Poetry competition CLOSED 29th March 2012 9:07pm
Page_Writer (Mad Girl)
View Profile Poems by Page_Writer
RUNNERS-UP: diddi and Atropabelladonna

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Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 14th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596

Poetry Contest

Write a poem about the why's in your life
I feel like we can never stop asking why. There is so much unanswered and so much we dont know. There are things that happen, things we cant stop. In the end I always come to ask why?

Why do you ask why, what type of answer are you searching for, and if your why has been answered you could write about that to.

No rules
Collabs are welcome

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704


The evil twisted pervert
walks gun gripping , fisted
from his den of sick covert .

A sad ear
can hear
the news at ten ,
you know that they've all gone
an attitude of anger and disbelief
you don .

Family life
turns to devastation
beneath the skies
of emotional combustion ,
as tiny lives
leave this rock of rotation
we ask why , was this allowed to happen .

The beast from hell
and his satan , stained
normality's , maimed
bloody apparell .

I sit here and I think why ,
how come
a scrape of scum
wielding a gun
can send little people
to an opal sky
far past our sun .

How come
such a murderous moron
was allowed  to breathe the same air ,
it isn't fair
why , we all think
did they have to leave and climb heavens stairs .

Mental eyes of evil
stare at a school ,
a mad devil
so twisted ,so cruel.

Blasted shots ,
blasted life ,
blasted down like cooling towers ,
funeral plots ,rememberance tiles
and beautiful flowers .

Never to forget
forever we lament .

So much grief ,
so much total , sadness
because of a mind of complete and utter madness.

Roll on judgement day
for I'm sure you're going to pay ,
you sick , evil man , of rabies ,
for god's sake
they were barely awake
as they were just babies .

Helvete Blod
Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 804

In this world we all strive
To find someone who cares about us
Who sees you as a deserving individual
Not just a tool for personal gain

But this is so hard today
People just wanna use each other
Then just forget about them
Whatever happened to true friends?

Why is it so hard to find someone
Who truly cares about you
When it’s the easiest thing
To find someone who just takes what they want
Then leaves you behind?

The world used to be connected
Neighbors would look out for each other
One by one creating a global chain of trust
There was never someone ever left alone

But now even with new technologies
To help strengthen the chain
It has deteriorated so much
Cause people have become so self-obsessed
Is it too late to find a real friend?

Why is it so hard to find someone
Who truly cares about you
When it’s the easiest thing
To find someone who just takes what they want
Then leaves you behind?

What is it that this world has come to
When it’s so hard to trust somebody
Cause there’s so many
Who just wanna suck the life out of you?

Helvete Blod
Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 804

I'm not who you think I am
I'm not the calm person you see
What you see before you is the face
That I have forged to fit in with you all

If it weren't for my vast knowledge
And my natural understanding
Of the inner workings of the mind
You would see the horrible real me

I am at heart a sadist and questioner
I'm the kind of person who looks up
To greats like John Kramer and Josef Mengele
For their pursuits of pain and understanding

If it weren't for my understanding
Of the common person's mind
I would be my inner-self all the time
Always testing the limits of body and will

These eyes of mine see more than most
I can instantly tell your weakest points
And be able to exploit your darkest fears
Just from the look of your eye and sound of voice

I lust to not only test myself but others too
To see how far one would go to save their life
Or even the lives of one they cherish
To witness the extents of love and hatred

In this society I can never know
What I have always constantly wondered
The real me must always stay locked away
Cause the normal mind cannot understand

To play the game, to test the body and will
To create environments that push the limits
Would most overcome their fears for true love
Or would they throw it away and save themselves

I'm not the kind of person you think I am
You only ever see the face I've forged
For the innocent minds to witness
To hide from this world my constant wonder
That most would deem me a psychopath for
But seeing how it's all for knowledge
Am I really that evil?

poet Anonymous

why cant happiness last forever ?

why on a sunny day is it allowed to rain ?

why don't the stars twinkle every night ?

why do people live in lies ?

why is there always a goodbye ?

why does love always end in pain ?

why does a beginning have to have an end ?

why is it hearts are always broken....

