numbers and life

Poetry Contest Description
follow instructions below
One entry each
Give a title please
Inbox questions to me
Any style or form and somewhere under 250 words
Go to the site given and get your free reading and then write a piece on the results...
That's all, enjoy
Give a title please
Inbox questions to me
Any style or form and somewhere under 250 words
Go to the site given and get your free reading and then write a piece on the results...
That's all, enjoy

Forum Posts: 91
Thought Provoker
Joined 11th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 91
Leadership, Power
Strong Physique
jovial in nature
good judge of character,
financial success in favor
great vision
inherent strength
luxury living
eight path life
natural leader
management guidance
inspirational speaker
poetic writer
Strong Physique
jovial in nature
good judge of character,
financial success in favor
great vision
inherent strength
luxury living
eight path life
natural leader
management guidance
inspirational speaker
poetic writer
Mad Girl
Joined 25th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 183
Mad Girl
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 183
The Life of a Five
At first glimpse-- This is not me.
This Life Path of a Five.
No how! No way!
This isn't me at all.
I am not the motivator.
I can barely talk to the cashier at the grocery store.
Let alone deliver motivation to thousands upon thousands of people.
No, no this is all wrong-- This life a Five is not for me.
I put in my birthday, over and over again.
I do the math myself, I let the site do it for me.
But all that comes up is the same result.
Life of a Five.
Life of a Five.
Curse this numerology-- Messing with my mind!
And then after building me up & telling me I am "the Motivator".
It shoots me down by putting me back in my place.
Lack of discipline and order, is that a dig at me for ditching high school?
Impulsive? I am not impulsive-- No way, I do not do things without thinking about them.
No way, not me at all.
"Freedom and your need for adventure are sometimes not properly controlled. . ."
I sit in my room and I write stories, poetry and read books.
No wait, I listen to music sometimes too-- Hold me down people, I am obviously out of control!
The only "adventures" I go on are the ones I write about, otherwise I kind of live a rather unextraordinary, rather boring and ordinary life.
But here I am, told that I hold the Life of Five.
It says I have problems with drugs, even though I am completely against them.
It says that overindulge in food-- Are you calling me fat?
It says that I overindulge in sex-- Well um. . . You see I. . . *blush* That is none of your concern!
And generally abusing the gift a life? Are you making fun of my suicide attempts, my mental disorders? What in the world is that suppose to mean?
Stupid Life of a Five.
Telling me how I live my life.
Well it's wrong, just saying-- it's completely and utterly wrong.
Here it goes, building me up again. . .
This reading is very bipolar.
Now I am sensual-- Well thank you.
And I "enjoy the taste of life", well I suppose I don't mind doing interesting and fun things-- It helps me write some experiences a little better.
And then it shoots me down again.
"You find it difficult to commit to one relationship. . ."
Just really?
This is what this reading thinks of me!
So what if I fell in love with a guy I never met.
Or a guy through a website.
Or a guy through a texting service.
And then I fell in love with a girl, who broke me down until I cheated on her.
It's called being a hopeless romantic, thank you very much!
". . .but once committed you can be as faithful as an old dog."
Oh, that would be me right now with my-- Shut up!
Nevermind. . . I still am not the life of a Five.
No matter what you say, this is not the Life Path for me, no how, no way.
Now the "sky is the limit".
With my "diverse abilities", obviously I will soar high above mountains and plains--
If only I had some discipline and focus in my life.
Is this a reading, or a life lecture at this point?
Seriously what did I do to you?
"Without these, many of the tasks you begin will remain unfinished. . ."
So what if I have like fifty storylines and only nine books finished?
So what if I'm not published yet?
So what, so what, so what?!
"With hard work and perseverance the sky is the limit."
Yeah, yeah tell me another one.
"You may have been perceived as a wild child. . ."
Define "wild child" and then we'll talk about that one.
". . .and a source of concern by your family."
Okay so my family is concerned for me but it's for a different reason.
They already are aware that I am crazy and they have learned to accept it.
Moving on. . .
I am a late bloomer-- Good one, tell my chest that.
And I need to experience life before I know and commit to my "true heart's" desire.
I know what I want out of life, thank you very much!
I want to be a writer.
Fiction novelist.
My name on a jacket cover.
New York Times Bestselling author.
That's what I want.
My characters voices to be heard.
Their stories to be told.
I want to be a writer.
The is my true heart's desire.
Don't tell me that I don't want it, because I do-- More then you will ever, ever know.
You say I desire freedom, well I do-- Which is why I do not fit this life completely.
This was the life I was given not the life I chose.
The life I chose, is simple and complicated all at the same time, I want things but I am afraid to take that leap off the ledge.
Why don't you tell me those things?
You say I am destined to live the Life of a Five.
But why are you not showing me who I truely am?
Is this the me I would've been if I didn't have my mental disorders, the past that haunts me and my horrible, horrible life?
What about the many hearts I broke, which in turn broke mine as well.
What about the child I had when I was only nineteen years old?
Is this the life of a Five?
Is this the freedom you say that I desire?
That I destined to have.
I do have freedom, freedom from being told I am something that I am not.
I left school to get away from their social restraints, on my personality, mental disorders--
On who I wanted to be.
So yes, I do indeed yearn for freedom.
