Poetry competition CLOSED 9th March 2014 5:48am
Page_Writer (Mad Girl)
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RUNNER-UP: tommielynn

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Married to Death

Myth Malefactress
Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 15th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 69

Poetry Contest

Write a poem, story, etc. in which you find yourself betrothed or in love with Death, the Grim Reaper, a Demon of Dying, whatever you wish. :D.

Up to two entries per writer, but other than that you may go as dark and dirty as you so desire. You may go to the edge of the universe, the skylark of heaven, the brinks of hell. When I say there are no rules, there are no rules! Be anarchists, be free, be writers!!!

Fire of Insight
United States 16awards
Joined 15th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 267

Immortal Kiss

whips of the tongue
across an open wound
the sweet taste of blood
not a moment too soon
a glimmering eye
an unsuspecting glimpse
caught by surprise
of passion enscenced
iron and rust
flow from the lips
teasing the tongue
a glorious gift
drops in the throat
muscles constrict
a deep hearted moan
while tasting a kiss
a slow beating heart
screams with intent
the soul of the damned
his will must insist
blood drawn to blood
her heart beats with his
the feel of his touch
too strong to resist
with whips of the tongue
the wound is wiped clean
the essence of blood
fulfillment of needs
the look in his eye
for he knows she is his
she could not deny
his immortal kiss

Tommie Lynn
Tyrant of Words
United States 14awards
Joined 27th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 61

Broken Vows

Razor tongue slashes her
veins spilling what's left
of her soul onto bare
floors, the shadow soaks
it up as it screams in anger,
she feels no pain, numb from
year's of torture, he can
no longer imprison her mind,
trapped in guilt he drowns
himself in misery, he can't
remove the mask, it is his true
form, she leaves him with
a dark soul and loneliness.

Tommie Lynn
Tyrant of Words
United States 14awards
Joined 27th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 61

My Love the Horned King

King of darkness
flow in me slow
gripping my lace
holding tightly
around each red

his deep
whisper pours
over me in waves,
I vanish under my
horned king, my
voice silvery sings
crying out in lust,

I fall before him
in the glow of
orange, yellows,
reds, flames dance
all around him,

he burned me with
a beautiful promise,
promises of dying,
crashing together
in crackling walls
as he hunts me down

Fire of Insight
United States 9awards
Joined 28th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 1378

Gates of Hell

I fucked it all up
Nothing new
It’s what I do
Murdering trust
the most delicate
of a relationship’s features

She struck back
with words as sharp
as a prison yard shank
ripping into my soul
leaving me in pain
the agonizing torture
of true depression

My heart races
muscles ache
bones sore
A familiar feeling

Minimal sleep
with needles appearing in every dream
waking me whilst resonating in my mind
Battling with my own demons
whilst I compete for the one thing
that completes my soul
to not disappear

Guilt and fear
directing every thought
driving me closer to those dreams
Self-loathing for
not being the man I know I can
causing more
remorse and shame
pushing me closer to the needle

the syringe brings me peace
as it always has
My conscious thoughts use the spike
to inject the same substance
yet the goal has changed
from temporary tranquility
to a permanent sleep

Spiraling downward to the gates of hell
Tempted to enter
the fiery land of the damned
knowing the flames will burn
yet feeling a comfortable
content familiarity

I long for that warmth
before I’m torched
The numbness that relieves the
The escape from
and most of all
the bitterness
of never having felt
so close to another soul
then having it all ripped away

I fucked it all up
because that’s what I do
I don’t know another way
All of our love
For each other
wasn’t adequate
but I’m fighting for it anyhow
praying for a miracle
that would provide me
the one thing that can save me from myself

I step back from the gates
keeping them in my view
watching the scorching flames
beyond the comfortable warmth
and I pray that she will come down
and snatch me out of here

Then I spot her through the flames
realizing that she is at her own entrance
to the flames
having a similar internal debate

It’s become painfully clear to me
that we will either climb out together
or we’ll each burn up alone

The internal war continues on

Fire of Insight
United States 9awards
Joined 28th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 1378

From Sickness to Death

Anxiety penetrates my mind
like a tiger tooth through human flesh
whilst a deep depression darkens the shining sun

Rolling off of my sweat soaked sheets
my knees crackling as I stand
stomach curling as I weakly walk on tightened muscles

From a pocket in an old jacket
I grab my gear and a bag full of smack
Sitting at my desk with bones aching
I feel the misfiring of currents in my brain

I load the spoon with powder, soft and fine
then gag and vomit on the floor
Adding water to the spoon
I prepare to practice junkie chemistry

Cooker blackened by hot flame
as the contents boil into one
I draw the darkened liquid
into a fresh rig
My heart begins to race
as my biceps strangled by a belt

The needle pierces my flesh
searching for a vein
I witness a sexual scene
as my blood rushes
into the narrow cylinder
mixing with my lover
I plunge into my waiting vein
warmness rushing up my arm

As the tourniquet’s released
my opiate receptors flood with peace
I tranquilly nod off
with needle dangling from arm
I fade into a fleeting state
All I see is black.

