Poetry competition CLOSED 16th October 2012 6:00pm
View Profile Poems by shaunda
RUNNERS-UP: Grace and Kou_Indigo

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poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest


Revenge is a harmful action against a person or group in response to a grievance, be it real or perceived. It is also called payback, retribution, retaliation or vengeance; it may be characterized as a form of justice, an altruistic action which enforces societal or moral justice aside from the legal system. Referred to as a kind of wild justice.


Somebody did something nasty to you.
Write a poem about how CLEVERLY  you would get back at them.
Merely shooting them is not the idea - perhaps "giving them a taste of their own medicine"......

3 poems max - 1 new 2 old
any genre
any length

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

- The Archon’s Revenge -

Part One – Cosmic Apocalypse

Androgynous and beautiful, I stood once more in divine form,
My wings of light spread out behind my back, reaching high…
A goddess of such splendor, that jealous would be the morn!
I came to where the tyrant of the gods dwelt beyond the sky,
In his ship of grand design, like unto a city was the Olympus.
And therein: sat Marduk, who had exiled me into human flesh,
When of old Atlantis fell and the Archons all surrendered thus.
I came to visit upon him old torments, and remind him afresh…
That I was ancient when he was young, and his power is false.
At my side were the Titans, once exiled by Marduk’s very will,
Now lumbering mechanically through the Olympus’ very halls.
Gods and angels, perhaps you might call them aliens yet still…
Clashed and battled, for this was the hour of their final battles.
Did this happen in the past, or is this yet to come in the future?
None can say, for time is a cycle, and that cycle turns, rattles,
And the universe shakes beneath its’ rumbling’s cosmic nature.

Part Two – Titans and Gods

At my side, stood she who was in ancient times my fair sister.
Through mechanical halls merged with living organisms horrid,
We fought the most terrible guardians that the gods do muster.
Their grotesque forms quivering in a heat so alien and humid…
Her golden sword cleaved their forms with its’ electric energy.
Whilst my blade took its’ fair share of the demonic things too!
Once the tyrant of the gods so wrested the tablets of destiny…
Now broken and long since dust: the meaning, no longer true,
From my hands, when of old we waged war across the stars.
Now was the hour, when old scores would be settled in full…
And through the bowels of Olympus we carved deeper scars!
The ship creaked and groaned, and felt some unknown pull…
As if an outside force was tearing to get in the gods’ own lair.
My sister went forth to stabilize it, whilst I pressed on boldly,
Through the silvery corridors of the uppermost levels to dare!
My feet echoed on the metal floor, hammering mayhap coldly.

Part Three – The Fall of Olympus

Within the circular chambers where the Council of Twelve sat,
A thirteenth soul stirred, for I entered that forbidden domain…
Where the gods were melded into machines so incredibly vast.
Such was Marduk’s desire for control, that it caused this pain!
I came to free the gods from his madness, and for my revenge.
Thusly we clashed, my sword upon his ringing in the chamber!
Electric sparks shooting out, for our swords kept their charge.
He looked upon me, but his gaze was unfamiliar as a stranger,
For I had changed over time, becoming more beautiful than he.
I was not the one whose soul he had entrapped in a past age…
But something grander, as if joined to some power of divinity!
All he could do was rant and fume with his unbridled hot rage.
Finally a golden glow sparkled and the gods broke free entire,
Shedding the machines like cocoons, and emerging in wrath…
Focused upon the tyrant, so that Marduk knew their fullest ire!
He fled from me, and I did not pursue him to his ghastly death.