But your definition of freedom is not the same as it is to me.
Telling me these lies or exaggerations about who I am, who I try to be that is not the freedom that I need.
Sure some things are indeed true but they are not all me.
I may be a Five but I did not live this life.
I lived a different life from the one that was written for me in the stars.
Thank you for the life experience, I'll be sure to use it well.
The life path of a Five.
Another story I was just destined to tell.
* I just re-read the rules and I didn't see that it was suppose to be under a certain word count, hope my poem still counts.
- Paige Rider
At first glimpse-- This is not me.
This Life Path of a Five.
No how! No way!
This isn't me at all.
I am not the motivator.
I can barely talk to the cashier at the grocery store.
Let alone deliver motivation to thousands upon thousands of people.
No, no this is all wrong-- This life a Five is not for me.
I put in my birthday, over and over again.
I do the math myself, I let the site do it for me.
But all that comes up is the same result.
Life of a Five.
Life of a Five.
Curse this numerology-- Messing with my mind!
And then after building me up & telling me I am "the Motivator".
It shoots me down by putting me back in my place.
Lack of discipline and order, is that a dig at me for ditching high school?
Impulsive? I am not impulsive-- No way, I do not do things without thinking about them.
No way, not me at all.
"Freedom and your need for adventure are sometimes not properly controlled. . ."
I sit in my room and I write stories, poetry and read books.
No wait, I listen to music sometimes too-- Hold me down people, I am obviously out of control!
The only "adventures" I go on are the ones I write about, otherwise I kind of live a rather unextraordinary, rather boring and ordinary life.
But here I am, told that I hold the Life of Five.
It says I have problems with drugs, even though I am completely against them.
It says that overindulge in food-- Are you calling me fat?
It says that I overindulge in sex-- Well um. . . You see I. . . *blush* That is none of your concern!
And generally abusing the gift a life? Are you making fun of my suicide attempts, my mental disorders? What in the world is that suppose to mean?
Stupid Life of a Five.
Telling me how I live my life.
Well it's wrong, just saying-- it's completely and utterly wrong.
Here it goes, building me up again. . .
This reading is very bipolar.
Now I am sensual-- Well thank you.
And I "enjoy the taste of life", well I suppose I don't mind doing interesting and fun things-- It helps me write some experiences a little better.
And then it shoots me down again.
"You find it difficult to commit to one relationship. . ."
Just really?
This is what this reading thinks of me!
So what if I fell in love with a guy I never met.
Or a guy through a website.
Or a guy through a texting service.
And then I fell in love with a girl, who broke me down until I cheated on her.
It's called being a hopeless romantic, thank you very much!
". . .but once committed you can be as faithful as an old dog."
Oh, that would be me right now with my-- Shut up!
Nevermind. . . I still am not the life of a Five.
No matter what you say, this is not the Life Path for me, no how, no way.
Now the "sky is the limit".
With my "diverse abilities", obviously I will soar high above mountains and plains--
If only I had some discipline and focus in my life.
Is this a reading, or a life lecture at this point?
Seriously what did I do to you?
"Without these, many of the tasks you begin will remain unfinished. . ."
So what if I have like fifty storylines and only nine books finished?
So what if I'm not published yet?
So what, so what, so what?!
"With hard work and perseverance the sky is the limit."
Yeah, yeah tell me another one.
"You may have been perceived as a wild child. . ."
Define "wild child" and then we'll talk about that one.
". . .and a source of concern by your family."
Okay so my family is concerned for me but it's for a different reason.
They already are aware that I am crazy and they have learned to accept it.
Moving on. . .
I am a late bloomer-- Good one, tell my chest that.
And I need to experience life before I know and commit to my "true heart's" desire.
I know what I want out of life, thank you very much!
I want to be a writer.
Fiction novelist.
My name on a jacket cover.
New York Times Bestselling author.
That's what I want.
My characters voices to be heard.
Their stories to be told.
I want to be a writer.
The is my true heart's desire.
Don't tell me that I don't want it, because I do-- More then you will ever, ever know.
You say I desire freedom, well I do-- Which is why I do not fit this life completely.
This was the life I was given not the life I chose.
The life I chose, is simple and complicated all at the same time, I want things but I am afraid to take that leap off the ledge.
Why don't you tell me those things?
You say I am destined to live the Life of a Five.
But why are you not showing me who I truely am?
Is this the me I would've been if I didn't have my mental disorders, the past that haunts me and my horrible, horrible life?
What about the many hearts I broke, which in turn broke mine as well.
What about the child I had when I was only nineteen years old?
Is this the life of a Five?
Is this the freedom you say that I desire?
That I destined to have.
I do have freedom, freedom from being told I am something that I am not.
I left school to get away from their social restraints, on my personality, mental disorders--
On who I wanted to be.
So yes, I do indeed yearn for freedom.
But your definition of freedom is not the same as it is to me.
Telling me these lies or exaggerations about who I am, who I try to be that is not the freedom that I need.
Sure some things are indeed true but they are not all me.
I may be a Five but I did not live this life.
I lived a different life from the one that was written for me in the stars.
Thank you for the life experience, I'll be sure to use it well.
The life path of a Five.
Another story I was just destined to tell.
* I just re-read the rules and I didn't see that it was suppose to be under a certain word count, hope my poem still counts.
- Paige Rider

