Drug of ruin
Joined 21st Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 166
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 166
Poetry Contest Description
How have drugs ruined your life or the life of someone close to you?
Just the opposite to my other competition Drug of enlightenment. Tell me what drugs have done to ruin your life or the life of someone close to you. This is a competition of poetry not a thread to criticize peoples past so keep your NEGATIVE opinions to yourself please.
-What drug?
-How did it negatively affect you?
-No word limit.
-Doesn't have to rhyme but make it flow (I don't want to get bored reading it).
-One entry only. (You may post as many as you like but only the first entry will count towards the competition).
-New or old
-Must be how it negatively affected you (what you like about the drug is another competition).
-What drug?
-How did it negatively affect you?
-No word limit.
-Doesn't have to rhyme but make it flow (I don't want to get bored reading it).
-One entry only. (You may post as many as you like but only the first entry will count towards the competition).
-New or old
-Must be how it negatively affected you (what you like about the drug is another competition).
Joined 18th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 21
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 21
My Sweet Heroin
She lays infront of me,
insisting that I give her a try.
Just take one hit
and your soul will be mine.
I can taste her in my mouth,
I can feel her coursing through my veins.
My body screams for more,
I'm in so much pain!
I want to say no,
but I'm addicted to this poison;
this drug we call heroin.
You can try to quit,
but once you take that first hit
you'll be stuck in her trap.
Wanting her so bad,
you'll lay on your back.
Everyone you once loved,
you'll betray.
You'll lie, you'll steal,
but everything will be okay;
because she's just a phone call away.
You'll forget about your morals
and only live for the high.
Your demons will stay with you until you die.
You'll never be free,
until you can face reality.
So take my advice
and STAY AWAY!!!
Or else you'll end up like me,
using her everyday.
My sweet heroin . . .
Written by: Mariah Dalli
She lays infront of me,
insisting that I give her a try.
Just take one hit
and your soul will be mine.
I can taste her in my mouth,
I can feel her coursing through my veins.
My body screams for more,
I'm in so much pain!
I want to say no,
but I'm addicted to this poison;
this drug we call heroin.
You can try to quit,
but once you take that first hit
you'll be stuck in her trap.
Wanting her so bad,
you'll lay on your back.
Everyone you once loved,
you'll betray.
You'll lie, you'll steal,
but everything will be okay;
because she's just a phone call away.
You'll forget about your morals
and only live for the high.
Your demons will stay with you until you die.
You'll never be free,
until you can face reality.
So take my advice
and STAY AWAY!!!
Or else you'll end up like me,
using her everyday.
My sweet heroin . . .
Written by: Mariah Dalli
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1873
In every city in the world
You’ll find them there
Chasing dragons in the parks
Faces gaunt’ jaws open ‘never shut'
Dim emotionless eyes take turns to blink
Among these Zombies of the poppies
You might find a friend of mine
Or a faded copy of the original
Blowing across the grimy concrete
Like a dry leaf before the first snow
Living out his life in the twilight
As minds slowly detach from bodies
Desires for love and sex dry up
Till they no longer can fuck
Lethargic bowels become arthritic
Till they no longer can shit
‘The Living Dead’
Yes, there is such a thing!
My old friend walks among them
Someplace, somewhere
You may catch a glimpse
Of his ragged form
Camouflaged against the city grey
A shadow of a human
Disappearing slowly into oblivion
In chemical emaciation he slowly dissolves
Till he disappears
As though he was never there
At all
You’ll find them there
Chasing dragons in the parks
Faces gaunt’ jaws open ‘never shut'
Dim emotionless eyes take turns to blink
Among these Zombies of the poppies
You might find a friend of mine
Or a faded copy of the original
Blowing across the grimy concrete
Like a dry leaf before the first snow
Living out his life in the twilight
As minds slowly detach from bodies
Desires for love and sex dry up
Till they no longer can fuck
Lethargic bowels become arthritic
Till they no longer can shit
‘The Living Dead’
Yes, there is such a thing!
My old friend walks among them
Someplace, somewhere
You may catch a glimpse
Of his ragged form
Camouflaged against the city grey
A shadow of a human
Disappearing slowly into oblivion
In chemical emaciation he slowly dissolves
Till he disappears
As though he was never there
At all
Joined 15th July 2014
Forum Posts: 25
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 25
"A Father to my Mother"
At birth I was yellow
The nurses called me
The Neon Crayon
And we were both sick for a year
I was raised in an apartment,
Raised in tattoo parties
Hearing those needles buzz
While you all were buzzed
As I probably was
When you’d give me
Bud in my sippy-cup
So I could sleep and not wake up
Besides his and your loud voices
I remember all the bumps
All the fights no child should see,
Am I right?
But in my sight they were there
And when you parents split
I colored the walls and pulled my hair,
I only had two eyelashes that cared
And two bald spots because I was scared
Then came when you chose a guy
And his drug, and I was like nothing,
Maybe a rug, or was I a bug?
Did you think that of me?
