1000 word poem
William The Bloody
Forum Posts: 9
William The Bloody
Strange Creature
Joined 7th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 9
Poetry Contest Description
write a rhyming poem in 1000 or more.
Correct grammar and spelling.
Max of 2 poems a person.
Must have a rhyming scheme.
Max of 2 poems a person.
Must have a rhyming scheme.

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Joined 10th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 22
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 22
You found me
And everything I hid
It must have been a lot to take in
I left you and I've been alone since
Loneliness takes it's toll
I'm tired of playing these roles
I'm sick of waiting for something that won't come to me
And acting like I'm something I don't want to be
And I'm a liar when I say I don't miss you
I miss every little and big thing you do
The way you breathe
Is still special to me
And I'll hold it in my mind
Along with everything I find
I don't know that I'll find someone new
Two long years since I've been with you
And yet the pain's still fresh
With the pangs of loneliness
But that lonely feeling
It needs healing
And only in you can I find
Something to soothe me
But I can never go back there
To that place where
I knew we were mutually in love
I burned that bridge and that's all I'm thinking of
My head is aching without you
My heart is breaking in this blue
I'll drink myself to death before I get the courage
To admit I was wrong and try to mend these torn patches
I'm too stubborn for my own good
Maybe I should just go to you
I'm so broken I barely know if I could
I want to be with you
I need to speak to you
But is it for the best that I don't?
I might be able to, but I guess I won't
I'm all alone
In my home
In this empty bed I lie
Waiting for the light on the other side
Is there a light on the other side?
I'll never know if I just mope like this
Broken down with this depressed state I'm in
Things like this, they're saddening
I'm filling your void with everything you left
It's nothing compared to you in the flesh
But it's the closest damn thing I've got
And compared to nothing, that's a lot
When I pushed you away, you always came back
What changed was the one simple fact
I'd been doing it for far too long
Dear God if I know one thing it's that I've done you wrong
I'll bet you have all kinds of women to go to now
And it burns just to think of you and them
All I know is I'm at fault and I don't know how
To fix these things I've broken, these things I can't mend
I'll miss you in every step of the way to recovering
And I'll hold you close after everything that's happened
I'm sure you'll succeed in life
Hell, even get that degree, and a trophy wife
But me, I'll sink down into my pit
Slowly dying with every hit
I'm wounded, and the wound just won't shut
You're healing, but my wound keeps opening back up
And I know there's a million words to describe what I've done
But you have to remember, I was foolish, and I was young
I would take it all back if I could
I can't take it all back though I should
I pushed you away so you'd chase after me
But at this point nobody's laughing
God, I still love you, I think about you all the time
And between loving and missing in a fit of loneliness
There's a fine, fine, line.
And I know they say there's a light at the end of the night
But I'm nowhere near that light
I'm only beginning to understand this sight
I can't believe I let you slip away
Regret is eating me to this day
I hate myself for letting this happen
There's absolutely nothing I can do to get you back and
This pain, this fear is nerve racking
Strength I have, when I'm not in pain, But it's courage I lack
I hold close these memories
I know I can never be free
From the pain
And from the misery
I want you back
I'm sure you know that but
I want you back
I need you here with me when I cry
Slowly into madness I slide
I'm clawing my way out of this hole
But my heart is breaking again, and it's taking it's toll
Just thinking about you breaks me over again
You were all I had, my only friend
And I think of you all the time
Breaking someone's heart like this should be a crime
I know you're not at fault
And now my heart's locked up in a vault
Along with all the memories
Mixing up with misery
And the worst part of all
Is that there's no going back
No way to make it stop
This train has gone off track
I'll never forgive myself for what I've done
Why the hell did I go and screw this up?
We could've been together forever
Or at least for another damn month
But that wouldn't have helped, would it?
