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Poetry competition CLOSED 27th November 2013 4:10am
BlackVelvetRose (Ragdoll Raven)
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RUNNERS-UP: Smoogej1s and blue_angel

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Erotic prose

Colten Sorrells
Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 13th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 375

Poetry Contest

Noticing the lack of erotic prose, i want to see what you cando with the idea
Limit 500 words, have fun with it!

Jeanette A Gideon
Strange Creature
United States
Joined 30th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 4

Just goin' through erotic maze
Dreaming of you in a pleasurable haze
Since you came to my inbox
All I want is you in my box

Is it love or is it lust
Could it be both if choose, I must?
Give me sweet, tender love
Intermingled with wild, hot lust

Dress me in red, in layers of lace
Undress me, with a smile on your face
My body is yours, to do as you please
Take me, make me yours, dominate me

Spank me, if I'm naughty enough...
Oh PLEASE spank me, if I'm not...
Sharply N smartly 'gainst my sex sweated skin
Making me moan softly from pleasure within

Give me a tempo to enrage my desire
Give me a glow of reddening fire
To my ass, my cunt, and on my breast
And you, my love, at my desperate behest

Imprint the shadow of your hand to my skin
So, love or lust, let it be both and let it begin.

This is my own work, though portions of it are from a poem I wrote last year.

Tyrant of Words
United States 83awards
Joined 18th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 325


It's a stormy night. the fireplace in the den banishes the chill. I'm sitting, reading 'Energy of Slaves,' Leonard Cohen. there's a tapping at the window. flash of lightning reveals a lone woman out there.

I go over & open the window. 'what the hell? what happened to you?' I help you climb in. you say 'the guy I met in a bar roughed me up & stole my money. threw me out of the car down the block. I saw your light.' your face is bruised but not swollen. I get 2 towels to dry you & ask your name. 'just call me Roxy.’

you sit by the fire. 'yep. hooked up with the wrong guy again. it's what I do, I'm a tramp.' you look at me, expecting me to disagree. I don't. 'if you picked up a felon in a bar, you are a tramp. you deserve what you get .'

you stand & you're mad. 'why don't you beat me then!' you push your skirt to the floor, step out of it. 'go ahead, beat my fuckin ass, you sanctimonious fucker!' I'm a civilized man, but I hate defiant women! I come toward you & you back off, a little scared. I grab your arm, pull you to the couch, take you over my knees.

damn, what a glorious ass! I touch it. so delicate, but you've aroused my fetish. I raise my hand & strike you hard. you make a noise like a small animal. I continue the spanking till your crying makes me think you'll wither like a crushed flower.

I turn you roughly on the couch. standing, I remove my clothes in a deliberate manner, so you'll anticipate a hard fuck. naked, I move toward your cunt. you spread your legs & slide your pussy toward me. when I enter you, it's the sweetest agony! I haven't done this in a long time. you were sent to me for a reason. you must be a mercy fuck.

after imperial minutes, my terrible flood rages into you. we are breathing hard when you look at me, your eyes demanding my kiss. & I do. we kiss like it will make us immortal...

I should drive you home, but I want to possess you...

Fire of Insight
United States 16awards
Joined 15th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 267

Wondering mouths connect with each other, sparks fly, as her embraces his lover. His deep, dark, but shimmering eyes burn into hers and fuels her desires. With a gasp in her throat, he nibbles her lip. Whimpering pleasure accompanies his kiss. His strong hand rests on the back of her neck, and with a handful of hair, their kisses connect. The tips of their tongues dance with delight, teasing, and taunting, and coming to life. The taste of her passion in sync with her own, elicits pleasurable moans from the back for his throat. He places his hand to the sides of her face, kissing her deep and absorbing her taste. He opens his eyes, just a quick glance, while the tips of their tongues continue to dance.

Smoothing her hair away from her eyes, she tilts back her head and trembles inside. Drawing in closely next to her ear, through the warmth of his breath he whispers in the softest of tones, “I love you” eliciting moans. Goosebumps rise as their lips meet again. A shudder of pleasure races across her bare skin. She nearly melts from the heat of his breath as he presses his mouth hard to her neck. A quick shot of pain as his teeth bite down, shattering the silence with deep gasping sounds. The feeling of his tongue nearly drives her insane, as he licks up her pain.