Years ago still I can feel
I haven’t yet been freed
From when you squashed me,
I never thought the same hand
That cradled me as a parent
Would ball up as a fist
And strike me so violent.
Let’s go, mom,
Let’s talk about today
About your son who smokes packs away
And panics over you, everyday
Hovering over you while you sleep
Under burn holes and sadness
Smelling cheap shit whenever
You talk and watching you
Hold on to walls as you walk,
Standing half naked in your room
Dancing to grandpa’s old CD’s crying,
Constantly reminded in your face
The time you drank yourself away
Lying on the stairs dying
Mom, are you my child?
Are you stuck as a teen
Drinking and drugging going wild?
I’m like a father to my mother,
A worrier, a warrior of worry
I hope you see what you’ve done to me.
At birth I was yellow
The nurses called me
The Neon Crayon
And we were both sick for a year
I was raised in an apartment,
Raised in tattoo parties
Hearing those needles buzz
While you all were buzzed
As I probably was
When you’d give me
Bud in my sippy-cup
So I could sleep and not wake up
Besides his and your loud voices
I remember all the bumps
All the fights no child should see,
Am I right?
But in my sight they were there
And when you parents split
I colored the walls and pulled my hair,
I only had two eyelashes that cared
And two bald spots because I was scared
Then came when you chose a guy
And his drug, and I was like nothing,
Maybe a rug, or was I a bug?
Did you think that of me?
Years ago still I can feel
I haven’t yet been freed
From when you squashed me,
I never thought the same hand
That cradled me as a parent
Would ball up as a fist
And strike me so violent.
Let’s go, mom,
Let’s talk about today
About your son who smokes packs away
And panics over you, everyday
Hovering over you while you sleep
Under burn holes and sadness
Smelling cheap shit whenever
You talk and watching you
Hold on to walls as you walk,
Standing half naked in your room
Dancing to grandpa’s old CD’s crying,
Constantly reminded in your face
The time you drank yourself away
Lying on the stairs dying
Mom, are you my child?
Are you stuck as a teen
Drinking and drugging going wild?
I’m like a father to my mother,
A worrier, a warrior of worry
I hope you see what you’ve done to me.
Joined 21st Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 166
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 166
Awesome work so far folks. So deep and meaningful. You have set the bar high for the rest.
Joined 3rd Dec 2010
Forum Posts: 22
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 22
A serious contemplation
of temptation
and obsession
an unnatural raw aggression
as I relapse on my actions
and decide
Is this a blessing
or a curse?
am I in last?
or is this first?
and all that's come to pass
before my eyes
is this ever raging battle
to stay sober
or get high.
of temptation
and obsession
an unnatural raw aggression
as I relapse on my actions
and decide
Is this a blessing
or a curse?
am I in last?
or is this first?
and all that's come to pass
before my eyes
is this ever raging battle
to stay sober
or get high.
Joined 10th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 21
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 21
Down on my knees
Consumed by sickness
So eager to please
For some quick bliss
Lack of restraint
Deny addiction
No cause for complaint
Feed my afflictions
Curb my hunger with the filth of your dark mind
Take me down into the shadows of your eyes
Drain my blood and fill my veins with metal shavings
Rip my heart out and infuse me with your craving
Drugged and abused
Sore with hunger
Worn from misuse
Senseless, I suffer
Nowhere to hide
The needles fold
This heroin high
Burning my soul
Callous and unforgiving are the hands that feed me
I fight against this disease that consumes me
And in the darkness I find myself stumbling away
Naked and broken with no more words to say
Consumed by sickness
So eager to please
For some quick bliss
Lack of restraint
Deny addiction
No cause for complaint
Feed my afflictions
Curb my hunger with the filth of your dark mind
Take me down into the shadows of your eyes
Drain my blood and fill my veins with metal shavings
Rip my heart out and infuse me with your craving
Drugged and abused
Sore with hunger
Worn from misuse
Senseless, I suffer
Nowhere to hide
The needles fold
This heroin high
Burning my soul
Callous and unforgiving are the hands that feed me
I fight against this disease that consumes me
And in the darkness I find myself stumbling away
Naked and broken with no more words to say
Forum Posts: 596
Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596
RubbaTina; she logged alotta time on that bench
such a wench...used to be Queen Serene
now a not too notable dope fiend
where between another lifetime and now
she got caught on that track
chasing smack; head bopping up & down or placed on her back
now she asking each trick do he like it like that?
