Poetry competition CLOSED 25th November 2014 10:46am
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"a love that didn't love back"

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 11th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 1

Poetry Contest

Write a poem about a love who didn't love back.
You can write complete fantasy, or draw from personal experience. Free style.

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

i need to cut myself a little to write this ... pour Jack on the open wounds after a blount or two.

I'll be back.  Love the avatar Di.

Just a Puppet
Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 22nd Oct 2014
Forum Posts: 88

Hey, I just posted one not too long ago lol

Object of Desire

You are my object of desire.
Every time I see your face I fly to the sky,
Grabbing up
You’re so close yet so far.
And no matter how hard I try
You’re just too much of a star.
Love is something most people don’t know exist.
You only know it when see it,
But all good things must come to an end.
I try so hard to get closer, I just wish you would give me a glance.
Because I don’t want to lose before I have a chance to win.
You have a life and I’m not in it.
Trying to talk to you only make me feel miserable
If you love someone you need to let them go, but I don’t want to be alone.
I hear a lot of talk from friends,
It’s better to leave,
Obsession is unhealthy,
And I’m going mad.
I try so hard for you to like me but you won’t give me a chance.
Everyone seems to have their lives worked out,
But thanks to you I’m weak so I’m giving up,
And you won’t even know how much easier it was for you.
I’ve always assumed you were trying to shut me out.
Was it all in my mind?
Something I made up to make you important?
Can I even trust myself to be around you anymore?
I don’t think so,
So I have to go


Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 3rd Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 130


Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 20th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 218

New or old?
How many?

I will be back.


Tyrant of Words
Australia 28awards
Joined 20th May 2014
Forum Posts: 2088

Blinded Me..Reworked...
He comes through the door and walks on by      
As I lift my head, he catches my eye      
Instant recognition I see in his eyes      
He smiles at me and says hi      
He scares me so      
I don’t know why      
I only know my life will change      
Because of this man I do not know      
I see her out of the corner of my eye as I walk on by      
Like a flash that could blind me      
She makes me look      
I'm taken by her vulnerability      
It's also her strength      
She stops me dead in my tracks      
I can't help but smile and say hi      
She's instantly recognizable but I don’t know why      
I try to avoid any contact with him      
But fate has different plans for us  
Before I know it I'm hopelessly in love      
He, on the other hand, keeps his distance  
My god, I'm attracted to her      
But it can never be      
I’ve  been down this road before      
Nearly lost all I’d worked for      
I keep my resolve  
I keep my distance      
I see him every week for four months      
This contact is heaven but hell as well      
If I hadn't fallen in love    
I wouldn't be writing poetry      
I silently thank him for this      
I look forward to seeing her every week      
I can touch her under the veil of my work      
Imagine her naked    
Live my fantasies every time I think of her      
It comes to an end as it was meant to do      
I can't let him go; he lives on in my dreams      
I realise my love is unrequited      
It will never be      
For whatever reason he's not prepared to love me      
It comes to an end; I say I'll contact her      
But I never do    
I can't go there      
I have too much to lose      
I strengthen my resolve      
I hope I haven't hurt her      

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 23awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 625

He fell in love with her, at the swimming pool
Her body was so beautiful ; he began to drool
Rounded hips
And rosy lips,
Each breast was like a ball

He viewed her from afar at first
But to get up close he had a thirst
Getting courage to ask
Was his first task
He failed, it made matters worse.

He met her again at a party,
The drink made him feel hearty
Asking her out
Came to nought
Now he's broken hearted

Just G
Fire of Insight
Joined 20th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 920

The Lost Cause of a Silvertongue (reworked)

when a hushed self-mantra  
is the only thing
keeping me from

balled fists
clenched eyes  
and a tender heart  
choke every word  
from my throat  
the release is  
often too brief  
words can never  
be unsaid  
his polite silence  
smothers all hope  
and honesty becomes  

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

My Best Friend

I have this friend he’s just best
head and shoulders above the rest
I’ve known him such a long, long time
he helps me write, he helps me rhyme
always there through thick and thin
I wear him like a second skin
He never tires of being there
I’ve never caused him to despair
He never judges, bad or good
He supports my waking every mood
when I’m happy, when I’m glad
melancholic, feeling sad
he never moans, he never lies
he always cares, he always tries
when I’m lonely, there he is
vim and vigour, full of fizz
when I’m angry, in vent mode
he calms me down, he shares the load
He stand beside me through it all
He’s there to catch me when I fall
He follows me, my fire walker
my only one, my chosen stalker
I’ve tried to leave, suprize attack
I always end up running back
On him I know I must depend
He’ll be there to the bitter end
he needs me, we are always tight
He needs my will, he needs my light
he stands erect like a statuette
my best friend: My cigarette
He doesn’t love me, I know for sure
He gave me Cancer without a cure

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

Would this include a Love you took for granted, only to be lost, and never found again?

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 30awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1483


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17163

Just A Past Encounter

I loved once
Plain and simple
he never knew
I was just a friend

he had the face
of an angel
bedroom eyes
smiles bright as the sun

he loved well
held all the girls
spread his seeds
among the wild flowers

He never saw me
even as we talked
he never heard
even as I spoke

Everytime he held a woman
I broke inside
when he kissed her
I cried within

ten years passed by
he haunted my heart
doubts insecurities resided
I was never good enough

I saw him again
just yesterday
pouring beer into his mouth
his belly like a drum

he had a tired woman
snuggled bored in his arm
he smelled like warm meat
slowly festering under the sun

A whisper of pain
flew away from my chest
fragrance of freedom
wafted sweetly into my mind.

Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 6th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 143

"Loving hopelessness"

Why do I fret?
This roller coaster between black souls.
I try and I try to mend this.
My never ending love unfurling,
only to be left high and dry
No second thought commencing,
I'm left here tired and defending
The love I want so bad.
I'm determined to make this puzzle piece fit
Derailing myself for this love
These broken bones,
this cloak over my eyes.
I'm forced to fight
for something that should be mine.
Why is this so difficult?
To love you forever?
To hold you in my arms always?
I'll give my life for you.
I'll sacrifice myself entirely,
You're all I want.
I don't know what I must do.
The rise of every sun,
presents a new challenge.
It burns like passion in my veins.
Yet, you don't comply.
Why do I try and try,
and only end up empty-handed?
The words I write for you,
the never ending flow of love.
Is it not enough?
Will I faulter to hopelessness?
Will you forever pull these strings?
So many questions I cannot answer.
This is mental torture.
I fight through the greatest duress
all for your love.
For your smile,
For your touch,
For you.
My mind tells me to quit,
but my heart won't let me.
I'm not perfect,
but I don't deserve this.
Please, love me like I deserve.
Show me that this is real.

poet Anonymous

As a note this was an actual conversation. I copied and pasted it here. The first bit was what I wrote. The other bit is how the boy types.

It's a weird, crazy thing building up inside
I don't think it's meant to hide
With a glance around this room
My gaze remains on you
A reason to talk
"What's your favourite song?"
The fine bits of life
And this weird crazy thing
Now built up
Started with someone new
Joining our little group
Making a friendship and waiting
We're the closest two
I guess I'll just up and say
I'm a little crazy...
in a looped-up love for you
I'm FlAtTeReD
aNd YoUr WoRdS, hOwEvEr ClUmSy
RiNg WiTh TrUtH
bUt I'vE tOlD yOu ThIs
I dOn'T fEeL
aNd I kNoW tHiS wIlL cAuSe YoU pAiN
aNd I'm SoRrY
bUt ThE pUrE lOvE yOu FeEl FoR mE
iS uNrEtUrNeD
fRoM mE tO yOu.

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