Poetry competition CLOSED 3rd July 2013 8:47pm
View Profile Poems by RavenofSorrow

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Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 27th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 194

Poetry Contest

growth decay, light dark, involution evolution, ebb and flow, flux and influx
(this is long but its very informative)

The ancients were thoroughly adept at figurative, archetypal, symbolical and enigmatic forms of arcane creative expression.  I want the participators to write a poem about both sides of existence, favoring one or the other, emphasizing coalescence of one and the other, or  comparing, depicting, inspecting or explaining both sides, and truly this seems vague but this concept is universal and can be mirrored infinitely.

Good bad,
feminine masculine,
exploitative or altruistic,
benevolent malevolent,
yin or yang and yoni or phallus,
William Blakes prolific or devouring,
Freud's prohibitive and permissive,
devil god,
decadent to spirit-filled,
involution and evolution of the universe or creatures,
growth and decay of a nation,
serpents being malign and cunning,
serpents also being known for profound wisdom,
good sides of the dark,
bad sides of the light,
and vice versa,
how with my torch of light i could guide you,
i could also blind you,
and with the dark abyss it could scare you,
but it's depth and infinitude can teach you,
of course there is millions more of these examples.

You mold the shadow you cast,
you seed what blooms,
you reap what you sow,
as within as without,
the all is in the all,
the single is in the many,
law of attraction,
the irony of synchronicity,
all aids this whats in your mind creates destiny,
the fabric of reality and your soul conspire esoterically,
your problems,
your strengths,
your affinities,
your vocational roles within the world,
the damn world you were born to in the first place,
as for me i realize there is a lot to learn from this world,
even if it has its faults,
and those faults i see them mirror my karmic outplaying,
and also my dharmic potential,
look up how a neuron is so damn similar to the universe in structure,
as above so below,
the individual psyches mirror the collective of the nation,
the family many ways moreso than not mirror the collective,
viewing reality with pretensions,
reality would likely take on that appearance,
man believes reality to be one thing,
but it may just be something else,
the veils of appearance,
what the vedic sages call Maya,
what martin Heidegger calls mysteria,
the illusions of the modern world,
symbolism is allusions and associations that can be made,
and some occult maxims like as above so below,
aid in this mirroring understanding,
concerning ubiquitous universal happenings,
so write poems about the mirroring nature that is very replete,
and also the many symbolical ways of expression,
like as it rains water permeates the earth,
or how rain is associated with the blues or sadness,
but how very good is it...for rain to fall on dry earth,
or like one of my ryhmes which is,
"there is death for life one sows and of woes as prosperity out of trife".

This is esoteric knowledge and i want to see what others can versify in terms of there own understanding concerning this ebb and flow, flux and influx alternating all-pervading theme of existence, and its countless varying natures.  It's also not always a dichotomy a lot can be explained by the good or bad light or dark, but when you go deeper into symbolical knowledge like i said there can be very good sides to what may seem dark or scary, and very malign sides to what may seem like light and guidance.


poet Anonymous

Beautifully designed competition.
How many poems maximum? New or old?
Any limit on words or genre (type)?

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 27th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 194

all up to you fellow poet, old or new, and as many as you like.. and thank u for the good comment!! and no limit any genre type n i jst updated it to be more understandable

Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596

.:LOST MEN: Survival of The 'illest:.


Dear Child, remember this
         From the upper hand springs the beastly man...
                                          ...the better man if you understand

Know that once I was alone in a desert
       This desert was vast and so immense
                  and I was very lost

Weathered; parched & dry
         Having only a survivor’s frown
                                              I’d kill to be found

So then I prayed

When those feelings of being broken came
                                       I said to the gods & myself

                   “I shall not be of those who die a death as if lame
          So I will dream of being whole
    Allowing might & faith
to take its toll”

      I swayed

Lost and broken; yet
    ready to kill
Life for me
     hadn’t found its thrill

And I rocked
      back & forth
             Then I rocked to & fro
and then…out of nowhere

a stranger appears
                    Map in his hand and
                                   me with my tears


How it sets things aright

I hit that stranger
with all of my

Divine Intervention sending
to kill

My praying
           & swaying

Mapping sense
    ...with each kill

photo: Ahmad Karimi

poet Anonymous



Once our Pagan authority was not questioned

         Now we are thought to associate with the devil

Once we cure people using herbs, incantations

         Now even herbal cures are questioned

Once we were consulted for our wisdom

        Now our wisdom is called superstition

Once we directed the wise use of the earths resources

        Now deforestation and fracking ruin the earth

Once Kings and Queens, learned men and women consulted us

        No longer are we consulted on important things

We can only wait and watch for the catastrophe to occur

It may be too late for us to do anything.

