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Poetry competition CLOSED 1st June 2014 2:51am
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The "Stupid" Competition

poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

In the immortal words of Forrest Gump: "Stupid is, as stupid does"
Write a poem about whatever you think is moronic, stupid/stupidity in general. Enter as many times as you want, any style, length poems, no collabs.

Go ahead--get it all out on how stupid you think it is, whatever or whoever, "it" is!

Austin Rura
Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 6th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 327

     (graphic content advisory)

I find a lot of things today are stupid.
Lazy people who refuse to move it.
Stupid people seeking Cupid.
Imaginary friend having at fifty two, if god exists prove it.
Nasty hoes who wont shave the pubic.
People who ignore those who warn their gonna lose it.
People who abuse shit.
People who ruin everything and then start accusin'.
Yeah I find a lot of things today are stupid.
People with talents and opportunity but choose not to use it.
People who frequently use the word stupid.
People with an air about them putrid.
People who cant appreciate music.
When stupid people depreciate ALL new shit
I think its fuckin stupid when idiots become famous only to keep givin what should be considered nameless
I hate stupid people who seem to be literally brainless.
Walkin down the street beatin there kids like they painless.
I hate seein all these stupid fuckin addicts who walk around aimless.
Im sick of hearin about people robbin Payless.
Life is fuckin stupid cuz... death hurts way less.

poet Anonymous

Stupid IS (No Matter What I Does)

It all seems stupid to me at times
more often than not these days

here we are slaves on a merry go round
some up and others down and the world keeps turning

I can't buy the Philosophies and
my God has no religion or concern for
boundaries, wars, and politicians

meant to give me a garden
not a prison

mental freedom outside of
Parliament and Washington
or The European Union
these dark ages have me burning at the stake
for lack of immersion

I can't buy into this illusion
the coercion  
I'd be better off if I were stupid
and couldn't see the matrix through the illusion
the facts and truth protruding

but I do
and these days ignorance is a blessing

poet Anonymous

Thanks for starting off, Austin and Miki!

poet Anonymous

May not be a valid entry (your call, ML) but I feel an opportunity to vent so...

Stupid Obscene Butthead

(I received a phone call from one of my online correspondents. True words here:)    
“Hello? Who’s there? SAY!      
I can hear your grunts and groans through my receiver    
and your television screaming clearly:    
I must have butt dialed your number. HEH.    
I’m waiting on a load of lumber to be delivered.      
So how are you?”    
“Not good, I have been ill for days---"    
“NO! Don’t tell me any bad news now!”    
“So what’s up, Jack?”    
“Eight inches”.    
“Tell me about what has happened to you since July of last year    
when we last spoke.      
Does your neighbor still stalk you when you work in your garage?”    
“She hasn’t raped me in over three weeks."

"Do you know her name yet?"

"No. I don't talk to her. She just rips my pants open, does her thing and leaves.    
Hey, I still want to visit you---can I come now?”    
“You’ve stood me up every time I asked for your company.    
Besides, I told you I am ill.”    
“That don’t matter!  All you gotta do is lie back and take it.”    
“Go fuck yourself.”    
“I've cut up all my dildos with a 12 inch butcher knife."    
“That’s too bad. I have a fantasy---"    
“YEH?  Tell me about it. But make it quick!"    
“A fantasy axe. It’s heavy and curvy and it can cut the head off a---"    
“I have to put my dogs out.”      
Hard click.  Dial tone.  No more Stupid Obscene Butthead.      

poet Anonymous

Go for it, AH--vent all you want, on stupidity!  :D

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 5th May 2014
Forum Posts: 4

Stereo types that dictate your worth
T.v flaunting it's emotional porn
Underrated beauty of life and earth
Propaganda when more lies are born
Idiotic people with idiotic systems
Dick heads all to often playing the victims


poet Anonymous

This is about dumb animals... I don't know what to title it.