Part Four – A Tyrant’s Torment

He was cast into the machines that he himself had of old made,
Unable to escape the wrath of those once his very prisoners…
Eleven gods turned against the Lord of the Twelve, of the shade.
In that final battle, it was ordained, who would be the winners!
The ship was no longer being pummeled, its’ hull made stable.
My sister had done her job well, earning her place as a legend,
But I had no use for accolades; I did only what I was thus able.
A tyrant had met on that day, his most deservedly wicked end!
But in the heavens, there must always be a status quo to keep,
And so the Titans would have to return to their places of exile…
Lest from cosmic unbalance come chaos unbridled to so creep.
The battles so ended in that way, and all was quiet for a while!
Was I given my reward, or is that yet far off in some other era?
I cannot say, lest in knowing I learn too much like Pandora did.
Perhaps ignorance is bliss, and to know but little is much fairer!
It is enough to share what I beheld, where secrets are often hid.

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

- Downfall of Terra -

Part I – The Wrath of Olympus

Between Mars and Jupiter had been a world grand,
Ruled by a powerful queen, renowned in her land…
And I had been her sister, her lover, and her friend!
On that world we first called Terra ere its’ final end.
Cast out by my maker, and chased across the stars,
The queen took me in, and healed all of my scars…
I was even named her consort, and named her heir.
But that was before the bombs burned away the air!
When the flagship Leviathan was seen in the sky…
And the annihilation of the first Terra drew thus nigh.
The Olympians had found us, we who fled Kobol,
And they had sought to destroy us once and for all.
To tell of this with heavy heart, remembering it well,
How Terra came to be called Tartarus, a living hell:
Is hard for any heart to relate, the tragedy therein…
Even though it has been ages, since that war of sin.
But first I must speak of the revolt on that planet…
And how it did full the queen, with so much regret.
For there was civil war, before the end had come,
And many were those reasons Terra was undone!

Part II – The Archon of Terra

The Archon of Terra, was my title in those days…
Ruler of those seven, who shone bright as sunrays,
Those creators of the Titans, our half-machine kin;
Who came with us to Terra, to new lives so begin!
From the ashes of Kobol, set to flame by jealousy,
We put that past behind us, to at last be set free…
But that queen of Terra: was haughty, and prideful.
And she at first mistrusted us acting most spiteful…
Until I fell into love with her daughter, the princess,
Who ruled the colony of Mars, and thus I confess:
That Terra’s empire was mightiest, in this galaxy…
But, her downfall was ordained, by stone destiny!
Cold is fate sometimes, and crafty in its’ mad logic.
The Titans served the queen, with a loyalty stoic…
For she had bound them to her service, obligated.
Over time they revolted, and thusly so instigated…
The civil war that rocked Terra into her last hours!
Before the Olympians came, with deadly powers.
It was then, that the five elemental lords rose up…
To lead the Titans and thus sip from victory’s cup.

Part III – The Terran Civil War

So then arose they, who had on Kobol warred…
Amongst one another ere its’ doom was secured.
Five lords and ladies, kindred to the Titan race…
And so kindred to me, with as much divine grace.
Continents were set ablaze, with their mad revolt,
Until the queen’s people too rose up like a bolt…
Of lightning, to form the rebellion against my rule!
And the seas of Terra ran red, not longer so blue.
I wept, for my children warred against my allies…
And I cried, to see the explosions upon the skies.
Revolts on two fronts, both my peoples asunder!
Finally, my wrath was kindled like loud thunder…
And the princess and I: took the queen’s palace.
The Titan machines put a stop, to all her malice…
And she agreed to end their servitude, for peace.
It should have been a golden age so given lease!
But then the first Olympian crafts were sighted…
And the bombs they dropped, our ire so ignited.
A council was called, and both the queen and I,
Moved for war, as the invasion had drawn nigh.