I would still end up in this
A mess it is, but I made it
The least I could do is accept it
I tend to ramble
When my heart feels like it's been torn into tiny pieces
It's too much to handle
So through my words I have to release it
You put meaning in everything I did
You made me feel special, made me feel wanted
You actually cared, you loved me
And then I went and pushed you away, for eternity
I wish I still had you
I'm better off this way, true
But maybe I don't want to be better off
And maybe I want to be with you
And now all I feel is empty
Dull, like there's a void in everything
I'm so tired of this
I don't want to do anything
So I'll lay my head down for another night
And hope to God I'll wake up right
I'll sleep in another day
Wake up far too late
And wait for night, so I can dream of you
And everything, little and big, that you do.
And everything I hid
It must have been a lot to take in
I left you and I've been alone since
Loneliness takes it's toll
I'm tired of playing these roles
I'm sick of waiting for something that won't come to me
And acting like I'm something I don't want to be
And I'm a liar when I say I don't miss you
I miss every little and big thing you do
The way you breathe
Is still special to me
And I'll hold it in my mind
Along with everything I find
I don't know that I'll find someone new
Two long years since I've been with you
And yet the pain's still fresh
With the pangs of loneliness
But that lonely feeling
It needs healing
And only in you can I find
Something to soothe me
But I can never go back there
To that place where
I knew we were mutually in love
I burned that bridge and that's all I'm thinking of
My head is aching without you
My heart is breaking in this blue
I'll drink myself to death before I get the courage
To admit I was wrong and try to mend these torn patches
I'm too stubborn for my own good
Maybe I should just go to you
I'm so broken I barely know if I could
I want to be with you
I need to speak to you
But is it for the best that I don't?
I might be able to, but I guess I won't
I'm all alone
In my home
In this empty bed I lie
Waiting for the light on the other side
Is there a light on the other side?
I'll never know if I just mope like this
Broken down with this depressed state I'm in
Things like this, they're saddening
I'm filling your void with everything you left
It's nothing compared to you in the flesh
But it's the closest damn thing I've got
And compared to nothing, that's a lot
When I pushed you away, you always came back
What changed was the one simple fact
I'd been doing it for far too long
Dear God if I know one thing it's that I've done you wrong
I'll bet you have all kinds of women to go to now
And it burns just to think of you and them
All I know is I'm at fault and I don't know how
To fix these things I've broken, these things I can't mend
I'll miss you in every step of the way to recovering
And I'll hold you close after everything that's happened
I'm sure you'll succeed in life
Hell, even get that degree, and a trophy wife
But me, I'll sink down into my pit
Slowly dying with every hit
I'm wounded, and the wound just won't shut
You're healing, but my wound keeps opening back up
And I know there's a million words to describe what I've done
But you have to remember, I was foolish, and I was young
I would take it all back if I could
I can't take it all back though I should
I pushed you away so you'd chase after me
But at this point nobody's laughing
God, I still love you, I think about you all the time
And between loving and missing in a fit of loneliness
There's a fine, fine, line.
And I know they say there's a light at the end of the night
But I'm nowhere near that light
I'm only beginning to understand this sight
I can't believe I let you slip away
Regret is eating me to this day
I hate myself for letting this happen
There's absolutely nothing I can do to get you back and
This pain, this fear is nerve racking
Strength I have, when I'm not in pain, But it's courage I lack
I hold close these memories
I know I can never be free
From the pain
And from the misery
I want you back
I'm sure you know that but
I want you back
I need you here with me when I cry
Slowly into madness I slide
I'm clawing my way out of this hole
But my heart is breaking again, and it's taking it's toll
Just thinking about you breaks me over again
You were all I had, my only friend
And I think of you all the time
Breaking someone's heart like this should be a crime
I know you're not at fault
And now my heart's locked up in a vault
Along with all the memories
Mixing up with misery
And the worst part of all
Is that there's no going back
No way to make it stop
This train has gone off track
I'll never forgive myself for what I've done
Why the hell did I go and screw this up?
We could've been together forever
Or at least for another damn month
But that wouldn't have helped, would it?
