Poetry competition CLOSED 30th April 2023 6:04pm
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Write a tribute poem to another DU poet

The Fire Elemental
Tyrant of Words
United States 36awards
Joined 27th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 239

Poetry Contest

Write a poem that is a tribute to another member on the site.

Hey. How's you?

I've been asked to take another stab at hosting a comp. Let's see how it goes.

Positivity is a beautiful thing, it is a gift not only to the recipient, but to the self. So lets hand out some mfing gifts.

Just write something about someone else on site that you like, admire, appreciate. You can attempt to write in their style or just let us know what their work and/or their friendship means to you.

I edited the comp title to make it more clear.

Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

Can I enter an old poem?

Just making sure

The Fire Elemental
Tyrant of Words
United States 36awards
Joined 27th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 239

Bluevelvete said:Can I enter an old poem?

Just making sure

Sure absolutely. No restrictions other than posting something that is appreciative of someone else on site.

Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

DanielChristensen said:

Sure absolutely. No restrictions other than posting something that is appreciative of someone else on site.

Thanks, Daniel-♡

Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

Chance reflections off a distant sea

Your heart    
'tis solid made    
honest as an arrow's truth    
i thought i heard    
a smallish beckon of forevermore    
like the very soil    
where seeds find ends    
in bones    
and soon espied,    
were your planted stones    
loyal, are hefty winds    
that uplift— securing    
a sculpted tongue    
where the love,    
Oh my darling    
where our love,    
whispers sweetened prose    
in dire shared alliance    
spilling, perfectly    
artful swoons    
of whimsical drowning    
your broken    
and my broken    
our cracks    
flaunt a besotted spectacular,    
drunk glistening dreams    
we've both    
staggeredly dreamt    
admitted, truths    
secrets, lies    
bold and shy    
and binds... that tie    
an affinity understood    
in words plucked    
from salty air    
to shake hands    
with metered    
so verdantly grand    
how fortuned fate    
runs roughshod,    
a collision of words    
pouring from    
ancient twin hearts    
forged in like molten ore,    
scorched desire and moments of ire    
cooled to wisely harden    
steadfast- always    
is this, discovery    
profoundly found    
(almost) instantly sound.    
we two wanderers—    
kinship bound by destiny    
across distant lands    
and deep fathomed sea    
willed to life    
by a faint kismet plea    
a staunch truth    
a driving need
etched acutely    
hidden within    
steely mettle    
and passionate flares    
it's there    
i catch our reflection    
tacking into the wind    
sailing, upon poetry's sails.    
(For AspergerPoet56)    
Written by Bluevelvete
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The Fire Elemental
Tyrant of Words
United States 36awards
Joined 27th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 239

Bluevelvete said:
Thanks, Daniel-♡

Woot thanks for being the first one to cross that awkward floor and take someone's hand for a dance.

Dangerous Mind
United States 18awards
Joined 18th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 376


It is better if you lie awake
then to visit any dream.
As you can recall,
they are currently nightmares.
The rising heat
keeps you bare-skinned.
Hand me your heart
I will untangle you
and bring back your fire.

You do not need to know how to travel.
You do not need to hide you are art.

Brought a boat for you.
The seas are calm
and we sway
with the ocean's journey.
Let us escape to a time
when you were once whole.

You were made perfect.
So unique that you were left hollow.

Stare into the moon;
it delivers hope and happiness.
Let it serenade us as we arrive
with offerings
made from your golden touch.

This is not a dream.
Face what I have brought you to.

Five letters in my name,
and you can adorn each letter
with the purity of your tears.
A rose will grow
from the base of who I am to you.
Allow me to absorb the pain;
let go of your troubles.

I will lie you across the constellations
where you will bask, lighting the night.

As the roses bloom,
they breathe life into you,
exposing themselves
to your soft caress.

There is elegance in vulnerability
but wickedness when it is mishandled.

You will remove every thorn
just to feel physical pain,
and I will kiss each finger.
Soothing your touch delicately.
As you hold the petals,
you can feel the grace of who you are
and wrap us in your wonder.