RubbaTina; used to be keener
used to be one who was a little less leaner
used to be one with that flowery smell;
sometimes wondering exactly what failed
now she's on the bench crying
a different person, there's no denying
RubbaTina before doin them bids
Long Island Manor; had her two nice kids
a man who cared; family who shared
No pimps, church ladies with contemptuous stares
no talkin to lost beauty no longer found there
livin a life where she actually cared
RubbaTina stuck shit in her arm
wouldn't except help; doin her self selfish harm
right there on that bench; decision to self lynch
from dream to a nightmare
that damsel done stressed
photo: Mckay Jaffe

She was so gone, I had to go
I don't think of you like I used to
but when I do, I still love and miss you
Can't help but smile sometimes, remembering the silliest things
Like waking up in bushes, surrounded by beer cans
or driving across the country, singing our hearts out
to all of our favorite tunes
My mind drifts back to our favorite hangouts,
back to Dos Equis light and fishbowl sized margaritas
(top shelf with an extra shot)
back to after hours parties and sleeping in rest areas
getting just enough rest to restore our sight
I've never been so close to any other human, at one time
I couldn't imagine life without you
We cried our tears, had both been hurt so deeply
we connected the instant we met
We had more adventure every week than most get in a lifetime
I remember when we set the living room on fire
because you loved those rose candles, so I
bought you two dozen and we lit them all
(bad decision)
We were so crazy, living life like the world was ours
rebelling by doing exactly as we pleased, ignoring anything
we didn't care to see
I know we'd never have believed in any future that separated us
and I'm sure we've learned that you just never know
There's so much of my life that's filled with you
so much of us in who I am
The day I found you on the floor and you told me you were flying
I looked at your crack pipe, sat down and sobbed
I drove away and I'd never felt so empty, you were home
but my best friend was dead
It took me feel whole again
Thought I'd never see the day when you weren't on my mind
It doesn't hit as often, but when it does
it still packs a punch
The last words I said to you haunt me now
"you think your getting high but your nearly underground, you'll be dead next year at this time"
and I can't find you...
I still can't find you
My best friend, soul sister
you were my comrade
and I miss you still
I don't think of you like I used to
but when I do, I still love and miss you
Can't help but smile sometimes, remembering the silliest things
Like waking up in bushes, surrounded by beer cans
or driving across the country, singing our hearts out
to all of our favorite tunes
My mind drifts back to our favorite hangouts,
back to Dos Equis light and fishbowl sized margaritas
(top shelf with an extra shot)
back to after hours parties and sleeping in rest areas
getting just enough rest to restore our sight
I've never been so close to any other human, at one time
I couldn't imagine life without you
We cried our tears, had both been hurt so deeply
we connected the instant we met
We had more adventure every week than most get in a lifetime
I remember when we set the living room on fire
because you loved those rose candles, so I
bought you two dozen and we lit them all
(bad decision)
We were so crazy, living life like the world was ours
rebelling by doing exactly as we pleased, ignoring anything
we didn't care to see
I know we'd never have believed in any future that separated us
and I'm sure we've learned that you just never know
There's so much of my life that's filled with you
so much of us in who I am
The day I found you on the floor and you told me you were flying
I looked at your crack pipe, sat down and sobbed
I drove away and I'd never felt so empty, you were home
but my best friend was dead
It took me feel whole again
Thought I'd never see the day when you weren't on my mind
It doesn't hit as often, but when it does
it still packs a punch
The last words I said to you haunt me now
"you think your getting high but your nearly underground, you'll be dead next year at this time"
and I can't find you...
I still can't find you
My best friend, soul sister
you were my comrade
and I miss you still
Forum Posts: 596
Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596
These are some Dope Writes. All of 'em. Bar none. There wasn't necessarily any expectations mentioned but these pieces soared pretty high considering such a deep downer topic. Writes were more raw than I expected. Glad mine was a part of this circle. Appreciated the views shared.
Joined 10th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 21
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 21
Congratulations to m_L!!!!
Joined 15th July 2014
Forum Posts: 25
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 25
Thank you guys :D
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1873
Thanks be to Violence for sponsoring such an enlighten duel competitions. And congratulations to M_L and Kritcool. Everyone's contribution was great.
Joined 26th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 4
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 4
I'm already so fucking high,
If its not one thing it's another ruining my fucking life ,
I have no control except the substance that takes its hold,
filling me with false images of happiness,
and feels of rage,
so sick of pounding my fist against the walls as tears stream down,
aren't you proud of your daughter now? I've become you,
and you can't even tell,
so caught up in the game you didn't see another person added her name, nothing's ever changed,
maybe tonight I'll find it in my mind to take this knife and end the pain,
but I doubt it I like it all the same,
The rush from the drug that stole you away,
ha my life's slipping with time,
while I'm stuck watching grimly from the side line to distracted by the need for speed,
why did I get caught in the dope game...
If its not one thing it's another ruining my fucking life ,
I have no control except the substance that takes its hold,
filling me with false images of happiness,
and feels of rage,
so sick of pounding my fist against the walls as tears stream down,
aren't you proud of your daughter now? I've become you,
and you can't even tell,
so caught up in the game you didn't see another person added her name, nothing's ever changed,
maybe tonight I'll find it in my mind to take this knife and end the pain,
but I doubt it I like it all the same,
The rush from the drug that stole you away,
ha my life's slipping with time,
while I'm stuck watching grimly from the side line to distracted by the need for speed,
why did I get caught in the dope game...
jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
Hello Twisted-kitten and welcome to DUP.
You might want to save your poem for a currently active competition because the comp to this thread closed over a year and a half ago.
Take care.
You might want to save your poem for a currently active competition because the comp to this thread closed over a year and a half ago.
Take care.