Poetry competition CLOSED 7th June 2011 2:13pm

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Heart Break Challenge

Visual Lyricist
Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 7th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 77

Poetry Contest

The challenge is to write a poem about heartbreak, true or fiction. You choose.
This will be my second competition I have threaded.

My 1st one didn't do so hot, and then I thought, what is one thing we all as humans and people have in common?


Must be new, never posted on DU.

The one with the most emotion and breaks my heart a little will be a guaranteed winner.


Annabelle RHCJ
Thought Provoker
Joined 18th Mar 2011
Forum Posts: 199

In the fields of the never ending storm
I walked along in  silence lost that was born
I lived with sadness I danced with pain
I walked alone when no one came
I laughed I cried the tears you saw
but never did you question as to why
In the fields of darkness no cloud laid to rest
I gave my all I gave my best I set it all aside
for all the love and all the pride
I felt the pain I blocked the heartaches all the same
but in the end my love to you was all just a game
In the fields of the never ending storm
I walked along in silence lost that was born
Mountains all to wide muddy hills to slide
no rainbow left to see all the pain to be
All the years past with thoughts
My sadness was all that was sought
I gave it all to you did all I could to be true
I walked in fields of darkness my love you cast aside
you took my hand but left for another ride
I tried to smile through the pain but
my heartaches were your happiness
your pleasures were my sorrow
now I am dead seeking for answers
for the reason is there tomorrow ?
25 May 2011
Annabelle RHC

Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 8th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 165

By no means ever told me he loved me,
So I don't know why I would be so broken
Not just to pieces, but shattered to fragments
Of little shimmering acknowledgements
Ready to reflect all we've been through.

It will only be my shadow under the rafters,
Waiting to be showered on, not me, to feel
The pointed shards fall and break the skin
He used to hold so close when we embraced.

What is it supposed to mean when you wave goodbye
And never say hello again, show me your heart
With your hands- not ever having the whim another time
To lift them for anything to do with me, pretending
To be far better off.

It took me a while, but I still cried. Fuck you, Justin.

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 1369

Love Once Made Me a Fool

For all these years I was convinced what we had was true
I loved you with pure innocence through and through

Love is not selfish or puffed up with pride
Nor should it be so painful that I would rather die

I gave you my trust which is hard for anyone to obtain
In fact, my soul cried out like a torrential down pour of rain

How could you be so cruel and play around with my heart
You swore to me we would ALWAYS be together and never part

All that endearment was bull and your kisses were fake
You are nothing more than a low down slimy withering snake

I once thought you were the absolute best; you are the worse
I even called you a blessing; you are a damn curse

I abhor love and all her games and rules
Never again; love once made me a fool

kymkym65 10:33 p.m.

poet Anonymous

The Cane and the Crone:

He is an old gent bent on her elderly butt
His undeniable lust for her senile absent mind
Leads him to dead ends empty handed
Past events leave him distraught, remembering her youthful beauty
Sagging skin collects pain of weathered decay
He looks into his heart to find his last peace, is she still alive?
Realizing now she was who he wanted his whole life

She never gave him a second thought, part of a different crowd
A man with average build and masculine demeanor
She went through so many troubled romances, would it have been different with him?
Becoming widowed and left alone with herself, fortunes spent left behind
Cobwebs clutter the corners of her fixed income home
Pictures of family long gone, the memories hang covered in soot and dirt
Reminding her of everyone she has outlived, she realizes that the end is near

Not knowing where she resides
He pans the country sides wandering aimlessly
His time growing short, death seeks a final meeting
He tries to escape his mortality, but somehow his will keeps him going
Refusing to die before he finds his true love, his body deteriorates slowly
He wants to make right what could have once been wrong
Its not too late to survive one last sexual fling

The cane and the crone
Walking sticks and broken backs
Their embrace was doomed long before
They ever met or crossed paths
Crookedly searching nooks and crannies
This Gramps and Granny will wither away
Into dust as ash gave them birth

Replaced hips, throes of passion they finally find each other
He confesses his feelings, a lifelong search for love
Just to expire at the height of passionate orgasms
Failed organs spent borrowing a fateful meeting
Deaths appointment is delayed only momentarily
Reaching in he squeezes their hearts tight
At least they both died together…