With curious hands, he explores every inch of his lovers soft, naked skin. The touch of his hands causes a ripple effect, she arches her back, and throws back her head. With the tips of his fingers, he traces her breasts, gently caressing them with the palms of his hand. Tracing her ribs, down to her thighs, with longing desire, he stares in her eyes.

With a handful of hair she pushes his head, and her smart lover goes where his face has been led. Kissing the fold, just the way she likes, licking the button at just the right time. Riding the rhythm, she grinds her hips, the moment is coming, her legs start to twitch. Pulling his hair, her muscles grow tense, the whips of his tongue becoming more and more intense. Filling his mouth, with the taste of his lover on his tongue, he stares through the dark, feeling quite proud.

Fire of Insight
United States 10awards
Joined 15th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 173

~The Sketch Artist~

She bites her lower lip with anticipation, slowly making her way towards unhindered desires.

She picks up her sharp pencil and looks him over methodically and begins her journey of exploring this creature of manly beauty that lay so delicately before her. She loved the fact that he was doing exactly as she had instructed him. Very obedient, she thought. She wondered just how far she could go with him as she explored his perfect eyes. She had him bound in invisible restraint for an hour. She nearly climaxed at just the thought of that.

Colten Sorrells
Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 13th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 375

Thanks, everyone, for the great entries!!

Lost Thinker
India 1awards
Joined 23rd Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 66

He was mine

My Flowery petals ,
demanding His metal ,
A shining ,lustrous tight ,
A hot and humid fight.

He came upright ,
aparting my legs in light ,
feels the body fragrance ,
and a big-bang sprawl sight.

His unlimited madness ,
Licking and kissing sadness ,
Made me realize ,
That He too demands flies.

We made sixty-nine ,
an easy and comfortable sign ,
Now I too sucked ,
To get being Fucked.

He was mine ,
On that moonlight night ,
Toppled Over me quickly ,
unless and untill He satisfied.

Jason Snatcher
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 5th June 2011
Forum Posts: 11


Put your hands in mine
Let our bodies intertwine
I can see the fire in your eyes
As I'm bout to make you mine

Strawberries with cool whip
And grapes still on the vine
2 bottles of champaign later
That ass is mine
U find yourself in the bathroom
Makein sure everythings right
You come out in a nighty
The most beautiful sight
As u seem to float on air
Like an angel of the night
Spreading your wings
As she's gettin ready for flight
You sit down beside me
And let me know its ok
You take my hand in your hand
And softly show me the way
As I begin to kiss on your neck
And gently nibble my way down
I find my way to your breast
As you let out a sound
And I can fill your body
Thrust closer to me
As its letting me know
That your ready
But I fight back the desire
Letting you know I'm in control
As I kiss your hips
You push my head down low
I begin to please you
Like you've never been before
I take you on a walk
Along heaven's shore
As you let yourself go
I cannot hold back
My focus goes toward your eyes
As you clintch your nails in my back
And I begin to thrust slowly
Deep inside you
I wait until you've learned your lesson
And then I learn mine too
Haha thank you mama I needed that
When can i see you again
When can I come back
 Justin Waddle 8/30/2013

Jason Snatcher
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 5th June 2011
Forum Posts: 11

Damnit Mama

What the fuck
Theres somethin missin
Feelings I'm catchin
Got me wishin
I'd a listened
And I wouldn't be in this
Instead I'd be in the kitchen
Engaged in some romantic
kissin and lickin
Finger fuckin
Suckin and blowin
Toes curlin
Moaning till ur minds gone
Its the erotic intoxication
I'm speakin
Is why this was written
Let me get ur body twitchin
Slow down focus
On what I'm drillin
And killin
The everyday stress
That you're feelin
This is poem dealin
At its finest
I stand behind it
Its pure madness
To cure your sadness
Bahaha owe weee i don't need a cigarette cause my tongue is still smokin lol
       Â°Â°Â° Justin Waddle °°°

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 823

Random acts of love..