If the accompanying image is too disturbing to members of DUP
I will delete the image.

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

The Masculine in balance with the Feminine: the two becoming one. I wrote this poem when I first came out as Bisexual and Transgender and accepted my Hermaphroditic nature at long last. Powerful stuff!

-{ Maiden Man }-
A Meditation on My Soul  

I have often heard it said, that one can help their nature,
Yet mine is not the hard ways of men, but far, far softer.
I was born in my heart like a maid, romantic, and loving…
Yet, this world often lacks the fairer gift of understanding.
They say men should be rough and rowdy, but I am not!
I have a gentler nature and I am given to: much thought…
Now my face and form are smooth, and I dress feminine.
Does that make me so wicked, for being who I truly am?
Human terms mean naught to one who is beyond them…
Whilst mortal eyes see but little: when they might so look.
Yet I have dreamed of things no mind can comprehend!
I have seen scriptures not written of in any sacred book.
Have you ever yearned with all your heart for any dream,
As, I have yearned to embrace a love with no limitations?
What beauty there is in fantasy: as bubbles in a stream…
The refinement of pleasure amidst joyous celebrations!
I have changed myself, to match my soul, for that is me…
And I shall carry myself, with a more enlightened dignity.
We are born to our nature, whatever that inclines us to!
God does not err, for was it not both as divine and true…
For me to be what I am inside and so display it, without?
And if I call Her my Goddess I will do so with no doubt.
I am what I was made to be, and I will love accordingly,
Mayhap a maid who will love me more, for my honesty!
Stretch forth your heart, as I bid, to embrace my spirit…
And I will be your illumination as you evolve beyond this,
The realm that would entrap and ensnare us as it sees fit!
Take my hand, and be the one to know my wanton kiss.
I am freedom, I am passion and I cannot be aught else…
Will she come to me, my dream lover, and become real?
I pray, that she will come to see the grace in how I felt…
When first I dreamed of a love that could, my soul, steal.
I can be her lover, her sister, her friend, and her beacon.
There is potential within me that I must not let weaken…
For I am a lady as much as a lord, for I am whole inside.
I have embraced a greater balance, and in it I will abide!
Let no man judge me for choosing the path I must walk,
It was preordained how I would look and think and talk.
I cannot change and go back to being what is not myself,
For I am true to my nature and in that is priceless wealth.
On the morrow I shall hope to glimpse the dawning sun…
Like a child I shall behold it, and see the newness of day.
I was as giddy for the moon, when this night had begun…
For I must indulge both joys, since that was ever my way.
Shall I love the lad within you lass, with such lusty fervor?
What a complex thing the soul can be, and yet so simple!
I would have you see me as I truly am and thusly confer…
More joys upon you than one gender could ever be able.

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

Here is the second poem I wrote from around the time when that first one "Maiden Man" was written. It has a similar subject to it.

-]} Enchantment’s Bright Star [{-

I wandered today in the gardens behind my home,
Amidst orange tiger lilies, and purple blossoms…
I felt the wind caress my skin, as I did there roam.
And I thought of its’ power, simple yet awesome!
Why do men deny enchantment when it is so fair?
There is so much beauty in this world, to embrace.
Can I describe for you delights beyond compare…
Such as the softness of silk, the touch of fine lace?
I do not see as male or female, as mortal or divine.
My eyes need no label, to define the things beheld,
As I anoint my lips, so that they are as red as wine.
I seek after the sensual, and for pleasures well felt,
For God is in the moment, and I seek illumination!
I find it in places and feelings where few will seek.
There is much enlightenment, in every sensation…
And in my quest for its’ wisdom I cannot be meek.
Oh to kiss an angel, to know her undying passions,
As easily as I have known pains I cannot speak of!
So I lose myself in enchantment’s myriad fashions,
I walk amongst those flowers dreaming about love.

