In A Rainbow
Goes Without Saying
Joined 10th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 92
Goes Without Saying
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 92
Teddy Bear Talk
I listened to my teddy bear one day
It had some interesting things to say:
"Not exactly a fairytale
Not everything always goes well
I see it as reality
Ever had an imaginary friend?
They come from where the world ends
And imagination begins
Glitter was passed on
By generation after generation
Soon becoming an instant sensation
Did you know
The creater of glitter
Brushed a unicorn?
Luckily didn't get stabbed by the horn
Thus glitter as created from its dust
A rainbow
Science sucks about not knowing that truth
Rainbows are made by light fairies
So they can do what they do
A happily ever after story
Fiction or not?
Real of course!
From the land of imaginary friends
That's why the stories
I listened to my teddy bear one day
It had some interesting things to say:
"Not exactly a fairytale
Not everything always goes well
I see it as reality
Ever had an imaginary friend?
They come from where the world ends
And imagination begins
Glitter was passed on
By generation after generation
Soon becoming an instant sensation
Did you know
The creater of glitter
Brushed a unicorn?
Luckily didn't get stabbed by the horn
Thus glitter as created from its dust
A rainbow
Science sucks about not knowing that truth
Rainbows are made by light fairies
So they can do what they do
A happily ever after story
Fiction or not?
Real of course!
From the land of imaginary friends
That's why the stories
Joined 25th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 124
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 124
sliding across a bridge built
of unicorn vomit, fairy feces, and angel cum
glittery like edward
cuz the sun melts colors on my body
with flakes of elemental air
crystalline and sinuous
burning mirrored pits into my skin
prismatically programmed
chemically commanded
hallucinogenically hygienic
fractally fried
your face phases through the veil
your lips paint tracers of iconic scarlet
(and all that implies)
through my oxygen path
and onto my face and neck
emerald lanterns in your eyes
emit photonic restraints
and i'm a c level supervillain
still hung up on yellow
not mellow
cold turkey heroin willpower
and i submit
firelight flickering as we fornicate
your exhalations of autumn
my mantle of cobalt falls away
elementally exposed
my ice and your flame
as steam seeps from us
and saturates the skies or walls
(where are we again? who gives a fuck?)
putting out the fire with a gasoline popsicle
cries and moans fall from your lips
like lavender leaves of lilac
sapphirical sweat and semen
as i water your orchid
synaesthetically speaking
sticky splatters
and exuded excretions
dried by winds of the world
spinning sideways and sped up
kaleidoscopic harlequins
in liquid patchwork motley
dancing on raindrops
and sipping wine ethereal
til one by one my visual spectrum
drops every color off the display
til your body glows amidst an ocean of night
and i follow you til morning
title only for mikimoondancer's convenience:
(untitled poem about fucking while tripping)
of unicorn vomit, fairy feces, and angel cum
glittery like edward
cuz the sun melts colors on my body
with flakes of elemental air
crystalline and sinuous
burning mirrored pits into my skin
prismatically programmed
chemically commanded
hallucinogenically hygienic
fractally fried
your face phases through the veil
your lips paint tracers of iconic scarlet
(and all that implies)
through my oxygen path
and onto my face and neck
emerald lanterns in your eyes
emit photonic restraints
and i'm a c level supervillain
still hung up on yellow
not mellow
cold turkey heroin willpower
and i submit
firelight flickering as we fornicate
your exhalations of autumn
my mantle of cobalt falls away
elementally exposed
my ice and your flame
as steam seeps from us
and saturates the skies or walls
(where are we again? who gives a fuck?)
putting out the fire with a gasoline popsicle
cries and moans fall from your lips
like lavender leaves of lilac
sapphirical sweat and semen
as i water your orchid
synaesthetically speaking
sticky splatters
and exuded excretions
dried by winds of the world
spinning sideways and sped up
kaleidoscopic harlequins
in liquid patchwork motley
dancing on raindrops
and sipping wine ethereal
til one by one my visual spectrum
drops every color off the display
til your body glows amidst an ocean of night
and i follow you til morning
title only for mikimoondancer's convenience:
(untitled poem about fucking while tripping)
Joined 22nd Aug 2010
Forum Posts: 1572
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1572
Covenant of Peace, Harbinger of War
(with apologies to the original story of Greek seer Cassandra,
from which this is very, very loosely inspired)
Cassandra wept upon her perch.
Sitting atop the world
sidesaddle as befitting a fair maiden,
the entirety of the world opened itself.
Rome and Galilee revealed their machinations
while mighty Gaul bared its chest to her.
The ancients in Yangtze rice paddies
bowed to the muddy water for her
as she shied from their terracotta warriors.
The Aztec priests carved out beating hearts
and held them up to her eyes. She blanched. They grinned.
Armies moved forward, back, flanking, storming the high ground,
washing back and forth as red waves of oil and water.
Men fell, cried out with their dying breath
what they glimpsed too late, that all was futile
but their kinsmen could not hear it,
took their rattles as cause to press on in their name
and trod over them to strike at their mirror likenesses.
The temptation to distance, to see not men but ranks,
and not ranks but standards, and even then
not standards but chesspieces upon a green table
was overwhelming. Cassandra sat transfixed.
Screams of terror were greeted by vapor;
begging for intervention, for peace, met by serene silence.
Atop her arch in the sky she gazed down glassy-eyed.
There had to be a way to reach them.
To tell them all that she could see nothing would change,
that as far as she looked there was only more death.
She took the sunlight in her hands,
broke it gently apart, sprayed it in all directions
as it fell about her, deep azure and emerald
playing with outspoken orange and red wisps.
They all looked up.
Saw her panchromatic phantasm.
A moment of silence. She dared to hope.
Then, from all corners, a murmur. This was it!
This was the signal from our gods
that theirs are weak and ready
for a killing blow! To arms, men,
no mercy and no quarter!
Cassandra turned to the sky, ashen-faced.
(with apologies to the original story of Greek seer Cassandra,
from which this is very, very loosely inspired)
Cassandra wept upon her perch.
Sitting atop the world
sidesaddle as befitting a fair maiden,
the entirety of the world opened itself.
Rome and Galilee revealed their machinations
while mighty Gaul bared its chest to her.
The ancients in Yangtze rice paddies
bowed to the muddy water for her
as she shied from their terracotta warriors.
The Aztec priests carved out beating hearts
and held them up to her eyes. She blanched. They grinned.
Armies moved forward, back, flanking, storming the high ground,
washing back and forth as red waves of oil and water.
Men fell, cried out with their dying breath
what they glimpsed too late, that all was futile
but their kinsmen could not hear it,
took their rattles as cause to press on in their name
and trod over them to strike at their mirror likenesses.
The temptation to distance, to see not men but ranks,
and not ranks but standards, and even then
not standards but chesspieces upon a green table
was overwhelming. Cassandra sat transfixed.
Screams of terror were greeted by vapor;
begging for intervention, for peace, met by serene silence.
Atop her arch in the sky she gazed down glassy-eyed.
There had to be a way to reach them.
To tell them all that she could see nothing would change,
that as far as she looked there was only more death.
She took the sunlight in her hands,
broke it gently apart, sprayed it in all directions
as it fell about her, deep azure and emerald
playing with outspoken orange and red wisps.
They all looked up.
Saw her panchromatic phantasm.
A moment of silence. She dared to hope.
Then, from all corners, a murmur. This was it!
This was the signal from our gods
that theirs are weak and ready
for a killing blow! To arms, men,
no mercy and no quarter!
Cassandra turned to the sky, ashen-faced.
Forum Posts: 3367
Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367
that's byoootiful zen