It's all in the hips.
The curves.
My queen's physique.
They speak for themselves. From afar, they scream, "TAKE NOTICE!!" Sleek and sensual,
the smooth ups and downs,
the joy ride of
hips and thigh.
The symphony springs forth
with all that is...
She has the perfect
hour glass
figure, the
classic Eve body.
I long for her,
I yearn to have her
curvy luscious body;
Stripped and bare,
and pressed firm
against my soul and body.
My hands make their way
to her curvaceous hips,
and draw her close.
Against my body,
I feel her warmth.
Against my skin,
I feel her ever soft,
and flesh.
Oh, hand,
do your dance,
as my fingers waltz
across her belly,
light enough to feel
a slight shiver
of the sensation.
make your way back,
over hip,
and down slightly
and there...
Her plumpness,
personified by her cute,
little butt.
My love
lets a lone breath escape,
across the nape of my neck,
with a gentle squeeze,
a soft moan
departs from her lips
to meet with my
Ever waiting ear drums.
tracing that
which makes my queen,
100% woman,
leaving behind a sensation
which releases
those much sought after
and endorphins
and chemicals
which so dearly I crave.
The essence of my queen.
Scent de love.
Chemicals released,
my thoughts race
for clarity
as my body does
that which is natural.
What was not,
now is.
Hand on cheek,
I draw her in.
Breath on breath.
Hearts beat in unison.
"I need you and you need me"
Her eyes shut
in the passion
of the moment.
Her lips,
two beautiful blushing saints
which I hold
so dearly,
connect with my
-thirsty for her love-
The majestic power
of desire.
And love.
And perfection.
And the,
"Blind to the world,
besides the woman before me".
My woman.
My love.
Lips connect,
and silence.
My thoughts cease,
and silence.
Eyes closed,
I recognize within my mind,
that in my hands,
I hold my reason.
My very essence
for being,
my purpose to draw
the next breath.
Lips pressed,
tongues doing their dance,
I let slide
what I've held ever so patiently back, into her perfection.
A lover's passion erupts
in my heart
and srtrikes me to my soul,
and very core
of what makes me,
and I am overcome
with emotion
as I realize I have it.
She and I have...
The thing that drives a man.
The thing that everyone wants...
Looks for...
Man woman and child alike...
100% pure,
unconditional love.
Her nails dig deep
into my back as my manhood
is swallowed,
engulfed by her womanhood.
The perfection of life.
The sacred feminine.
Life producer,
and sustainer extraordinaire.
Muscles tense and throb
and in,
and in,
and in.
Tongues locked in passion,
breath heavy and deep,
hearts do the flutter
known only by lovers,
as they beat
in unison for one another.
Locked in the depths
and heat of passion,
soul mates eternal do their slow dance.
The dance of two becoming one.
Two souls,
fused as one.
And I.
And then the moment.
Bodies pressed firm.
Deep inside
that which I hold with absolute reverence,
our eyes open and meet.
Her eyes,
the most beautiful hues of brown,
the spark of passion
The light of love,
is ever present.
The mating of two souls
branded as one,
a love
lasting longer than forever
is set in stone,
cast in platinum
and solidified to stand
as a testament
to those seeking love.
Erected as a shrine
to house
the absolute truth
to those
seekers of love, of the eternal brand.
Our love,
a testimony of purity
in it's most righteous of forms, stands tall
as a beacon for others.
The perfect example.
Of love in it's purest of forms.
As we reach passion,
together as one,
our eyes lock and then...
Nothing else matters....
Nothing else exists...
The she..
And the I..
Just us..
A climax to rival
the tallest of structures
or mountains.
Such an immense burst of passion,
the angels cry.
As my soul
pours into her,
it's she,
and I.
Then calm.
And peace.
The gentle throb
of all that is woman.
The light pulse of
what was once limp.
The lovers rest.
Bodies pressed firm.
A slumber much earned.
The release of such an immense
radiant power
generated only,
by the fusing of two souls.
A rest much earned.
Two, fused as one, sleep.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17168

Consummation in Maya

He came to me in the mist of dawn, my beloved, from across the sea.
It was still dark, but he came to me, his smile so sweet
with a desire so deep it went beyond the physical.
He came into my bed, tugging the warm blanket as he snuggled in.
'My love,' he whispered and held me tight. I felt his desire as
I answered him with my own embrace.
He kissed me deep, and I felt the taste of his mouth. It seemed
he had taken mint and it mix with my sleep taste. The instant
desire to have him, went deep into my being.
He kissed me, long and deep, his hands exploring the contour of
my body, which responded as if it had a mind of its own.
I felt him as he claimed me, hard and deep, as I moved with him
allowing him to claim me in its fullest sense.
The union was like a ride to the deepest earth and high up into
the highest constellation.
His murmurings of love and desire were like songs of distant angels.
The constellation seemed to burst as we spasm into each other, leaving our bodies as shells
and travelling the almost painful pleasure of dying a little death in each others arms.
Like shooting stars, we traversed the universe of pleasure.
Falling together like coloured confetti back to earth, he whispered , "My love.."
I woke up to dawn, alone, with a smile on my face.
My phone vibrated with a text saying 'Good Morning My Love'.