Part IV – The Leviathan’s Fury

Tiamat was the name of the queen of old Terra,
I was named the Kingu, her general, in that era.
The war in the heavens, was never so bloody…
As when she then donned the tablets of destiny,
The badge of her office: protector of her world.
And we went forth to fight, our flags unfurled…
On Terra’s surface, and upon the stars beyond;
To repel the invaders, so they could be undone.
The queen’s children perished first, in the fight,
And together she and I mourned, into the night.
Before she herself was slain by the gods’ hate,
She gave me the tablets, before it was too late.
I led all the peoples of Terra, against the foe…
The seven Archons, the Titans, the five did go;
But nothing could stop the Leviathan’s device,
Which obliterated Terra, into particles and ice.
Now an asteroid belt is all that remains, of her,
Mars’ atmosphere failed and it became desert.
Earth’s moon was cratered, as dinosaurs died,
For before the Leviathan not a one could hide.

Part V – The Aftermath of War

Those of us: who survived, to Kobol returned,
But still it lay in abandoned ruins that burned…
The five, who perished, were there reincarnate.
And blazed with anger and vengeance, to sate!
Our peoples grew mighty again over the years,
And we sought our old foes to end our tears…
Upon every world where the Olympians ruled!
One final battle we waged, our anger cooled…
In the blossoms of death, which rained intense.
The Olympians were beyond pity or penitence,
As we struck them wherever they might abide.
For, my sister claimed God was on our side…
That angel who was honored in an old temple!
She who was created last: that sixth elemental.
They named her Lucifer, after Mars’ princess,
And I believed it was her reborn in new dress.
In the end, the powers that govern all creation,
Decided we were too cruel for all celebration.
We lost our final war but both sides did break,
So that any further conflict would be a mistake.

Part VI – The Sorrow of Gods

We were given our own places to live eternal,
But we, they called fallen, as well as infernal…
Those who with my sister and I were so loyal.
Whilst our enemies they called divinely royal…
But for love’s sake, our pride was swallowed!
The rule of divine mercy, we meekly followed.
Olympian and Titan became one race thereon,
Untied, for survival: both guilty of such wrong!
The war in the heavens was ended that way…
And upon Earth we would settle one fine day.
Naming her Terra to atone for what so befell,
In that conflict: long past, time’s endless shell!
But of that journey, old tales were put down,
Much, like how jewels are placed in a crown.
This will be the last I shall write of such things,
As the doom, of Terra: her queens, and kings.
A new Terra I now live on, and so complete,
Is the circle that began before a queen’s feet!
Now I stand tall, and like a queen in stature…
Freed from the past, my spirit: so enraptured.

poet Anonymous

Jessica - thank you for going first and submitting this impressive piece.

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

- A Kunoichi’s Revenge -

Part One: Death to the Daimyo

The Kunoichi steadied her sword, her gaze intense,
Her flowing black garments, fluid with movement…
As she moved into the forms of her martial artistry!
It was said that against her, there was no defense,
And she had come to make one individual lament.
She would rob her enemy of his life and his dignity!
He took the life of her sister with a savage delight,
Sending his Samurai to take her body to be flayed.
He did not think anyone escaped death, that night…
But one female Ninja did, her revenge to be played.
She was not beautiful, but like a tomboy did seem,
But she had the heart of warrior, the soul of a queen.
She saw her sister’s skin hanging on a distant wall,
And looked with hate at the Daimyo he did the deed.
Her revenge would be fierce, and men would recall,
The manner in which she caused her enemy to bleed!

Part Two: An Unequal Duel

He backed away from her, his sword hand reluctant,
That same which cut into her sister’s skin just before!
He treated her like an animal, a trophy to be shown…
So that even the Shogun’s heart would surely lament,
To know one of his Daimyo had such a wicked core.
Such insanity, in one of such renown was not known!
The Kunoichi called out to her enemy to draw steel…
So that she could not be said to slay a man unarmed,
But that was merely the façade, for how she did feel.
She longed, to hack him to pieces, see him harmed…
Defend yourself I said, she screamed with such rage,
That the Daimyo did as she requested, attacking fast.
She fought him like a warrior poetess, a sword sage,
Whilst he was like a cornered beast, seeking to cast:
His sword here and there, without a Daimyo’s skill…
And soon the Kunoichi moved in, but not for the kill.

