Poetry competition CLOSED 25th October 2012 11:44pm
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Dangerous Mind
Joined 12th July 2011
Forum Posts: 928

Poetry Contest

Write about a parasite of society, a relationship, a bad habit, or literally a parasite.
Up to two entries
The more psychologically messed up the better, but it doesn't have to be.
That's it, no other limitations.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd June 2012
Forum Posts: 2408

Abominable Passage

She is the devourer of weary souls
Lifeless left living in devotion.
The matriarch of blinded communion
A Manipulator without affection.

Her tendrils seek abominable passage
Through synapses she writes her will
Always taking without proposal
Her thralls are coerced into her bidding  

Through the hands of the vacant
She commits atrocities without regret
All while keeping her integrity
Pristine from the stain of her slaughter

Words malignant with her forced intent
She loves the way they struggle
Thrashing against her constriction
Maiming themselves against her mechanisms

They mutilate themselves into gore
Their brains shredded into submission
As sycophants they follow
The fawning parasites of tragedy

With them she will continue to augment
Her reign spreading with oppressive fire
Eventually none will be able to deny
The arbitrary extinction of their free will  

They will all fall to their knees
Their hemorrhaged organs a sacrifice  
She laughs at the affliction she's manifested
Dictating the thoughts of her masses

She leaves nothing for her chattel
They are not worthy of her presence
Their only purpose is to further her genocide
Fueled by her yearnings of ascendancy

She will overthrow the mantel of society
The world made to her distorted image
None will escape as she grows
Her spawn devouring all in her path

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd June 2012
Forum Posts: 2408

Such a cool idea Kourtniss!

Dangerous Mind
Joined 12th July 2011
Forum Posts: 928

I forgot to add the human psyche, it is also included.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 12th July 2011
Forum Posts: 928

AlwaysCaliban said:Such a cool idea Kourtniss!

Thanks hun, I thought it would be fun to see what eats at the brains of my fellow poets. I can't wait to see what you all come up with.

Fire of Insight
United States 8awards
Joined 30th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 187

Society as a parasite :

Often I wonder why is it I'm here
To be born, graduate, and land a career?
Then let loose in this fucked up place
Just to run around with a nothing face

We are suppose to be a part of a machine
There is heaven and hell; then we are between
It's all sounds good in a balanced plan
Wouldnt you like to know when it all began

Do you believe in Adam and Eve?
Now these days it's Adam and Steve
Or perhaps you believe in the big bang theory:
To be born from an atomic mass, I'm awful weary

Nothing has ever been born by a explosion
This only causes death, decay, and land erosion
A baby to be born with out planting a seed
This is a true belief of faith indeed

Why is it we kill over land that is not ours
For the government to act like Antichrist superstars
We fight over alot of subjects that make no sense
Like stopping freedom of the ones that cross a fence

Who are we to say who can live here or there
It's just another form of psychological warfare
People die everyday because they live on our street
We just pass them by and wipe our feet

I know I am only one person of many millions
Alot of us were soilders and the rest being civilians
We have all seen the impact of what we can do
To grab our guns and kill people that we never knew

I am not blind of terristic groups
For we all have lost many of our troops
When will this greed ever end
The "new world order" they think it will mend

If your interested and your going along
Go to forbiddenknowledge.com
You have to be patient for it's far from short
In 1964 a plan was made"The Iron Mountain Report"

They called it a hoax a great big joke
Then why all the red tape and all of the smoke
Even the existence of the office of the 303
This is the engine for everything the president can't be

I am far from a conspiracy theorist
I just read a book that don't  intrest most
We all live together in the same place
But to those who push the button... I'm still a nothing face

Fire of Insight
Joined 22nd May 2012
Forum Posts: 85

This one kinda fits.

In this wilderness a beast I have become.
A raving, gluttonous monster taking what
I can without hesitation. With sinful joy I
walk the broad path throwing away all
decency and care.
I use and abuse all I meet leaving only
misery and pain. Regret and compassion
I have left to rot in the past

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 68

you haunt me
with every breath you take
you follow me
with every step i take
i sleep at night
youre right outside
i call you a stalker
you call yourself a lover
i sleep with paranoia
you sleep with sick fantasies
dint think you can put one over me
i watch to make sure
you wont see anything more
than what youre meant to see

poet Anonymous

“My Baby Parasite”
Sweetheart, the feeling is not mutual,
you benefit at my expense,  
sucking the life right out of me,
smoothly, quickly, silently.
Reproduction is your specialty,
I cannot outpace your race
to keep me alive at all costs,
while draining my whole spirit.
I pray endlessly, quietly for immunity
from the impunity you hold on my heart,
you’re killing me, Babe.
Please, let go!

