Poetry competition CLOSED 8th May 2013 6:32pm
View Profile Poems by Abracadabra
RUNNER-UP: Kou_Indigo

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Tick Tock

Strange Creature
Joined 10th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 13

Poetry Contest

your best poem(s) about time
submit a poem:
☽time as in past,present or the future
☽old or new poem
☽pessimistic(sad)/optimistic(happy)/other does not matter as long as you stick to the the main motive
☽most of 3 entries per poet
☽ length does not matter

&please submit just your OWN work (:

poet Anonymous


Yesterday never said I'd be here today
So I have no faith in tomorrow

I know how one day can rise and deflate
end in a bang and sound like sorrow

Best to turn off the memories
Close the hindsight eye and just be

Absorb the intermission
between the next day and this one

Even the next hour could make all the difference
in my tomorrow

Dreams are fast runners when you chase them
yet, they loiter if you somehow negate them

Even seconds can feel like ages
and clock's tick louder on bad days

Hold-fast and try to be steady
It'll get you even if you aren't ready

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 40awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483

--double entry--

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 40awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483

Time Travel


Tonight's the time
to take thy thoughts
to terrestrial tours
Travel through time
transcending tranquil trance

Across the Atlantic aboard an airplane
ascending at an amazing altitude
Amidst an aura of animosity
and aristocratic arrogance
altruistic acts abound

Torrential temptations
thrust through tepid torso
temperatures taken to the threshold
transient torrid tryst
transgressed thyself to the top

Mystical myths of meditations
mutually mastered in mirage
may misfire to misery
Misconceived mirth
magnifies misdemeanors

Alone again as awakened with
asphyxiated aspirations
and asinine attitudes
Apparent apparitions of
an array of auroras
actually appeared...

Thought Provoker
Germany 4awards
Joined 27th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 144

These times will never come again,
and yet they were not spent in vain.
I kissed you on your lips and cried
for you were old and then you died.

You made me cookies, made my day.
We used to sing and run and play,
We read together when I couldn't read,
I came to your bed, when I couldn't sleep.

You could always tell when I was lying.
When I hurt my knees and came to you crying,
you blew on my hurt and said a chant.
And then you took me in your arm.

Those memories and even more,
are what I'll always be grateful for.
I never told you what's written here,
but you know, I'll keep you forever dear.

Dangerous Mind
India 17awards
Joined 25th June 2011
Forum Posts: 690


today is the first
I'll start from here
here, where nothing appears

yesterday was the third
when obligation crashed
and disposition screamed

tomorrow will be the second
if inhibitions boom
and expectations rise

today I wasted a day
I drank and thought
kissed and fought
slept a lot
the sun was wrought
the color of grey

yesterday was when I died
my contention deserved glee
sadly, mistakes flourish in vanity
what did come, rhymed with misery
a folded smile you'd never see
preposterously snide

tomorrow I'll live
to once again fill
what failed and might still
shatter and spill
fucking obstinate will
with nothing more to give

that's why we recycle
minutes for days
seconds for hours
sorrows for life

poet Anonymous

“Sixty Seconds is All You Have”

In this exact minute,
sixty seconds,
hold onto eternity.
For in
the greater scheme,
the one not seen
these four walls,
it’s all you have,
so very fleeting.

Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672


Time is a valuable thing  
But come see it through  
An insane person's brain.
First minute in the mental institution
"Come Crimsin take your meds"
"It's your only solution".
"No I say"
With much resolve
Then no cig. for you move it along.
"Wait I cry, i'll take your pill"
Anxiety growing  
Only a cig. will still.
Checked onto the ward an hour later
Looking to the clock
Not believing I have to stay here.
They bring me to the wall
Introduce me to time
We are the wards of the clock.
If you ever want
To see light again
Step in line.
Stomach grumbling, I look to the clock
He mocks me with his tic tocking
Lunch isn't until 1 o'clock.
Searching for a person of interest
To pass the time with but to no avail
Each trapped in their own time hell.
Hooray it's cig. time again
I get to go outside
Time is finally back on my side.
Time is up, inside we go
Click goes the metal
Back behind a locked door.
Only three more hours until dinner
Nighttime is almost here
Please time don't slow down or stop while i'm here.
Anxiety growing, I make a dash for the door
Crimsin it's time you meet our box
Come take a tour.
Time stops here and leaves me adrift
For the rest of the world I no longer exist
Locked in the Marie Greenery as part of the scenery.
I've learned my lesson
The door swings open
Time has taken me back into it's bossom.

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 23rd Feb 2010
Forum Posts: 748

Mind the Gap

How do we fill in the gap between being born and dying?
With sleeping and talking and thinking and walking and shopping  and driving and flying;
With meeting friends, making amends, trying to put things right,
Wishing we'd done things differently in the middle of the night.
Some of us kill, some of us swill, some of us cheat on our wives,
Some of us nurture our children, some of us ruin their lives.
Some fill the gap with boredom, lumbering from bed to settee,
Wasting life's precious allotment gorging on daytime TV;
Others are obsessively active, never a moment to spare -
Running committees and holding collections and badgering those who don't care.
Some of us squander, some of us ponder, most of us bumble along,
Going to work, paying the bills, hoping it won't all go wrong.

And what did it bring us, we wonder, as decline turns into fall:
Surprise, awareness, knowledge, fun, and love, oh yes, love, most of all.

