Poetry competition CLOSED 24th May 2013 1:25am
View Profile Poems by NimmieAmee
RUNNER-UP: quietconsideration

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Fire of Insight
United States 10awards
Joined 29th May 2012
Forum Posts: 711

Poetry Contest

give me your best rant about anything
*paragraph form, just rant on about anything you feel passionate about.
*the longer the better but i still want it to be coherent and follow some form of a theme, other then that, really let me have it, i mean go on and on and on and on, make it so that by the end of your entry i forget what day it is.
*one entry per person
*message me with questions =].

also try to make it sort of sound a little poetic as well, you know what i mean?

poet Anonymous

Good idea.  Why are pro-life people so pro-war?  Why are people who are against abortions not lining up to offer to take care of the unwanted baby? Why do some religions think the Republicans are more anti-choice than the Democrats?  What evidence do we have about a fetus having a soul?  If men had to get abortions - do you think that the many male politicians would not bring this up as a political issue?  I know a woman who believes that even if a woman is raped - she should have the baby. Why all this concern about a collection of cells called a fetus? No one is saying ANYTHING about all the crippled vets from unnecessary wars like Iraq and Afghanistan.  Why is the Veteran's administration so far behind in providing care to army vets who now come back sick in mind and body after sacrificing for their country? This is in memory of George Carlin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Carlin

Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596

~ Kleer Rantz

Assorted views brought on board. Faulty images depicting drawn swords
Swashbuckling images dodging four door Fords
Caravans of Crown Vics chasing vics without crowns
Onlookers attempt to determine how it just might go down
And it continues to be profound… Strike an accord…hardly ever
Still it spills clever as sanity gets severed…Versions differ
Sentences get stiffer. The escalating riffs; their ascension grasps & grips
Amplified by how many and what caliber of clips
Survival and progress, now that’s a trip. But, it doesn't go anywhere
None of this crap makes one aware. Where someone who doesn't live here
They impregnate the atmosphere with repetitive beetle dung
Just look at how it all begun…Drugs, Money & Sex
Bloated, hedonistic, without a semblance of Life Affirming or Positive Effects

It’s midday or midnight… Everything’s missing except the traps
Melodies played; nothing but gun claps.
Muffled by the calculated moans of baby mamas
Baby Mamas with scarred hopes and the car keys…
Car keys given up by that new Sugar Daddy
That latest Poppi promising to please..
Promising to please while coming up off his knees
He feels pleased; ever so blessed by that blow and that booty
Captain Hook, got the hook uses and promises Ma the double duty
But she knows as she blows..  that baby needs new clothes and
why not except another lie
As long as one can buy into the present state of affairs
So with a devil may care attitude she submits to dude
Not contrary just a limited visionary
One who doesn’t accept God nor believe in the tooth fairy
Yeah this is the crapshoot that’s real scary

See we them bad brothers... The boldest of The Expendable Others
Continuing to contribute as active donors
Each and every time we set out to bone her
Just thoughts of oozing out cum
With our minds not reflecting on those potential outcomes
Not merrily…we go to and fro haphazardly
We do it with sincerity looking for that new lie
A new bargain demanding both our time and our energy
Wherein paid dues are no new news
Just part and parcel of each individual’s own blues
As we’re juxtapose to sick situations…alotta trumped up charges
Trials and errors with the presiding judge oversight provided by
Today’s Modern Day Pharaohs
Indistinguishable, yet made uniquely sensational
Done in by our own irrational self made calamities
Energized by our very vanities...It’s a disgrace
How we attack.. as we get attacked at our own home base
So what little we have becomes debauched underworld societies
With gentrified plans for our space to shrink; this thing’s on the brink.
Quick view The Link. Look and pay attention,
Look at whose being removed from this human dimension

Let us NOT fail to mention.. These are the times of unchecked sadness
This is madness...In dispute is our happiness
Where when you fall; no one seems to care about your wellbeing
Folks just look away; acting like they ain’t seeing
And the ones who do see seem condemned to look all puzzled
That’s the result of the act of muscle or perhaps the lack there of..
This weakness in heart is unyielding with the people appealing for more
Give us more size 4X “Stop Snitching T-Shirts”
So we can pretend to have freedom of movement
Another bogus display of motion...a false display of emotion
Obviously no devotion to a community...
A community undergoing an onslaught by its own self
Killing off its Own Wealth

Meanwhile… it’s midday or midnight
And there are still and have been a continuous flood of open & closed coffin ceremonies
And in the wake of these wakes there hasn’t been any real reason given
No reason given to think they may subside.
Proof positive is in the numbers that have already died.
All or mostly prompted by crossfire’s which went unchecked
Due to mostly or all our communal neglect
our lack of respect. Our Breakup into Disorientated Sects
Or has it always been that way? And now it’s just more of it.
This continued clamor & chaotic bellowing of self hate
A hate of everything that reminds us...of us… And what sold out to integrate.
An integration into the "opposite" of what should have been
What could have been...A people free from fear of the wrong thing.

