Questions of sanity..
Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 823
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 823
Poetry Contest Description
To truly question your sanity, often drives you to insanity..
Often in my writing, it comes out that I question my sanity on a very serious level, and I find that those are the writes that I feel the deepest of emotions with.
I'm curious about how many others feel the same way.
Up to two poems per poet..
Old or new..
Any style of write..
I want to see poems where, you felt the most intense emotion, questioning your own sanity.
The more detail on emotion felt, the better.
Hint: visual writes are generally most impressive to me..
I'm curious about how many others feel the same way.
Up to two poems per poet..
Old or new..
Any style of write..
I want to see poems where, you felt the most intense emotion, questioning your own sanity.
The more detail on emotion felt, the better.
Hint: visual writes are generally most impressive to me..

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Joined 4th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 186
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 186
The Bitter End
If I was transparent
the world could see
The little girl
and the lion in me
Sometimes i wonder
can god tell us apart?
Does he see the anger
that blankets my heart?
The light in me
slowly faded
The price you pay
when all love is jaded
I am not at fault
my hands are clean
Yet damage surrounds me
more is forseen
Crumbling under the weight
of this head
Starting to think
my angels are dead
The footprints of others
all over my skin
My love not returned
tossed in the bin
Boiling point
I don't even care
I now look at life
with a cold hard stare
Blood of my blood
denying the shame
Nobody's child
A borrowed name
The edge creeping closer
with every breath
Is it truth that sets you free
is it really death?
Buried inside this version of me
Loosing my grip on reality
Close to explosion
I am about to blow
The rage inside leaking
A constant flow
If I could just hold on
until I go insane
Set my mind free
make a stranger of pain
I don't think I can
contain this blast
Send my soul salvation
blank out the past
So sick and tired
this ageing struggle
When i close my eyes
I see the piles of rubble
I fight back, get up
try and try some more
It's always the same
I land face on the floor
When you scream out
as I have done
Take a good look
what I have become
As you beg for mercy
A desperate face
Watch me walk away
you drown in disgrace
It won't be long now
until the bitter end
The moment has passed
to slow my descend
Why could nobody see
what I was worth?
Faintly beating heart
abandoned at birth
Now justice is just
an empty word
I could have been saved
if my cries had been heard.
The Bitter End
If I was transparent
the world could see
The little girl
and the lion in me
Sometimes i wonder
can god tell us apart?
Does he see the anger
that blankets my heart?
The light in me
slowly faded
The price you pay
when all love is jaded
I am not at fault
my hands are clean
Yet damage surrounds me
more is forseen
Crumbling under the weight
of this head
Starting to think
my angels are dead
The footprints of others
all over my skin
My love not returned
tossed in the bin
Boiling point
I don't even care
I now look at life
with a cold hard stare
Blood of my blood
denying the shame
Nobody's child
A borrowed name
The edge creeping closer
with every breath
Is it truth that sets you free
is it really death?
Buried inside this version of me
Loosing my grip on reality
Close to explosion
I am about to blow
The rage inside leaking
A constant flow
If I could just hold on
until I go insane
Set my mind free
make a stranger of pain
I don't think I can
contain this blast
Send my soul salvation
blank out the past
So sick and tired
this ageing struggle
When i close my eyes
I see the piles of rubble
I fight back, get up
try and try some more
It's always the same
I land face on the floor
When you scream out
as I have done
Take a good look
what I have become
As you beg for mercy
A desperate face
Watch me walk away
you drown in disgrace
It won't be long now
until the bitter end
The moment has passed
to slow my descend
Why could nobody see
what I was worth?
Faintly beating heart
abandoned at birth
Now justice is just
an empty word
I could have been saved
if my cries had been heard.
Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 823
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 823
Very good!! Thank you for starting out this competition!!
Joined 4th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 186
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 186
Visit Mum Day
Knots in my stomach
I hate feeling this way
I thicken my skin
It's visit mum day
I walk down the hall
it feels it has no end
Take a deep breath
as I approach the bend
I walk in the room
wishing for a warm embrace
She glares with caution
at the strangers face
I place the flowers down
draw the curtains back
She looks at me like
I am about to attack
She starts screaming loudly
she says it's not true
I do have a daughter
It is not you
Who are you really?
why are you here?