Enchantment’s bright star, shines in deep evening…
Brighter than its’ peers, and more sparkling in hue!
I walk beneath the light that shines down gleaming,
And my heart holds childlike wonders to come true.
I dance in the garden, my heartbeat racing so mad…
For though no one sees me, I can see my own spirit.
Do angels dance with me and if so are they as glad,
As this brief instant, when I live, and do not fear it?
I know what held me back before, and I dare defy…
The oppression of this era and all of its’ idle mores.
There is a great chaos within me that I cannot deny,
And I know such art as neither slumbers nor snores.
Fireflies sparkle all about me, and I see their flight,
Weaving here and there, as these wisps dance well!
They trace arcane patterns, across the black night…
And in them I behold things of which only few tell.
I am not alone in the garden for the angels descend,
Or am I merely lost in light illusions bliss bestows?
I feel like flying on a cloud, my spirit to so ascend!
But I am bound in flesh, as any scholar well knows.

Another life, another time, I was a woman, a man…
I was a boy, a girl, perhaps both or perhaps neither.
Am I all this, and is this then also some divine plan?
I have seen the truth, and broken past every tether!
Embracing androgynous beauty I see my true form,
Dancing in a garden, as I await the coming of dawn.
I feel a cool rain, and I know it will bring the storm,
As the droplets pour down my skin, upon the lawn.
I am one with the elements, one with the universe…
Like the elfin lords of old, whose spells were magic.
I know that I can only convey so much within verse,
And I fear that my words will fail me, so very tragic.
This age has lost so much yet the treasure is there…
Within and without, a kingdom waiting to be found!
I speak so that I may by doing so, the beauty share.
The magic is in my very being, music with no sound,
And yet I think I hear it, and it is not so very distant.
We need not dwell so far apart from every wonder,
For we can find the enchantment in one fast instant!
Like the calm before the storm: and its’ first thunder.

Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 19th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 453


It is enevitable Returning to the infinite Springing forth from causless cause Ever to unfold and bloom The seed of life sown in death The seed of death sown in life Whats hidden to be revealed Whats revealed to be hidden again In an ever expanding universe All in the self the self in all Who can ponderthis riddle? Everything moves incircles Everything moves incircles Who can ponderthis riddle? The self in all All in the self In an ever expanding universe whats revealed to be hidden again Whats hidden to be revealed The seed of death sown in life The seed of life sown in death Ever to unfold and bloom Springing forth from causless cause Returning to the infinite It is inevitable

poet Anonymous


By the foot of the tree
I wait for thee
Nights cloak embraces me
Soon to journey inwardly

Through the tunnel of time
I quote the inscriptions
Of sacremental invocations
Of the wisdom of the grape vine

The leaves of the trees
Fall like feathers
On its lightness
Shadows are balancing

Through the roots of the mother tree
I embark on my journey through the bottomless sea
Footprints of the earthen mother
Brought me back to life

Salamander hissing
In the breathless dark
As I lay on the moisted ground
Connected with the heartbeat sound

Of the wisdom of the land
The moon looks down upon me
Through her
I understand

Snake sheds its skin
The circle is completed
Birth of truth
From her belly comes spring

As I open
My eyes
Dawn fills
The skies

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 40awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483

Quo Vadis Philippines? (Decay of a Nation)

I am proud of your majestic views and God-given beauty
where the warm breeze from the deep blue ocean
kisses the lush idyllic hillsides and caresses our souls,
as we greet the coming of a new dawn, we are grateful--
with renewed hopes and enthusiasm, who won’t be cheerful?

I am also proud of your beautiful sons and daughters
who bravely fought their anxieties and worst fears;
working hard away from their beloved native homes:
in war-torn and calamity-laden countries
where they can’t freely roam,
and loneliness - a constant companion
thinking of nothing, but their loved ones left behind.
A few got lucky catching God’s graces everyday
while others didn’t even see the light of day,
nor tasted the fruits of their toils:
may it be bitter or may it be sweet…

Is it really worth the sacrifice when families are separated,
either by choice or unfortunate stroke of fate?
Young kids left by either parents or both:
their total care and well-being, sometimes neglected
could possibly lead to an early and catastrophic ending
The lucky ones never stop with their lavish spending,
as if money grows on trees and manna falls from heaven
Stop! look, and listen to your inner voice…
Do we really need to outdo each other?

Vanity and ego slowly cripple the moral fibers
of a once sweet and innocent society
Loneliness due to separation from loved ones
sometimes could lead to broken families,
and early demise of someone’s character
Are these the price we need to pay
in lieu of your progress and modern lifestyle?
Quo vadis, Philippines?
My home, my beloved!