What is this? When did this ambivalence become the norm?
Was this before or after The Storm?
When did we become hunkered down engrossed in listless apathy?
Have the Decepticons trained us not to see?
As we settle for and go around in optical denial
This as our hearts...our hearts slam shut the door to any agile discernment
Zombie like in hushed wonder. Wondering if we can just get through it
As we piece together promising each other Mo ‘Betta Times
We need a March of Dimes to challenge this okie~doke like it’s polio
Just maybe tho...even a plague of cataclysmic proportions
It just might summon people’s emotions... Because, now...RIGHT NOW
Everything seems so petty… and no one weekly and weakly is ready
As Political Will, still remains unsteady and it’s...T.G.I.F.
The Game Is Fake...it’s false and totally malignant..
Soft shoed to our liking

What is this? How long has The Quicksand been up to the thong?
How long has this thing been going wrong?
With wiggle room at a premium with nobody seeing ‘em
The coming or going and still not knowing
Intricate the capture of Our Minds
from Capitol Hill...all the way back to Kush
Without power to push away the Reigning Debris
Free, us, we from this tyranny…this tyranny
Enacted by Closed Minded Institutions and the mindset which produced ‘em
Feel me? Then thrill me...with a bonded together position of Third Eye Witness.
Questioning, always, questioning..

What the hell is this?


Alas...a tear
Twisted Dreamer
Australia 4awards
Joined 26th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 65

I always feel the worst
So bored when I can’t read always have to fucking work
Try to wring out my mind in writing or even sing out the lines,
the whining.  Scream it in your face disrespecting your personal space  

You could just shut the curtains
And turn up the music, to drone out my coughing
& leave me to fire another shot from my smoking nail gun
at the bulls eye on my coffin

I’ve always seen all the colors
Mixed up on the palate
All the colors mixed together
The palate turned black

The rawest emotions displayed
When horror seeps into the spill
Don’t tell me how to kill
Or when or who to bleed
Just pour me a another drink
And get me out of this hell
Filled with weed smoking Arabs
Dressed to overthrow basic humanity  
Manic oppression
If Jimi didn’t change the world
Then you and I stare at different moons tonight
You face the light and I face the dark side

I’ll see you there if you can make it
Most likely you will try to fake it
And leave me frozen
leave me waiting

poet Anonymous

Me, on Nothing...

   I'm tired of people is the long and short of it.
Sick of the deception and their lack of logic. I suppose, It's just the way of their way but there's no understanding it. Everyone is either going nowhere or has been somewhere they're trying to evade. Nothing substantial really comes through these days, like I speak a different language from an alien place. I don't want to convert to pessimism or grow weary in my faith in these members of this human race. It's so frustrating to look out on it all, yearning for anything even vaguely real.
   I'd prefer a dark soul with a deeply evil essence, who'll admit what they are and let me take it or leave it, over some hyped up ego that needs to lie about what they are to impress anyone who'll buy it.
   I'm often flying into my own disorientation, like all this searching is making me insane, or perhaps feeding and nurturing the madness already there. I can get as low as anyone else, regret my thoughts and my words but, I can own my own shortcoming's because I'm not trying to be anything, but me.
   I'm not that grand or above anyone but I'd rather be hated for exactly what I am than be loved to fulfill some other plan that only includes a synthetic version of who I truly am.
At the end of the day, I'm not looking for anything pretty, or empty words expected to fill me. I'm not empty, nor jaded just horribly awake. I fear the real is always going to be fake, always counterfeit and plagiarized  to suit the eyes of the giver, waiting on their praise for giving such greatness.
   I feel like a fish who's trying to live in the forest, without water and holding the belief that something will evolve for my benefit. But the truth is that, I'm pretty sure I've seen enough, just the right levels of everything to agree with me, to give up.
   In my own world, there's at least some serenity..knowing I can believe what I say to me...and I can always laugh at myself without malice, I know that counts...I think.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3042

Cogs In The Pyramid
Society right now is just a cancer
of greed and corruption.
Sure there is a minority that do good
on what ever level that may be.
Minority's are just a footnote
in today's day and age.  
Money is king ruling with iron fist.
It's just a game of numbers,
for who can own the most of our souls.  
Another thing is today's youth
I see more and more disrespect
coming out of ten year olds.
It's like manners and respect
aren't taught and earned any more.
What the fuck do these little shits
that really, despite what they  think
they know from the internet.
Really they know fuck all.
They act like they know it all
and respect is their right.  
These kids are the spawn of my generation.
That Y, should I give a fuck generation,
where did all this madness start?
The scary thought is the spawn of my spawn,
might be the ones that end this experiment.  
I can see the beginnings of society's demise
they are just small moments in historic tragedy.
I don't need to list names we all see the news.  
All I can say is this, more often than not
when I watch the news something fucked
has happened. It's like the sick fucks
are having a contest for who
can do the most fucked up thing,
with the largest body count.  
Humanity has lost it's way
or is it that because we all know?
We are cogs in the machine
we just don't care.  
The rich, get richer,
the poor, get poorer,
the middle class
remain in the middle,
of that social pyramid.  
We need to look at religion, how fucked
are some of the things
that is done in the name
of Allah, or God.  
Controlled by those ten commandments.
God? How do you feel about the things
your greatest creation does in your name?
Satan must weep, at how easy the game has become.  
The lunatics run the asylum, no one is at the helm of this experiment.