Tyrant of Words
Kiribati 21awards
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 3559


Perhaps before I die
time shall bend its will
to the answers which elude me
beyond life's passing thrill

The fragrance of a rose
the cooing of a dove
wild passions of the heart
once overcome with love

With the breaking of a dawn
rests the making of a man
to understand life's purpose
its pattern and its plan

Embittered by our years
only measured by our deeds
forsaking all possessions
time surrenders to death's needs

Tyrant of Words
Kiribati 21awards
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 3559

The Quality of Tock

The sea is rushing round me
as I perch upon this rock
fair mermaids may astound me
with the key to Neptune's lock

Yet even more enthralling
than these mysteries I behold
the quality of Tock
a marvel that unfolds

The quality of Tock
The quality of Tock
Its sound beats in my heart
until my soul is but a clock

Bold Tick is just a second
fleeting gone before we know
it pilfers minutes swiftly
'tis but a seed time sows

But the quality of Tock,
such gilded oboe tones
bringing comfort to the aged
who rest their weary bones

Brave Tock shall linger longer
when we ready for its shock
so let bracing bells ring out
for the quality of Tock

The quality of Tock
The quality of Tock
its sound dwells in our hearts
until our souls are but a clock

Tyrant of Words
Kiribati 21awards
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 3559

Dust Invisible

Even the most well read young men    
may not tell you quite how to discern    
between the desires of the heart    
and the headier requirements    
of the soul    
Their world remains    
an open mine of possibilities    
so why pay heed to the scream of a jay    
or search for its blue wing-bars    
flashing early    
high in the oaks    
Surely no young blood    
would ever wish    
to stop and wonder    
over such badge of treachery    
when the betrayal of age    
settles dust unseen    
its film invisible    
a lifetime away    
Even educated young women    
once raised with servants    
fish knives and doilies    
might imbibe of modernity    
until it radically dilutes their manners    
but they seldom forget    
how to spell 'children'    
or lose that word on their tongue's tip    
They do not notice    
not yet    
the click of a crumbling vertebrae    
Young time    
is easily ladled    
from a bottomless crock    
it blushes    
good humoured endearment    
at a father's odd socks    
shooing away his despairing hunt    
for misplaced keys    
always eager to concoct    
some newer fresher thrill    
as yet unshaken    
by the wasteful roulette of genes    
My child time never listened    
to the tap of a blind man's stick    
nor understood the true meaning    
of a gate left open    
when none were ever closed    
although now at least    
hiking spirits    
becomes a simple trick    

It takes only the kindness    
of a lone black cat    
straying warm across my path    
to purr innocence at the lost    
or maybe just even the thought    
of one more breathless    
impromptu kiss

Dangerous Mind
Australia 9awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1797

Come rain, come shine

Shuddering, I breathe in
tasting the midnight air.
Clearing my mind
the air, refreshing within.
Head bowed, hands in pockets.
The rain pressing down on me
why am I here..
in the cold and wet.

When I could be..
home again.
The air I exhale
appears before me
and settles on my left cheek.
Leaving a pleasent tingle
the longer I remain
the black of the darkness deepens
and the rain pressing down even more.

Turning my back to
the desolate train station.
I feel the time slipping away
like the rain drops on my cheek
merged within a tear.
It drops to the concrete
lost within the storm and sent to the seas.
Never to return again.

Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 12th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 708


We met inside the hourglass,
one of many grains of sand.

Were we formed from the same stone?
Now time is what,we call our home.

She shivers here inside my hold,
and asks I never let her go.

Though gravity will always win,
and pull you from my arms again.

Even if I lived a millenium ,

I'd lose you every century.

These numbers can't reach high enough.

Time won't let you stay with me...

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

- The Three Hours of Life -

Splendid is the hour, when the sky is of hue rosy,
And the rising of the sun is fresh upon the land...
When above the tops of trees and hills, the rays!
They shine like the tines of a golden crown to see,
And none may slumber seeing all it may portend...
So may the soul be moved, when to glory it prays.
What power, that moves us through the day to rise,
Can read all that, within the heart, most often lies?
What hand, that guides us over the peril of snares,
Can keep us from being moved by those high stars?
As in our youth, we have much to learn and still do,
Before we may embark upon each journey anew.

Exalted is the time, when the earth is illuminated,
And the day is clear, as is each pleasant breeze...
When fair is the sky, and even fairer the weather!
Each hour we walk, like a pilgrimage once created,
And none may turn aside their craft on the seas...
Once gone upon their direction, like a true brother.
What strength, that drives us so fast on our goals,
Can mold us so, like a sword upon a forge's coals?
What force, that shapes us in the hour of destiny,
Can make us sally forth from the pleasant country?
As throughout our lives, we have duties to perform,
Before the hour of our rest can herald a new morn.

Beloved is the moment, when gold streaks the sky,
And brings the purple robes that must be donned...
When the sun must journey west into the vastness!
Pleasant is the company of evening none may deny,
And with the sealing of the light never abandoned...
The night may descend, so regal in her velvet dress.
What will, that calls us to surrender unto the night,
Can hold us so, enraptured by the stars' noble light?
What spirit, that humbles us so that we must sleep,
Can wake us until our dreams have taken us deep?
As when age has brought us wisdom, and reward,
Before we may understand the secret of the word.

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