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Poetry competition CLOSED 14th April 2015 9:20pm
View Profile Poems by professoryackle
RUNNERS-UP: hemihead and Atakti

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Feminine Archetypes

Lost Thinker
Joined 11th Aug 2010
Forum Posts: 28

No! Christ, stop chopping it up! It was perfect.

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3005

Scantily clad chapters

morning sonnet pages
eyed from half closed dream lids
under a summer breeze quilt form
there was something like fresh melon notes
and Burgundy shimmers, lining the air

the place of landmarks and secret maps
soft blankets and hidden love-struck wishes
lingering hunger stroking a collarbone path
turning the chapter with toes curled in anticipation

falling into Bourbon flavoured text-ure
fragmenting reality, renting intimacy
bitten Angel lip, holding onto vice- slipping
impervious heart-door sanctum

wet commotion clinging to blushed limbs
tremor bound in the story on searching fingers
velvet breath expelled to the burn
spreading under the covers of collapsing seconds
when sighs descend and paper leaves tumble

(Mercury and Venus)

Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 3273


Shaded lines through male hands
is the blend of she and his, not hers,
swirling through known picture frames
and all nod and move on.

She never was in the thick of it.
She slipped in sometimes,
tried on a few paint-strokes
borrowed from the masterpieces everyone stops to look at.

She accorded shades of red, arched limbs and full lips,
skin alight with whispers and licked flames
because this is the palette of the sun spilled.

The black of smoked blades left him astride
a firebrand, hands scorched, grasping at her.
The knives were inside, a chosen silhouette.

An artist sees the sun ablaze, blinding, but blind.
Quietly, adorned in bands of scrypture,
she leaves, an enigma unanswered.

Dangerous Mind
Scotland 35awards
Joined 27th July 2010
Forum Posts: 2329

hemihead said:(pretty much completely didn't follow your comp-rules…apologies my dear…but, since you sparked the idea, thought I'd lay it here anyway :-)

well, m'luv, i think the only rule that was completely smashed into 1,400+ little pieces was the word count! [:
it's actually bang on everything else. then if you're feelin' it, you can put it in your profile's poems and i shall add it to the annals. [:

Case, excellently played.. and even with your false alarm, there is still not much change in the beautiful weather we're having. (i should try this..... 'encouragement' more often) [:

every one of these poems is going to get a comment, so if the judging takes a while, that will be why.
thanks for playing, everybody. keep 'em comin', if you care to. [:

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom 3awards
Joined 8th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 22

This one is either Venus or Mars, or possibly both. What do you reckon?


First you get your front room as you like it,
spin it spick; I’m slick with a spindle.
A bit of lick and spit isn’t amiss.
Silk’s a charm – I can flick it,
switch it on or off as I wish.

The invitation’s the thing – I like to invite
of a twilight.  He’ll come crawling;
I’ll be ravelling, unravelling.
They say I’ve a trick for it.  Seth said
my body encircleth the universe –
and that was before I wrapped my eight
around him.  He was one of the lucky ones;
he got it twice before I ate him.

I like to watch the sun come up hubwards.
I watch it alone, usually.
My latest husband left a trail of crumbs
so he could find his way out.  
They always want to leave me,
but that’s not what I want.
I won’t have it – I want them inside
until I’m ready to spin them away.

Seth said I am she in the dust
of whose feet are the stars of heaven.
It’s true my children are countless.
Pity he’s gone.  He had a knack
with words, and I quite liked him.