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom
Joined 2nd Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 22

The Ranting student

Research, evidence
Models, theory
Six thousand words
Yes really!
Half way there
Halfway not
How to reference
I forgot!
Drinking coffee
Falling asleep
All these deadlines
I have to meet
Two days to go
One essay in
Another three
I will win!
Inspire me
Push me
Feeling low
Oh I wish
The words would flow
I’d rather blog
Chat or tweet
But my deadlines
I must meet
By next week
I will be done
And then its time
To have some fun!

Fire of Insight
United States 10awards
Joined 29th May 2012
Forum Posts: 711

great entries so far guys
but i want more
much more
keep em coming

don't be shy

pretty please

Strange Creature
Joined 15th May 2013
Forum Posts: 7


Talent disguised. Put down and ostracized. Because of my skin. Or how I express & practice my religion.
Maybe its the accent or the way I speak, that makes me different. Or so hard for you to reach.
How I walk or the way I wear my clothes, makes you look at me cross-eyed and turn up your nose.
The way I tie my shoes or because I smoke weed, gives you the illusion that you are better than me.
I cannot afford to wear Gucci, Prada, or Coach. Is this what makes me so impossible to approach?
So I can't fit into a size zero or shop on Melrose. This doesn't mean I'm "ghetto" or walk around with my ass exposed.
Maybe I have thick thighs and a double chin. Maybe I have slanted eyes and brown skin.
Could it be that my eyes are blue and I live in the hood. Is this what prevents me from being seen the way I should?
Is it that I'm 4'9" and my hair is green. Although the most obvious, this is not all that's to be seen.
These qualities are being seen with the eyes. Never once being appraised for the person on the inside.
You are seeing with your eyes but not with your heart. This is how most first impressions and rumors start.
How about a change and something unexplored. Something most of us have never done before.
Close your eyes and take a leap. Don't see my appearance. Try and see. Me.

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 26th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 26


Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 30th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 417


don't "know

what you mean":

"Rave on, rave

on and tell me

tell me you

gotta be lonely.

Tell me you

love me only.

Rave on to me."

Please supply "ranting" in your appropriate places.  Thank you for your kindness.

Lost Thinker
Joined 4th Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 4

Have you heard that the book series the "Hunger Games" is now being use in the school system as curriculum by English teachers! What has our system come to, when such brutally graphic and clearly feministic "literature"(I use that word loosely) has become something that we use to teach middle and high school students.
Now do not get me wrong on this point. Suzanne Collins is a good at telling a story. I will even say that she is great at it. I however believe that she targeted an age range far below what should have been.  And there is clearly an overly present feminine view in her writing. Her characters continually display misplaced aspects of masculinity and femininity. Such as her main character Katniss being placed in a masculine role and continually acting the part there in.
Also her male characters are overly passive aggressive and more often than not take a back seat to Katniss or other female characters. And they seem more than happy  to let the females suffer before they would.
Anyway, I know that many of you will hate and revile me for these statements, but at the same time I dare you to at least think of the story from these angles and see if you can catch these points that I am making or if not than you can simply tell me that I am wrong all the same.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

edit: no.

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 6awards
Joined 13th Feb 2011
Forum Posts: 2523


Tyrant of Words
Kiribati 21awards
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 3544

... ain't the first
whiney, weepy, bleaty, emo, eggshell ego, kiddee
to write out your personal version of fret-arama
and stick it in my face after a busted heart or three

Not the first
to grovel in here on yer knees wailing every day's a Monday:
He left me, She left me, They left me
without realizing no-one gives a thumbnail sized shit
why or how your entire world came a crumbling down
for ever

And you ain't the first
cutter in the gutter to wake up in a bed
all white tunnel religious preaching back from the dead
outta intensive care, screaming:
"God bless life"
every time one of  your plump little pinkys
winks and twitches then pisses over your keyboard

Not the first
acne ridden, frazzle cake joker who thought weed for wings
was the key to discovering man powered flight
or the premier no brain asshole that couldn't get a vein up
jacked through his tongue, suffocated lungs
and feigned surprise when they made a hole in his throat
to breathe

You ain't the first
to think black is the one true color
looks cool on it's own
or that blood and sniffing at entrails is scary
You should try hi-fives with the Devil
while he squats on your shoulder sucking human vodka
from your titty and asks:
'Hey buddy, wanna break a wishbone?'

As far as I know
not one of you invented the word 'pussy'
brought down governments
or changed the world... yet

So please
don't fucking shout
with your CAPS lock on
Give the spell checker
its chance to roll
and then we can all
'get along'
just fine.

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