Poetry competition CLOSED 25th June 2015 2:41pm
diddi (StephenPaul Summerscales)
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Full of anger the best of you

poet Anonymous

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Strange Creature
Joined 19th May 2015
Forum Posts: 3

Revolution will start when tears will be put into words. Revolution will start when we all will be treated equally. Revolution will start when tribal wars will end. Revaluation will start when we will hold hands n be united as one. Bt what is the use of revaluation when we kill our fellow friends? Gun has been the ways of our lifes kill all be killed. Time will extinct to dawn coz we were never humans. We are grasping for air but we are choking with our own deeds.

Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2614

I thought Wrong

How can you sleep at night
Knowing you are fake?
You are not trustworthy
Being your bestie was my mistake
I tried so hard
Not to let it show
Smile and nod each day
Move on, go with the flow
I thought if I just kept to myself
It would all just go away
However you and your bullshit
Are forever here to stay
Last time I checked
We're all fucking grown
If you were bat shit crazy
You may have let it be known
Instead I found it all out
Over all that wasted time
I knew I shoulda walked away
When you started saying shit about me and mine
Next time you look in the mirror
Id like to know what you see
Was it a back stabbing  lying bitch?
Well in the end, I didnt allow you to destroy me
Being your friend and buddy
Came with  tough lessons learned
Next time I see your texts or calls,
Ill know better not to get burned

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 3rd Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 61

The Misery of Misogyny

Your face has launched a thousand ships                
Forbidden fruit dripped from your lips                
Forever cursed to be alone                  
All that you gaze will turn to stone                
Like the devil you have been sent        
To spread affliction and discontent        
Cast out by God a fallen star                
Vainglorious is who you are                                                            
Total rejection decided man's fate                
Just like a mantis consuming her mate                
You are the root of eternal sin                
Stealing men’s souls with one touch of skin                
Injected weakness in man's worst defeat                
Flowing with venom and noisome conceit                                    
All of life’s problems have you to blame                
The world was just fine until women came                
You are a woman have you no shame                
Back to the serpent where death calls your name                
Evil Succubus that preys on man's lust                
I spit in your face in utter disgust                
You scheme and connive demanding respect                              
When transparent sex has no effect                
Resorting to tears with bait for the snare                
Patiently waiting for someone to care                  
Diffuser of gossip chameleon of lies                
Passing down judgments behind your disguise                        
Wretched sycophant you schmooze everyone                
With a fake smile that can’t be outdone                
Your kind of head games take always first prize                
Wicked intentions with no compromise                  
Always touching your lips with red finger tips                
I hate how you pose with your hands on your hips                
Toss slightly your hair and tease with your eyes                  
That bounce as you walk I so much despise                
Your shoes keep clicking as you swing side to side                            
Drawing attention to your flaunting backside                        
Serial killers are born of your womb                
Promising offspring a future of doom                      
No sadder excuse for having no use                
Besides mistreatment and constant abuse                
Always you're right, so smugly you gloat                
If I hear that again I will cut your throat                
Now prostrate yourself and bow before me                
A subaltern breed is all you will be                  
There’s no place for you but down on your knees                              
Don’t ever get up unless you say please                
Even fellatio you still are no good                    
I’d do it myself if I only could                
So show me just one redeeming feature                
You complicated pathetic creature                
There in your mirror you worship and stare                  
You never notice the snakes in your hair                
I hate myself for still needing you                
But I’d rather die than admit it is true                
Hatred of women has just one regret                
That lonely feeling I cannot forget                  
Power hungry beast I won’t be controlled                      
Whatever it takes I will break your hold                
Life without women wouldn't that be great                
Til then I’ll suffer a victim of hate                  
You are a Medusa,                                  
a seductress,                
a Jezebel,                
a harlot,                
an ogress,                
a termagant,                
a slattern,                
a virago,                
a harridan,                
a strumpet,                  
You are a woman

Lost Thinker
Joined 17th May 2015
Forum Posts: 20

Hiding your true intentions.
Having to hide true intentions is cruel.

Forcing yourself to be kind when in reality you want to rip their rib cage out and break each rib little by little.

Forcing yourself to plaster on a smile and agree with whatever they say..when in reality you want to rip off their lips and squish them in your palms.

Having to maintain the image they want to see you as when you want to end your life and theirs as well.

Wanting to feel the pain that is to die for daily, but having to contain yourself because of the people who are just interested. Really not wanting to help.