Part Three: Slaying the Monster

She severed his hand, sending it and his blade flying,
At which he attempted to draw a dagger with his left.
His right hand was gone, thus he fumbled like a fool…
And he crumpled before her, whimpering and crying,
His dignity stripped by desperation and madness deft.
She stabbed his abdomen, leaving him in a red pool…
But it was not enough to bring him, an honorable end.
He dishonored her sister by his theft of her very flesh,
And now, no honor would be his, not even in doom…
There was murder in her eyes, and the desire to rend.
She took his dagger and made numerous cuts afresh!
He spent hours in agony, the end coming never soon.
Seven times he begged for a quick death, fruitlessly…
As she skinned him alive, peeling his skin from bone,
Leaving his bloodied carcass robbed even of civility!
Never once did he apologize, nor even seek to atone.

Part Four: A Skin for a Skin

She buried her sister’s skin and body at their village,
With all the honors due a sister Ninja of such esteem.
Her eyes filled with tears to think of life without her…
Perhaps time would ease her grief, a peace with age.
Never more would her sister’s eyes sparkling gleam,
But at least the Kunoichi has slain that vile monster…
The cruel Daimyo whose own skin she after did nail:
Unto the gates of his castle, for all his people to see!
The monster’s wife discovered this and oft did wail,
Her grief matching the Kunoichi’s, ever so sweetly…
So that the female Ninja’s revenge was a fitting one.
The Samurai who killed her sister, she then hunted…
Pouring out her grief unto each man in dark cunning.
For they pursued her, yet each man was so undone,
That they joined their fallen master as bloodily dead!
She left their carcasses behind her and kept running.

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

somelikeithot said:
Jessica - thank you for going first and submitting this impressive piece.

The pleasure is all mine, Kitty! My third piece is the new one. I call it: "A Kunoichi's Revenge"

Hannah Alexis
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 24th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 57

Hello daddy. It's just Hannah.
Ain't I pretty? I'm all grown up now.
But you helped me grow up a long time ago.
Didn't you? You little sneaky bastard.

But that's okay. I've moved on.
I just want the best for my daddy now.
So I emailed your new boss.
I told him all about how great of a dad you are.
All about how you love your first daughter.

No need to thank me.
Oh, I emailed your new wife too.
I told her all of our great memories from when I was little.
And about how you love your one on one time with kids.
How olds her kid now? Six? Oh I bet you love her too!

In a hurry to get home? You sure look worried daddy.
You must be excited to put your new baby to bed!
Well I made your truck faster so you can get there sooner.
Better get going now. I bet your wife is waiting on you.
You don't need brakes right? Oops my bad daddy.

poet Anonymous

Hanninnee - thank you very much for your poem

Thought Provoker
United States 7awards
Joined 5th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 206


I walk home after school,
I put the key in the door.
I hear a single gunshot.
I slam through the door to find out what happened,
My pops stands over my mom’s nearly lifeless body with a gun.
I run to my ma, she is taking in shallow gasps of air,
I can hear the pain in her breathing.
“MA! MA!” I cry to her, awaiting a response,
She smiles at me and gasps, “I love you.”
She passes on the afterlife,
Wherever that is after this life.
All of a sudden I feel something in me snap,
I stand up, tears on my face, blood on my shirt.
I glare at my old man,
“WHAT DID YOU DO!?!?!” I scream at him,
He looks at me like it is none of my business.
I run to the kitchen,
I grab a butchers knife.
I run back to the living room,
I repeat “What did you do!?!?,” with restrained anger.
He says “what are you gonna do boy?”
I slash with the knife releasing all the anger and pain in the world in one single blow,
He still lives, he raises his gun, he fires.
I deflect it off the knife, it ricochets in to his right shoulder,
I’m pissed off he still lives.
I jump onto him, I slash and stab, with a fury even the Gods would envy,
My bloody father finally takes his final breath.
I should be in shock,
But all I feel is justice.
I spit on his face as my final disgrace to him,
I run out the door knowing that it will only be a matter of time.
Only a matter of time until I face it again,
Until I face the beauty of Revenge.

