Poetry competition CLOSED 5th July 2012 12:32pm
freddwzz (Naked Satirist)
View Profile Poems by freddwzz
RUNNERS-UP: Grace and DeadForYou

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Rachel O.
Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 17th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 1590

Poetry Contest

See. Hear. Taste. Smell. Feel.
I want you to write a poem using all 5 of your senses.
I want this to be very descriptive.
It could be walking outside your door, sitting on the beach, clattering away at the keyboard, or it could be something emotional.
Anything you want.

Two weeks.
New or old.
3 entries a piece.
I don't want to read a book.
You can use see, hear, taste, smell, feel, if you wish, but you are poets, maybe think of another word for some of them.

Here is mine as an example:

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow


I breathed your intoxicating desire
 caressed your inflaming intensity
 tasted your awakened demand
 absorbed your passionate yearn
 witnessed your stimulating euphoria
We were one soul  
in two bodies.  


I breathe your piercing anguish
 caress your persecuting turmoil  
 taste your suffocating heartache
 absorb your punishing nightmare
 witness your agonizing plague

We are one soul  
on two realms.


I will breathe my unforgiving devotion
       caress my grasping grief
       taste my starving tears
       absorb my sorrowful shock
       witness my violent daze

I will join you, and
we will be whole again.

Tyrant of Words
United States 5awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5152

The summers sun, warmed my face
The roses petals were soft like velvet
The smell brought me home
I say Mama there
She was smiling again
I could hear the children playing in the backyard
There laugher rang like bells to my ears
The iced tea, felt cool and refreshing
Some condensation fell and rolled down my skin
The sweet taste and lemon touch sent my taste buds on a rampage
So, this was what it was like to be where I belong

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 20th June 2012
Forum Posts: 19

You Don't Know Me

You don't know me!
I'm lurking in places you don't even know exist, yet
You think you know where to find me
You don't even know the half of it.
I'm what eats away at your soul
I'm everything you know and dread to be.
I know what and who you truly are.
I know you are lost and lonely.
Locked inside your shrinking mind.
You cannot come down deep enough
To find me at the perimeters.
You cannot own or touch me
Like I will own and touch you.
You cannot fathom my enjoyment
In your pathetic isolated comfort.
I will grind you down gradually,
In slow paranoid confusion of your self worthlessness.
There are no choices left for you now.
You cannot break my agreement.
You are forever eternally owned.
Your cowardly tears cannot
penetrate emotions I do not own.
You are tied to the shadows,
miserably denying I exist.
You are immaculately pathetic.
You are the reason I exist.
I breed on your morbid thoughts.
I have tracked you down.
Now we are bonded in melancholy.
You will never be free.
You cannot breathe without me.
You cannot leave without me.
I will strip you bare to your bones.
You have no control anymore.
I am the real underlining secret you 
you don't want anybody to see.
You'll hear, see, smell, feel and taste me.
You will be me?
You are me. 
We - me - alone.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17122

A passing experience

Touches the wind
like gossamer fingers
My cheeks it caresses
like an ardent lover
Gently rumples my hair
Spreading it over my face
Like a naughty friend
The rain kisses my cheeks
I taste the salt of my sweat
Wet hair embracing my skull
Water going into my eyes
My eyes feel the sting of salt
Tears flows, unbidden
Mixed with the falling rain
Running towards shelter
Feet pounding the sand
I hear the soughing of the wind
Over the treetops
The crash of thunder
The bolts of lightning
The storm has come full blast
I feel the crackling of ozone
And fear within
But gentle arms embraced me
and you are there, my comfort
My beloved.
How I love you
I feel safe again.

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 22nd Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 3007

“Your Flava”
by:  Eric L. Boddie

It is, undoubtedly, anyone’s, who has ever heard it, favorite choice
That’s an easy one, sounds like your voice
The most precious, delightful and beautiful thing in the place
Now that looks exactly like your face
The most pleasing thing, of any kind or such
Glory to God, that’s your touch
The aroma of a girl, the way that God meant
Everyone knows that that is your scent
The taste the whole world can’t do anything but savor
To put it plain and simple, that’s your flavor

poet Anonymous


“How do I love thee

Let me count the ways:”

My eyes do see a man

Dark eyes, dark hair

Olive complexion, Mediterranean

As you speak my name

Your low sensuous voice,

Sounds like the wind

Leads to a kiss

Tastes like cloves,

Smells like testosterone

Mixed with pheromones

A manly clean odor

Known to provoke

My sexual desire

To touch you all over

To take my hands

Gently glide

From your cheek down,

To those strong arms

The black fine hairs

So soft you are!

As you lay bare

Skin gleaming and tight

Muscles rippling, a delight

Brilliantly made

Built for love

For when we touch

Our senses ignite,

Touch becomes more

As our bodies meld

Our intimacy sores

So we cannot keep

Our hands and our lips

Off each other

For even a minute,

These five faculties

Were designed by GOD

To help us survive

To propagate with pleasure

It is our human right

To use them to treasure

The beloved so that we bind

Fall in love, delight mankind.

Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

So Very Close

I am so very close
I can almost feel her touch
I can even hear her breathing
Her heartbeat and such

I can see her light
And beautiful smile
I can see her rain with happiness
Like she's deserved, all the while

I can almost taste her lips..
Though we have yet to even hug
But thats all I can picture
Her safe, soft, and snug..

