
Lost Thinker
3awards United Kingdom
Read Poems (22)
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Member Since 8th April 2015
professoryackle joined 3618 days ago and last visited 3552 days ago
Comments 46
Forum Posts 22
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

Cycling with no lights as a rat runs: gutterwise. Back streets, cartoon-fast.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Larkin, Carol Ann Duffy, Stevie Smith, Rimbaud, Ted Walker, Vernon Scannell, Sylvia Plath

About Me

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I've been writing poetry since 1990 and now I can't stop.

I HAVE BIPOLAR.  It helps me to write some of my stranger stuff, and acts as outlet and self-healer for me when there is no one else, which is usually.
I live alone with my two dogs, Jewel and Amrita, and a semi-feral cat, Banshee.

If you would likt to chat with me on here within private messages or public comments elsewhere, please do. I'm often awake for days or weeks Sometimes just minitues.
I've been inspired by Philip Larkin, Robert Graves, Carol Ann Duffy, Stevie Adrian Mitchell, Smith, Sylvia Plath, Vernon Scannel, Ted Walker, Rimbaud, Verlaine, and many more, including a new love for e e cummings, Thanks to John Feddler for that one <3
I also write fiction, and songs (with actual music and proper chords and stuff).  I perform Extremely occasionally at a couple of places in Prestom such as as The Korova Bar.

I will not compromise my writing on these mental health subjects such
.  I will poems behind the E wall if I consider they stand a large charnce of upsetting people

My Reading List

    OUTSIDE THE BOX   by OyateInyanNajin
Red Saturday by winterwrought
Absolution by Ahavati (Tams)
Metaphysical High by Prophet
Famous Blue Raincoat by Ahavati (Tams)

Poets I Follow

All Poets I Follow (9)