Poetry competition CLOSED 28th April 2012 6:57am
Page_Writer (Mad Girl)
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RUNNERS-UP: firedaughter and Cinny

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The Fear Within

Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

I fear I will end up
Just like her..
Making the same mistakes
And going unheard

Staring with the pot
And ending with the blade
Happiness she couldn't find
Sorrow wouldn't fade

I am her daughter
Created out of the ash
But I know already
There are things I want to take back

If I could go back
And undo those things
I could turn around the hands of time
And take back the sorrow I bring

I see the tears
In my sisters eyes
When she sees the blood
And i'm out of lies

My fear..
Unlike any other..
Is that I will turn out to be

Dangerous Mind
India 16awards
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 2251

                  The Truman Show

On days when there are no nightmares-no gunshots    
no feeling of sinking in quicksand-or falling from    
red skies-with vast space acting a safety net    
I just start to wilt like an unused cliché    
I stand under the shower-let the water    
wash me over which it does and then    
there is always the monotony of    
water rolling down in trickles    
and the body stops feeling it    
and it gets tedious just to    
stand erect facing the walls    
the-same-old-cheap-tiles-almost opaque-    
not even offering a faint glimpse of    
my beaten-swollen-bluesy face    
and after a point the water gets inside    
my eyes and the tears just duck somewhere    
probably due to a difference in osmotic    
pressure or whatever and it starts to    
burn-upon opening-on closing and that    
is usually the time to get out which    
I almost always do-wiping myself clean    
on the way back to the bedroom    
I stand naked in front of the mirror    
bloat my stomach and try to disgust    
myself and I often end up admiring    
something or the other and that disgusts    
me even more which usually solves the problem    
I play some sleaze-probably Rochelle from 90's    
jack off-whimper-shiver-cower and the tears are    
usually back by then but there is no place to hide    
I try to feign my interest in reading some book    
probably a guide to make slipknots or something    
by Mishima or Houcellbecq or even Debord    
most of the times I end up reading-some pages    
before I feel an urge to hurt myself and then    
I usually switch on my cell phone and watch the    
text messages pour in-surprising me with their    
inflow-as the moment I expect them to stop one more    
gets in-like the stronger sperms in the white muck    
I immediately get a call and after an exchange of    
expletives the sobs kick in-premature and then    
there is every possible effort to hush and baby    
Often it feels spectacular but sometimes it is    
just too much to take down the throat and then    
more abuses-a dead line-a broken phone-a smile    
Hyperventilated from the ensuing melodrama    
I start my computer-update my status-like what they    
have to say-offer-on everything-anything at all    
I share my opinion-like-then try to strike up    
something-resembling a borderline conversation    
most of the times it's just an exchange of    
emoticons which become almost too predictable    
after a time and then the girls invariably ask    
if everything's alright and then-  
Damn women-pushy-probing-curious    
so where does that leave me-probably    
a murky-smelly place smelling like    
a storage room for rotting road kill    
and feeling like a comfort zone-may be.    


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