Poetry competition CLOSED 2nd July 2013 1:22am
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o brave new world

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

Poetry Contest

I don’t want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want sin.
you write the fucking thing.
i pick the winner.
2 weeks.

Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596

.:BUG OUT…not:.

Oh God what’s love?
What’s love got to do with it?
Got to do, Got to do, Got to come on true with it
Out of the closet, new day, same trends
Where some stay cool. Some have lost friends
Meanwhile, Blue Boy, He’s still hanging tough with it
Wishing he were thoroughly, absolutely through with it
It’s a lifestyle, hard to get used to it
Cocktails of Heads & Tails…Si, senor,
That’s what it entails. Living, breathing as one of the post males
Like most tales, Blue Boy, he got caught in the middle
Now a card-carrying member of the continuing riddle
Success? The next day when any day could be fatal
Life that’s the label, now called get up and be able
For Blue Boy this wasn’t always was the case.
This is just a sketch of what he had to face
See The Bug…No   it ain’t the main story
Blue’s Life came unhinged, then it got kinda gory
Death on the side had ‘em submit to a binge
Docs in smocks, they had traced that syringe
Remember Denzel. Played his part pretty well
American Gangster had something to sell
But the real deal we know is still on the street
In the faces of most the people we meet
Living their life…day at a time
Trying to stay healthy…Body & Mind
Some will lose and some will win
Some will do both with a
grimace anna_ grin

poet Anonymous

Brave New World

Eyes on Soma, blink
take in the scene, complain
satiate the need through another vein
there's a stain on every remaining day
lay low til the muffles fade
watch the parade float by
jokers on show, selling tickets
who's to know...
call a bluff or get a curtain drawn
a call? missed, lost
it's all a show
big tent, bigger top
stay to yourself
it's all gonna pop
explode in silence
while we sleep

poet Anonymous



Those seeking comfort shall not find it

You cannot always get what you want


Those seeking God will be ignored

You are being tested


If you want poetry write your own

Paper and tampax is to bleed on


If you want danger come visit me

I live on 8 mile in Detroit


If you want freedom give it to yourself

Let yourself go


If you want goodness, give it to others

My but your teeth look sharp


If you want sin, it will find you

Satan knows where you live


D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 40awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483

Price for Freedom


Fighting soldiers since time immemorial
They fought and died so that others my live
Is that a fair price for all their sacrifices?
Oh brave new WORLD,
when will you ever learn?

How about the innocent lives lost
when we came trampling upon
the sacred shores of a sovereign nation,
so that we may impose upon them
their so called FREEDOM?
Oh brave new WORLD,
what a waste!

Is a million barrels of oil per day
enough to compensate for a life taken,
or that is not enough
that's why we can't stop?
Oh brave new WORLD,
why are you so greedy?

What do we know about FREEDOM?
While it's true that we are free
to do and say what we want,
yet we are bound
by laws and regulations,
and full of uncertainties
what tomorrow brings.
We could not even hunt for food,
nor catch fish for free...
and you call that FREEDOM?

With FREEDOM comes
certain rights and responsibilities.
What do we need to give up
to enjoy the fruits of FREEDOM?

The list could go on and on,
yet at the end of the day
do we really know exactly
the actual price for FREEDOM?
Maybe not, until we lost it
but who cares...just give me
my fucking freedom--I want it back!

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

Dis Ain't No Place For You Boy (revised)

He told me this was a place of fallen angels 
Marked by the furies who marched on Towers and Ramparts
And all were readying a place for me as I passed through the 
wrought iron Gates should I too stumble and fall 

There are only two days that count
Your first day in and
Your first day out 

He taught me this lesson as he had others
In whispers

And although I had only seen one octave in the  light and the dark 
I recognized the trappings of the City of Dis as a bastard conceived in her defiled Walls 

I walked and lived with Him among her murderers, seducers, 
heretics, thieves, and sorcerers 
They smiled at me
Shook my hand 
Patted my head 
Welcomed me

One beckoned me, with His consent
I went
Through charcoal skin and baritone tremble he read to me,

Thou wilt see the guilty on this day linked together in chains, 
Their raiment of pitch, and the Fire covering their faces. 14:49-50

Dressed in a proper suit and tie on this sabbath by my mother
Her Southern affections reasoned this would afford me protection
should the city descend to the ninth level 
God would recognize me 
Save me

But He wasn't known?
So why would I be?