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17150

The Ghost

I love you
whisperings in the night
breathy kisses
like little puffs
of fetid air
I so love you
it whispers contently

Holding hands
the two spirits mirror
death and dying
watchers together
in the final hour
I will be with you

Death and dead walk away
together forever
loved loving hard
life's journey ends
another journey begins
towards realm untold
death ferries the dead

On the walls
It whispers
I love you
As the monitor

Lost Thinker
Joined 6th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 4

Ha! Marriage.

Marriage is supposed to bliss,
But instead I have to suffer with this,
Dumb whore of a girlfriend who can't cook for dick.
Nagging all the time about bills, work and shit.
It would be the death of me if I wasn't already dead.
But instead I'll keep her around cause gives good head.
I started to drink, smoke and cheat.
And I've even pick up the habit of beating my meat.
Now I'm in therapy confessing my feelings,
To some second rate "doctor" which is uber appealing.
In case you didn't know that was sarcasm
He's about as interesting as a fat chick with chronic back spasms.
Back to my wife, she's a real doll face
Not bright, or fat and she stays in her place,
Which is the kitchen but don't call me sexist
I said she can't cook and the bitch is from Texas.
She said she loves me and maybe I feel the same
But I'll never tell her to her face because it's super lame.
I am Grim the Reaper and marriage is about luck,
But if you're anything like me you just don't give a fuck.

Fire of Insight
United States 10awards
Joined 15th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 173

Scorpio Moon

By blue angel

I step
inside his circle
infallible divine oracle
double moon illusion
across time and space
distance erased
his eyes of fire
ignites my desires
leather biting my fear
I know when he's near
welts rise with my cries
black masking disguise
an insatiable thirst
captivating curse
the sateen veil
drenched by lust
in my master I trust
confession of obsession
illuminate to fornicate
ceasing to escape him
beneath a scorpio moon
his shadow consumes
revealing the appeal
before Death
I kneel.

poet Anonymous

Diabolical Demon of a Dick

The dance was in darkness
the spaces between each step
stretched to
infinite depths
holes that branched into illusion
strangling truth
I swayed in time with the death of light
surrendering life with a bow and a sigh

The song came in rifts that sank below escape
the melody hung sickly as the lyrics were defaced
And replaced with a reality
I still can't convey

That the tune would never end
became my central fear
an unncertain sentence in solitude
With an evil that fed on my defeat

The mirrors I looked in
reflected only his beliefs
A delusion of grandeur so distorted
once clear

I cared only that his
encore continued without me
Had to break free from certainty
of a life that resembled death

I left
But the cold soul prowls still
I left
but he still hunts to kill

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

Crazy Me , Sane You    

I like crazy
it is my way
clarity , reality
it is too fake  
you always want a go
at me
your so perfect
and  now blame free
what you don't get
is I can see
that things aren't what
they seem to be
of all
and with the gaul
to try and judge me
but you cannot buy the call
of a bird who's free
there's only you who'll  fall
when your up in a tree
looking down on all the small
that from once you'd feed .

You used to class me
as your mentor
now your nasty
and judgemental .

You cheated the test
that qualify's your fight
you're only the best
at living a fat lie
you've a phoney zest
inside a false life
with such adamance
at always being right
but you jumped the fence
when things got tight
the pounds the pence
only shine a light
on the shallowness
of your plight  
but at least I can rest
when I sleep each night .


poet Anonymous

Don't take 'da devil to the burger place if youse want romantz

Awl my friends are married to devils. Well Henry ain't married. Catfish ain't married. Shit! That means all my friends ain't married. I 'plogize for 'da misinformashun!!!! I am a stickler for detail. The ones that are married have issues with devils. Them spouses are diabolikal. Itza a 60/40 split. The 60 side hates 'da shit. The 40 side loves 'da shit. Those on 'da 60 side eat out. Those on 'da 40 side eat at home. They're more romantik. The 40 side!!!

