Poetry competition CLOSED 16th December 2011 5:26am
ImperfectedStone (The Gardener)
View Profile Poems by ImperfectedStone
RUNNER-UP: UnleashedHeathen

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DU Glory  2011 : Natural Beauty.

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 6th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 578

This is called Sunset.

Sunset of purple, blue and red
Will you paint me another picture tomorrow before I lay my head down.
You show my dreams and forshadow what could be
Suntset of purple,blue, and red; Kill me slowly

Earth  brings me the stars that shine so bright
Show my heart in the midnight sky
Oh dear planet; bring me the moon that circles the earth
Show me my life to help me remember experiences since birth

Midnight sky, I can smell your dusk
Show me romance. Give me back my lust
Sunset of purple, blue, and red
Kill me slowly as I lay restless in bed

poet Anonymous

Thank you Grace & Megan...

Nice entries.

4 days left people.

Al -x-

The Gardener
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 28awards
Joined 10th Oct 2010
Forum Posts: 1347

to live outside

amber lights bounce
across damp, crushed autumn leaves
the fleet of black crows, hiding above our heads
in grand oaks, bombard the sky

with their open wings
and your shadow is casting the length of a star
that chases its untimely end here
in the dirt while I watch the river
through my black Ray-Bans
and collect mental photographs
of each singular moment
dancing with silent glory

then you add a kiss
that renders me too ordinary or too peculiar
bound to nature
body and soul.

poet Anonymous

Oooh, lovely write...LA.

Thank you!

Al .

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 2026

The star heavens

Her face, resembles
a beautiful angel
The stars are her eyes
And twinkle likewise
Her lips
with a tender kiss
Burn with passion
brighter than the sun
Here hair
always fair
Flow like the comets
and there isn't a flaw in it
Her nose
never cold
Are perfect like the moon
I love you boo

Rachel O.
Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 17th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 1590


The sun peeks through the cracks
of the snow capped mountains
wondering what the day will bring
to the land down below.

As its head rises above the
hills, oceans, desserts and forests
Birds begin to sing
Trees sway as if they were
dancing to the song.

Hills arch their backs as
the sun warms their bodies
Redbeat sands jostle as
the dangerous winds increase their speed.

After a long day's work
the sun sleeps on the horizon
waiting for the moon to take over the night.

The Word And Verse
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 26th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 149

Levi - are you ungrounded mate....

poet Anonymous

Muggle said:Levi - are you ungrounded mate....

Even with words Muggle your emoticon does not constitute a poem and has not been accepted for judging to everyone else, including the new entrants ^-above-^ good luck...

The Word And Verse
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 26th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 149

AliP said:[quote-55356-Muggle]Levi - are you ungrounded mate....

Even with words Muggle your emoticon does not constitute a poem and has not been accepted for judging to everyone else, including the new entrants ^-above-^ good luck...[/quote]

Alip I am now going to play the race card!!

Just because i am a little on the dark side does not mean you..YOU with your heavy south African accent can just throw my poem aside like that.SHAME BE ON YOU!!

I s'pose you are the kind of person who tells Ethiopian jokes to your kids whilst eating dinner."I have one papa! what do you call an Ethiopian with a hole in his head"  ... "A collection Box"

you sir are nothing short of a Racist! and i for one am deeply disappointed, so disappointed that i think i will take my poem
YES POEM!! (haven't you heard of minimalist poetry???) and enter it into a comp run by someone with a bit more morals.

poet Anonymous

Muggle said:Alip I am now going to play the race card!!

Just because i am a little on the dark side does not mean you..YOU with your heavy south African accent can just throw my poem aside like that.SHAME BE ON YOU!!

I s'pose you are the kind of person who tells Ethiopian jokes to your kids whilst eating dinner."I have one papa! what do you call an Ethiopian with a hole in his head"  ... "A collection Box"

you sir are nothing short of a Racist! and i for one am deeply disappointed, so disappointed that i think i will take my poem
YES POEM!! (haven't you heard of minimalist poetry???) and enter it into a comp run by someone with a bit more morals.

With respect Muggle,

SHAME ON ME?? are you mad??? SHAME ON ME??
On this thread we have people who have stayed up night after night writing re-hashing and perfecting beautiful poems in an attempt to be beautiful. And you come here throw a sentence and smile on the page, and expect us to fall to the ground in awe...


What do you call a sentence on a page written by an Etheopian?
A fucken BOOK!

Blue Skies anyway!
Al .

Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 14th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596

What do you call a sentence on a page written by an Etheopian?
A fucken BOOK!

Blue Skies anyway!
Al .

lol "SWAG"

poet Anonymous


there is this way
that the sea
helplessly catches the sunlight
in the morning

coddling it under a sea foam breast
until it becomes a flightless
mercurial fog

an underwater Mars

and we're known to look at the sun and say
"it's so far away"

instead of looking to the sea
where lukewarm waters
are nebulously carrying it away

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 2122

The current

I'll never hear the river
singing to me like
It used to.
Its velvet surface
on my lonesome skin.
I'll never taste its
bittersweet water again
and remind me that
of your lips.

Thought Provoker
United States 7awards
Joined 5th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 206

Objects of the Night

The wind kisses my face as I lay in the damp grass,
The stars spread before me like the toys in front of a child.

I love the night,
Its mysterious, beautiful, and frightning all together.
The night holds the most mighty of all secrets,
It gives the best opportunity for love.

The moon, more beautiful than body of a woman,
The moon will never lie to you or cheat on you.
She will never hurt you,
The moon is a special kind of beautiful, absolutely breathtaking.

The nightmares,
Horrible and pulse pumping.
They keep your adrenaline pumping,
They keep you aware and on your toes.

The sound of the country darkness is deafeningly silent,
I love the dark silence.
Better ability to think,
Better way to imagine.

poet Anonymous

aglitch said:sunnet

there is this way
that the sun
helplessly catches the sunlight
in the morning

coddling it under a sea foam breast
until it becomes a flightless
mercurial fog

an underwater Mars

and we're known to look at the sun and say
"it's so far away"

instead of looking to the sea
where lukewarm waters
are nebulously carrying it away

Excuse me if I'm wrong, but I believe the second line should read 'sea', not 'sun'?


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