Poetry competition CLOSED 19th May 2015 1:37am
View Profile Poems by blocat
RUNNER-UP: fake_reality

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The End of Democracy

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14604

the good king, Obvious

"citizens of the world!
drink the potion provided.
nothing untoward, I assure you
you'll thank me in the long run
it'll be a whole new planet
for your fresh-borns
cos they'll be bright blue
and hairless.

we'll see where we go from there.
thank you, ..as you were"    

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 40awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483

If I Were A King

Democracy buried and wiped out of memories
From freedom lovers and fighters alike
To relieve them from the burden of miseries
From the dystopian world they all dislike

Controlled chaos creating chivalry
As king I would openly support
To keep boredom out of the hierarchy
Welcoming guests in each and every port

World peace as king would be my vision
Eliminating bad-ass leaders who cross my path
Eradicating poverty would be my mission
As well as mind-cleansing of all psychopaths

Living in a utopian world is far from reality
I know a lot of you might say that
So does becoming king a challenge to mentality
For all I am in this world is just a small dot...

Nature's symphony would be music to one's ears  
When the birds shall swim just like the flying fish
But when nobody cares and no one hears
I would rather be a dead king when there's no peace!

poet Anonymous

to be King

To be King
is to rewind;

I'd go back
1000 years
in time and
restart the world
from there
because from here
a King wouldn't

Twisted Dreamer
United States 14awards
Joined 21st July 2012
Forum Posts: 240

The Times Of Yesteryear Are Over

You kill, you get killed
Bullet wounds or stones
The choice is yours
I'm not here to debate
I'm here to see justice
No time for your whining
An eye for an eye mentality
Rule with an iron fist
Molest, cut off your manhood
Want to be a thief?
Three fingers for your troubles
Cry all you want, I'm immune
Step by step, steady I rule
Bumpy the road to hell
Burn, baby burn for all to see
Consider me responsible
For the eternal boiling.
Cactus in the eye for corrupters
Fortunately for you I'm here
To obtain peace for humanity
But to obtain peace we need
Hard choices to be made
The consequences to be grand
Let's change the world!
Abductors? Twenty knife wounds
Grab peace and compare to
Yesterday before the resurrection
Look at the nation
Labor in happiness
No longer to be abandoned
By the parallel universe
The branch of expansion is here!
Disagree? Let's chat for a bit
Gigantic changes, magenta waves
Ring the alarm!
Mad Max doesn't exist here!
In peace we now live, don't lament
Rejoice the new beginning
Isn't this what you wanted?
Your wish has been granted.
Is this the thanks I get?

poet Anonymous

great write..love the style, the flow, and the content..and you may be a dreamer, but you aren't the only one:)..

poet Anonymous

Propaganda is to democracy
What violence is to totalitarianism
So it has never existed at all
The illusion made your reason take a fall

Divide by race and class to differentiate
Fuel unconscious fears of hate
As old of a trick as that thing we call time
Just hearing it again from a different pantomime

Must juxtapose with anarchy
Beauty out of chaos, just like the grand mystery
The universe and that word life
Were born out of conflict and strife

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 18th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 4

If I were to be King
Of the world
Just for one day

I’d decree that
Democracy be restored
Lobbying, ‘donations’
PR and marketing outlawed
Monarchy be abolished
As would war

Lev Tolstoy
Would be required reading
For all
So we could all view the world
As a whole

It did wonders
For Mandela, Ghandi and Martin Luther King
We could together create a world
For us all
Actually worth living in

But if I were to be King
Of the world
It would be
Just for one day

As I’d decree myself
Be strangled
Using the guts of
The last priest
As monarchy and religion
Are two of a true democracy’s  
Biggest cheats  

Anna Archichek

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 18th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 4

When democracy is restored I'll vote for you!

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 40awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483

Congrats Tony for the win...well done mate!

poet Anonymous

thanks so much for the fun comp and mention, David
well done and congrats to blocat and fakereality! fair play :)

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 1st Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 241

Wow there were some great entries so I'm flattered, honoured and chuffed to bits. Thank you!

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 1st Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 241

Aw thanks Mate. Nice to here from you again.

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 1st Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 241

Thank you!

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 1st Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 241

Thanks me darlin' Luv & hugz to you

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 1st Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 241

Humble thanks everyone!

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