The ones going out r just doing it for a fukkin' show. You can't get romantik at Killer Burgers. Those peeple eatin' fast food are avoiding true romantz. Everybody's always starin' at you at that place. Itza a Portland thing. When you r at home you can be more romantik. You can wear your undies around. You can let it all hang out. Sum of my friends wear wife beater shirts.

At home there ain't nobody starin' at you but maybe the kat. That's if you own a peeper kat. If youse have a fukkin' dawg it will probably watch youse tew. 'Da dawgs nose might get in 'da way. You can lock 'da dawg up if you have tew. It wont be able to stare at anything. If youse got a fish tank theys probably lookin' at 'da romantick dinner tew. I herd clown fish like romantz. They're always clowin' around with each other. Moorish Idols do 'dat shit tew.  

But there's sumthin freaky 'bout animals watchin' you at a romantik dinner.

But I gess it really don't matter 'cause those peeple are happy.

If you don't have romantz in a marriage with a devil than it probably sux. It ain't gonna werk. You ever meet anybody happily married to a devil without romantz???? I kan tell you 'dis. Fukkin' is one thing. Fukkin' with romantz is a whole lot better than fukkin' without romantz. That's only my personal opinion. It don't really meen anything. It ain't scientific.

We're talkin' about being married to death. If death lykes fukkin' with romantz then what's the problem??? It ain't fukkin' rocket surgery! Itza 'bout bein' married to devils. Itza 'bout animals watchin' romantz at dinner.

Bottomline: if youse married to death then nuttin' matters but 'da romantz. Dat's 'da only way to a make them fukkin' devils happy. Youse got to really mean it when youse kiss them. Otherwise youse get burned!!!! The pets won't lyke it.

Myth Malefactress
Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 15th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 69

Thank you for your delightfully dark submissions!!! Keep falling in love with Death, just make sure he doesn't rapture and capture you in the process. ;)

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 30th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 13

Love Prevails Death

At the and of my bed, she stands,
Darker then the shadows
Moonlight pulling her innocent face
From the darkness behind
What secrets hide behind her face?
Carved perfection like a mask
For all eternity in a minute passing
Our eyes locked in a stare
Deep within my chest
My heart beats in rhythm
Like a thousand drums
While all the while
Her eyes stare cold
Sparkling like set diamonds
She has me totally under her control
A hunger for lust burns within
Meanwhile her white silken gown
Flutters in the cool night breeze
From whence my entranced eyes
Break from hers; to admire her body
Her breasts, partially visible
Behind the translucent silk of her gown
Her smooth, soft skin the look of satin
White as fresh fallen snow
My mind, a torrent, a sea of emotions
Shallow fear yet I'm strangely calm
She walks toward me
Her beauty becoming
More apparent upon each step
But who is this mysterious stranger
Who graces my presence thus?
Her hand runs down my face
I try to speak but her finger
Silences my words
"Hush, speak only with your heart"
The words fall from her mouth
In whispered tones
Her touch feels cold as stone
As her arms wind round
My body like entwining ivy
Her fingers run sensuously
Through my long hair
She stares into my eyes again
Looking deep within
To my mind and soul
Her lips pout and glisten
In the moonlight
Oh how I want to kiss them
Passionately as my hands explore
Her body of sheer perfection
She stands up before me
Her gown drops to the floor
To fall at her feet
Her crimson lips form a smile
My pulse racing ever faster
My blood rushes round my veins
Like ten thousand wild horses
Our bodies embrace like entwined ivy
In each other's loving arms
The pure naked innocence
If this incredible passion could last forever
I would never look back beyond this night
Her moist luscious lips press
Firmly against mine
As I run my hands up
And down her back
Her tongue runs over my cheek
And down my neck
When I feel a sudden
Bolt of piercing pain
My body fills with a gradual weakening
My strength waning as she sucks from my neck
I fall back toward my bed
Barely able to move
I look to her and see blood
Drip from her mouth
Her eyes glow with an iridescent
Electric blue like the full moon
In the black satin night sky
She licks the blood lusciously
From her crimson lips
Her teeth long as canines
From a wolves mouth
Rapidly it becomes apparent
That this angelic vision
That stood before me
In the darkness of my room
Is nothing more
Than an animal of the night
A predatory vampire with
An insatiable hunger for blood
Fear courses through my body
For my very own mortality
Death seems only
A matter of heartbeats away
This creature before me
Still so beautiful in her human form
Yet now adorned with a demon face
She looks at me with a calming smile
Let fall these words I speak to you
Listen and you will learn
"You are now a vampire like myself
A demon creature of this eternal night
You shall live forever"
Her first intention was to kill me
And leave my blood-drained corpse behind
But her love for me prevailed.

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