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

What I Would Do To You    

Oh baby
if you knew
you sexy lady
what I'd do to you .

I'd strip you bare
and lay you down
caress your hair
and kiss your pout .

Stretching your nipples
I'd watch your body stiffen  
my hand inside
your wet petal
your hips raised high
and aloud you'd moan  
with legs spread wide
you'd cry then come
with staring eyes
of surprised open .

Your porcelain body
tense would twitch
I'd lick every part of it
you sexy bitch
with thighs well apart
I'd suck your clitoris
swolen and hard
around your soaked abyss .

My raging hardness
I'd push into you
filling your hips
with every thrust
that's threw .

I'd push your feet
behind your ears
I'd make you scream
so all can hear
as all of me
lets go inside of you
baby can you see
what I would do to you .


StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704


The kitchen table
shines with polished glare  
I hitch up your ankles
as you lay down on it bare
tied by shackles
to opposite chairs
the open fire crackles
in wanton you stare .

I run my rough hands
all over your thighs
I kiss your feet
as I look in your eyes
my hardness beats
along with your sighs
you beg me please
you want me inside .

Your nipples solid
and at full height
you arch your back
as I squeeze them tight  
you gasp you want it
all fucking night
my fingers probe your crevis
in the firelight .

My tongue of fire
inflates your lungs  
you squeal a pitch higher
as I thouroughly plunge  
your body a live wire
of thrashing , tensed muscle
you howl in desire  
as you spray bursting
your bubble. .

Into your sweating
body I go
with such an aching
hardened pole
I pound you with adrenaline
you scream and moan
you cry out over again
'til we .both
fucking explode ..

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 823

Vanilla vendetta

Steeped in passion.
Internal demand, your chemicals release,  to undo my thoughts rational.
Irrational takes over, and a deep yearning.
Subconscious desire towards that which is mine.
Pheromones release a deeper knowledge.
A deeper desire, to fill that carnal,
new depths conquered deep within that which is perfect.
Throbbing and moist, deepest affection as two become one.
The continuation of a race,
entwined with an affection,
deep beneath all that is us.
Locked and lucid, we are,
One in the act of, "nothing else matters".   A light glaze of saturation,  glistening upon our skin.
Passion's labour,  not lost.
Sweet salty lament, glossed across the you.
And the I.
Pivotal moment and upon receiving conclusion, we are what matters.
No more..
no less..
As we create the future, passion infusion future.
Set in stone.
Meaning and emotion.
We are the future..

Intricate B

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 823

Untitled love...

The sweet salty glaze
Secreted from his fair skin,
The sweet iridescent glow
The lights reflection.
An exercise preformed when she,
His love,
Yearns for her king.
The physical act of two,
Becoming one.
Breath heavy,
The well earned "thadump, thadump"
That comes from within his chest,
To match that within her's.
A love solidified in precious metal
To be adored,
And encased in a diamond hard,
Glass case,
To be looked upon with admiration and hope.
The light baste of salty, yet so sweet sweat,
Saturates her milky white skin...
Like satin to the touch,
Legs firmly locked around her love
Nails still deep, within the flesh of his back.
Her thoughts race,
And reverberate,
And resonate,
To ricochet within her minds walls.
Mind exhausted, "I".....
Departs from her plump, lucious red lips... "love"....
Her mind's eye, locked in the staring contest
With his... "you"...
His heart elated as the words funnel into his ear canal,
And pierce his ever waiting ear drum.
As their chests rise and fall in unison,
The respite of two lovers exhausted from pain unmentionable..
The sand man's minions,
The sprinkling of the proverbial sands of time
Upon their weary eyes.
A slumber so deep,
Befallen upon the pair,
A rest so earned,
For the fusing of two souls is far from an easy feat.
"I"... quiet...
"Love".... peace....
"You"... purity..
Departs from his lips.
Two lovers embraced,
Sleep a deep,
Well earned slumber...

Intricate B

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