great entries so far..not long to go
get those entries in !
will already be hard to pick!
get those entries in !

will already be hard to pick!
Forum Posts: 3066
Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3066
How High Does The Rainbow Fly
A wise man once said
or, was it an all seeing cat?
I forget
but, it was said
we exist
in a planetary spider web
with god like technology
where the truth lives
and dreams go free
we're all mad here
different colors
on this rainbow spectrum
the fact is
it's all in our heads
born free
running on air
high as a kite
waiting for something
to show us the way
watching the sun
glisten in the rain
A wise man once said
or, was it an all seeing cat?
I forget
but, it was said
we exist
in a planetary spider web
with god like technology
where the truth lives
and dreams go free
we're all mad here
different colors
on this rainbow spectrum
the fact is
it's all in our heads
born free
running on air
high as a kite
waiting for something
to show us the way
watching the sun
glisten in the rain

great entries..remember, "give your piece a title" is in the very few rules. given..
congrats to Carpe for winning-I love the Alice in Wonderland meets the Matrix feel..
tough one to judge
congrats to Mike theengineer and Darker half for 2nd and 3rd
thank you all!
congrats to Carpe for winning-I love the Alice in Wonderland meets the Matrix feel..
tough one to judge
congrats to Mike theengineer and Darker half for 2nd and 3rd
thank you all!
Forum Posts: 17168
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17168
Congratulations Carpe_Noctem for winning...awesome! And to MikeTheEngineer (mjs211) and DarkerHalf for being fellow winners. Talented writes all.
Forum Posts: 3066
Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3066
Thank you for the nod Miki. Congratulations to the runners up, this was a fun comp.
Darker Half
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1483
Darker Half
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1483
Wow... Congratz Carpe...
and it's true... some times it's all in our head... jeje...
Awesome Write!!
and it's true... some times it's all in our head... jeje...
Awesome Write!!