it's not easy being green
Joined 21st June 2011
Forum Posts: 330
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 330
Poetry Contest Description
poetry about the environment or saving the earth
This is a competition focusing on environmental issues and saving the earth. This could be anything from current issues to recycling and green living. Your work can be as long or short as you like, but I must see a connection to either environmentalism or saving our earth. Multiple postings and work previously published are welcome, as long as the work didn't win another competition. You have two weeks and then I pick a winner. Get in and get green! I can't wait to see what you do with it!
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 3560
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 3560
Almost Midnight
Earth staggered from the shadows of the universe
torn and dirty silk underwear trailing round her ankles
It seemed hard to believe she had once looked so serene
the perfect jewel in God's sky
Now her skin heaves, a greedfest of human parasites
the ultimate bacteria, frantic as paintings by Bosch
busy playing art-for-art's sake,
bickering petty little I love you~I hate you's
while their airplanes and automobiles
criss-cross the pockmarked ruin of her thighs
stained forever by rivers of poison semen
dribbling down her crumpled tatter-slash stockings
Earth's once sweetest breath
a stinking methane and dioxide cocktail
sighs lingering clouds laced with toxic gristle
splattering the tangled deforestation of her hair
Glacial meltwater streams sorrow from polar eyes
the last of the ice glistening weakly into space
transformed to spiritless desert
The rape began almost gently and slowly
more than a million years ago
leaving her ravaged from fevers of global warming
Magnetic field reversed she lurches in orbit
like the cheapest drunkest whore
descending from chemical high
grimly clutching the hapless wreck
of one shattered high heeled shoe
waving its mangled patent leather ugliness
an affront to passers-by
her stump tooth forest smile bleakly touting for business
to pay for the next hit
The 2020 Galactic New Year's Ball is underway
and no-one notices when unable to speak
Earth passes out on the kitchen floor
Her sister planets step across her comatose form
to reach the ice for their drinks
after all--
it's almost midnight
and they must charge their glasses
to toast in the New Year
Almighty God, her compassionate creator
hasn't glanced his lovely's way
for the longest time
but when he does he will know at once
that the kindest course
as with any fatally wounded creature
would be to put an end
to the misery of these death throes
snapping Earth's neck in the swiftest mercy killing
It is almost midnight now...
if you were God
What would you do?
Earth staggered from the shadows of the universe
torn and dirty silk underwear trailing round her ankles
It seemed hard to believe she had once looked so serene
the perfect jewel in God's sky
Now her skin heaves, a greedfest of human parasites
the ultimate bacteria, frantic as paintings by Bosch
busy playing art-for-art's sake,
bickering petty little I love you~I hate you's
while their airplanes and automobiles
criss-cross the pockmarked ruin of her thighs
stained forever by rivers of poison semen
dribbling down her crumpled tatter-slash stockings
Earth's once sweetest breath
a stinking methane and dioxide cocktail
sighs lingering clouds laced with toxic gristle
splattering the tangled deforestation of her hair
Glacial meltwater streams sorrow from polar eyes
the last of the ice glistening weakly into space
transformed to spiritless desert
The rape began almost gently and slowly
more than a million years ago
leaving her ravaged from fevers of global warming
Magnetic field reversed she lurches in orbit
like the cheapest drunkest whore
descending from chemical high
grimly clutching the hapless wreck
of one shattered high heeled shoe
waving its mangled patent leather ugliness
an affront to passers-by
her stump tooth forest smile bleakly touting for business
to pay for the next hit
The 2020 Galactic New Year's Ball is underway
and no-one notices when unable to speak
Earth passes out on the kitchen floor
Her sister planets step across her comatose form
to reach the ice for their drinks
after all--
it's almost midnight
and they must charge their glasses
to toast in the New Year
Almighty God, her compassionate creator
hasn't glanced his lovely's way
for the longest time
but when he does he will know at once
that the kindest course
as with any fatally wounded creature
would be to put an end
to the misery of these death throes
snapping Earth's neck in the swiftest mercy killing
It is almost midnight now...
if you were God
What would you do?
Joined 21st June 2011
Forum Posts: 330
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 330
beautiful, Abra
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 3560
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 3560
Coming Home
Dirt slaps eyes
the air sizzles
impossible makeshift houses
lean and creak in the wind
Children lay hands
over swollen bellies
all with the same listless stare
some even smile
mercilessly unraveling your heart
their bones scream for flesh
as death dabs his eau-de-cologne
without a word
The strongest
cling to the choke of your footsteps
examining your spoor in the dust
with the hope you may leave something
even a worn out rag
would be riches to fight for
but you know you have nothing more
and they cannot feed on hope
or a cliche handful of rice forever
Now, coming home
has another meaning
turning the key to a different world
where suddenly you feel dirtier
than the flies
and every time you turn a tap
or switch on a light
there they are
feasting on guilt
in a corner of your yard
Dirt slaps eyes
the air sizzles
impossible makeshift houses
lean and creak in the wind
Children lay hands
over swollen bellies
all with the same listless stare
some even smile
mercilessly unraveling your heart
their bones scream for flesh
as death dabs his eau-de-cologne
without a word
The strongest
cling to the choke of your footsteps
examining your spoor in the dust
with the hope you may leave something
even a worn out rag
would be riches to fight for
but you know you have nothing more
and they cannot feed on hope
or a cliche handful of rice forever
Now, coming home
has another meaning
turning the key to a different world
where suddenly you feel dirtier
than the flies
and every time you turn a tap
or switch on a light
there they are
feasting on guilt
in a corner of your yard
Joined 21st June 2011
Forum Posts: 330
Fire of Insight

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that brought a few tears.