Live Path 3.
Isn't that number
bad luck?
That makes sense.
According to numbers,
I'm creative,
self expressive,
and an artist.
Sounds realistic,
but I don't know about
this. Seems sketchy.
"Gift for gab"
gab means talking,
I think.
That's weird.
Last I remembered
I'm still afraid
to talk to my imaginary
I'm also a social
I must have been demented
even as a caterpillar,
because I can't seem
to fly yet.
I am also
'emotional and vulnerable'.
Crap. Now I sound like
a girl.
I am not agreeing or
denying to that statement.
Moving on.
I also have a
difficulty handling money.
Haha, maybe that's why
I don't have any.
Nothing to rob here, guys,
find someone else.
I'm so inspirational
I uplift others.
This math test
failed me.
Usually it's the
other way around.
I figure I'm going
to throw out this
"number three"
and go with the flow
of life that doesn't include
I'm a word person.
Isn't that number
bad luck?
That makes sense.
According to numbers,
I'm creative,
self expressive,
and an artist.
Sounds realistic,
but I don't know about
this. Seems sketchy.
"Gift for gab"
gab means talking,
I think.
That's weird.
Last I remembered
I'm still afraid
to talk to my imaginary
I'm also a social
I must have been demented
even as a caterpillar,
because I can't seem
to fly yet.
I am also
'emotional and vulnerable'.
Crap. Now I sound like
a girl.
I am not agreeing or
denying to that statement.
Moving on.
I also have a
difficulty handling money.
Haha, maybe that's why
I don't have any.
Nothing to rob here, guys,
find someone else.
I'm so inspirational
I uplift others.
This math test
failed me.
Usually it's the
other way around.
I figure I'm going
to throw out this
"number three"
and go with the flow
of life that doesn't include
I'm a word person.
Joined 6th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 127
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 127
- Eccentric Dialogue -
I’m drunk on expression
Half-moon, conception
Open, beckoning within, a jar.
Gagging to please, the rebellious wave
The posture of the “7” spurns bondage
Teetering compass aim introvert.
"Born at first light in the third person."
Alone in the crowd --
( It's never this lonely in my head )
He lost me in the narrative.
I’m drunk on expression
Half-moon, conception
Open, beckoning within, a jar.
Gagging to please, the rebellious wave
The posture of the “7” spurns bondage
Teetering compass aim introvert.
"Born at first light in the third person."
Alone in the crowd --
( It's never this lonely in my head )
He lost me in the narrative.
Joined 18th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 8
Strange Creature

