Poetry competition CLOSED 12th July 2022 8:36pm
View Profile Poems by javalini



Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3044

Poetry Contest

Give me YOUR anarchy what does it mean to YOU?
What does the term Anarchy mean to you
Some get it some have a misnomer misconceptions
Shoot the breeze from the hip


1 entry per customer

2. Any length although I do have add brain so take that grain of salt as it is.

Rocking roll let's go

Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918


To some, simply protesting
May be a sign of anarchy.
Seems to me it takes more than civil disobedience.
It takes a severe form of discontent
To which you add weapons of destructions
And physically attack and aim to destroy
Established institutions.

Of course anarchy can take place
At many levels of society,
Even within a small group such as a family.
True, some totalitarians started their careers as anarchists,
Blowing things up and robbing banks, like Stalin and Lenin
Did in Georgia,
Then after gaining power they killed
All the people who were too close to them, knew too much
And became a nuisance.
After which they established their complete reign
Of terror.
Written by robert43041 (Viking)
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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3044

Thank you Viking and ML

Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 4th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 214


we tug
at the ropes
and rail
at the rich
and curse
who's in charge
(the son
of a bitch)
but we relish
the order,
the pretense
of fair,
the promise
of safety,
the semblance
of care

and the rich man
is king
but strong arm would
if we loosened
the hold
of our government's

for the co-op's
a dream
in the anarchist's mind --
each gives of
and keeps
his own time --
but power is
and greed
is the way
and the
still suffer
if thugs
rule the day

we're all slaves
to the belly
and must work
to eat
no matter
the system
of government's
so we cherish
and need
the relative
and the semblance
of order
in government's
Written by javalini
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878

Addicted to Mayhem

Every time I see unfair rule and law
I want to express myself on city walls
Be a ghost, a host addicted to mayhem
But with galls bigger than mother fucKing Kong’s balls

I wouldn't give a damn and just bash and slam
Every verse be an explosion meant to vent
Rallying the masses to give them a voice
A middle finger in the air saying “fuck the government”

And once the crowds are compiled and riled
I’d light the fuse by taking to social media
Revealing every politician’s dirty little secret
People would get so pissed off it’d feel like virtual chlamydia

Then comes the mass hysteria
Everyone will be a mobbin’
Throbbin’ like a phallus up in the palace knobbin’
Because like an Orwellian rebellion
This Machiavellian hellion
Will expose anyone who’s been plottin’ and jobbin’
Written by wallyroo92
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Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 5th June 2022
Forum Posts: 11

Bureaucracy’s Balm is Anarchy

Before you clutch your pearls,
remember how we got here.
If you heed how history’s unfurled
you would withhold your jeer.

How many now are dead?
From the maze of red tape,
or the money they bled
for insurance’s rape?

A whole nation strangled
by billionaires’ boots,
behind a curtain star-spangled
as rot creeps through our roots.

There are few things anymore
that have no price tag.
Wilderness is lost to lore,
another victim of our flag.

So tell me elders please,
why should I let it go on?

So tell me corporate skeeves,
where has your honor gone?

The Right declared war on us;
desecrating the remains of democracy.
The Left has ignored us,
relishing in trademark hypocrisy.

A careful capitalist construction,
enslavement with hidden strings.
Now my vote is destruction,
to give revolution wings.

How easily we forget the scores
by whose blood, freedom was paid.
Not of men on foreign shores,
but our own kids and young maids.

Anarchy is no flippant choice;
its the result of oppression,
leaders quieting our voice,
now all that’s left is aggression.

So tell me, politicians,
why were we not heard?

So tell me, dear mortician,
where will it most hurt?
Written by skg373 (Cera)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 20awards
Joined 7th Mar 2021
Forum Posts: 282

The Anarchy of Identity

Doing what the fuck
You want to


Despite the consequences
In a dimension


Governmental intervention
And a collection


Of every color and creed

All having

Need to belong
To feel

Right even when they are wrong

Anarchy is a

Sung to a tune


Heard by a zero in a one:



Written by Cipher_O (WarlordoftheWrittenWord)
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DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winner of this competition and any runners up were decided by public vote.

Thank you to the following members for voting:

Wafflenose, Carpe_Noctem, S-m-sawyer, Deathkitty_134, PAR, Sandals, monovox128, AspergerPoet56, stevenyprince, paperstains, Marks, Phantom2426, Honoria, lepperochan, HarleyQuinn, StevieStogie

poet Anonymous

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