She can lift my sadness
Like no other...
She can break my sorrow,
With one litle mutter

I am so very close
Yet so far away..
So tell me how come
I feel this way..?

Chrisella Payne
Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 24th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 12

Senseless Senses
I look into the night
Without the sight
Of flowing emotions
With a strong devotion

I taste the fear
Not far, but near
Full of regret
When thy shall not fret

I feel the loss
When thee comes across
Its drowning thee
I can not longer see

I smell the despair
Its in the air
I try to leave
But it follows me

I hear death
It calls by breath
Can you hear it too?
I believe it hears you...

So now my sight is gone
And it is nearly dawn
I hope I get it back
There may be an upcoming attack

So now fear tastes me
Greater than sea to sea
Lost and never found
Yet never fully to astound

So now touch tries to kill
After chill, after chill, after chill
We've been waiting for this attack
Yet it is skill that we may lack

So now the odor that once burned my nose
Gave up and finally arose
Not lost, but there
I can barely bare...

So now death, that once screamed my name
Keeps telling me that IM insane
When I was only the one that heard
When he was the one who conferred...

Naked Satirist
Fire of Insight
Singapore 6awards
Joined 5th May 2012
Forum Posts: 496

Squirting streams of blazing greek fire
Aqueous flames riding in my liquid chamber

Fresh serene air invoking latent stimulus
Bold lithium scent of the nonchalant

Shackled when sober these unchained flavours
Subtle sweetness from bitter recollections

Crackling electric threads in quagmire
Ingenious harmony in deranged offbeat rhythm

Romantic potent colon, does monotone digestion
Pulsating rays of bipolar neon colors


Trevin Michael
Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 30th May 2012
Forum Posts: 114

                    Pure 2  A Loving Master
Do you trust me

                Her skin
                still warm from the shower
                senses even the subtlest  shift in the air
                as he encircles the bed

Tonight I'm feeling selfish Mayhem
and I wish for you to be my toy
                Standing behind her
                his hand guides her wrist into a velvet cuff
                First her left…  then her right
                Kneeling down,
                he softly kisses her forehead
                and whispers
Yes Sir..
                                                     yes Sir
In return for your servitude
I can only offer you..  
me ..
                                                  *I love you*

I will however require 3 things tonight

               She feels the strength of his hands
               as he grips her leg behind her calf
               and begins to tie Kinbaku Rope
               around her knee

Number 1, The Blindfold does not come off

               Sensory Deprivation
               Blocking the vision  
               heightens the Touch

Number 2, No speaking unless spoken to
Your only reply may be Yes Sir or No Sir

               Her other leg lifts
               and then bound in rope

The 3rd , you are not allowed to Cum
without permission
To which you can not ask for
                                                *devilish smirk*

               Kneeling again behind her
               He closes his eyes and pauses
               his fingers tracing her jawline

Do you understand these rules?
                                                    Yes sir

               He places her collar around her neck
               appropriately labeled Mayhem

Then let us begin

Rachel O.
Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 17th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 1590

Great so far, keep them coming :D

poet Anonymous

"Expire, Alone, No"

Deodorant sprays keep us from
smelling the real world.

Food additives keep us from
tasting the real world.

Sunglasses keep us from
seeing the real world.

Earphones keep us from
hearing the real world.

Pain keeps us from
touching the real world.

Living in fantasy worlds to
escape blood,
our nightmares,
true love
keeps us from the
magic of the real world.

Come out of hiding or
else die deep inside.
Discover the magic, don’t be tragic.
Pitch a tent, ride a bicycle, milk a cow, float on air,
show others that you really care.
Hey, build a fire, live to your heart’s desire.
Quit being a crier!
It’s really not that dire.
Live life before you expire, alone.


Rachel O.
Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 17th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 1590

Good stuff so far, keep them coming :)

Pretty Normal
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 29th May 2012
Forum Posts: 76

She's the easier option, I suppose-

If you don't drop it-
it will rivet
through the fleshier-pupil pivot.
Leaving gasoline curls upon us
kissing your eyes with my lacking fondness.

Treacle-steps of intermission
lead the floor-like pin-cushion
as your words sickle to the rafters
of "what happens now?"
and "there-afters".

With the speech so silent-minded,
and your intent so loudly blinded.
Leaks of pink squealing meaning,
shatter with pitch
and serrate the ceiling.

Of your sweetened lack of feeling,
nothing's left to salt for healing.
Sour breath
licks closed your lip-line,
no longer candied on your eye-line.

The perfume of when you were mine,
binds with the soft scent of moral decline.
I hope she'll seep from nose to soapy-veins,
where that sick acidic breath of yours complains.

as you surrender the last of your brains
to very softly-lacquered chains
and end my least favorite of games.

Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596

.:Psilocybin Park:.


eyes faced this place
after we finished the ripple
faced it with a double, triple
this bubble of blown out aromas
but we knew
the smells which blew
they were new and
they were penetrating my nose
leaving me teary eyed;
my pupils thought my eyes had died
the recklessness of my eyeballing
giving way to a tantrum of tenderized touching
what was felt were ears cupped,
forced fed into cowering while crouching
phonics, they came sonic and my senses
they went senseless attempting to understand
this experience was beyond the bland
unknown to man and
never would I eat in or out
of those mushed rooms…again!

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