Thought Provoker
United States 7awards
Joined 5th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 206

-Needless Revenge-

I loved her
I really did,
But she betrayed me.
And because she betrayed me,
She has to pay!

I went to her house that dark, dark night
The one night that even the demons from the hell wouldn’t come to earth
It’s the one night that neither the almighty god
Nor the almighty devil can or will touch me
For my fury burns all around me

I went to her house while she was playing with her new boy toy
I slipped into the back yard
And in through the back window with ease
She nor her boy saw or heard me coming for them

Within seconds they are unconscious
I drag their limp bodies down the stairs
Thump, thump, thump
Their heads bounce off the stairs
I tie their hands to the poles in the ceiling
I tie them so that they face each other

I get my knife, set it on the table
I throw ice water onto their bodies
As soon as she sees me her face morphs into inhuman hatred
I look her in the eyes and tell her "watch"
"You should enjoy this"
I grab the knife and throw it at her boy

He screams a scream that the Banshee's would be scared of
I rip the knife down
Nearly ripping his arm off in the process
Blood gushes out and covers my hand and the floor
She looks disgusted, I’m happy, but still hungry for revenge
I cut his bonds
He is still screaming
He looks at me and freezes, and says "w-what are you?"
I say your worst nightmare
I jump on top of him and punch him 1, 2, 3, 10 times in rapid succession
I disembowel his other arm
Rip his legs free from his body
Then I rip out his heart and put it in Her mouth
I cut her down and push her to her knees
I cut off her head, and watch her dead body spasm
I lay down in the red pool of death that I created
I fall into endless dreams of sweet bloody bliss

I love Needless Revenge

poet Anonymous

Lucian - thank you for your submissions.

Thought Provoker
United States 7awards
Joined 5th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 206

No Problem

poet Anonymous


Payback for what was done

To my ancestors in Spain

The notorious Alhambra Decree

Was Spain's everlasting shame

This is my auto-da-fe

I will be cruel to those I choose

Even Pope Sixtus IV

Condemned the excesses

For true and faithful Christians

Died with the Marranos and the Moors

St. Theresa of Avila

St. John of the Cross

Opposed such torture and cruelty

Since the choice of people were random

They were not always Conversos or Jews

Some were most holy Catholics

Some were unjustly accused

Therefore I need a scapegoat

A sacrificial lamb

I think it will be you

You know who I am....

poet Anonymous

Above is a revenge poem I wrote....
The above poems are excellent..........
Poets interested in this competition are invited to submit

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17076


Your day of reckoning is come
For the atrocities you committed
For the screams you evoked
From the conquered race

Remember the nights so long ago
When you birthed fireworks in the sky
With your screaming birds of steel
Remember the red ejaculations of death

Remember the screams of men
Who tried to save their hamlets?
So cosy snug against hillocks
From your spreading fire

Remember the shrieks of girls
You grabbed from their mothers arms
To use as wipers of your underbelly
To discard when their life were snuffed

Remember the barter of souls
Between you and your devil
Atrocities unperceived
Were we then the savages

Brown people living among peaceful gardens
Etching a living off the bountiful land
We did not covet our neighbour’s goods
Or stood at yours and demanded food

Thus now the reckoning is come
Behold the tsunamis
Behold the storms
Behold the cyclones

The wealth of your people will dwindle
The health of your people will shrink
The might of your knowledge
Will not buy you an inch of life

The Rising Sun shall not rise any higher
Your land shall be buffeted by war
From within and without
For you have been cursed

That day long ago
By the tears and fears of my people
Through the chants and incantations
of shamans and priestesses

A new day is dawn
The meek and weak
Will inherit the land
The mighty will have fallen.

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