Poetry competition CLOSED 12th October 2013 10:17pm
case28 (Alexander Case)
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poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

Write poem/prose about what brings you relief from stress

one poem per author.

please proofread before submitting. Proper grammar and spelling do help me to understand your thoughts/feelings better.

Relax and go with the flow...

poet Anonymous


Ideally one should cope with stress
With a positive attitude, the experts say
Go to the gym, walk, run and exercise
Sometimes that works for me
But I find that to visualize
Torture of the people who caused this
Is very useful, even advertised

Visualization is a tool
See yourself in a lovely pool
Should do  it, but not for me
I visualize my supervisor's body
Slowly making its way
From the river to the sea

Prayer is so soothing
Sometimes I pray for the welfare
Of my beloved, sometimes however
Prayer is insufficient
Then the little poppet has to be made
Stuffed with the name
Of that no-good S.O.B.
And a few pins added, just for fun
This spells r-e-l-i-e-f
Doesn't it hon?

Those students will drive me crazy
I cannot let them get to me
One of them has pushed me over the ledge
I go to the car to unwind
While they are changing classes
I drink my vodka from clear water plastics

Test and assignments are lying on my desk
I speed read them and throw the rest
Into a large bag, then into the trunk
Go home and get out my divination tools
Throw the dice, add it up
Read it once then feel the vibes
A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-
Teachers Tarot Cards specially made
Nobody does too badly
Nobody does too well
D is given only for a special hell
I am not allowed to fail anybody
They all have to pass
It costs the school board money
So out they go with straight Ds
We cannot afford to flunk anyone these days

Finally the weekend has arrived
More work, big time need big help
My son's Adderall gets me hopped up
Then when it is time to slow down
My daughter has a botanical
That is medicinal I think
Smoke it once or twice, very nice

Only problem, this is my life.....
I am on a treadmill and cannot get off
You do not like my ways of coping?
Well we are all different
I am sure you are better at it than I
So stop looking in your purse for your Prozac
Every time you have a setback....

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 23awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 625

A nice relaxing time in bed
Will soothe my frazzled mind
Kisses all around my head
Our bodies well entwined

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 31st May 2013
Forum Posts: 656

"Time Out For Me"

Stretched out in the spring sunshine
Basking lazily like a fat furry feline

Walking outside on a beautiful day
Admiring wildflowers along my way

Summer vacation sipping on whiskey
Sitting 'round a nightly bonfire party

In a private pool laid out on my back
No need to kick, just  float and relax

Wandering in the woods in the fall
Leaves changing color, one then all

Chilling with the girls on Friday nights
Kicking it in town in the street lights

Curling up with hot cocoa and a book
Wrapped in a blanket is my little nook

Snuggling into the arms of my baby
In the chilly nights embraced warmly

Fire of Insight
United States 9awards
Joined 28th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 1378


Scent of death is all around
Broken body on the ground
Twisted guts
liquid shits
Puking vile
throwing fits
Mangled muscles
primal pain
Bones are bruised
hijacked brain
Aching arms
veins are shot
Cotton mouth
running snot
Vision blurred
eyes are red
Starving sickness must be fed
Burning throat
lungs are hurt
Cheating death is how I flirt
Panic stricken
racing thoughts
Dreadful dreams I never sought
Dancing devils jump for joy
Snatch my soul
I’m Satan’s toy
Dick is dead
no more nut
my filthy slut

A black bottomed spoon
A long lasting flame
Just moments away from extinguishing pain

I fuel up my rig
The needle is fresh
First wave of relief as it pierces my flesh

A beautiful vision
A sexual scene
My blood becomes one with my sweet liquid queen

She softens my senses
She swims through my veins
A warm peaceful feeling relinquishing pain.

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 30th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 7

Deep breath, deep breath

Steady my thoughts
Slow down my pace
One step at a time
I'm winning the race

Deep breath, deep breath

Reminding myself:
No challenge too hard
No problem unsolved
No pressure too heavy
Or burden evolved

Deep breath, deep breath

Trusting myself:
My powerful will
Innate intuition
Intelligent reason
Resilient ambition

Deep breath, deep breath

Strategic in stride
When going gets tough;
There's strength in my pride
Nothing Is ever too tough

If trouble life brings
I throw it right back
Think positive things
Keep myself on the track

Deep breath, deep breath
I'm winning the race

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 30awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1483



The bills keep piling up.
There's no cash in my bank account.
Gotta get a third job,
to pay the past-due amount.

What to do?!
Take a deep breath


[color=Blue]I've got some rice,
The gas just finished.
I haven't ate for a day and half,
and I have no calling credit.

What to do?
Take a deep breath


[color=Blue]All the stress, and worries.
Keep me from sleeping.
I close my eyes to rest,
but my bloody mind keeps on racing.