Having to watch yourself around people or you'll end up in jail..or hell.

Dying to be who you want when people are trying to change you.

It really sucks when you want to stab someone in the guts and shove your hands in there exploring every part of their body...but instead having to attempt to sit still.

Hiding your true intentions is cruel.

Duncan Alexander
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 1awards
Joined 4th May 2010
Forum Posts: 2144


Henry Harbinger
Who plays the Harlequin
To his Heroine
And ends up Haemmoraging
In Hudson Hoboken.

- Funnily enough I was angry at my teacher at the time. She mentioned a student of hers that had died shortly after leaving school. All I could think, was that she didn't know that that student was me.(I've never used heroine, for those who are curious)

poet Anonymous

I hate that you chose to fail
over and over again
and that you did not dare to sail
as far as life could have taken you back then

When you were young and pretty
you thought you were hideous
and now that you are old and full of pity
you wish that you had recognized this

Settling into your lonely abyss
watching others reach their goals
you remained content for years
while watching others lives unfurl

Time and time again, you let fear take the wheel
instead of jumping on opportunities that were offered and given
Insecurities ruled your young life and you refused to feel
When you could have been celebrating, you remained hidden

Angry at yourself, you are an old lady, bitter and mad
who sits and wishes she had done more
while the world goes by, you remain depressed and sad
and you wonder what your life was really for

Jobs, relationships, recognition was all yours
but you lost hold of each possibility
and instead, left them as they were, behind closed doors
out of reach, out of mind, out of your reality

Regrets and apologies aside
this life was wasted alright
because you chose not hop on and ride
but to stay safe and out of sight

Yes, you are full of anger and you are mad
and rightly so
Because you were not strong enough to realize what you had
until you saw it go

Astral Gift
Thought Provoker
Greece 5awards
Joined 8th June 2015
Forum Posts: 276

You're as empty as a dirty can
You're as satisfied as an average man
The blame is on you I am fucked up
You're an evil viper so just shut up

Fuck yourself I won't compromise
keep your money and your advice
You keep saying,  I owe you much!?
You turn into shit everything you touch
Fuck you I don't wanna know you
there's no way I'll do nothing for you

For years I was dreaming of a revenge
You played sick to get a second chance
I'm still the same but I have changed
put your money in your ass I won't stay caged

Fuck yourself just do it honey
Fuck yourself and keep your money

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 7th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 159

You said it would be just a game,
So I sat down next to you.
Your my friend, for I love you.
Why would you do this to me?
You tell me to close my eyes, blinded by your friendly voice.
Blinded by our past friendship, but most of all blinded by being naive.
"Close your eyes for me baby " is what you say.
As you tie me up, and say you will kill my family if I try to fight.
Holding up a silver blade, for now it's time to trade souls.
My soul becomes black with hate as I ask him,
" do you still love me baby? " I said, with a looming anger.
Trapped under your grasp, a prisoner to your darkest deepest desires.
Pulling me with your little rope like I'm a lost pet.
Touching in places, not meant to be touched.
I was so confused... You filthy bastard! I hate you!
As you come up with your hand stroking my arms , stroking my hair.
Struggling to take off the blind fold.
I cry in the darkness, which are tears ignored.
"I love you" he says, as he lays a kiss with his dirty mouth.
That's what you say now... But when you don't need me you call me a "bitch, whore, ugly, fat and weird"
As I take up my own knife and say "I loved you"
And my knife drips with your blood.
Who was the real victim here you bastard?

Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1622


- - - DOMINION - - -

Hypocrites and bastards
Bitches and faceless ones
Condemning everyone
Not like them
Who gives a shit?

Exiled, left out in the cold
To live with the unwashed masses
But at least I have my soul
When society collapses
And the fire in my eyes
Will be the beginning of the song
I will revel in the cries
I have never felt more at home

Inside my dominion
We will burn away the masks
Here we are legion
To rise beneath the ash

Sacrifice masquerades
Upon their own altars
The failing crucifix
Their icons
Will lay in shit

The holy men in their vestments
Cannot wash away the filth
So unabashed in their laments
Brush their sins under the silt
Do what you want, you can repent
l'll drag you out on the streets
For all of the time that you spent
Break you for the times you keep

Fucking us over

Inside my dominion
We will burn away the lies
Here we are legion
And wash away the blight