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 416
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 416
We are children
and our mother is hurt.
She bleeds black into blue,
and coughs clouds of smoke into sky.
This is our mother,
and we've ripped apart her soul.
We've killed her numerous children,
of all shapes and sizes.
And still we say we're "good"
Oh how she cries!
The winds that howl,
and oh how she warns us,
with her angry marks of terror typhoons.
Still we do not listen,
and we take and trample,
march and plunder,
But we don't fight for mother.
We don't live for mother.
We don't cry for mother.
All we do,
is trample on top of her.
We are children
and our mother is hurt.
She bleeds black into blue,
and coughs clouds of smoke into sky.
This is our mother,
and we've ripped apart her soul.
We've killed her numerous children,
of all shapes and sizes.
And still we say we're "good"
Oh how she cries!
The winds that howl,
and oh how she warns us,
with her angry marks of terror typhoons.
Still we do not listen,
and we take and trample,
march and plunder,
But we don't fight for mother.
We don't live for mother.
We don't cry for mother.
All we do,
is trample on top of her.
Joined 21st June 2011
Forum Posts: 330
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 330
goosebumps, Karrabear, thanks for the post!
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2808
- A Prayer for Terra -
Looking out from a mountaintop, you can see so very far,
Across the lush, green valleys unto the farthest bright star.
Can you see the forests, and where the tall pines grow...
Can you hear the winds, when in the treetops they blow?
So very precious is life, yet so very fragile are the living...
Why must there be sadness when hearts can be so giving!
Crystal lakes and clouds on high; isn't that a vision pure?
Waves lapping at the seaside: crashing against the shore.
Let us pray for Terra, for this world can feel pain as well...
Let us hope for a heaven on earth and let us end the hell.
Sing all ye faithful and true, sing for the angels to hear...
Keep the glory in your hearts, and hold compassion dear!
Looking out from your window, you cannot see so very far,
It is easy to forget the beauty and to ignore the bright star.
Can you hear the wind blow, across the window's pane...
Can you hear the earth crying, for all of mankind's shame?
So very precious is life, yet so easily can we cast it away...
Why must there be cruelty when we're not made that way!
Look at creatures we share this world with; see each anew!
Hear them calling in the forests, singing songs just as true.
Let us pray for Terra, for this world has a spirit so strong...
Let us hope for peace at last, and let us right each wrong.
Sing all ye faithful and true, sing like the choirs on high...
Keep the glory in your hearts so don't let compassion die!
Looking up upon the skies above, you can see the beauty,
Yet we must remember, that this world has a long destiny.
Can you feel a spirit, in everything that lives and breathes...
Can you sense the wonder, in all the colors of the leaves?
So very precious is life, and we must protect it with love...
Why must there be war, when peace is gentle as a dove!
Rainbows on a misty day; isn't that a sign for us to know?
There is so much more than gold, where those colors go.
Let us pray for Terra, for our mother deserves our care...
Let us hope for a brighter tomorrow, but let us also dare.
Sing all ye faithful and true, for all of those so voiceless...
Keep the glory in your hearts, and let your joy be endless!
Looking out from a mountaintop, you can see so very far,
Across the lush, green valleys unto the farthest bright star.
Can you see the forests, and where the tall pines grow...
Can you hear the winds, when in the treetops they blow?
So very precious is life, yet so very fragile are the living...
Why must there be sadness when hearts can be so giving!
Crystal lakes and clouds on high; isn't that a vision pure?
Waves lapping at the seaside: crashing against the shore.
Let us pray for Terra, for this world can feel pain as well...
Let us hope for a heaven on earth and let us end the hell.
Sing all ye faithful and true, sing for the angels to hear...
Keep the glory in your hearts, and hold compassion dear!
Looking out from your window, you cannot see so very far,
It is easy to forget the beauty and to ignore the bright star.
Can you hear the wind blow, across the window's pane...
Can you hear the earth crying, for all of mankind's shame?
So very precious is life, yet so easily can we cast it away...
Why must there be cruelty when we're not made that way!
Look at creatures we share this world with; see each anew!
Hear them calling in the forests, singing songs just as true.