Is it so they can love again?

Thought Provoker
Joined 1st Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 171

milkyway said:
why cant happiness last forever ?

 why on a sunny day is it allowed to rain ?

  why don't the stars twinkle every night ?

   why do people live in lies ?

    why is there always a goodbye ?

     why does love always end in pain ?

      why does a beginning have to have an end ?

        why is it hearts are always broken....

          Is it so they can love again?

"Surly" again, wily again! It is dynamic, now I see.

poet Anonymous

WHY is  such a simple word

With so much weight and force

WHY? Can cause great minds to pause

WHY ? often has NO reply

How many times in my life

Have I asked WHY?

Only the faith in GOD sustained me

As HE is the ONLY ONE who you can truly ask

Sometimes GOD gives the answer

Many times HE does NOT

Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

Why I make this choice..

A pathetic statement reaches my lips,
I swallow it down, bit by bit.
I bite my tongue so they won't know,
The stories that I have left untold.

The pain sends me into ecstasy,
they've taken everything else from me.
The blade is always there,
to lift the agony that I bare.

The razor is my only friend,
It's always there in the end.
It doesn't laugh, taunt, or tease,
It's only use is to please.

Mad Girl
Thought Provoker
United States 19awards
Joined 25th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 183

Why? (A Thought Process of Questioning My Life)

Why. . .


Was I born as the person that I am right now? Why not someone else? With a father that didn't drink? And a mother that didn't let her past problems get in the way of taking care of me? Why did my best friend leave me? Why did a guy that never met me fall in love with me? Why did my mother have to remarry an asshole that ruined my life? Why did that guy I never met break my heart? Why did my step-father hate me? Why did I try to kill myself? Why didn't anyone save me from him? Why did I quit school? Why am I afraid of school now? Why I am living in a hotel? Why did I get evicted from my apartment? Why did I fall in love with one of my friends? Why did I date her for a year and three months and then cheated on her? Why did I bring my best friend, now boyfriend into my problems? Why did I start cutting? When did all of these problems start? Why couldn't my father just be a dad? Why did my grandparent die? Why did my dog die? Why did my dad abandon my cat? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why did I love two people for the longest time? Why are there more questions than answers in the world? Why is it so hard to answer these questions, though I know the answer to all of them...

Why did I write this rant?
Why would anyone care?


And if they did,

poet Anonymous

(Apologies if I began an entry to this that was only a few words long, I'm very new here and I think I may have made a mistake.  I have yet to comprehend the myriad functions of this wonderful website.)
why did you claim your love for me
only to then point out, with laser words
all of my flaws;
your tongue was a whip that cracked my glass skin
sharp shards falling with dreams, self-esteem
covered in the glutinous, putrid loathing
you tarred me with.
why did you carry me within you,
then unfailingly claim i could not do
why did you then break rulers, wooden spoons
upon my flesh, why
did you throw heated irons, knives
at my vulnerable, cowering frame,
why did you nurture cringing shame
and split my mind into a palely
sick outline of your child
why did you scream at me daily
saying me sick and ugly, stupid, lazy
why did you
pour all of your pain into
drowning me in sharp, thick hate
that you tried to mitigate
by purchasing trinkets, baubles
that you adored but to which i could
scarcely relate
why did you parade in front of
my five-year old eyes
your paramour,
then call me a whore
for loving but one guy,
why proclaim that you did love me
then tell me i should die,
why, mommy, why?

Apologies again, this time if that was overly whiny.  I am aware that there are untold legions of children who endured a much more horrible childhood than mine, but it has, at least in part, caused or exacerbated a great many life-long problems for me.  Also, sorry if this was selfish, since I could have picked a topic that didn't pander so much to my depression, but it is pretty much the biggest 'why' of my life.  I'm pretty out of practice when it comes to writing.