Old Mad Maxine had a truck
In front of it ran Daffy Duck
With a quack quack here
and an ass whack there
his black plumes flew everywhere
Daffy Duck was down on luck

Old Mad Maxine had a plow
and on that plow there bumped a cow
With a rump  dump here
and a high hoof there
Bossie’s milk sprayed everywhere
Bossie is hamburger now

Old Mad Maxine drove a jeep
Upon the hood her hound did leap
With a bark bark here
and a yowl howl there
Yeller’s bones flew everywhere
Now he chases jeeps in sleep

Old Mad Maxine had a cart
Her sharp whip snap gave mule a start
Road apples here
and mule bells there
Maxine’s ass bounced everywhere
Hurting dumb mules isn't smart.
E Yow E Yow Owww.

Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 2nd Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 509

Call of the Rich and White Teen

So my Mom told me
She was gonna pay me
To clean my room.
Mom lied and I cried
Then she called me a baby.

My iPhone 5s...
The one I got yesterday...
Has a crack in it
Because I got mad and threw it.
My mani-pedi appointment got cancelled.

I'm wondering when
My shopping spree will begin.
I think right after
My Volkswagen bug gets fixed.
Daddy is going to get it now-
The guy at pep boys is kinda cute.
I'll have Daddy give me money
To tip him
And I'll write my name and number
On Franklin's forehead for him.

Twisted Dreamer
United States 14awards
Joined 21st July 2012
Forum Posts: 240

My People The Stupid

How can we obtain order
in a world gone cold
oozing with less than
average intelligence,
we are petite compared
to our expectations,
I look at my neighborhood
and see only the hood
standing, gradually
diminishing into further
stupidity and irrelevance
all we do is smoke and
think of ways to gain
what's yours, jobless
yet nothing is above us
arrogant bastards I say.
Running around in doo-rags
blaming society for everything
deranged and angry making
the worst decisions possible,
we blame the whites for life,
we blame the blacks for life,
astonishing gull of my people
defiant ants thinking giants
but there is no regret for
leaving our child to wonder
the world alone, blame his
mother for the punch to the gut
I had enough of her yet you
call me a deadbeat dad? Yesss!!!
Pathetic placid stain of a being
stretched across the couch
earsplitting humanity's string.
Cruel we are, showing the world
our ass, well squeeze life
but instead smoke you breathe
lies of a no-good son of god
attending church, disgusting!
School tried to set you straight,
you cursed everything about it,
the whole world is against you?
The world needs to get rid of you
tossed out to never be missed,
did you ever exist?
These are my people I care about
but everyday it gets worse and worse
nothing to live for, nothing to gain
well, how can you gain when a couch
is your best friend pea brain.

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 15th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 46


Stupid is an individual
that accumulates a following
that believe in the business of
paying money to their church.

It is a business based on a non-tangible item.
Join us, and you too,will be "saved".
It is a business based on what has been decided
 by a Bible of disciples ,
long ago,
far away.

Stupid is believing that the folk tales within
have a modern day message
that will keep us from sin.
A positive word for a world riddled with crime
helps the congregation to donate
their nickels and dimes.

Stupid is not recognizing that the church lives for profit,
selling its members on the wonderful, "Gods way".
If one does not follow, then their spirit is hollow.
Society favors that the church-goers pay.

Stupid is, merely, an opinion,- at best,
technically measured by intelligence tests-
explainable, medically, through scientific fact.
The world may be, "smart" , but how stupid is that?

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 2nd Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 509

Sore Nerves

He stumbles over
The patterns in the rug.
Swears that his skin
Is made up of a thousand bugs,
So he slices his thighs
With the tabs from the bud lite.

None of the clocks
Are saying the same time,
So I set them to five thirty.
Boy, I'm up awefully early.
I'll go on my own schedule-
The sun and moon will sync up.

She's back on all the meds
That end in -ol and -am,
Gets them from her son,
Gets them from her man.
There goes rent and the baby.
People keep asking if she's mine.

poet Anonymous

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