Is it worth the prize when your lovely daughters
are selling their souls to the devil to satisfy yours?
The old, but cozy nipa huts now totally replaced
with beautiful and modern homes completely furnished -
where their parents and siblings watch soap operas
on the big screen, high definition, colored TV sets,
and listen to the ear-piercing sound of HiFi stereos
while dancing and singing to their favorite videoke tunes.

Do we really need to leave your beautiful shores?
A paradise on earth where winter never comes,
and the warmth of your people rivals the setting sun;
Your open seas are teeming with fish of all species,
and your dense forest is filled with fauna and timber,
as far as my eyes can see and my feet can explore…
Over the green hills and on top of your fertile plains,
and across the valleys where our old folks toiled:
abundant harvest and sharing, are they gone?

Philippines--my beloved, my beautiful home
I’m happy and proud of what you had become
despite the moral decay, and other socio-political issues,
not to mention the current political moro-moro:
rampant vote buying by candidates,
and harassment by their goons -
blatant disregard for the law,
they're supposed to uphold.
Wake up my dear brothers and sisters!
Don’t get swayed with instant gratifications
and fall prey to sweet, empty promises
because I would be deaf to your complaints.

Philippines--my beloved, my beautiful home
your development is still a work-in-progress
Although still plague with frequent brown-outs,
your total transformation remains to be seen…
You are vibrant and progressive, still welcoming
Your warm receptions and beautiful smiles
always keep the weary and starving strangers,
filled with gusto and delight!
My foreign friends take a hike,
and go see for yourself what it feels like.

God bestowed you with scenic beauty,
and natural resources to sustain your children
Let no man put you asunder,
and trample upon your tranquility;
Let no one destroy you again
as in the case of Calancan Bay,
for together with the fallen ones
who fought and died in “The Battle of Pulang Lupa,”
we will rise as one in spirit, both body and mind:
the brave…and the proud Filipinos!

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 40awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483

Day of Enlightenment

I used to walk with fear in my mind,
as darkness fills the void in my heart
I fear not the bright sun that can blind,
but my own shadow, never to depart.

Now that I have awakened from a deep slumber
I feel rejuvenated and free from misguided beliefs
Faith deeply rooted keeps the glowing embers
grounded by traditions without signs of relief.

We were brainwashed for so long
by forces of Evil and keepers of Truth;
It's hard to see white when all you can see
is a black dot hiding in plain sight.  

Sometimes their looks can be deceiving,
so does act of kindness they are giving;
Don't be fooled by the cloaks of sheep -
might haunt you when you're past asleep.

"Always seek for Truth,
and the truth will set you free."
Always keep an open eye,
but don't believe in everything you see
Keep your mouth shut, and try to listen
For only in listening, will you see!

Now that we have reached
the day of enlightenment,
and enjoyed every life's fulfillment;
We try to focus more
on spiritual upliftment,
and share our joys
with loving hearts...

poet Anonymous

Nights and Daze

I'd always feel eager, though prepared for the worst
hesitant every time I crossed the flap, entered the tent
always careful in choosing my place in the circle
conscious of the white coals emitting intense heat
the dense smoke more of an assault initially than a purification
the elders would sit, still and solemn faced

sipping a special brew and smoking
passing a long pipe, adorned with an eagle head
becoming aware of life by dulling the mind to the rest
feeling only the weight of each body part, connected
of the earth below and the air around
breathing in deeply, letting go with each exhalation
in and out

until the darkness portrays light
and colors change as beams refract differently
perceptually, nothing is here
when everything is seen
grounded enough to take flight
going up to catch a truth that
brings me back down, to earth
life, seeing death and the juxtaposed cycles
the straight ahead is a circle here
surrendering to that which is
accepting that which isn't
to win and play again

I'd realize every time, the only way to keep anything
was to let it go
the only way to learn anything was to know nothing of it
the only path worth taking is comprised of a million journeys

the answers were all too simple
for any thinking person to understand

we'd perfect the alchemy of man
evolving every time we stopped
stood still long enough
to feel the spinning

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

- Temple of Serpents -

Between two pillars, one of a marble white as is ivory,
And the other as black and sleek as polished ebony…
There lay the altar where I knelt, to touch a holy tome.
Within the secret temple so far from hearth and home,
I had known the kiss of Wisdom, and felt her embrace.
Now her eyes gazed upon me, as I felt her ideal grace!
Open the book and read what words that it contains…
Thus spoke one I could not see, as faint as fine grains,
And yet with strength that was as firm as it was caring.
I felt a sudden courage, the beauty of my soul daring…
And so, I stood, smoothing the folds of my long skirts.
I looked longingly upon the book, imagining its’ words,
But finding my mind could not comprehend the unseen.
And so I reached out once more, my fair eyes agleam!
I dared to cast those covers apart, the pages to reveal,
What lay within the tome: once bound, by a waxy seal.
I read what was contained thereupon, and I saw it all…
The things kept from the masses, lest the pure may fall.
Yet I felt my innocence unscathed, and I kept my soul,
Though I had danced with the Devil, her love to know.