His final walls were foretold in his branding


Then fabricated for His peace they counseled me 

One for his 
Head and feet
Chest and back
Left and right 

His father, a holy man, pulled notes from his book and read

We did not make ourselves, we cannot be supreme over ourselves. 
We are not our own masters. 
We are God's property

I dug a Moat around his entombment 
Promised I'd plant cherry blossoms there
Woeful unfulfilled vows of a child

He forgives this of me 
As he crosses the Bridge to whisper once again 

First in my left,

The Lord kills and brings to life; he brings down to Sheol and raises up. Samuel 2:6

Then with a teary kiss to my right, 

Dis ain't no place for you boy

Quotes from: The Quran ~ A Brave New World ~The Torah

poet Anonymous

“Smoke and Mirror Planet”
We’ve chosen this path,
lived like this for an eternity,
been told
the one real god
to the heavens above
to watch
we mortals
contend with
the darker forces
And, the boys
want to be him,
the girls
want to be him,
are we not carbon-copies
of his sacred-image
why envy?
Is not everything
under the sun
so-called divine?
Yet, we crave sin,
we die for it blissfully,
lusting after each other
like there is no tomorrow.
Standing tall,
we're held at bay
by our missing-balls,
praying for Jesus
and other saviors
to make our days happier,
do not all corpses die smiling?
And what if it,
what if
the immaculate kingdom,
never comes on
the backs of horsemen,
all lies.
What harms,
what fouls
have we wrought
in our dance with the devils?
Do we not love them
the same as glory?
we need a war
to kiss him
with his folly!

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 25th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1260

"The Ruins of a Crushed and wary Kingdom"

For it became in the end Sodom Squared a fallen realm
of depraved sciences.  The few who sensed its reckoning had warned them so many times to turn and flee for the
price of greater judgements were coming.

The wars within this world only tore and mangled it's
chance further away.  And the dark mage's of evil sciences continued there demonic summoning.
As well as corrupt and unholy ways.

Testing the limits of God him self in the skies.
They entangled their dreams and hopes far beyond the price of their own lies.

Even the Devil himself was astonished at the ludicrous and pompous propaganda of this court.  To undo the sciences that once made them whole.  Only to dig deeper into the darkest and inescapable hole.        

A holocaust of unimaginable proportions.  Tore away at the foundations of this solidified great peoples realm.
For instead they traded the olive branch for the spear.
And War was upon the dawning helm.

For in those bleak days the grounds would shake.
Great pillars of fire and smoke scorched like
infinite sky snakes.  The army's promised a better World soon a brave one for sure.  But the birth-pains of the old one must come to pass. Regardless of the
innocence for in this World that was the one thing unable to last.  

Fire of Insight
United States 10awards
Joined 29th May 2012
Forum Posts: 711

list of 22 rules to always abide by

the human brain-

full grown
on average weighs
3 lbs.

general of
than body

a surface confines.

i'm that's hope
give girls love

shalt had from that
colleen's coffee pink

early already down to.

into blade
every will entire.

sure need
become nature


[there are no typos, this is how it was meant to be]

Fire of Insight
United States 10awards
Joined 29th May 2012
Forum Posts: 711

double post =/

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 11th June 2013
Forum Posts: 322

My Coke Bottle

My coke bottle was thin, but just sharp enough to break skin.
I carved out the words "free" on my foot.
So, whenever I would run, I'd be running to freedom.
Wherever that is.
You can't get freedom in the east side.
too much shooting and sex and gang violence.
maybe I would have to be in this place for a long time later
but at least I could have a physical remembrance to never give up
to never lose hope
to never let someone bring me down.
to never forget, that one day, I would be FREE.

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14605

the scene,
well, the scene went much the same way
that's it's always been in the end
groups of men and women
bent over backwards for the thrill of it

others knelt before gold, whipped themselves with rods
blasphemed Mohamed
and all the other Gods that kept watch from the heavens
until they broke,

then the shit hit.

poet Anonymous



the god particle; the culmination
of distance into atoms
spoonfed by all who drove
in arched packs towards ends
through the blurring of thought,
the finished grandure
of stationary dreams
held captive


the fluid in my lungs,
the expelled stars that linger
with you, you strange suns
growing blood clots on the sky
one killing after the next,
that sat and wept with hollows
in the smalls of backs
with foetal eyes


I carve Lucifer's heart
into shapes that mourn freedom
of hours passed; the descent
into the warming abstract
rising from the pavement,
dog-ends reborn with halos
against the patchwork,
the damned, the incomplete

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2374

I will give you god
in the static background
behind these beautiful im
perfections. There is truth
in order, but the marrows tooth
bites growth in discrepancy. I
will give you goodness in the
sincerity of indiscretion.

I will steal for you the skeleton
of a poem, and stack its spine with
the discipline of crafting absurdity.
You reader, decide if the intuitive
math presented, equates to bleeding

weaving through vertebrate.

I can not give you sin
as my separation sets free
restriction, and the stagnant
unity that demands constriction
seams to me a write not worth living.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367


if you didn't win, or be 'runner up' i have very bad taste... all of you

especially lb

but lacey spacey      did a nice abstraction of the concept

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