro-sexual of my strength
to the brink of submissive insanity;

lips splayed
mouth stretched
throat gagged
from the stiff
of his colossal prick
siphoning cum
from the kingdom of his cum
six floggings,
six canings,
six whippings,
is where evil becomes him;

he steers the aluminum
of a barbed wire thong
over my thrashed hips
rings the blood drops from my hair
having had his sadistic thrill of me
and his masochistic fill from me
the angelic sound
of his ruthlessly bound machete
slithers delicately from beyond its leather sheath
a softened metal hiss
thrust mutely into the abyss
of my darkened crimson kiss
transcends me into a psychological portrait
of erotic disturbance bliss;

he displays
the blood stained
proudly on his office desk

poet Anonymous

great entries so far[!] thanks everyone

Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

icicle .

eager hand  
the shoulder  
is the    
family name  
the diminutive  
androgenic pelt  
dance in delight  
on the membrane’s  
moist air  
a quivering  
taped to    
lust filled  
vanity stricken voice  
dark night  
as vigour  
turns rigour  
for a moment  
just prior  
in angelic harmony  
vocal chords  

Tyrant of Words
United States 5awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5152

A man escapes from a prison where he’s been locked up for 15 years.
He breaks into a house and inside, he finds a young couple in bed.
He ties him to a chair. While tying the wife to the bed, the convict gets on top of her, kisses her neck, then gets up and goes into the bathroom.
While he’s in there, the husband whispers over to his wife,
“Listen, this guy is an escaped convict. Look at his clothes! He’s probably spent a lot of time in jail and hasn’t seen a woman in years.
I saw how he kissed your neck. If he wants sex, don’t resist, don’t complain. Do whatever he tells you. Satisfy him no matter how much he nauseates you. This guy is obviously very dangerous. If he gets angry, he’ll kill us both. Be strong, honey. I love you!”

She responds: “He wasn’t kissing my neck. He was whispering in my ear. He told me that he’s gay, thinks you’re cute, and asked if we had any Vaseline. I told him it was in the bathroom. Be strong honey. I love you, too.”

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

If you love me
Hurt me

Let me feel the wrath of your jealously
So I should know I’m your property
Pledged to you for eternity

Scratch & bite, slice & dice, kick & strike, show me no mercy
Rebuke my insolent perverse puerility
Magistrate your matriarchal authority

If you love
Punish me

I petition your feminist audacity
I need your disciplinarian authority
To purge my disingenuous iniquities

Upon my flesh declare your sovereignty
Chastise me to you’re satiated completely
Demand I comply willingly

If you love me
Hurt me

Justice adjudicated swiftly
Affirms that you love me
So don’t hesitate, punish me quickly

And whilst you do
Know how much I love you

Nixon Wagalla
Lost Thinker
Joined 21st June 2015
Forum Posts: 12

Don't  STOP, but stop

As i bite her lips  
my hands on her hips  
then fingers to her clit  
it's like playing piano  
upside down  

I hear  
her sound, the sigh of pleasure...  

my movements quadruple  
with lips on her nipple  
in her pussy  
fingers triple  
on her booty  
my hand dribbles  

I hear  
her sound, Wagalla please stop  

My lips on her neck  
I won't take a break  
my hands on her breasts  
my lips amidst  

my lips on her vulva  
then to her clit  
she can't resist, to cover  
my head...with her thighs  

I hear  
her sound, the sigh of pleasure  

Her hands on my head  
squeezing right ahead  
she yearns  
for my suck  
she stuns  
for my fuck  

I hear  
her sound, Wagalla please stop  

My tongue sedates  
her pussy secretes  
her control, is lost  
Oh my!  
She's wet  

I hear  
her sound...

Dangerous Mind
Joined 25th June 2015
Forum Posts: 3208

Rob looked all over for his wife
Only to have him get the shock of his life.

Donna was tied to a pole with a dripping
Pussy with Tracy staring at her and smiling.

And with a tear coming down her
Cheek, Tracy violated Donna with a single finger.

That was before a police car on its way
To the station arrested Tracy and took her away.

poet Anonymous

Whip me in the face girl.

If i am a pervert,
What a prosy word ok.

We are all pervert,
Soon we will hear,

Hey pervert how are you,
In the main stream.

Whatever, bring me a little girl,
Do not show me a shaved vagina,

Roughly rub it on my face and let me feel
The scratch of your pubic hair.

Split all of your humors or my face,
Make it wet have orgasms on it many.

Force me to suck on your hole,
So that way i will suck your soul from it.

Masturbate your clitoride on me,
sit on my face and squirt your vagina on it.

Whip me in the face, leave bruises on me,
Scratch my chest, bite me, i wont have enough of it.

Hold on what do i see there a strap on.
Little girl you are going to con far.

I turn into a devil, i was letting you toying me for my own pleasure
And I will consume your hole body after washing my face.

The game is over.

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