Poetry competition CLOSED 2nd January 2013 1:28pm
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love and hate

Travis McMahan
Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 9th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 19

Poetry Contest

Please write a poem that tells about a difficult time you have had with a relationship and how did you get back on your feet and fall in love all over again. 2 poems a person. GO.

Dangerous Mind
India 16awards
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 2251

 my girl

calls out my name  
as I pick her up from the tarmac

another missed flight  
another missed period  
another trip down

in the cab she screams
and belches  
a gutterload of bitterness  
scorn shit despair
the kind that  
gets to you

thrice we are forced to get down
each time i lift her  
drag her luggage  
yelling waving  

damn cabbies give me  
a hard time

at last i find one  

she sleeps with her lips parted
vomit oozing eyes pissing tears
spiked with kohl and emptiness

my girl

once she was an angel
that flew and bloomed
shone rained danced
and loved immense  


my flower is
an abomination
beyond repair

just like my love
for her


Travis McMahan
Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 9th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 19

I love it nice job.

Fire of Insight
Canada 2awards
Joined 18th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 397

{post removed]

Thought Provoker
Germany 4awards
Joined 27th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 144

In my arms

The rain was falling in the night,
we sat together and you cried,
you were in love with him so long,
I consoled you, I felt so wrong.

Your tears were falling down as well,
I went trough heaven, you trough hell.
You grabbed my hand, I grabbed your arm.
You were so cold, I felt so warm.

Your heart was broken and destroyed,
I felt so bad, yet overjoyed
to feel you in my arms, so weak.
Your soul was frozen and so bleak.

You looked me in the eye and I
couldn't help but also start to cry.
I pressed your head against my chest,
so you could lay it down and rest.

My heart was broken and destroyed,
I felt so bad, I felt so void.
To see you smile, I'd gladly die,
but I would only see you cry.

Steven D
Thought Provoker
United States 8awards
Joined 28th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 98

Sometimes I find myself thinkin
bout all the things you done to me.
And even though you’ve hurt me, Baby,
Your Love is all my eyes can see.
I never got the Love I’ve given,
gave everything I could to you.
But what you give keeps me driven, Baby,
to see that sweet love shine on through.
You can hurt me, Girl,
You can let me down.
You can crush my world, Baby,
long as your Love comes around.
Don’t got a drop of hate for you
inside this heart I’ve come to find.
The only thing that matters, Baby,
Is that you give me your Love in time.
Never cared what people told me.
I’ll never see you through their eyes.
I just need you to Love me, Baby,
Til all the world crashes down and dies.
You can break me, Girl,
You can make me bleed.
You can drain my world, Baby,
Just give your Lovin to me.
Sometimes I find myself Dreamin
bout all the things to me you do.
And I look passed the bullshit, Baby,
Cause there is where I’ve been Lovin You.
You can take it slow.
Kill your misery.
But just let me know, Baby,
When you’ll be lovin Me.

Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 6th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 143

"Inner strength"

Our love was once strong.
I held you in my protecting arms
Your eyes said beauty at every blink
And your smile always made me think
"How can I be so lucky, it's just a dream."
I've fallen for an angel, so it seems.

When we touched I was speechless
No questions asked, I was lost in your eyes.
Those big blue eyes that complemented
That gorgeous smile.
That kissed me with flight,
Foreseeing miles ahead in dangerous delight.

But on that day,
That miserable day.
I found myself broken,
Frozen whereIi lay.
I cried and cried
For endless nights
I could not strive
To break a smile.

Where did I go wrong?
What did I do?
I can't grasp the concept
Of leaving you.
Once so close and yet so far
I found my self crying
All alone, miserable.

I will fight for your love
I will show you my will
My pride isn't broken,
And my heart's only still

So I tried and I tried
And I failed and I failed
Again and again I never yield
I fought for your touch
And I fought for your love
But this isn't how it was supposed to end up

I admit my defeat
I accept that your gone
But the problem is, my heart is still  torn
My eyes have failed me
For I cannot see.
The truth of us,
Where would it be?

Months have gone by
And you're still in my mind
Still, I sit in the dark and still, I cry
Your name, it makes my pulse rise
But the thought of you,
It makes my light die

I do not hate,
I do not resent
But what you have done to me
Cannot be said.

My mind in pieces
As well as my heart
I pick up the pieces
But don't know where to start.

I drink myself away
To cover the pain
Ever since you,
A woman's touch
has never been the same.

But I fight on
Not for you,
But my self
Through a perilous journey
My heart is finally felt

Not happiness,
But knowledge.
I know now
How to deal without carnage

It has been two years,
And now I'm okay
I'm finally tired of playing your game
I stand on my own
I don't need your throne.
For I have found solace
and a heart that's reborn.

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

Outside The Light    

You tore out the air
which supplied my heart
then you left me there
to slowly fall apart  
saturday lies
even week nights
you'd look in my eyes
outside the light

Remembering , wandering
the back streets of our years
my everything , squandering
a reduction to tears .

You turned to cast
like a hollow thing
I burned to ash
in a molten ring
the kids did ask
for you to bring
yourself back home
to hope we'd cling .

