Poetry competition CLOSED 13th August 2012 1:54pm
View Profile Poems by Magdalena
RUNNER-UP: siphondarkness

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From beyond the Misty Mountains

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17126

Poetry Contest

Read the title and the short poem below
Move the mist from faraway
Creeps eager on green meadows
Fingers laces through the trees
Of vivid dreams and fantasies

1: Read the short poem above and write your thoughts of it.
2: The poem should not be more than 200 words
3: Only one entry per person
4: Please title your poem

Inviting DUP Friends and Family to participate!

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

- Fire from Beyond the Stars -

The mist was thick upon the waters of old primordial seas,
Which encircled a planet that was broken into fragments…
When the noble Dragon Queen, was brought to her knees.
The waters of her home could not pour from the firmament,
For the wrath of the gods was too terrible for any to behold!
The mist crept across such lush green meadows that were,
Before the Queen’s palace, and her crimson knights bold.
When the gods descended for war, all the waters did stir!
The end came in the winter like icy fingers to grasp the soul.
Through the crystalline trees, grasped by ice so magically…
One could see the fire from the heavens, beyond all control.
Fire and water, to melt the ice and bring a doomed destiny!
Even the mountains were laid low, their backs broken down,
Like humbled titans crumbling before some Olympian wrath.
I beheld this apocalyptic terror, and cast away my crown…
No longer the Queen’s consort, in that bygone, ancient past.
The end came, but the war would last for countless seasons,
Until the pride of a world was broken: for forgotten reasons.
In vivid visions, I recall,
All, that did thus befall!

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3006


Spheres of crystal beauty
Amethyst dreams stand alone
Catching me up in perchance
whispers of the unknown

Jasmine drifts on mountain tops
Azure skies tumble free
Cirrus clouds sink away
as warm sun blankets me

Pensive thoughts upon me ponder
slipping into the green
of the bed that I lay upon
in my evanescent dream

Closing the lids to my soul
I sink into my dark
Falling through the moments
that were meant to one day start

Bound by webs of wonder
still no clarity crawls
through the chambers of my heart
or past my concrete walls

It came and it went just left in the dark......


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17126

Thank you Jessica and Magdalena for sending in your respective entries.

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

- In Timelessness -

Beneath white skies, I did stride forth in exile from Paradise.
Pale blue, the mountains that sparkled in the setting of a sun!
Not the sun as lights this world, but one of more alien device.
Mist from those mountains came to the icy streams as begun,
Beyond the sight of one who beheld things more terrible still…
And yet, my stride was not lessened, my beauty not defaced.
My feet did not touch the stream’s waters, so cold and chill!
For they led to domains of the dead, not by sunlight graced…
And lo, the mist creeps on, beyond the vision of those living!
Past green fields of tall grass, pleasant valleys, and woodland,
And in the embrace of that mist, is an intelligence unforgiving!
I did not succumb to the danger, and by an inner command…
My fingers brushed aside the vines of the forests deeply dark.
And the mists became a fog lacing through the reaching trees,
With branches like hands, and whose bodies are only bark…
Yet still such fantasies might inspire fear, in the eye that sees:
Forms in formlessness, and so my sight did lead me not false.
When in timelessness, we do waltz.

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 2026

Caught the Tolkien reference lol

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17126

Thank you Levi: The purpose of that reference is to evoke that other-worldly feel to you, to enable you to write of a fantastical world, dream or situations: I hope you will send in your participation to this competition. Thank you again. Again, Jessica honoured to have your entry.

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 30th May 2012
Forum Posts: 481

Move the mist from faraway
Creeps eager on green meadows
Fingers laces through the trees
Of vivid dreams and fantasies


Creep forth what sweet sentiments do not contain
a tantalizing dewdrop trickling into hungry mist
With crimson washes away the resigned smell of
lilac and ocean

And with such breaking dawn or sunset
comes the air of big calm
a slight blanket over the icing roofs
and the haggard country

In a place not so abrasive nor chafing
a place to delve underneath the folds
of a stone-bridged green river
dead-legged swinging into the blue meadows
of velvet undertones and denim reach

Yet you stick your finger
on the pin of oversun
and you are reminded

that no place is Paradise.

poet Anonymous

Earliest Tee time

Tee time is yet 40 minutes distant
Still nearly dark, I park and listen
to the doves cooing in the still damp
and think of home so far away...where
meadows stretch 1000 yards and greens
lie at the foot of dog legs bounded
by roughs of grass and oaks and cypress.
Open bowls of sand protect the lonely
pendant. Just getting within a 3 lie
is a chippers dream, but follow the ball
I shall, as soon as the sun burns off this
mountain like shoe soaking mist.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17126

Sublim and nopoetiknow, thank you so much for entering your respective poem in the competition.

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 2026

Misty Mountains

Off to the Misty Mountains;
and their secrets that they hide.
Prepared for the dangers beneath;
and the guardians we may fight.
Off to the fire;
that lies beneath;
and to the treasure
that we will seek.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17126

Thank you Levi for sending in your entry.

poet Anonymous



Sunlight emerges cautiously
Moves the mist from faraway
Creeps eager on green meadows
Finds the pair of runaways
Asleep in each others arms
Fingers laces through the trees
Of vivid dreams and fantasies
They will awake to the realities
This harsh world takes another
Do not be deceived by mother nature
She is beast behind foliage cover.

poet Anonymous

Thank you for the competition!

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 12th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 29

Vivid fantasies and dreams

Move the mist of mountain top
reviling a darkened heart
siting on top the floating mist
leaving you to a journey of
mind body and spirit
leading you to wounder and to look
for answers in places you normally would not look
keeping your head above the clouds
looking steel in your minds eye
no answer will be found tell you open your third eye
for fantasy and dreams are so vivid there
leaving it all in a book  

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