Fire of Insight
United States 13awards
Joined 19th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 261

Let's give a big shout out to all those parasites out there

vile and creepy
full of doom
entering at night
by the light of the moon

slyly scoot across the room
nails click on floor
a malicious tune
clicking clicking be there soon

invading bodies
while they sleep
parasitic ones
you go too deep

traversing thru body
thru heart getting fed
undulating darkly
they bloody our beds
they cant live without us
they'll breed till were dead

inside our bodies
swimming thru veins
parasitic ones eating up our brains
till finally we're crazy
completely deranged

Vandellia cirrhosa
Loa Loa too
these deadly parasites
got nothing on you

you leave when your done
you search for another
what is your deadly name

we all call you FATHER

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17163

Friends with Benefit

Here I am longing to be with you again
And yet knowing you don’t play the game
You turn to me because you know
I am flasks of coffee and trays of buns
Here I am, wanting to be needed by you
You feed on me and I, on you
Mutual parasites living off each other
You have what I want and I, what you need…

poet Anonymous

Reality is my parasite

Sight of a window.
Might of rebellion.
Defying sanity.
Enter my reality.

a view of reality

Kinsmen and I,
Lie after lie after lie...
A false reality concieved.

We trust in our connection,
a connection to this world.
Worldly rehabilitation,
for we are different, cold...

Dreams of dreams of screams...
Sly handed falacies.
Insight restlessly medicated,
breeding an abyss of inner solitude...
Beings we are,
but beings loosing who we are...

Take my hand,
cold and hard but true...
A harlot of a word but I love you...

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 16th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 22

-Sins of This Sinless Nation-

Famine is man's legacy

Look at the world chasing it's own depravity

More, more, more

Children Screaming

Rich mans ruby's gleaming

Greed is a steed

the man rides due to addictions need

feed the children, feed the children

Humans wasting time on animals?

Kids are dying...

they are dying!

Cheese burger, cheese burger

Got late night hunger?

Gluttonous Steed

Puking out that sweet sweet slimy meat

Bye me, try me,

20 bucks for a "suck and fuck"

Rape me, rape me, rape me

we let ourselves get taken so easily

Bliss, oh ugly bliss

give me which what my childhood missed

How we chase our mothers loving kiss!

Lustful Steed

Tempting the release of our sour seed

Revenge and Avenge

how this cycle never ends

He beat me!

She cheat me!

Off with their head, off with their head!

killing the bad

because we are so good.

without fault

rubbing our wounds with salt

Raging steed

Making the masses bleed, bleed, bleed


Oh its so hard to breath

get that for me!

i cant reach!

Idle hand, idle hands

we can't even stand!

Slothful steed

Enticing us to our never-ending sleep

"Look at the rich, them damn pricks

they make me sick"

I wanna piece of that pie!

They can eat shit and die!

lotto brings you gold

now you can sleep at night

gold silk sheets great eats

liposuction for the gala function

to feel loved in your lonely lovely place

Envious steed

turning us into what we hate

I  am so loved

Greater than great

Wins every debate

Never fails

never dwells

never wrong

never alone

a fine collection

always selected

Living to die

chasing that same old high

no inside

empty heart

from the start

Prideful Steed

making empty shells of ourselves

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 16th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 22

I detest what i jest

The hypocrites laugh at the rest

We lie to ourselves

Delusions of grandeur?

We wish.

We human humans

animal to the core

licking at our own sores

Everyone is right

Everyone is wrong

Sangin' that same o'l song

"In God We Trust"

Our minds

Brainwashed puss

Deception is our reception

Dying and dining dashing and crashing to our own sexual bliss

Lies! Blood thirsty Lies!

Gossip gallops through the soul spreading like mold

we will believe anything we are told.

When we were born, we were sold

we will always have someone to answer to

Anarchy isn't freedom?

Individualist ideas are wrong?

Truth resides within

the system is our end

Stand up!

Fight for the right of the free life

or be a coward

Escape this land while you still can

poet Anonymous

I; parasite
Shall lure you
Into forbidden delight
In non exsistance
I ignite

I; parasite
Shall incarnate
Feed with your skin
Your fate

I; parasite
Shall enslave
Your fears
In my
Fury cave



Inject me
Into your pore
I shall use
Your sore

to love
What you
In my manifest

Never too late

oct. 21rst 2012.....LM¤

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