It was like a dream of darkness, shattering imagination,
All illusions stripped away by the glow of illumination…
And, I could not go back to believing the common lies.
Those things people are told, which is truth in disguise!
Once, I was a broken soul; I had felt the chill of death.
Now I saw a universe revealed, quickening my breath!
The eye of Wisdom gazed from within a silver pyramid,
And not one thing, before that eye, could ever be hid…
For Wisdom watches her watchers, is watched in turn.
Her embrace is something that not one soul can spurn!
I found without seeking, and I was sought and found…
By a force divine and glorious, which made me proud.
I had no need for tomes, for temples, or for old rites…
When I was the living ritual, the culmination of delights,
Both of celestial and infernal design in lovely harmony!
The androgynous angel who beheld in solemn dignity…
Things beautiful and terrible: the circle within a square.
Yin and yang, manifested in ways that only gods dare,
Yet which I bask in; and which is beheld in my nature.
I was guided forth from that place, that holy structure!

There was a garden I stood in next, my body tingling,
With the pleasures that swarmed within me, bringing…
My wanton spirit near to dominance: or to submission.
I saw, she who was responsible for my life’s mission…
And she beheld me, and we embraced, as lovers may.
I felt her body against mine, I felt him warm: as is day!
Male and female in a single form, perfect and flawless,
Rushing upon me so ravenously, to hold and to caress.
I was a shrine, my lover the pilgrim, and love our sect!
We were twin serpents, coiling, our coils rising erect…
Each brushing against the other until my face did blush.
She took me, he took me, and I was seized in a rush…
Of passion so mad, that I thought I might tear asunder.
From far away, I heard the rumblings of loud thunder,
And yet my lover was generous, and pleased me full…
Until I lay, with my lover atop me, my senses not dull.
Rather I felt one with all around me, and I knew bliss,
For I was lost in her love, and I was adrift, in his kiss.
We were twin serpents, uncoiling, loosening our coils,
Yet the fire in me did not die, and to this day, it boils!

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

- The Philosopher’s Stone -

There is a stone, which is not a stone, but is fairer by far!
It hath not a value, but is priceless… over all things that are.
Many shapes and forms hath it, but of one substance, all!
It is a thing known to our masses…. It was of before the fall.
Possess it, and ye may speak with faeries and angels in full,
And all spiritual animals, that dwell beyond the senses’ pull.
The Prima Material of Creation, without which, all fades:
Of this, the stone was fashioned first, and thus was so made.
Spirit, being that elemental force, the Fifth of the Great Four…
From whence the others, its’ own brethren, did as one pour.
A spiritual stone, thusly was born, and is unto the end of time:
This thing we all possess but do not always, in truth, realize.
It is damnation to reveal lest the receiver be thus Initiate:
Well acquainted, with mysteries that are of a higher climate.
And should any reveal to one unready: both will enter Hell…
For any so willing to plumb these depths, ring its’ iron bell!
In secret art… in private and passionate pursuit ye find…
That which may not so be told: but of which all seek to bind.
Do thy part… but lest evil be the fruit of all thy venture…
Make of thy heart a thing that is like unto gold crafted pure!
A witch and warlock of skill may unite their craft and so:
Awaken the child, who is not a child, as to lead them below.
Wise in the Great Working is this child, whom all do know,
Yet whose company makes us seal our lips and thusly stow.
By reading and discovering, all labor bears well the fruit,
Until in triumph we ascend unto a realm of celestial pursuit.
The blind depart not, but with eyes our wings take flight!
The shell of what was, we discard, so evolving to the Light.
Like Hercules, we abandon the gross littleness of all things…
We become god and goddess, when the Secret Child sings!
Immortality is much more than the whole of what it brings.