Thought Provoker
Joined 1st Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 171

My shadow is gone,
I'm truly alone.
This reality is surreal,
Thoughts buried in thoughts,
Within the ticks of time,
Nothing real remains real.
I think I think too much,
So I started thinking about thinking,
One answer I dearly seek.
I'm torn between doubts,
I hope against hope,
To see a bigger picture,
To see past my self,
In this world of mirrors.
Yet I know better,
My thoughts will only delve deeper,

Please spare such trouble,
Feel free, burst my bubble.
Just answer my big "WHY?",
WHY on earth am I am alive?

poet Anonymous

I hope it's okay for me to post another poem, I wanted to do this one as a sort of counter-point to the depressing one I submitted previously.  This one is for my boyfriend, who I love with all of my heart.    
Why does your love ensconce my being  
Within the tender caress of all that's freeing?
Why do your ephemeral cerulean eyes
Burn through the mist of poisonous lies?
Why does your smile chase away
The darkness I had thought would stay?
Why does your laugh ring through my head
Animating the happiness I had thought dead?
Why do your gentle hands mend
All I had imagined irretrievably broken?
Why did you choose plain, boring me?
And how do you make me so deliriously happy
When I had thought numb was all I'd be?
Why are others blind to this sight
That love is always worth the fight?

Sorry if it was a little syrupy.  Also, again I'm not sure if it's okay for me to write these explanation-thingies, or if they're superfluous but I'm sort of nervous so I hope it's okay.  If it isn't, or if it's annoying please just let me know and I'll shu
t up.

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 1st Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 91


I've always wanted to ask you 'why'
Lord, knows how many times I tried,
But then maybe it's always been my pride
That never let me ask you 'why'

So here it is, I'll finally ask
Why – why was I never good enough?
Why did you tell me you love me,
Then watched me bask in your bluff?

Why did you come back,
Making promises you never intended to keep?
And why is that I have come to believe,
That so many enjoy, thinking they've made me weep?

Do you all think I'm so strong,
That I can stand beneath all the lies,
That with every promise broken,
Not another piece of me dies?

Why! I don't understand why,
What is it about me that makes them claim such devotion,
And then leave without a second thought,
As though I'm a creature without emotion.

I hurt, don't you understand,
It hurts me so,
All the falseness,
Every time you decide to go

But I'm not sorry, that I come off strong
And I'm not sorry I can stand on my own two feet
I don't need you to hold me up,
And I don't need you to feel complete

I've always wanted to ask you 'why'
Lord, knows how many times I tried,
But then maybe it's always been my pride
That never let me ask you 'why'

Fire of Insight
United States 8awards
Joined 30th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 187


Why do we still care when our hearts are broke?
The words that they have said; we choke;
Is it the feeling that we are now left alone;
Even though from all the hurt that they have shown. 

The lies and days wondering when will they call;
Wondering if they remember us at all. 
We wait for them like a dog wants z treat;
Just to know the next time; when will we meet. 


Why do we wish them to come back to us?
Even though they will stick us under the bus. 
Is it because it's all that we have learned?
Do we like the pain? Do we like the burn?

It seems we go back to where it all began;
That one day that they gave us their hand. 
To feel that touch that we needed so much;
Now we lie to ourselves: it's used as a crutch. 


Why do we still have them in our life?
Even though thru the chaos and strife. 
We still reach out for their hand;
Just to look at us funny and not understand. 

Twisted and torn they left our heart;
Not knowing that they consumed it for the most part. 
Once you were friends before lovers;
More and more lies as it uncovers. 


Why do we still see them when they don't seem sought;
All the love they once gave us...we thought. 
We ask ourselves as we look up above;
Their is only one reason...we are still in love. 

Hopeless romantic:

Dangerous Mind
India 17awards
Joined 25th June 2011
Forum Posts: 695


I made you death
before my eyes
under tainted clouds
of inverted days
bring you your dreams
on a silver platter
to let go and forget
for I made you death

Weakened flame
struggling for fame
to reach and soothe
the eyes of tame
a vacuum of light
in twisted night
empty into blueish sky
for I made you death, that is why.

In this black all is one
it's more fun when I'm blind
and rips in my skin open slow
drain scarlet purity out of vein
and into the mind, now deranged
lost in your pain, how strange
returning wisps of your last breath
envelop my madness

for I made you death

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