Forum Posts: 8
-OMG this is SO ME-
Before I even finish reading my result description,
I read comments.
This middle aged woman is also a four.
The first prime number squared.
Apparently the result is VERY HER.
Like, totally. Cool.
I am a number.
I can be reduced to the day I was born.
And this number can be described as SO ME.
According to this description,
I'm pretty focused. Rigid.
I don't like my responsibilities to overlap with others.
Fair enough.
Actually, I prefer not to overlap with others in general.
Especially those who look to find themselves
in descriptions of quiz results.
and say SO ME.
Like that's the only place
they'll ever see themselves described.
They cling desperately to it
like only that webpage understands them.
Back to the description.
"practical, strong opinions"
Um, sure.
Yes, which begs the question, why am I reading this?
"Desire responsibility"
Responsibility could pass me by and I'd be fine, but it seems to desire me.
"Learn to sway"
Last time I swayed, I then went unconscious and hit my head on the shower step.
"You provide strength"
Now you're just screwing with me.
My only real connection to four
is that I have the coordination of a four-year-old.
Also fourth place ribbons are white,
the color of surrender.
Which seems to be the theme of my life.
Before I even finish reading my result description,
I read comments.
This middle aged woman is also a four.
The first prime number squared.
Apparently the result is VERY HER.
Like, totally. Cool.
I am a number.
I can be reduced to the day I was born.
And this number can be described as SO ME.
According to this description,
I'm pretty focused. Rigid.
I don't like my responsibilities to overlap with others.
Fair enough.
Actually, I prefer not to overlap with others in general.
Especially those who look to find themselves
in descriptions of quiz results.
and say SO ME.
Like that's the only place
they'll ever see themselves described.
They cling desperately to it
like only that webpage understands them.
Back to the description.
"practical, strong opinions"
Um, sure.
Yes, which begs the question, why am I reading this?
"Desire responsibility"
Responsibility could pass me by and I'd be fine, but it seems to desire me.
"Learn to sway"
Last time I swayed, I then went unconscious and hit my head on the shower step.
"You provide strength"
Now you're just screwing with me.
My only real connection to four
is that I have the coordination of a four-year-old.
Also fourth place ribbons are white,
the color of surrender.
Which seems to be the theme of my life.

these are great so far! Interesting reads, thank you all.

Paige, I'll accept your piece being over the word count..I see where you went with it and I like it
thank you