It breaks my heart
her undeniable fear
I walk out the room
try to catch my breath
I wonder if a life lived
and forgotten is worse than death
Maybe I shouldn't have come
because now she's upset
I remind myself
she can't choose who to forget
As I exit the car park
my tyres spin on the gravel
I swear I can feel my heart
start to unravel
This torture in a way
I do to myself
I could never put her
on the too hard shelf
Visit Mum Day
Knots in my stomach
I hate feeling this way
I thicken my skin
It's visit mum day
I walk down the hall
it feels it has no end
Take a deep breath
as I approach the bend
I walk in the room
wishing for a warm embrace
She glares with caution
at the strangers face
I place the flowers down
draw the curtains back
She looks at me like
I am about to attack
She starts screaming loudly
she says it's not true
I do have a daughter
It is not you
Who are you really?
why are you here?
It breaks my heart
her undeniable fear
I walk out the room
try to catch my breath
I wonder if a life lived
and forgotten is worse than death
Maybe I shouldn't have come
because now she's upset
I remind myself
she can't choose who to forget
As I exit the car park
my tyres spin on the gravel
I swear I can feel my heart
start to unravel
This torture in a way
I do to myself
I could never put her
on the too hard shelf
Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 823
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 823
Joined 19th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 8
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 8
Everyday I wake up and I wounder to my self"why aren't you in a mental hospital?"I try to get out of my bed but this question still lingers through my mind.
Int he blazing heat that is my room.
Or the cold freshness in the living room.
I don't know why I am still in my house. In my bed. In this world.
People still don't see the corruption that our leader has brought up on us.
I know it's not all his fault. It is ours.
Are we truly going to live like this. Our forefathers didn't want this.
I don't want this. Because of this I cried in school.
My mind is in shambles.
I'm going to go insane if this continues.
The songs I hear, they are right.
We need to stand up for what we believe is right.
Stop the evil in this world.
The darkness will be our end.
Just listen to me for once World Of Unfair...
I woke up this morning to find that question in my mind again.
But this time it was more harsher.
It's yelling at me.
"Why are you letting this happen!"
I told the voice that I'm just a kid what am I to do.
It replied back to me."Does it look like this is a face that cares? No because it is yours! You don't really care do you!"
I am at wits' end.
I told it to stop.
It didn't.
It kept going.
so I yelled at it."Just leave me alone! I don' need to hear this! I have problems! so do you! Your me right? So does that mean that you don't care about this mess up world we live in?"
It didn't say anything.
"Just shut up! Go away! I don't like you! I don't like me! go away!"
All I heard were my tears.
I realized that I was having another breakdown.
I have truly gone insane.
So please some one help me.
Don't go insane.
Like me...
Joined 15th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 267
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 267
Somethings Missing
I've searched
high and low
and here and there
I've looked everywhere
in my mind and
in my heart
I've even looked in the dark
back through time
and in the now
but its nowhere
to be found
I've poured through words
line upon line
every structure and every rhyme
I've dug through my soul
time and again
looked to the thoughts deep within
I've searched the day
and through the night
so elusive when it hides
under the bed
and behind the couch
but still it cannot be found
in the closets
that are overstuffed
I'm starting to miss it
very much
the basement is full
but its not there
I even went and looked upstairs
I've looked on the shelves
at the store
but can;t find it to buy some more
in the car
even under the seats
popped the trunk to look and see
in desperation
I've sifted through
the box of papers in my room
its not in the cabinets
where we keep
all of the important things
I'm not sure
where else to look
maybe in a dusty book
perhaps I left it
in my jeans
with candy wrappers
and different things
or in the pocket
of my coat
on a hanger?
I don't know
but I know
I must admit
that today I am missing it
so I'll go
through my day today
and I will try to be okay
missing things
that make me whole
I guess I'll just have to cope
in my life
I've lost many things
but I really miss sanity
I've searched
high and low
and here and there
I've looked everywhere
in my mind and
in my heart
I've even looked in the dark
back through time
and in the now
but its nowhere
to be found
I've poured through words
line upon line
every structure and every rhyme
I've dug through my soul
time and again
looked to the thoughts deep within
I've searched the day
and through the night
so elusive when it hides
under the bed
and behind the couch
but still it cannot be found
in the closets
that are overstuffed
I'm starting to miss it
very much
the basement is full
but its not there
I even went and looked upstairs
I've looked on the shelves
at the store
but can;t find it to buy some more
in the car
even under the seats
popped the trunk to look and see
in desperation
I've sifted through
the box of papers in my room
its not in the cabinets
where we keep
all of the important things
I'm not sure
where else to look
maybe in a dusty book
perhaps I left it
in my jeans
with candy wrappers
and different things
or in the pocket
of my coat
on a hanger?
