Reverse Racism or Reverse Discrimination (part 2 of 2)

Poetry Contest Description
Write a poem on Reverse Racism-does or doesn't it exist? The definition is below.
Reverse Racism or Reverse Discrimination-
"Discrimination against members of a dominant or majority group, especially when resulting from policies established to correct discrimination against members of a minority or disadvantaged group."
One poem per poet maximum.
No collaborations.
Good Luck.
Thanks in advance for entering.
Most know this a fiery, complex subject---please try to be a bit respectful!
"Discrimination against members of a dominant or majority group, especially when resulting from policies established to correct discrimination against members of a minority or disadvantaged group."
One poem per poet maximum.
No collaborations.
Good Luck.
Thanks in advance for entering.

Most know this a fiery, complex subject---please try to be a bit respectful!
Forum Posts: 577
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 577
Umshini wam (Dubul' iBhunu)
Umshini wam mshini wam
Dubul' iBhunu
He taught me to sleep next to a loaded gun
fearing for my safety and the life of my child
and each time I kissed him goodbye
I wondered if we'd be murdered during the night
Umshini wam mshini wam
Dubul' iBhunu
In the wake of a plaasmoord that shook
the foundations of our farming community
we mourned Attie and his beautiful family
killed for no reason but the color of their skin
Umshini wam mshini wam
Dubul' iBhunu
Silent genocide creeps across the country
statistics suppressed to protect foreign investment
a recipe for famine written in the blood
of those who toil to grow agricultural economy
Umshini wam mshini wam
Dubul' iBhunu
"Acceptable" hate speech fuels reverse racism
slow land reform breeds a second Zimbabwe
and every time he kisses me goodbye
I wonder if we'll be murdered during the night
Umshini wam mshini wam
Dubul' iBhunu
In memory of Attie, Wilna and Willemien Potgieter.
Umshini wam mshini wam
Dubul' iBhunu
He taught me to sleep next to a loaded gun
fearing for my safety and the life of my child
and each time I kissed him goodbye
I wondered if we'd be murdered during the night
Umshini wam mshini wam
Dubul' iBhunu
In the wake of a plaasmoord that shook
the foundations of our farming community
we mourned Attie and his beautiful family
killed for no reason but the color of their skin
Umshini wam mshini wam
Dubul' iBhunu
Silent genocide creeps across the country
statistics suppressed to protect foreign investment
a recipe for famine written in the blood
of those who toil to grow agricultural economy
Umshini wam mshini wam
Dubul' iBhunu
"Acceptable" hate speech fuels reverse racism
slow land reform breeds a second Zimbabwe
and every time he kisses me goodbye
I wonder if we'll be murdered during the night
Umshini wam mshini wam
Dubul' iBhunu
In memory of Attie, Wilna and Willemien Potgieter.

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Joined 10th June 2013
Forum Posts: 19
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 19
How is it that, "We the People,"
Who were born in this land of
plenty have to now take a
And not hurt the feelings of
a people who are known for,
"Terrorism, Intolerance and
being Extreme,"
We have a, "President," who
demands that we do not say or
do anything that offends them
even in our own land
We're having to give-up our
morals and already pre-established
beliefs, just so that we don't do
anything that rubs them the wrong
He says that if against them we,
Then we're bigots and can be charged
with an hate-crime
Somehow this seems to be, "Crossing
the Line,"
We're supposed to be living in a nation
that respects everyone's civil-right,
to life, liberty and the pursuit of
But these are a people who do not live
this way at all
It seems as though, "Our Backs are being
put up against the Wall,"
I think we're seeing our democracy before
our eyes fall
And we're not allowed to say or do
anything at all
Don't get me wrong, I don't hate any man
or his personal ideology but don't
discriminate or annihilate if I choose
to not agree.
Who were born in this land of
plenty have to now take a
And not hurt the feelings of
a people who are known for,
"Terrorism, Intolerance and
being Extreme,"
We have a, "President," who
demands that we do not say or
do anything that offends them
even in our own land
We're having to give-up our
morals and already pre-established
beliefs, just so that we don't do
anything that rubs them the wrong
He says that if against them we,
Then we're bigots and can be charged
with an hate-crime
Somehow this seems to be, "Crossing
the Line,"
We're supposed to be living in a nation
that respects everyone's civil-right,
to life, liberty and the pursuit of
But these are a people who do not live
this way at all
It seems as though, "Our Backs are being
put up against the Wall,"
I think we're seeing our democracy before
our eyes fall
And we're not allowed to say or do
anything at all
Don't get me wrong, I don't hate any man
or his personal ideology but don't
discriminate or annihilate if I choose
to not agree.