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

- Domain of the Damned -

Through metal corridors filled with red crumbling rust,
Lost souls scurry, bound by chains of sorrow’s lust…
For happiness deprived like air from a drowning man!
All in accordance with the glory of some divine plan…
Which demands the darkness be filled, with radiance.
Yet therein the fleshly prisoners can only try to grimace!
The chains that bind them, clang against hollow walls,
Until their shrieks abound, where only the raven calls.
Death birds crying in cavernous dwellings of madness,
In time to the tortured ones who are bound by sadness!
Flesh melding to flesh, until new grotesque shapes rise,
From the depths of insanity, amidst the raven’s cries…
Which summon forth the fiends from their old slumber.
Ancient chains are broken, no more to ever encumber,
They who were bound in abyssal dreams, not dying…
Yet not living, but someplace between the two lying.
The old ones come, the ancient ones of eldritch name!
Gods to some, devils to others, emissaries of flame…
Brightly lighting the metallic domains with roaring fury.
There, where creatures crawl and not even rats scurry,
For there are more awful regions in human darkness…
Than in all of Hell, to fill the soul with horrible distress!

The hulking guardians lumber down the black tunnels,
Scraping their gigantic blades behind them, screeching.
Like nails on a chalkboard, like eels in watery funnels!
The sound shrieks, though they are mute, beseeching…
Beckoning to the damned, whose pain they do elevate.
The manifestations of guilt, whose gluttony none sate…
Yet they starve, for evil feeds only upon itself, in time.
Tearing at the flesh, gorging on blood sweetly sublime,
To the taste of the horrors of the pits, who there feed!
How they come, to honor the guardians’ silent creed,
Their blades scraping through bone, grating, grinding…
The guardians of the damned set about thusly binding,
Souls to new forms, shaped by the will of a mad god!
A mad goddess: she who rules, beneath soil and sod.
Before the eye set into the throne, before the majesty,
Of the pale, horned one who crucifies unto ecstasy…
Those who would be martyred by foolishness eternal!
Only to become entrapped: in black chasms, infernal.
Hollow voices echoing in hollow places, singing softly,
A dirge of lamentation they sing, a gray, grim melody.
Who hears it but those whose faith is stronger by far,
Than those who languish, long, like prisoners of war!

Smoke and fog choke the tunnels of the lower realm,
Beneath the shafts where the Titans once were cast…
Beyond which: are sights that could sanity overwhelm.
Madness in the dark, where only fire’s light will last…
But there, is hid a glow brighter than brightest sunlight.
It wears the mask of shadow, but with an arcane rite,
The way to a paradise might be unlocked, by mercy…
Amidst a merciless dwelling, ruled by a cruel divinity.
Cruelty in order to be kind, lunacy in names of love…
Thus works the forgotten goddess, whilst just above,
The ravens gather, the flapping of wings so deafening!
Rusty gears spin slowly, as souls await their turning…
Bound to the gears of karmic law by their own hands.
Thus man punishes itself, by no decree of living lands,
Summoning forth the guardians to oversee the horror.
But each brute bears a sinner’s face like dark mirror,
Held in the hand of some insane cosmic puppeteer…
Though no hand pulls the strings, nor could any steer:
The course of destiny to run in any way it should not.
We trap ourselves, by our own deeds, to be caught!
No laughter rings, in the metallic halls that I describe,
For there are none joyful, condemned to there abide.

Can there be freedom from a purgatory so complete?
Only beyond the place where darkness has its’ seat,
Beyond fire and ice, where deep waters are clouded:
A throne of shadow in a tower so darkly enshrouded!
That night would be more radiant when one compares,
How glorious the glow of the domain no angel dares…
Save those who have grown accustomed to the sights.
No eye views it the same, and by the heat that blights,
The gardens outside the beauty of Elysian tranquility…
Wherein the righteous are rewarded in love’s equality:
By that same humidity, the undeserving so kept apart,
Can only gnash their teeth, tearing out their own heart.
Sanguine offerings to their own vastly brutish agonies!
No altars shall receive them, for they earn no dignities,
Either in life or in death, once they abandon their soul.
When you lose the ability to love, beyond all control…
The abysses I speak of receive you, ever so greedily!
Whilst the guardians lumber along, never as speedily…
As the angels who walk amongst you seeking to save,
Yet how many of them were hypocrites so depraved!
And so I speak truth, not falsehood; thus this warning:
Hold fast, the wisdom of this daughter of the morning.

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