I would still end up in this
A mess it is, but I made it
The least I could do is accept it
I tend to ramble
When my heart feels like it's been torn into tiny pieces
It's too much to handle
So through my words I have to release it
You put meaning in everything I did
You made me feel special, made me feel wanted
You actually cared, you loved me
And then I went and pushed you away, for eternity
I wish I still had you
I'm better off this way, true
But maybe I don't want to be better off
And maybe I want to be with you
And now all I feel is empty
Dull, like there's a void in everything
I'm so tired of this
I don't want to do anything
So I'll lay my head down for another night
And hope to God I'll wake up right
I'll sleep in another day
Wake up far too late
And wait for night, so I can dream of you
And everything, little and big, that you do.
Joined 10th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 22
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 22
As a note, most of my poems are less than two hundred words, So this was a change from my usual stuff.
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3005
Tyrant of Words

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Because it rhymed.
Because it rhymed.
William The Bloody
Forum Posts: 9
William The Bloody
Strange Creature
Joined 7th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 9
Yeah I thought it might be a nice challenge to expand creativity.
Forum Posts: 124
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 8th Dec 2014
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deleted - fiasko competition
Joined 6th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 37
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 37
I'll do it. I'm a rhymer. I'll do the 1000 word poem.
William The Bloody
Forum Posts: 9
William The Bloody
Strange Creature
Joined 7th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 9
Great! I'll be happy to read it.
Darker Half
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1483
Darker Half
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1483
oooh ... I always do try a 1000 words poem.... but then I asked myself "who would read it?"
Even i'm lazy to read more than 300 words. jeje...
But Story poem it is.... and it shall be written!!
Even i'm lazy to read more than 300 words. jeje...
But Story poem it is.... and it shall be written!!
Joined 6th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 37
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 37
I'll never forget the things you have done,
To my friends and family.
You say that you have changed.
But I don't believe a single word of your shit.
Remember your two kids?
The ones that they took away?
Jayden and Jasper?
Yeah, you said you loved them.
But you lied.
You broke Jasper's leg,
And blamed it on the cradle.
But we all know... You were the one to blame.
You abused those kids everyday,
And you'll abuse the one on the way.
I'm sick of you saying it's not your fault,
But we both know it clearly is because of you..
Remember your two marriages that you fucked up,
John and Michael?
Of course you probably don't,
Because your too stupid to even think.
Think before you do, dumbass.
Give me a reason why I should love you.
I hate you so much and I want you to die,
Because you have caused so much pain.
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.
Remember when you killed my dog?
Then replaced him with two more?
Because I remember when you marked on your wrists,
And said my mother hurt you.
Remember that child molester you married,
The one you left alone with your kids?
What if he raped either of them?
Could you even live with yourself?
What is wrong with you,
We give you money for a divorce,
And you fake the papers,
And blow it all on cigarettes...
Remember that boy you hid in the closet,
The one that scared my brother and I?
Because I remember...
And I'll never forget..
Let me tell you something, Chey
Your the reason I cry everyday,
And your the reason I'm depressed.
Your the reason I hate life.
Because I have to deal with people like you,
Who are so damn stupid.
I remember when you said you loved me
And lied through your few teeth.
You say so many mean things,
Then say you don't mean it,
After that you say you meant it,
As if you words were fists..
Come here and throw a punch, bitch.
Because I'm ready to take a hit.
It's not like it will hurt anyway,
Because I can't feel pain.
I want to say I love you, Jayden
And keep rocking from the trees above.
I miss you and I want you here,
But like my Blue Jay, you need to fly...
I want to say I love you Jasper,
Your like my little musician.
Keep playing your sweet smooth jazz
And I hope you get the best.
My dad punched a window because you broke Jasper's leg,
And left it shattered.
Because of you,
We're in debt.
You blew all your money on cigarettes,
And jumped from place to place,
You can't keep a relationship.
Because your never going to be enough.
I hate you and I want you dead,
But I'll go to your funeral..
And I'll approach your coffin with a grin,
And say, "I'm glad your dead"
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.
I want to spit on your corpse,
And walk all over your grave.
I want be the one to pull the plug,
And take your life away..
I remember when you stole all our money,
And left us poor.
While you wasted our money on cigarettes
And cheap ass phones.
Do me a favor and kill yourself
So we can be happy,
Or just say you did
It could work either way...
