Poetry competition CLOSED 23rd April 2014 7:56am
HarleyQuinn (Riah)
View Profile Poems by HarleyQuinn
RUNNERS-UP: Grace and Satyr

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poet Anonymous

The Story of Birds and Bees Post Apocalypse

Believing they were free in their mental prisons
built strong and held firmly due to cognitive dissonance
the FEMA camps are all empty now
though no citizen could leave the guarded walls
they all died grateful for what they got
as superbug thirteen was airborne and death was only hours
from the point of infection

no vaccine would suffice
the only chance had laid in getting out
away from the masses and the cities that became hatcheries
for a virus that made God useless

it was disturbingly quiet
first from the disregard of every clue
then in the surrender of thought
as they were all told what to do
not a remark was made on the lack of alternatives

while the planet took revenge on its human disease
the culprits were prepared and had been packed for years

the rocket left this atmosphere
filled with those elite enough to have bought a ticket
an "in case of disaster" decision
once a topic we all found amusing

back when GMO products and preservatives were called safe
and frankenfoods was a term used by the nutcases  

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14588

Chances are
you'll not even have time to wipe your arse
after you shit yourself, when the time does come
the wrath, the final doom of us all

to who's god will you scream at for help
if only for the sake of your poor mother
otherwise you'd never sink so low
to go begging those useless fucktards in the outmosphere
for any kind of assistance
that might keep you on this plain ..right?

why anyone would want to spend more time than necessary
on this hell infested planet
is beyond any logic displayed by even the most retarded of Vulcans

something tells me
that we are the apocalypse
just like that swarm of suicidal bumblebees
were their own

Thought Provoker
South Africa 4awards
Joined 2nd Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 98

This is based on a dream I recently had.

The Remnants

They attacked from all fronts
Crawling out from the deepest trenches,
The bowels of the earth.
Emerging from the murky waters
From oceans we didn't even know could exist.

They came from the skies,
Hiding themselves in mists and clouds.
They permeated the air with a toxic stench
Sucking up our oxygen
Leaving death in its place.

They were in the minds of the creatures we called friends
Our four legged compainions quickly turned on us
Without a second of hesitation
They ripped us to shreds.

We immediately turned to the creations we had made,
The terrible evils meant to keep us safe from any threat
But we were too late.
They go there first

They were efficient,
Killing quickly and mercilessly
Without even a pause in conversation.

Their strategy was flawless
Within three days we were slaughtering ourselves,
Killing more of our own than they were
We raped
It was chaos.

Those of us who survived were left with a fate worse than death
For nothing was left alive without purpose.

We were captured within the first day
Kept in cages like pet monkeys
Suspended high above our old world
Made to watch the death of all we ever knew.

They made sure we heard every scream and cry
Smelled the burning flesh
And looked into the eyes of every dying child.

Brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, lovers.
We watched them all burn, one by one
Until our souls were as dead as the ashes of our once great cities below.

Now here we sit.
All that's left of what was known as the human race
Now serving the beings that brought us to our knees
We are the remnants.

Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625

Great work guys. Stay tuned for the next one

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14588

Congrats HarleyQuinn

good stuff satyr n Grace

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17064

Congratulations HarleyQuinn...satyr good work...yay me! Thank you Hades Rising.

Thought Provoker
South Africa 4awards
Joined 2nd Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 98

Thank you for hosting Hades:D this was an epic comp with some epic entries. I loved participating.


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