Poetry competition CLOSED 16th October 2013 7:47pm
crimsin (Unveiling)
View Profile Poems by crimsin
RUNNER-UP: zenfool

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Fire of Insight
United States 9awards
Joined 28th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 1378

Poetry Contest

Write a poem about addiction
Write a poem about addiction. It can be any addiction. Drugs, sex, gambling, shopping, porn, internet, etc. Show me the horror, bewilderment, frustration, despair, etc. that is caused by your lack of power and control over your addiction. Make me feel the pain and hopelessness that you feel. Show me how it's destroyed your life and what you have to do to satisfy your needs. You have a week. Good luck!


Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 10th Aug 2010
Forum Posts: 86

kicker, the casher
crashing through the halls
of reality
a waste of time
but it feels great
the passage, sublime
but the weight...

where im from, when the drugs run out its referred to as being "kicked" or "cashed" among many others

Fire of Insight
United States 9awards
Joined 28th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 1378

Thanks for kicking things off, ShadowsandWind.

poet Anonymous

Before you reach for a bottle

let me tell you what it means
to wake up with a yellow-stained headache,
your stomach lying next to you
congealing on the floor,
next to cold chinese, and a colder heart
that tries to block out
the whole fucking charade

let me tell you how it feels
to feel your veins burn
with malted kisses, and acid refluxes
while your eyes and their dark halos
pray to a God who isn't listening
now, or last night, when you wanted to die
and turned a cork in silent prayer.

Let me tell you the consequence
of pissing your last fiver away
up a backstreet alley wall,
against the same wall that you'll fuck somebody
you don't even know the name of,
who will take your money and your dignity
before leaving you to rot

and most of all, let me tell you
of the fall to earth in white rooms
when you wake up, and can only crave,
the cold sweats and paranoia
crashing against your brain
in bitter waves-
you'll never feel lips so dry.

Fire of Insight
United States 9awards
Joined 28th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 1378

Thank you, Missy. :)

poet Anonymous


Grow your head they told Alice
invite the beast into your bed
life is for living, not shivering in the shadows
so down the rabbit hole I slipped instead

In youth I wandered past the end of the sidewalk
searching out true north yet found no moss
wild-eyed I wandered on a winding dirt path
frightened and barefoot, my compass lost

My constant companions, the thorny vines
ripping clothes and skin to the marrow
until finally weak and stripped bare
I stumbled into a flowered meadow

The beast in the meadow awoke smiling
offering drink and refuge till I grew stable
its kindness overflowing; a never empty bowl
honoring me at the head of its table

Growing bolder, the beast shared its victims
as together we rolled in the fresh blood
until it covered our bodies from head to toe
belonging washed over me like a flood

I knew not from the moment of our embrace
that sweet innocence had forever flown
for even as the moons shadow crept over my face
the beasts howl was my beacon home

Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672

Crim VS Brenda ! extreme content !

Some of you here know me only as Crim  
a tough lady off the streets  
paid some hard prices there  
loving the smell of tar heroin  
cooking in the morning  
making me gag in anticipation  
of my next fix  
then hitting the ground running  
time ticking the dragon breathing down my neck  
climbing into strange men's cars  
off to the motel it didn't matter  
cos Crim is an evil bitch who loves it rough  
so when they pulled my hair  
or fucked me hard in the ass  
I got off with the most sinister of men  
sucking their cocks  
squirting all over my juicy breasts  
awaiting that sweet cum on my tits  
cos that meant my job was done  
and I could get down to my real pleasure  
shooting dope  
cooking it, loading the rig  
waiting for it to register  
and slam, release riding the elevator all the way down  
into oblivion's arms  
then off to next man  
dope is a demon with a gaping maw  
always demanding to be fed  
a beast, a task master  
fuck, shoot dope, wash and repeat  
then came the Methadone days  
hazy days that I can barely remember  
I came to love that demon too  
no longer fucking for cash  
I became a zombie lost in the fog  
it made me crazy in the end  
all the damage i'd done  
strapped to a table  
poison dripping into my veins  
these were the lonely days  
Crim had deserted me  
I wasn't tough anymore  
screaming obscenities to hell  
Crim's parting words were come  
get this bitch before I rip her in two  
as I lay there struggling with my restraints  
pissing on myself because the docs didn't give a shit  
too afraid of me to let me up I guess  
Brenda is the tender side of me  
who still takes shelter in Crim's shade  
like a butterfly struggling with it's cocoon  
I am trying to emerge  
but I still like to drink  
love sex rough and dirty  
i'm trying to find myself really  
on this trip this journey  
it's led me many places  
made me who I am  