Off the wall
so desperately
I did so fall
descent , gravity
down I went painfully
to cracked cement , a cavity
you walked , hell bent  
away from me
how could you dent
our family
these babies were sent  
from the heavens to me
how could you have spent
what comes for free .

poet Anonymous


The opposite of hate is love

But the opposite of love is indifference

How can you live for six years

Share the same bed

Share the same love

Only to be deserted

Not out of hatred

Not out of spite

Only you stopped caring

Indifference to my need for food, clothing and shelter

The opposite of love is not hate

It is indifference

I got back on my feet

Only not to trust again for ten years

Then a follower of the bleeding prophet came along

Who had heard his words

Who showed me trust

Trust is shattered so easily

I could not trust

Even after many many years

Of recovery

I wonder

Who can you trust?

poet Anonymous

"Sunspot Junkie"
Been burned so many times,
I feel like a sunspot junkie.
The craving never ends.
for the true one,
that pain is often
the price we pay,
for the stain we call love.
I do love to hate it.
Despite the unkindness,
the feelings of happiness
never leave,
I'm addicted
to them.

poet Anonymous

Fighting The Chill

The chill tonight is different
it penetrates every inch of me
stripping away the give and take
of my heart's agility
invading me
constricting my chest

Yes, tonight I see my soul roll beneath me
like a blanket of fog and
I begin to fight
the unfathomable chill

First, I decorate the emptiness
with whispered words of lovers
and our desire to touch, revive, connect
without thought or limit
to be free to dream
and live together as one

Then, I allow myself to feel
the warmth of my thoughts
as you begin your journey back to me
back inside my heart
my mind, my soul

I begin to feel the chill fade
as I remember how blessed I am
to have had another day with you

poet Anonymous

When It Happens

she walked like I felt
with a stride
of a lumbering kind
no less heavy than my heart
or a ton of bricks beside

but she glanced back and with a sideways grin
smiled through me
the kind of smile that pierces
and pains
but in its essence reassures

everything will be alright
once she turns that corner
and so she did

I went back to my paper
my espresso
with a teaspoon of sugar
and a tear just for the kick

I went back to my day
and what a nice day it was
to be alive

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17162

Love and Hate

Love, a flower that blooms   
Petals of  beauty nodding
Face up towards the sun;
Voices of angels
Choirs with enchanted strains
Made from heaven
Soft and soughing, divine
These are visions of love
Misty within my mind

Lips on cheeks
Kissing tears of sorrow
Hands held to ward off
Sadness and loneliness
Embraces that protects
The gentle throbbing hearts
Of pledged love
Promises to keep
To be together, to cleave

Hate like a poison
Spreads silently unheard
through cracks on armours
of perceived love
kisses burns
touches scorch
loving words insults
drips sarcasm into ears
corals turn to blush

Hurt breeds Hate
Slowly burning insanity
Take that knife
And pierce the heart
That loves
Take that gun
take down crowds
At the schoolyards
Within the hurt,…Hate.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17162

[b]Hate and Love[/b]

Hate like a talon
Golden band on finger
tight vice of lies
thistles on the brows
Dawns of utopian dreams
That never goes beyond day
Fed with careless whispers
From tongue that wags
Empty promises

Hate that grows
From hurts that bind
A hand held growing warmer
Hell grows as molten lips
Kisses the tears
Whispering regrets
Today’s sorry
Becomes tomorrow’s deceits
Filing more hurt hates

Love blooms where it should
Forgiveness and compassion given
Tolerance of errors
Rises from below
The bitterness turns
To emptiness
Hence filling with love
Unconditionally tasteless
Love without needs

Kiss the hands
That slaps the cheeks
Bow at old love and admit defeat
Love grows
Sprinkled with rain
Tears of gladness at the refrain
Of love lost but re-discovered
With red ribbons the rainbow bound
A new love found

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 31st Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 15

Dear woman in my view,
You are beautiful.

You voice is soft, your words are sweet,
Your mind is clear and thoughtful.
Your heart is clean, your eyes are lustful.
You could love me, I could love you
If not for the love I've burned through.
For me and you, it can't be true.

I've heard the voice
That cuts through the din
And wildcat roars of the world,
And even the sugared hums,
So that no dread clank could distort the tone,
No joyous sound could exist
And not be immediately counterfeit
In the presence of that voice.

That voice is not yours.
Those words, are not yours,
That feel plucked from an ambrosial patch.
That flow how i flow and how I'd like to.

My heart has loved and broken her,
My eyes of lust have gone dull.
Nothing of you compares to her;
Its what, for you, I can't do.

Your body interests in an absolute way,
I've shattered real, so why not play?
Fuck and sigh and go away,
I can never really want you.

Have your say.
Talk. Talk.Talk.
You are charming.
You're funny and bright, very much so.
I'd be a fool not to wonder who you are
And what you do and what makes you you.

But, I really don't give a shit.

Its not that funny, its not that bright, its not that charming.
You're a background stroke. You're a finely painted nothing.


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