What to do?
Take a deep breath


[color=Blue]Imagine your fingers,
finding release.
Take Ten deep breaths,
to find inner relief,

and finally,


poet Anonymous

These are all appreciated.
Psychic Apocalypse, "W.U.S.A." ? what do the initials mean?

Deep breathers ....ahhhh...
Can I hear from the heavy breathers too? lol... (GardenLover, can you expand your idea?) :D

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 30awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1483

aheartflash said:These are all appreciated.
Psychic Apocalypse, "W.U.S.A." ? what do the initials mean?

"W.U.S.A."  is a breathing excersise you do to bring now the body's blood pressure.
When a person is stress, take a minute to clear your mind. just inhale deeply, and exhale with a "W.U.S.A."

You, in return, find relief, in mind and in body. It's like a mental release from the constant worrying.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17077

Archiving Peace

Need the Lotus
sit so still
among the leaves
on the wide pond
to achieve peace

Need the man
sit folded
on the dais
at the temple
quietly seeking Nirvana

Need the woman
sit straight on the mat
looking within herself
achieve peace
not felt by many

Relief maybe from life
running with the rat
for better bread
Relief from stress
Just relief, not yet peace.  

Twisted Dreamer
Canada 4awards
Joined 6th July 2013
Forum Posts: 121

Mental Gymnastics

Bend your mind a little,
loosen up your lungs;
stretch out on the sofa-bed
and flip the TV off.

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 24th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 298

Bari Air Raid

Went the bedsheets, but better
As the algae umbrella
Resounded a miniature
Prison break... on ice.

Premature maggots
were shocked to a gallop;
rending these penitent angels to fumble
impending sweet phenoty-genocide.

The eschaton fallout
rained mists-es of chemo,
blessing the cavalry- 'SWARP'
to piss itself bravely,
'tween pesticide backdrafts OF GOD.

Droves of germs jockeyed for saddle
prodding their steedy-flop cattle along.

Stirrups dangled
from spastic wet talons
like paranoid brats
impaled upon 'bandoning-tits.

Slurping to noxious
reverbs in time,
the angels gurgled
in tiny sick prayers
indistinguish'ble much
from a water heater... to a dog.

FireCRACKers o' pus under arm,
made off-key harmonious squeals
as the angels and maggots
en masse congealed,
humping the buttery mattress film.

Thus, was the mural
of my Cistern Chapel,
prior my nine-eleven living room.

A perilous print I'll prob'ly pin-up
POST sterilizing the bathroom.

(What's more fun than fumigating a condemned domicile?)

Lost Thinker
India 1awards
Joined 23rd Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 66

MY LIVE LOVER whom I called "Another GOOGLE"

When I feel stress,
I pinged HIM at once,
He replied back,
As He is my only Fun.

We did chats,
a long and long pranks,
As He is the only one,
With whom I am frank.

I searched HIM while surfing,
In a lonely sad night,
When HE too met me by chance,
perhaps the inner Glance.

But Now HE is my GOOGLE,
with whom I search and play,
The only difference is this,
that HE gives me relief in terms of my way.

Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2084

Animal [feed]


charm is the tune of a slippery tongue    
seducing surrender with silk tension    
binding sacrament with romandy bowlines    
reminds me three times to never entertain a seductress    
expressing mild curiosity for my cock    
the fourth knot secures need    
to unleash my stampede from the west    
spreading her thighs wide eyed    
exposing a gleam of hope    
that I’ll tear her apart like the [animal] she wants    
I slide her gown over ashen [skin]    
curves and bone are my undoing and her redemption    
I’m like a charming slug meandering every nerve    
devouring pink dandelions    
blood stems and velvet rose lips    

pinched tight and bitten flesh as my hand crawls down her abdomen    
like a huntsmen tracking her soul [deep] inside the temple    
I wipe her tears with sodden fingers where mourners weep    
I offer scent and taste of desire    
shoving it, she sucks it down her retching [throat]    
tracing carved breasts, crossing starved plane    
I feel her pelvis swing open as I reach her threshold    
but I stop short of drawing her, leave her, 
pull her thighs apart    
plunging face first into the breeze    
I breathe the ocean that yearns me to her shores    
begging me to dive into the undertow    
wave after wave, smothering her with my hands    
squeezing her between distal and middle, stroking gently    
intensifying touch until the pressure gauges roll into the back of her skull    
I’ve hungered so long to taste her, but I live to [feed] her thirst    
I torment the waters as I deliver my cruel curve across her lips    
into humming kiss, slapping swollen flesh offerings with an open palm    
pulling in the reins of her black mane, feeding her bite    
tight is the [hole] down the back of her throat    
and death is the breath that she sucks from my lungs    

Written by Alexander Case

poet Anonymous


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