Gypsy Red
Joined 18th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 905
Gypsy Red
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 905
“Too white to be black and too black to be considered white”.
I am Creole, too white to be black, too black to be white.
Every day of my life this has been a fight.
Where exactly do I and mine fit in?
Where does the hate stop and the acceptance begin?
The darker brothers and sisters dislike us because we are so light,
And the whites hate us because we are the “dingy white”.
Confusion follows those that are like me,
because our heritage(both) makes no allowances for us to just, be.
We became an entity on to our selves,
a people with our own languages and sense of self.
No matter the mix, the pidgin languages we speak
are rich with culture our ancestors lived and breathed.
It is in the dances we sway to and the music we hear,
In the food we love and unique words we hold dear.
Africa is ever present in the percussion of our drums
along with the string instruments we have learned to strum.
We are dingy white to high yellow,
mulatto light to dark black “Moreno”.
We speak French, Spanish and Portuguese
but what we are not is a plague or a disease.
We are cultured and proud, we are learned and free
and where we choose to be, we will be,
I am Creole, too white to be black, too black to be white.
This has been a fight every day of my life.
Where exactly do I and mine fit in? Here!
Where does the hate stop and the acceptance begin? Now!
Educate yourselves; learn who you are without fear,
and embrace your cultures proudly let them always be avowed.
*Note from author: Many people confuse Creole with being Cajun,
Cajun or Acadian are French white settlers in the Louisiana territories, Appalachia and other places.
Creoles are by no means Cajuns;Creole is black(slave)white (French,Spanish or Portuguese) mix.
We live in the southern US and Caribbean.
At one time there where even different degrees of black:
1. Octoroon = One eighth black
2. Mulatto = One half black
3. Quadroon = one quarter black
4. (Spanish) Jabáo = White skinned of Black decent with kinky hair
** Food for thought:
Creoles have no derogatory word for black people,
the word “nigger”(by the way means ignorant, not black) for us does not exist.
Gypsy Red
I am Creole, too white to be black, too black to be white.
Every day of my life this has been a fight.
Where exactly do I and mine fit in?
Where does the hate stop and the acceptance begin?
The darker brothers and sisters dislike us because we are so light,
And the whites hate us because we are the “dingy white”.
Confusion follows those that are like me,
because our heritage(both) makes no allowances for us to just, be.
We became an entity on to our selves,
a people with our own languages and sense of self.
No matter the mix, the pidgin languages we speak
are rich with culture our ancestors lived and breathed.
It is in the dances we sway to and the music we hear,
In the food we love and unique words we hold dear.
Africa is ever present in the percussion of our drums
along with the string instruments we have learned to strum.
We are dingy white to high yellow,
mulatto light to dark black “Moreno”.
We speak French, Spanish and Portuguese
but what we are not is a plague or a disease.
We are cultured and proud, we are learned and free
and where we choose to be, we will be,
I am Creole, too white to be black, too black to be white.
This has been a fight every day of my life.
Where exactly do I and mine fit in? Here!
Where does the hate stop and the acceptance begin? Now!
Educate yourselves; learn who you are without fear,
and embrace your cultures proudly let them always be avowed.
*Note from author: Many people confuse Creole with being Cajun,
Cajun or Acadian are French white settlers in the Louisiana territories, Appalachia and other places.
Creoles are by no means Cajuns;Creole is black(slave)white (French,Spanish or Portuguese) mix.
We live in the southern US and Caribbean.
At one time there where even different degrees of black:
1. Octoroon = One eighth black
2. Mulatto = One half black
3. Quadroon = one quarter black
4. (Spanish) Jabáo = White skinned of Black decent with kinky hair
** Food for thought:
Creoles have no derogatory word for black people,
the word “nigger”(by the way means ignorant, not black) for us does not exist.
Gypsy Red
Gypsy Red
Joined 18th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 905
Gypsy Red
Tyrant of Words

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Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1541
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1541
The reverse of racism and discrimination is the absence of racism and discrimination. Hatred is universal. Everyone can feel it and act on it as individuals. Racism is institutionalized and those not in power have no ability to be racists. They can be plenty prejudiced, but racist people belong to an organized and empowered group.
If the truth is evolution
Or if God determines our blessed fate
Never mind his absolution
When it's easier to separate than release your hate
Wouldn't it be the solution
To run away from what's inside of you?
Never mind a resolution
When it's easier to cast blame on everyone but you
I admire all those who've tried
Whose lives demonstrated a peaceful way
Never mind those heroes who've died
When it's easier to quietly waste your life away
Don't believe everything you hear
Or reflect with contempt, hate they don't hide
Never mind overcoming fear
When it's easier to mask your hatred behind your pride
Pride is an arrogant parent
Suckling its growing prejudice child
In my mind it is transparent
And grows easier to see through the higher up it's piled
If the truth is evolution
Or if God determines our blessed fate
Never mind his absolution
When it's easier to separate than release your hate
Wouldn't it be the solution
To run away from what's inside of you?
Never mind a resolution
When it's easier to cast blame on everyone but you
I admire all those who've tried
Whose lives demonstrated a peaceful way
Never mind those heroes who've died
When it's easier to quietly waste your life away
Don't believe everything you hear
Or reflect with contempt, hate they don't hide
Never mind overcoming fear
When it's easier to mask your hatred behind your pride
Pride is an arrogant parent
Suckling its growing prejudice child
In my mind it is transparent
And grows easier to see through the higher up it's piled
Joined 28th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 5085
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5085
Setting sparks
I huddled with the gathering
friends kin fellowmen
righteous proud stock
as Suns burn defeating eclipse
The rue hung thickened colour
sordid horrid tales
listed offenders discovered
of the sad crying Mothers
Colonel's rage in sequined esteem
waves of rage
setting the sparks
militant soap-box derby races across
Knowledge and pride turned worse
not work, perverse
vandalizing good words
so all left there hating
I huddled with the gathering
friends kin fellowmen
righteous proud stock
as Suns burn defeating eclipse
The rue hung thickened colour
sordid horrid tales
listed offenders discovered
of the sad crying Mothers
Colonel's rage in sequined esteem
waves of rage
setting the sparks
militant soap-box derby races across
Knowledge and pride turned worse
not work, perverse
vandalizing good words
so all left there hating

Winner soon fellow poets....strider!

Thank you for entering and going out on a limb....strider!
Joined 28th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 5085
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5085
Congrats Shadoe-such a unique Write!!!
(humbled for the runner Sir--excellent comps You posted)
(humbled for the runner Sir--excellent comps You posted)
Forum Posts: 577
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 577
Thank you for hosting such a wonderful comp Strider.