Poetry competition CLOSED 22nd July 2011 6:00pm
View Profile Poems by Abracadabra
RUNNER-UP: trysca

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Under The Influence

poet Anonymous

Thank you Ray.

Tyrant of Words
Kiribati 21awards
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 3560

Having lived in the centre of Paris myself, I wish to point out that the denizens of that city frequently take it upon themselves to jump the ticket barrier for the Metro to avoid paying en masse during the rush hour. And because of this fact alone - even if it is fuelled by Pernod fumes - I forgive them for any other rudeness or quirky behaviour towards visitors. That noble defiant gesture against authority is worth more than any amount of magnificent architecture or contrived artiness for tourists on the banks of the Seine. Ca marche!

poet Anonymous

This was written under a high that can only be defined madness, dont know if it fits the bill Cthonian!

The nightsky
ruptures its heavy gulit
from bright silver sutures
of old patching up.
Yesterday is a witch
always concocting newer potions.
She is green tonight,
wooing me from beneath
lulling furrows of this dark river,
much like lines blooming on your brow.
Inside somewhere my phone
sings its dreary soliloquy.
I am on a high
to know I can let things go by.
Might as well throw
my bloody, leaking notebooks first
before my smile
that you so loved
melt unseen in the green.

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 7th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 30

this was a recent experiment that just so happens to fit the brief...

poet Anonymous

Great entries everyone, really enjyoed them - I'll be closing this on Monday.

Tyrant of Words
Kiribati 21awards
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 3560

Half a Shandy (at lunchtime)

I'm singing in the rain
my head's a hole
where the tune drips through
undress me now
why is my best china on display
all over the floor
I would snuggle my head
and dive into
your belly's soft down
surrender to me
your mohair mountains
let them undulate in my mirage
u n d u l a t e
Thrice up from the pavement
we strode
and now
this ungainly mug
steams coffee in my face
I'm all tangled up
so it's a good job you're here
you're good at gathering
my things
These clouds
have set me foolish
like two husks
from a cracked nut
because the best part
is already swallowed
all gone
and if you weren't here
there'd be nobody fucking home
not one pissed up soul.

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 7th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 30

love that!

poet Anonymous

Apologies all, I'd forgotten all about this little contest. I'll be looking at the entries again this week and will hopefully make another post about something soon.

Tyrant of Words
Kiribati 21awards
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 3560

As Pissed as a Rugby Player

I'm home
drag me upstairs
and let's see
who's too drunk to fuck
I didn't get these scars
in the bedroom
I got them on the pitch
My own
doesn't frighten me
not even blood
but up those stairs
a limp dick
hurts more
than a forward pass

Lost Thinker
Joined 15th Feb 2010
Forum Posts: 29

here we go - this was under the influence, but a tad old, but im new to sharing the work so be gentle

eye behind the eye
staring back at me
crystaiised again

ceiling closing in
not sure which way
liquidised again

blood pooling
not boiling, spiling
liquid eyes AGAIN!

Tyrant of Words
Kiribati 21awards
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 3560

Have you OD'd on indecision, Cthonian - or is this worthy thread still lurching precariously along? I'll be ratfaced at the weekend and may be obliged to inflict a further entry upon your troubled personage if it's still running.

Levi Braathen
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 22nd Feb 2010
Forum Posts: 43

although this may be closed or not,
i'd still like to indulge

sitting in this all night diner,
(indulging myself in these pleasures of the wealth)
these Camel cigarettes and two sunny-side up eggs,
i think of the Fox, the Crow, and the Cookie,
how my coffee is a bitter black shade,
the patrons in the booth behind me,
ordering their sodas'

and i'm not sure if my stomachs' just weak,
if it's my rust colored beard,
these left over hashbrowns,
or if the presence (or lack of so) of people
that makes me want to vomit,

i get up and leave.

poet Anonymous

Due to my gargantuan amounts of lethargy, this thread will still be ongoing. It's probably more interesting to have somewhere to submit your doped-up poetry. Great entries everyone.

Tyrant of Words
Kiribati 21awards
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 3560

Evidently your cunning plan is to destroy all our brain cells and then claim the accolade for yourself.

poet Anonymous

Dammit A, I had no idea that habitual drug users were so transparent!

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