Joined 1st Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 172
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 172
Blehrt said:-OMG this is SO ME-
Before I even finish reading my result description,
I read comments.
This middle aged woman is also a four.
The first prime number squared.
Apparently the result is VERY HER.
Like, totally. Cool.
I am a number.
I can be reduced to the day I was born.
And this number can be described as SO ME.
According to this description,
I'm pretty focused. Rigid.
I don't like my responsibilities to overlap with others.
Fair enough.
Actually, I prefer not to overlap with others in general.
Especially those who look to find themselves
in descriptions of quiz results.
and say SO ME.
Like that's the only place
they'll ever see themselves described.
They cling desperately to it
like only that webpage understands them.
Back to the description.
"practical, strong opinions"
Um, sure.
Yes, which begs the question, why am I reading this?
"Desire responsibility"
Responsibility could pass me by and I'd be fine, but it seems to desire me.
"Learn to sway"
Last time I swayed, I then went unconscious and hit my head on the shower step.
"You provide strength"
Now you're just screwing with me.
My only real connection to four
is that I have the coordination of a four-year-old.
Also fourth place ribbons are white,
the color of surrender.
Which seems to be the theme of my life.
I got a four too and i refuse to even think about that... either the stuff just does not work or i am far different than who i thought i was... i thought i would be a six
Before I even finish reading my result description,
I read comments.
This middle aged woman is also a four.
The first prime number squared.
Apparently the result is VERY HER.
Like, totally. Cool.
I am a number.
I can be reduced to the day I was born.
And this number can be described as SO ME.
According to this description,
I'm pretty focused. Rigid.
I don't like my responsibilities to overlap with others.
Fair enough.
Actually, I prefer not to overlap with others in general.
Especially those who look to find themselves
in descriptions of quiz results.
and say SO ME.
Like that's the only place
they'll ever see themselves described.
They cling desperately to it
like only that webpage understands them.
Back to the description.
"practical, strong opinions"
Um, sure.
Yes, which begs the question, why am I reading this?
"Desire responsibility"
Responsibility could pass me by and I'd be fine, but it seems to desire me.
"Learn to sway"
Last time I swayed, I then went unconscious and hit my head on the shower step.
"You provide strength"
Now you're just screwing with me.
My only real connection to four
is that I have the coordination of a four-year-old.
Also fourth place ribbons are white,
the color of surrender.
Which seems to be the theme of my life.
I got a four too and i refuse to even think about that... either the stuff just does not work or i am far different than who i thought i was... i thought i would be a six
Joined 3rd June 2012
Forum Posts: 230
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 230
Five Stars
Breathing adventure, climbing mountains of curiosity
killing the feline in me nine times over
living life fearlessly free
Searching for stunning vistas, I’ve yet discovered
Positive energy exude, a sincere presence
vibrant aura eliciting others to reciprocate
Paying forward good deeds of inspirations
becoming the blueprint of my existence
Many irons in a fire, blazing on my grind
candle of motivation burn deep within
and the wick of my strength, forever lit
My life’s path, five stars
Seducing the darker whorish side of me
impetuous tendencies with the absence of order
contentment in chaos, unstable and wild
trying to shape courage, not found
Contradictive traits and flawed attributes
we embraced beautifully,
and my alter ego
Five Stars
Breathing adventure, climbing mountains of curiosity
killing the feline in me nine times over
living life fearlessly free
Searching for stunning vistas, I’ve yet discovered
Positive energy exude, a sincere presence
vibrant aura eliciting others to reciprocate
Paying forward good deeds of inspirations
becoming the blueprint of my existence
Many irons in a fire, blazing on my grind
candle of motivation burn deep within
and the wick of my strength, forever lit
My life’s path, five stars
Seducing the darker whorish side of me
impetuous tendencies with the absence of order
contentment in chaos, unstable and wild
trying to shape courage, not found
Contradictive traits and flawed attributes
we embraced beautifully,
and my alter ego

one day left! thank you all so far :-)

thank you all, nice work!
Congrats to Paige
Congrats to Paige
Joined 17th Jan 2014
Forum Posts: 3
Strange Creature

Forum Posts: 3
Numbers and life:
And this life we live
born and visualizing for a thousand
that only starts with one, step I mean
One number evolves and grows to another
One life leads to another
This life now and an eternal tomorrow
and tomorrow's numbers are only but
the answers from today's calculation
and we grow and live
one,two and three persons in one
heart , body and soul
The life we are...
We do know that each second counts
each minute counts
so does each day
we live thinking we are adding numbers and days
counting towards our deaths
but we are actually subtracting
We live taking away from an already calculated sum
The tomorrows we live
a fixed number
and each day we subtract
no room for us to add.
These are the numbers and life....
And this life we live
born and visualizing for a thousand
that only starts with one, step I mean
One number evolves and grows to another
One life leads to another
This life now and an eternal tomorrow
and tomorrow's numbers are only but
the answers from today's calculation
and we grow and live
one,two and three persons in one
heart , body and soul
The life we are...
We do know that each second counts
each minute counts
so does each day
we live thinking we are adding numbers and days
counting towards our deaths
but we are actually subtracting
We live taking away from an already calculated sum
The tomorrows we live
a fixed number
and each day we subtract
no room for us to add.
These are the numbers and life....