Tyrant of Words
United States 26awards
Joined 5th Mar 2011
Forum Posts: 9051

Empty frames

I’m a broken picture without a frame
I’m a lonely outcast without a name
I rest my head against your chest
You run your fingers through my hair, you try your best
It’s hard enough to stay alive
Being your angel was what I felt inside
Now that that’s gone I am nothing
What I would give for you to tell me you really love me
I'm lost without a way,
without you by my side everyday
I hope i'll learn to love again 
But i know it will be so hard living without my  husband, he was my best friend. 
But nothing good ever lasts in my life. 
Just misery and so many untold  lies

Death Plane for Teddy
Tyrant of Words
Canada 32awards
Joined 4th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 4409

[font=Courier New][size=2]
Well, I wrote this today, so even though it's posted elsewhere I thought it might qualify:

    <3 what hearts do &>

       they break    
       they heal    
       they break    
       they heal    
       the scars make them strong    
       the scars make them hard    
       i'm told that love    
       (when massaged in)    
       makes them soft again

              - - -

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 25th Mar 2011
Forum Posts: 201

This is posted elsewhere, but not here.


The spark
From your call
To my heart
Was bright
And warm
And beautiful.

The smoke
That it caused
The fire
It began.

The burning
Of my soul
Was hard
To feel
Beneath the
And hate
So lovingly

The fire
Tried to consume
But I am made
Of stronger stuff
Than those
You left
For ash
Before me.

The tinder,
My hopes
My dreams
My soul,
Was hard to catch-
But catch it did.

And in the
Of the fire
You lit
I saw the truth-
And I smiled.

For fire
It touches.

And if I burn
I will do so gladly.

My love for you
Allows me to stay.

My hate for you
Allows you to burn.


And if I burn,
You burn with me.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 2122

what if you're the reason for the heartbreak?
is it still qualified for the competition?

Visual Lyricist
Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 7th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 77

[quote]opheliac said:
what if you're the reason for the heartbreak?
is it still qualified for the competition?

Yes anything with love or heartbreak

Flat line---------------
Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2010
Forum Posts: 206

The surgeon said he could save the left breast- small lump.
I helped her take care of the incision as it healed. Kept Neosporin on it.
The scar was minimal. She sighed with relief.
That was before the bad news.  The cancer spread to the lymph nodes. She lost the breast.
I told her at our age, vanity is a stupid thing- I'll always love her.  She'll always be the girl I married.
A shadow was discovered in her right breast.  Dammit, She just finished Chemo and radiation!
Beginning to feel good about her hair coming back- even that moment was taken from her.
Now she does nothing but the minimum that life demands from her.
She once had heart,
but now it's broken.

Paulina Dionne
Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 7awards
Joined 9th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 1141

passions light

in the river of black
did you find your way?
or did you sink like a rock
against hollow ground

tears burn like acid
which melts your weak heart
does that mean all light is lost
or could you love again?

no need to feel like a stranger
my doors are open wide
some kind of stranger
come inside

if its dark
i'll carry the torch
help is always there
if if you cant see it

you will always find it
and always need it

The Gardener
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 28awards
Joined 10th Oct 2010
Forum Posts: 1347

I first heard of you
when leaving a bus
and the girl, she said, she'd
left a love-bite.
Well, I saw your neck while we rolled up cigarettes,
you were an addition to the list of addictions.

So I smoked, and I smoked and I choked
on you and left my heart on the bus.
The bus went round and round barely making a sound
until it crashed around us.

I first slept beside you
when a spider crept through my white shower head
so you lent me yours and watched as I bathed.
Interest is different nowadays.
Laying together, we didn't say much but
just enough whilst smoking
rather heavy joints

and I smoked, and smoked and choked
on you. I left my heart on the bus.
Well, the bus went round and round; barely made a sound
until it crashed around us.
It was called Suicidal Lust
ninety-two and
that bus was made
for you. Yes, you - that bus was made for you.

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 30th May 2011
Forum Posts: 6

boy met girl
girl liked boy
boy liked girl
boy fucked girl
moved to girl2
boy2 met girl2
boy2 liked girl2
boy2 fucked girl2
moved to girl
girl met girl2
made a plan
called boy2's phone
from boy's phone
and invited boy2
to meet boy1
girls had fun!

(Kind of silly poem with 3 words in each line, hope its funny1)

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