I don't know
but I know
I must admit
that today I am missing it
so I'll go
through my day today
and I will try to be okay
missing things
that make me whole
I guess I'll just have to cope
in my life
I've lost many things
but I really miss sanity

<< post removed >>
Joined 8th May 2013
Forum Posts: 3
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 3
All the World has been forgotten
Slipped through my mind
like water through a screen
Sanity giving way to chaos.
Without the my world
I question wether I am real
without my sanity
I question my exsistence
Am I real?
or is this Surreal?
Is this really me?
or have you truely gone.
All the World has been forgotten
Slipped through my mind
like water through a screen
Sanity giving way to chaos.
Without the my world
I question wether I am real
without my sanity
I question my exsistence
Am I real?
or is this Surreal?
Is this really me?
or have you truely gone.
Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 823
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 823
Very nice, Madame, and Missing peace.. Very good.. This is going to be tough to judge!! KEEP EM COMING!!
Forum Posts: 232
Thought Provoker
Joined 17th Dec 2011 
Forum Posts: 232
All the walls are closing in
Surronded by the past
Walking in sin
Blinded for my lust for evil and cruelty
I'm not really mean
I just enjoy the taught of killing
Vile,wicked countless acts I've commited
And got away with
Should I be stoped
For acting out my taughts that make me happy
I try looking for the answer
To why I am the way I am
Maybe a dark path
Was a road I'd always had to take
Destiny or faith
Which ever you fancy
For my will is lost
Week thrown into the dust
The sins I've commited
Shape who I've become
I smile upon the christen idea of hell
For when I die maybe I should suffer
Drink my tears andf swallow bowls of sulpher
To ease my concinse by confessing my sin to the evil father
Live each day in burning fire
For the hurt I've caused my fellow brothers and sisters
Only in hell shalt I mutter my failures
My sins....
I enter darkness
Which called me for so many years
To darkness who I loved to answer
I am a sinner
Dweller of pain
A lover of evil
I greet the fallen with kisses and hugs
Its good to know
That I'm not alone
In this resting place
Of brimstone and fire
Welcome me beautiful darkness
Who called to me on earth
To spread thy will
Of brutality and hurt
Open your arms oh darkness
Cradle me in the abyss
Of countless pain and suffering
I see now I was foolish
I see now I was a fool
Rejoicing in the act of the moment
Like a begger
Who found a jewl
Only thinking ,living for my sin
Its only a pity
Its only a pity
That the pleasure in disobediance
Must always have an end
An emotional mental scare created within
See I got a revelation
Conviction of self
Life is not short
infact it is long
For those who suffer
In constant agony and pain
Short quick death will never come
Its like a joke
On sinners that will never be done
Till you end up confessing your crimes
And to beautiful hell you run........
Surronded by the past
Walking in sin
Blinded for my lust for evil and cruelty
I'm not really mean
I just enjoy the taught of killing
Vile,wicked countless acts I've commited
And got away with
Should I be stoped
For acting out my taughts that make me happy
I try looking for the answer
To why I am the way I am
Maybe a dark path
Was a road I'd always had to take
Destiny or faith
Which ever you fancy
For my will is lost
Week thrown into the dust
The sins I've commited
Shape who I've become
I smile upon the christen idea of hell
For when I die maybe I should suffer
Drink my tears andf swallow bowls of sulpher
To ease my concinse by confessing my sin to the evil father
Live each day in burning fire
For the hurt I've caused my fellow brothers and sisters
Only in hell shalt I mutter my failures
My sins....