I remember you saying these things were all a lie,
But I know for a fact,
That you have no clue what your doing,
And these things are all true.
Give me a reason I should smile,
When I say your name..
Because I say your name only with anger,
And only frown..
I remember when you got busted for drugs,
And got arrested.
We had to bail your ass out,
Because nobody else would.
I think you deserve to rot in a cell.
And I hope you live your life in hell.
I wish you would just use your head..
I wish I had a different sister instead..
I'll never forget the things you have done,
To my friends and family.
You say that you have changed.
But I don't believe a single word of your shit.
Oops it doesn't rhyme but it's 1000 words
To my friends and family.
You say that you have changed.
But I don't believe a single word of your shit.
Remember your two kids?
The ones that they took away?
Jayden and Jasper?
Yeah, you said you loved them.
But you lied.
You broke Jasper's leg,
And blamed it on the cradle.
But we all know... You were the one to blame.
You abused those kids everyday,
And you'll abuse the one on the way.
I'm sick of you saying it's not your fault,
But we both know it clearly is because of you..
Remember your two marriages that you fucked up,
John and Michael?
Of course you probably don't,
Because your too stupid to even think.
Think before you do, dumbass.
Give me a reason why I should love you.
I hate you so much and I want you to die,
Because you have caused so much pain.
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.
Remember when you killed my dog?
Then replaced him with two more?
Because I remember when you marked on your wrists,
And said my mother hurt you.
Remember that child molester you married,
The one you left alone with your kids?
What if he raped either of them?
Could you even live with yourself?
What is wrong with you,
We give you money for a divorce,
And you fake the papers,
And blow it all on cigarettes...
Remember that boy you hid in the closet,
The one that scared my brother and I?
Because I remember...
And I'll never forget..
Let me tell you something, Chey
Your the reason I cry everyday,
And your the reason I'm depressed.
Your the reason I hate life.
Because I have to deal with people like you,
Who are so damn stupid.
I remember when you said you loved me
And lied through your few teeth.
You say so many mean things,
Then say you don't mean it,
After that you say you meant it,
As if you words were fists..
Come here and throw a punch, bitch.
Because I'm ready to take a hit.
It's not like it will hurt anyway,
Because I can't feel pain.
I want to say I love you, Jayden
And keep rocking from the trees above.
I miss you and I want you here,
But like my Blue Jay, you need to fly...
I want to say I love you Jasper,
Your like my little musician.
Keep playing your sweet smooth jazz
And I hope you get the best.
My dad punched a window because you broke Jasper's leg,
And left it shattered.
Because of you,
We're in debt.
You blew all your money on cigarettes,
And jumped from place to place,
You can't keep a relationship.
Because your never going to be enough.
I hate you and I want you dead,
But I'll go to your funeral..
And I'll approach your coffin with a grin,
And say, "I'm glad your dead"
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.
I want to spit on your corpse,
And walk all over your grave.
I want be the one to pull the plug,
And take your life away..
I remember when you stole all our money,
And left us poor.
While you wasted our money on cigarettes
And cheap ass phones.
Do me a favor and kill yourself
So we can be happy,
Or just say you did
It could work either way...
I remember you saying these things were all a lie,
But I know for a fact,
That you have no clue what your doing,
And these things are all true.
Give me a reason I should smile,
When I say your name..
Because I say your name only with anger,
And only frown..
I remember when you got busted for drugs,
And got arrested.
We had to bail your ass out,
Because nobody else would.
I think you deserve to rot in a cell.
And I hope you live your life in hell.
I wish you would just use your head..
I wish I had a different sister instead..
I'll never forget the things you have done,
To my friends and family.
You say that you have changed.
But I don't believe a single word of your shit.
Oops it doesn't rhyme but it's 1000 words
Darker Half
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1483
Darker Half
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1483

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Joined 27th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 3
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 3
Sounds like me, haha. Most of mine are 1000, but no one seems to like them much.

Joined 27th Nov 2014
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Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 3
I am not sure if we can use links or not, but here goes.