We gaze into the velvet blades
of your unlimited affection.

As you stand here in a moment
with me,
your heart is melding,
healing your once-rotting corpse.
I see you are sky-bound
and accepted by the cold night.

You are made of refined magic
that will outlast any tainted sorcery.

You play with daises,
"she loves, she loves me not."
and I kiss your cheek
because every time
you are left with she loves me.

You are still love filled
believe it or not.

The roses burst
showing every color of your heart
that you had left forgotten.

Let it be natural to your soul and fall
into the overwhelming beauty of your essence.

Singing me songs
from your now healed heart.
You are embraced
and are no longer the rotting thing
you once felt was the end.
You can breathe and feel again.

Existence at long last.

It is far from over,
but now you must rest,
my dear,
so you can dream.
Tears of joy will cascade
from the canthus of your eyes.

When you wake, don your morning cloak
so we can enjoy the sunrise.
Written by Ljdynamic
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Dangerous Mind
Portugal 24awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 359

Road to all the places I don't know...

I accept the road,
but let it be done
of travel beams,
whose wood
not from a tree,
but of air solidified in
dream and breath
of singing.

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that is not flat,
so that you slide them
do not consume themselves in nothingness.
So be steep,
curve in a sinuous body
that takes us away
from ground to high.
And when I'm
at the lowest of this
twisted trail body,
I will silence the silence
and I will sing to friends
let them be the sun.

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There, in the hold of the journey,
I will cast my anchor averse
and stray and I will stick the razor
of the teeth on the bones of the
landscapes and my hooks
desperate will mirror
the solar fraternity that spills here,
in the basement of the springs
and in the seeds
that straighten
inside the dense earth
their own wings.


I offer myself as tribute to
Daniel Christensen (The Fire Elemental)
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Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 5th Oct 2022
Forum Posts: 22

My Friends Great Pen

This poet has the words he needs..
To entrance anyone who reads..
His words so strong and firm..
I'm pulled in by each page turned..

Two sides to his pen he writes..
Words of dark but also light..
A hero and a villan he can be..
It depends which one you read..

Each poem stronger than the last..
They'll last longer than any glass..
For I admire his words so true..
And for that I raise a glass to you..

You have the gift of words to twist..
For that gift I've truly wished..
Your poems will be in books someday..
But until then keep writing away..

Dear little brother I look up to you..
For my words will never be as true..
You have passion and fire when you write..
And like a flower they are a lovely sight..

Consequentialchaos is his name..
Go check him out he'll do the same..
Let's not forget we're all here to write..
So with that I close, and bid you goodnight..
Written by Sapphirewolf
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poet Anonymous

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The Fire Elemental
Tyrant of Words
United States 36awards
Joined 27th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 239

Wonderful entries everyone thank you so much for bringing some great energy to the competition and to the site. This comp will be open about as long as NaPo, plenty of time for more entries!

Tyrant of Words
United States 27awards
Joined 8th May 2012
Forum Posts: 512

Thanks for the battle bra, MidnightSonneteer! A terza rima

Knees padded against abrasion      
the scent of musk deeply inhaled      
against my cheek a sensation      
Hands in my hair, my mouth impaled    
Precome swirled along your thickness      
With tongue against a soft exhale      
Hips jack, wet need, hands do witness    
urging your ass to pump harder    
to make my throat your new mistress      
On my knees I take your ardor    
I grip your your shaft, your lead followed      
leaving me no words to barter      
Eyes meet, lips stretch, cheeks hollowed;      
the difference between like and love?    
Choosing to spit or to swallow  
Written by Betty
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Dangerous Mind
United States 11awards
Joined 9th May 2019
Forum Posts: 1081

Dark Haired Beauty

kohl rimmed eyes
bowler hat  
cherry lipstick
      lightnesses of being
            …clockwork orange
Written by Kinkpoet
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The Fire Elemental
Tyrant of Words
United States 36awards
Joined 27th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 239

Thank you Betty and Kinkpoet for your entries! Plenty of time left for people to join the competition. Tell a friend!

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