I enter darkness
Which called me for so many years
To darkness who I loved to answer
I am a sinner
Dweller of pain
A lover of evil
I greet the fallen with kisses and hugs
Its good to know
That I'm not alone
In this resting place
Of brimstone and fire
Welcome me beautiful darkness
Who called to me on earth
To spread thy will
Of brutality and hurt
Open your arms oh darkness
Cradle me in the abyss
Of countless pain and suffering
I see now I was foolish
I see now I was a fool
Rejoicing in the act of the moment
Like a begger
Who found a jewl
Only thinking ,living for my sin
Its only a pity
Its only a pity
That the pleasure in disobediance
Must always have an end
An emotional mental scare created within
See I got a revelation
Conviction of self
Life is not short
infact it is long
For those who suffer
In constant agony and pain
Short quick death will never come
Its like a joke
On sinners that will never be done
Till you end up confessing your crimes
And to beautiful hell you run........
Joined 16th July 2013
Forum Posts: 34
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 34
Quack Doctors
Looking in the mirror
my reflection repulses me.
My hair, all tangled and straggly,
my white clothes baggy and unappealing.
I guess I am resigned to sealing myself away,
to keep 'her' at bay.
I glance around the room, all the bare plastic…
No sharp objects, that's the new rule,
ever since I stabbed that nurse…
things haven't been as cool
for me.
They always yank me around now,
I am not a head of cow to be herded around…
I am a human being!
Well two….two human beings.
Or is it just one?
This is where I get a little confused.
I am so used to her being with me,
shielding me and helping me,
she is a part of me….
but my shrink keeps telling me she isn't real,
which is laughable to me, because I know she is!
I've spoken to her on numerous accounts, daily!
But they don't understand her, or me.
They don't know what we have been through,
the lives we lived,
the things we survived.
The cold nights of terror,
ice cold tingling of fear in our veins,
she is what kept me restrained
from pure madness.
And these quack doctors want to say she isn't real??
Looking in the mirror
my reflection repulses me.
My hair, all tangled and straggly,
my white clothes baggy and unappealing.
I guess I am resigned to sealing myself away,
to keep 'her' at bay.
I glance around the room, all the bare plastic…
No sharp objects, that's the new rule,
ever since I stabbed that nurse…
things haven't been as cool
for me.
They always yank me around now,
I am not a head of cow to be herded around…
I am a human being!
Well two….two human beings.
Or is it just one?
This is where I get a little confused.
I am so used to her being with me,
shielding me and helping me,
she is a part of me….
but my shrink keeps telling me she isn't real,
which is laughable to me, because I know she is!
I've spoken to her on numerous accounts, daily!
But they don't understand her, or me.
They don't know what we have been through,
the lives we lived,
the things we survived.
The cold nights of terror,
ice cold tingling of fear in our veins,
she is what kept me restrained
from pure madness.
And these quack doctors want to say she isn't real??
Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 823
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 823
Very good!! Keep em coming people!!
Joined 19th July 2013
Forum Posts: 4
Strange Creature

Forum Posts: 4
Running down the street
the shadow behind me
a figure chasing my body down an alley
an alley i'm not even in
i'm in a small room
brick walls
cameras everywhere
i'm being watched
i'm running
but i'm not going anywhere
tied down to a chair
they say they care
do i belong here?
who knows i'm here?
i have to go to work tomorrow
i can't be crazy right now.
but i'm being chased
running for my life
he catches me
i feel the sting of his hand
his hand across my face
fingers stinging my cheeks
i'm struggling
tugging on the restraints on my wrists
kicking at the ones on my ankles
i can't move
and then i realize.
i'm not losing it
i lost it a long time ago.
this isn't a chase
it's just another day.
just another day as a schizophrenic.
just another day as a psych patient.
the shadow behind me
a figure chasing my body down an alley
an alley i'm not even in
i'm in a small room
brick walls
cameras everywhere
i'm being watched
i'm running
but i'm not going anywhere
tied down to a chair
they say they care
do i belong here?
who knows i'm here?
i have to go to work tomorrow
i can't be crazy right now.
but i'm being chased
running for my life
he catches me
i feel the sting of his hand
his hand across my face
fingers stinging my cheeks
i'm struggling
tugging on the restraints on my wrists
kicking at the ones on my ankles
i can't move
and then i realize.
i'm not losing it
i lost it a long time ago.
this isn't a chase
it's just another day.
just another day as a schizophrenic.
just another day as a psych patient.