Total destruction
Awaits your world
The desolation
Inside the core
Will be absolute
In finality

I level your idols
With the power of rage
I have learned to hate you
What you taught
Everyone to do

Can't wait for one more reason
For you to cross another line
Just nothing else can please us
But to punish you for your crimes
Know that it's killing season
And I will hit you with the truth
You think you live like Jesus
You should fucking die like him too

Alone and meaningless

Inside my dominion
We will burn away the lies
Here we are legion
And wash away the blight

Inside my dominion
We will burn away the masks
Here we are legion
To rise beneath the ash


(c) 2015 Frank Green

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 4th June 2015
Forum Posts: 1

Burning down mother midnight eternal with the
smell of car exhaust and the streets
so intoxicating when I breathe it in,
goes straight to my brain and the
cobalt void opens up before me,
protects me from my sins committed under the sun.
I like to take the long way
when I'm alone in my car at night,
when the sadness takes hold,
and the world shuts the fuck up
long enough for me to have an
original thought.
I am sad most of the time.
When I am angry it is usually
a mask for my sadness.
I think about the woman and how
I see her with her pain which
makes me want her more,
I want to fuck her pain,
I want to hold her as she cries,
I want to know her in every possible sense,
I can practically taste her on my tongue.
I think of all the other women
came before her.
I've treated women like shit.
I see their sad eyes searching for
an answer like they never even thought
for a moment that I could have
done them that way.
I think that I deserve my loneliness,
that I should never be allowed to
connect with another human being again because
I turn up the music on the
piece of shit car stereo and no
one will know,
not the asshole who pulls up next
to me at the red light to
give me strange looks,
not the cop parked in the shadows
looking to make his quota,
no one.
I'm a ghost moving along dim streets.
People have hurt me and I have
hurt others out of subconscious revenge.
I chain smoke cigarettes and want to cry,
to just fucking fall apart,
to make a mess of the cock
suckers who were allowed to touch me.
I need that sad gravel pit voice
of Billie Holiday or Courtney Love telling
me that she is dying.
Surrogate mothers.
When I was in Jr. High and
High school I use to fall asleep
to the voices of sad or angry
women out of a need for comfort.
I didn't know if I wanted to
fuck them or incubate inside of them
for 9 months.
I needed rebirth.
I had mommy issues.
Sitting behind the wheel 10 years later
I'm barely making it,
I don't know what the hell I
am doing any more,
or how I'm gonna get the hell
out of the hole I'm in now.
Behind the wheel of this car with
all my fear-hurt-rage is as
free as it gets for the likes of me,
some one who looks at the world
with all it's laws and social status
and can't make sense of anything that
he sees or hears.
This world makes me tired.
This world makes me want to hide
and not come out again till the
mushroom cloud has come and gone.
At least at night there's less of it.
At least in my car I get
to choose what bullshit to let in
and which to flatten into road kill.
And on I go till I make
it home to sit for a time
before sleep.

poet Anonymous

Six Syllable Satire - 666

I hate that fucking bitch
And all her fucking games
Our marriage was a glitch
My frustration exclaims

Fucking devious smirk
She stabs me in the back
She views me as a berk
Compassion she attacks

When will I fucking learn?
This life is full of shit
How many times I’m burned
Before my guard submits?

Thought Provoker
Joined 24th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 333

Institutional Racism

let me put my foot up your Kentucky Fried Ass
you chicken gizzard guzzling Confederate Bitch
what made you think it was etiquette
and southern hospitality to do arithmetic
on peoples' lawns with firewood
the only thing that needs burning is your hate
and it's self hate
it ain't what you think
it ain't race
you want America to be old fashioned
but that's not what America was intended for
so if you still want your moonshine
then put your boots on and start the barbecue
don't let other races flood your beloved homeland
if you don't like Blacks, Jews, Hispanics
then row, row, row your boat Bitch to another planet
man makes plans
but only God can say,
God Damn It.
You Kentucky Fried Bitch.

poet Anonymous

Thanks all, all the entries were really good, some lines were really well made. However i think the winner, or better the trophey winner is "Paul Summerscales" with "I Need An Uzi". I do appreciate the poems that have been posted and making a decision was hard. In a way or another all the poems that have been posted could have win, however with a full of anger i was mostly looking about a self hate or a social hate to lead a status of anger. For a reason or another i should nominate all those who posted here. Best Regards.

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

Hey thanks for this , much appreciated

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