© professoryackle (Sara Pitt) All Rights Reserved

poet Anonymous

Church Girl

Guilt wasn't the hardest part
about stealing the change Mum gave  
to me for the collection plate
on a Sunday morning
it was the moment of choice
at the bakery counter
when I wanted one of everything
and had to choose

wholesome me wanted
sultana tea cake
a bit boring unless I was starving
or Granny was around to toast
and butter it

my inner sinner would push me
towards the strawberry tart with fresh cream
but it was hard to keep the red sauce
from telling on me

there was always the top row of
giant filled pastries
showy with powdered sugar
and they sometimes tempted
I'd found them to be a lot of show
without much in the center
a general letdown

I had an old stand by in the donuts
with sprinkles
enjoyable and honest they did
what their look promised
nothing pretentious
still quite unadventurous though

so sometimes
I'd get the bakers special
because I never knew  
what it'd be

and it never failed that the Father
would speak of the starving children
In Africa and say prayers for them
while sending round the basket

and I felt like God had one less worry
me being full and all

Maggie Santos
Lost Thinker
United States 2awards
Joined 22nd Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 40

Mercurial Girl

The girl next door - hot, Mercury
sun such often in my dreams
another planet more than friends
best for now maybe change comes
lovers unite mercurial relationship
conspirators, from best friends
to secret admirers to bells and such.

Her unburdened mark
childlike joy they say,
I call it a gift. Whimsy.

Happily endure the pain
not together ever reality
love another
favor for the Sun.

How cruel of our creator
my dream girl oblivious
facts, I am the one,
who do you belong to?
Walking nightly for a glimpse
of perfection. Window glancer.
Behind I am a fan
the more the merrier
nice smile long legs
hair of highest goddess
stare in amazement

Will you be mine?
continue my mission
persistency achieves

Killer of dreams

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 9th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1391

Peace and allusion (Venus)          

Silence cups
it's soothing hands around her thoughts
the way the streets have moulded
to the touch of bitter winds

the eddies have their haunts
amongst the alleys
where the leavings of the cultured
bleed their innards
onto the paved lips
of the face of a cities filth

as much use as a muddied broom
the breeze and her words
beneath the sewer mouths
where things of instinct
call cracks in pavement

Dangerous Mind
Scotland 35awards
Joined 27th July 2010
Forum Posts: 2329

great comp entries, everyone. I've been away from my computer for a week, so I'll start the judging over the next couple of days.

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14618

ok, Deathproof, if you could see your way to letting Jesta up for a bit of air, I’m sure the poets would appreciate it.

I have an entry, if its too late, its cool:

Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2084

lepperochan said:ok, Deathproof, if you could see your way to letting Jesta up for a bit of air, I’m sure the poets would appreciate it.

That girl loves Chargers.

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3005

lepperochan said:

I have an entry, if its too late, its cool:

Like only two weeks, man.  

(I kinda spat my coffee everywhere when I read that)

Dangerous Mind
Scotland 35awards
Joined 27th July 2010
Forum Posts: 2329

Hah! Sorry, folks, I put my judgmental trophy doling into the Webmiss a week ago, she must be busier than I am at the minute. I still want to comment on all the poems and have done about half. The rest are in waiting until I get a day off...I was about to say, "if that is acceptable", but I think it has to be, acceptable or no. [:

I mean...fuck's sake, DP, you told Eamonn about our lesbian rendezvous? And how does Case know I like Chargers....?

Dangerous Mind
Scotland 35awards
Joined 27th July 2010
Forum Posts: 2329

Well, all, again, I apologise for the wait. The Webmiss must be too occupied with the technicals just now, and the 19,333 members. (Yeesh, remember when we were only 2,000?) anyway, i was meant to have joint winners, only because, hemi, your word count was a tad over the stated limit, but I couldn't choose two winners with my regular options, as all who have run comps are aware. these were all such great entries, thank you all for participating. I still have half of the comments for them complete, though you might not be much bothered by now! Cheers, yas!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 3273

Yeah, let's have the comments. It's a pleasure to hear about work created for comps from the host, especially when we have solid entries. Cheers for runner up, and well done hemi and the prof!

(I didn't indicate the type or types in my entry intentionally, hoping that it comes through in the writing. So I'll be interested to hear, Jesta, what you make of it.)

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