Fire of Insight
United States 9awards
Joined 28th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 1378

Thanks Tornado and Sinful Criminal. Keep 'em coming, DUers.

poet Anonymous

hey, good comp-great entries so far!
my question is-can I write about how addiction affected my life even though I was never an addict? I have had my life shattered a cpl of times over addiction and I only started using cannabis a few yrs ago for medical conditions.
nevertheless, addiction killed my son's father at the age of 27 and my son grew up without a dad..
\also lost my best friend to it...and more.
If you want this from the perspective of the addict though, I totally respect that too. Thank you

poet Anonymous

I see that it does not have to be "drugs" but my only addiction is probably coffee and that would be so boring..I am obsessed with a lot but addicted to little

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 31st May 2013
Forum Posts: 656


Like a conniving temptress  
Allure of the wicked pleasures  
Beckoning the addict in  
Self prescribed body medication  
Inflicted by ones own hands  
Seeking tranquil, stinging asylum  
Pinned down  
                      Ass smacking  
                                                   Hair pulling  
                                                                        Rough sex  
The anti pleasure; but its amazing  
Taking it till I can't anymore  
Breathing hard anticipating what's next  
                                                                   Happy places  
It's mine

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14624

The thing to remember
is that nobody knows the answers
and we are not lepers

there's no one alive
that doesn't have an addiction
some of us were lucky enough it was drugs

you either take drugs to escape
or to expand your mind
most, escape. I know I did
couldn't tell you what I was running from now
'cos I can't remember
that's how trivial it must have been

thirteen, living in a cartoon
with a bag full of petrol at my mouth
'til the fumes ran out and it went white
because I'd been breathing it for so long

they call it progression
which is kind of ironic, because it's more like a free fall
like you're answering
some kind of inner call for self destruction

last love I had was the heroin
Jesus, she was the answer to every problem
her ability to make everything alright
was almost godly
'til she started being the problem
and the fun stops

went to rehab, got clean
got cocky
got back on the gear
went to prison

took the methadone
gave the samples of urine
got treated like dirt on a shoe, spoke down to
told them to go fuck themselves
and their medicine

only thing that worked for me
was the cold turkey
heroin, can't remember the last time I even saw her
and I've stopped missing her

this ain't no sermon
do what works for you, but fucking do it

Fire of Insight
United States 9awards
Joined 28th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 1378

Thank you Kitty and Lep for your entries.

Yeah Miki, I'm cool with that. :)

Goes Without Saying
Twisted Dreamer
United States 3awards
Joined 10th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 92

Mirror, mirror
Can't you see?
These pleasent marks,
For only you and me

My life dwells within my blade
My own blood
A psychotic crave

Who needs friends?
I have a scar already
For every broken heart

Only I know why I hold a silver blade close
It seems to love me the most
Like a kid and their toy
Like momma loved her boy

Tech N9ne demons drumming in my ear
The pain that brings me joy
Isn't going anywhere

They call me devil boy
Never forget that
The reaper said he would take my soul
That blade with crimson
Has already done that

Fire of Insight
United States 9awards
Joined 28th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 1378

Thanks for your entry, UnknownEmo, and welcome to DU.

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