Let us pray for Terra, for this world has a spirit so strong...
Let us hope for peace at last, and let us right each wrong.
Sing all ye faithful and true, sing like the choirs on high...
Keep the glory in your hearts so don't let compassion die!
Looking up upon the skies above, you can see the beauty,
Yet we must remember, that this world has a long destiny.
Can you feel a spirit, in everything that lives and breathes...
Can you sense the wonder, in all the colors of the leaves?
So very precious is life, and we must protect it with love...
Why must there be war, when peace is gentle as a dove!
Rainbows on a misty day; isn't that a sign for us to know?
There is so much more than gold, where those colors go.
Let us pray for Terra, for our mother deserves our care...
Let us hope for a brighter tomorrow, but let us also dare.
Sing all ye faithful and true, for all of those so voiceless...
Keep the glory in your hearts, and let your joy be endless!
Joined 21st June 2011
Forum Posts: 330
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 330
Thanks kou_indigo- nice to see a little more of an uplifting take!
Joined 19th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 908
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 908
As I bow
The water swells to greet me
Hiding behind a familiar face
On this
My podium and my sanctuary
My thoughts drink in the irony
Of all that’s before and behind me
Both in time and space
Ebbing away
It can look so barren
With its artists all in hiding
If we’re not careful
We will kill the beauty
And it will no longer be hope that keeps me here
The water swells to greet me
Hiding behind a familiar face
On this
My podium and my sanctuary
My thoughts drink in the irony
Of all that’s before and behind me
Both in time and space
Ebbing away
It can look so barren
With its artists all in hiding
If we’re not careful
We will kill the beauty
And it will no longer be hope that keeps me here
Joined 21st June 2011
Forum Posts: 330
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 330
MilkyJoe, good point and amazing communication of it. Thank you for posting!
Joined 19th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 908
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 908
thanks alot. its something i always humm to myself when im drunk and pentive. (and trapped out at sea XD)
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 3560
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 3560
Planet Defrost
God knew he'd been lazy
putting things off until last minute
so his hand trembled slightly
as he pulled the plug
but it was getting difficult
to open the door
First there were the nasties
skulking out back
even He
would need gloves for those
Half an onion stroked its long gray beard
staring blandly like a false prophet
Green salami warheads
winked in the dark
cuddling a hard boiled egg with GM wings
Humankind had never been good
with fruit or multi-colored fur
but a half eaten Hershey bar...
only the Devil could have dumped that
next to poverty and malnutrition
God knew
disruption was inevitable
but with hygiene at stake
what was a quake or two
when he removed the racks
Should he steep those trays
in boiling water?
It was two thousand years
since the last inspection
and he was itching to trial
his new tsunami pressure wash
As another chunk of Greenland
slid slowly to the floor
the creator pondered all he saw
What a mess--
but six days had meant a rush job
Now if only he'd thought of auto-defrost
there would be more time
to shut those devils
back in hell
where they belong
God knew he'd been lazy
putting things off until last minute
so his hand trembled slightly
as he pulled the plug
but it was getting difficult
to open the door
First there were the nasties
skulking out back
even He
would need gloves for those
Half an onion stroked its long gray beard
staring blandly like a false prophet
Green salami warheads
winked in the dark
cuddling a hard boiled egg with GM wings
Humankind had never been good
with fruit or multi-colored fur
but a half eaten Hershey bar...
only the Devil could have dumped that
next to poverty and malnutrition
God knew
disruption was inevitable
but with hygiene at stake
what was a quake or two
when he removed the racks
Should he steep those trays
in boiling water?
It was two thousand years
since the last inspection
and he was itching to trial
his new tsunami pressure wash
As another chunk of Greenland
slid slowly to the floor
the creator pondered all he saw
What a mess--
but six days had meant a rush job
Now if only he'd thought of auto-defrost
there would be more time
to shut those devils
back in hell
where they belong
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 3560
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 3560
Storm Drains at Mogden
On a bend in the river
a murder of crows
plays peck eye
with a shoal of poisoned fish
Bloated bellies
whiter than clouds
bob their way to Westminster
stiff, pink fins
waving grimly down the ebb
The old man
halts by the towpath
spits once
at an older, browner face
then rod over shoulder
turns away slowly for home
Too much rain,
he sighs--
They starve of oxygen
breathing all our shit
On a bend in the river
a murder of crows
plays peck eye
with a shoal of poisoned fish
Bloated bellies
whiter than clouds
bob their way to Westminster
stiff, pink fins
waving grimly down the ebb
The old man
halts by the towpath
spits once
at an older, browner face
then rod over shoulder
turns away slowly for home
Too much rain,
he sighs--
They starve of oxygen
breathing all our shit
Joined 21st June 2011
Forum Posts: 330
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 330
Abra-both great writes.. I wonder if God finds the old crusty juice in the back of his fridge like the rest of us.
Fish image was striking!
Fish image was striking!