Poetry competition CLOSED 30th July 2012 12:06pm
lepperochan (CraicDealer)
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One Week to live

poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

you have been told that you have one week to live, write a poem on your thoughts, feelings, or actions regarding this news. One week, max of 2 entries per poet-no co-writes.
For those who don't already know-I don't extend the competition duration-one week means one week
I have a lot going on lately and am not on here as much as I would like to be anymore so please inbox me any questions..hit or miss that I read the comp entries before it ends-but I do try
Have fun and thank you. Peace, Miki

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17076

The week before

To wake in joy everyday
for the duration within a day
to cram life for a thousand fold
to look with hunger, to hold
what may not linger or stay
words unsaid
secrets untold

Of smiles soon gone
forever not to bloom again
of eyes meeting
soon to disappear
now growing inward
as the time draws near
To say farewell and turn away

This week I live this once
to hold all those I hold dear
To speak words otherwise unspoken
To touch faces otherwise ignored
to love and live selflessly
To savour life
and then say goodbye.

poet Anonymous



One week to live

Hire a doctor, nurse, staff, a plane

For I will see what I can

In this flying hospital room

I think I shall fly to Paris

Spend the night, go to Madrid

From there on to Athens

Constantly shot up with drugs

Giving me energy, stop the pain

On more trip to Morocco

Then finally land in Israel

See Jerusalem the golden

Die there peacefully

Give my money for peace

Between the Palestinians and Israelis

Isaac and Ishmael were brothers

Wish they were again

So I say goodbye

To an insane world

Buried in Jerusalem

My soul will beg G*D

Please help peace come

Let all the nations of the world

Rejoice and do the same!

Thought Provoker
Joined 10th May 2012
Forum Posts: 344

i have one week
to tell you everything
i want you
to know
i want you to
what it is
that i really feel for you
thanks for
throwing me away
thanks for
the abuse
thanks for
the misery, depression, and pain
thanks for
my sarcasm
i use it all the time
thanks for never being there
thanks for
always hating me
thanks for
make me able
to deal with
my loneliness
all youve done
has made me stronger
even if it was
hirtful and cruel

Twisted Dreamer
South Africa 1awards
Joined 8th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 67

colours of my soul

i held you in my arms
carried you
loved you
married you
but i got complacent
wasted what we had
started living wrecklessly
always made you mad
i'm sorry for what i had done
what i have become
im sorry for taking chances
not keeping my promises
and not putting you first
                       where you belong.....

poet Anonymous

Very nice entries so far, thanks! Peace, Miki

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 24th June 2012
Forum Posts: 101

take me back to that place of origin
"were the grass is green and the girls are pretty"  (guns an roses "take me down to Paradise city")  
were a smile is gold
and funk is what the tong holds

sound is sweet like the lake's water flow
delighted by the moonlight, reminder ,
reminiscing  that wink engrave in the moonlight
thousands twinkles dispatch among the gorgeous night sky
subliminal not since the twinkle in your eye was all i notice

a place were time has no meaning
my world is mind blowing
sensation resistance a sin  
feel me from head to toes is to skip a day
so i been told

a contradiction but who cares
when the moment is well spend
is the way it got to be
aching for that moment to be caress on a trip in extacy

love is the end of this trip
listen  it is a funky tune
a twisted creation
our creation
a memory before my cremation

Fire of Insight
Joined 29th June 2012
Forum Posts: 325

Ive got one week to live
Just one no more
No less
I want to say i hate you,
You know who you are
And i forgive you
I want to say that i love you
And i really hope you can forgive me too.
Now that's through
Im going to jump out of a plan
Without a parachute
And survive.
I would fight someone
Ive always wanted to fight
Abd possibly kill them.
Maybe along my way to new york,
Miami, las vegas(my homes)
Ill meet a vampire.
Ill travel to japan
And greet a friend,
Then a few oher places too.
Of course while we fly,
Ill be in a private jet,
Attending a party all night long.
Ill have a dream within a dream,
Within a dream and ill make my way through
The labyrinth
But really i wont do all that.
I cant,
The whole time
Ill be thinking
Of you.

Thought Provoker
United States 15awards
Joined 9th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 276

It's About Time

Time is going by extremely slow
Marking the days on my calendar in woe
A countdown to the day I meet my demise
My terminal illness I could no longer disguise
A week became days, hours became minutes
Minutes became seconds but still time seem infinite
The clock on the wall inspired the theme
It feels like I'm trapped in a real bad dream
I'm ready to wake up but I'm in too deep
Now it's too late I'll be in eternal sleep
And time won't matter because my job on earth expired
Was hoping to retire but instead I got fired
God gave me the pink slip and punched in my clock
Life was the investment I lost my stock
Now heaven is the only thing on my mind
Until it's my time and then I flatline

poet Anonymous

“Lousy Shot”

Hello everybody, believe it or not, I got shot!
I’ve got just one more week to go and I know
some of you won’t get this message
until long after the show.
It was really just an accident,
I was very over confident, but,
I coughed and the gun off, what a predicament.
Please, no entourage needed to see me through.
I wish I had more time to write to each of you,
but, the doctors said I have not much time,
I would rather write more haiku or go climb instead,
then stay here and rhyme, I’m so blue, and stuck in bed.
Please, do not take offense if I don’t recompense
each of you for making me feel so alive,
because, soon I’ll be dead,
full of bullet lead in my head.

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14593

On my day of dying

my love

you've never looked quite so stunning
as you did in the glow of candlelight
and here on this night you are beautiful

it seems like only hours ago
we first kissed under the silver birch
we ran to for shelter from the pouring rains

my passion

we used to welcome fate
threw ourselves into whatever it put our way
now I hear you curse it every time you sigh
I pretend not to see the fresh mascara
you've touched up when you leave for five minutes.

my Goddess

Leave me now,gift me one more touch of your lips
to take with me on my journey back to conception
there is no need for tears or wails
I will be waiting for you happy in the knowledge

that we were, we are ,we will be



Fire of Insight
Nigeria 15awards
Joined 24th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 241

Death has a way of reshuffling one's priorities
As the clock ticks I realize
I was far better as who I was before
Than this paranoid entity sitting on the floor
With nothing but my cigarette pack and bottle of alcohol
Plus all those things I craved for all around me
Money,women and props
Happiness still eludes me
The short cut has turned out to be the hardest way
And every day's a bad day
Thanks to this crappy deal
What's left for me?
I wish time can stand still
I wish the night will never come
And when eventually it does come
I shriek and dread the coming dawn
So little was I given
In exchange so much will be taken
Just six days of pleasure laced with stress
And of the seventh day I'll bid the world farewell
As I eternally rest

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14593

On my other Day of dying

Seven days since everything changed
for the better
all my debts wiped clean
and they don't even know it
so good to have the last laugh
at the system
that's kept me from sleep
for years

six cigarettes are all that's left
no reason to buy any more
reminds me of the doodlebugs
sent with much love
from the edge of France
just enough juice
to get where they were going

Five more
generous shots of Jameson
before the bottle runs dry
If there's time
I'll have to open the Famous Grouse
that I've been saving for a rainy day
but this one is a scorcher

four hours since I hung up the phone
three times I tried to get a word in
tried to say something meaningful or profound
that she'd remember me by
or quote to people as I'm burning

Two more cigarettes and I'm out of here
and not a minute too soon
I should write something humorous on my body
for the pathologist to get a giggle out of
I might be remembered

One more look out the window
to search just below the only cloud
in the sky
to find the flying fuck I never gave
for this life

Fire of Insight
Nigeria 15awards
Joined 24th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 241

I'm being robbed here
And nobody cares
I'm calling out in fear
Screaming on top of my voice
Yet no one hears
Its like a set up
Stucked in his dice game
Once cast...
It can never be taken back
That they made my fate
And I can percieve a little twist of hate
This is injustice
Seven days
To put myself together
And embark on this eternal journey
But I still want to live
I want to see my kids and grand kids
But my dream's been cencored
My desire's fated for denial
The judgement's been passed
The seventh day would be my last
I'm not giving up like a sheep
I'm not going to that dark abyss alone
I'm pulling as many along with me
In my last week of existence
This society will witness transformation like never been seen
As I haul souls into oblivion along with me

Twisted Dreamer
United States 14awards
Joined 21st July 2012
Forum Posts: 240

One week to live? That's more than I expected to breath
I shot the capo in the knee cap before quickly I fled
"Go to hell boy!" blindly I yelled that insane night
One moment of fright has me looking over my right
Goodnight to all I ever knew but tonight I must die
But before you stand over my grave I must sigh
He tried to play me for a fool, how many days left?
A week I suppose before all that love me weep
I have a girl to kiss and make love to all night long
I will fight for my life before singing that sad song
Come and get me killa, come and get me gangsta
Five days left before my head rests on a platter
Sell my final shipment of goodies to the hood
Give a middle finger to anyone who said I was rude
Drive one hundred and fifty miles just to do it
One hundred miles per hour eating a banana split
Two days left and their getting ready to invade
On a roller coaster having the time of my life
I hope they don't bring a knife to a gun fight
I'm ready for war, they don't know what's in store
The evening before the showdown I'm stoned
Too late to travel the world but imagination rules
Read 'The Art of War' several times drenched in jewels
Find a dime and on her face slowly begin to drool
Rent a weather balloon, the message reads "fuck school"
Last night I couldn't sleep, today I must say goodbye
The more I think about it, it sure was a good ride
Before I could speak another word I heard a noise
Bang! Bang! I took two with me, like a wild cowboy

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