Poetry competition CLOSED 8th June 2021 00:21am
Numer90 (Numer0-un0)
View Profile Poems by Numer90
RUNNERS-UP: wallyroo92 and Ljdynamic

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Your LOVE song to someone to past present or envisioned.....

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 159awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1897

Whenever I Look in Your Eyes

Every time I look in your eyes there’s a sensation I get
Ever since that first time we met
When I was instantly smitten by you
And with each verse I’ve written out to the universe
This feeling pours like a loud cloudburst
As the profound emotion seems to flow right through

I can compose you a thousand and one poems and prose
But each one of those will never come close
To bind and define the love that feels so intense
The passion will crescendo in a wave of chorus and chords
Bathing you in a plethora of stanzas and words
Trying to soothe the soul with satisfaction and recompense

Composing has always given me that sense of peace
As I find something new with each piece
Understanding myself little more every time
And though I try to describe the feeling
I discover how poetry is calming and healing
It makes me reflect which is why I’m thankful you are mine

My song cannot be easily arranged or sung with grace
It lives amidst memories of youthful days
In dreams and sighs that can light up the skies
It’s embedded at the very core of my being
As the harmony I hear within is very freeing
Because its the sensation I get whenever I look in your eyes
Written by wallyroo92
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DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winner of this competition and any runners up were decided by public vote.

Thank you to the following members for voting:

inechoingsilence, Billy_Snagg, senid, da_poetic-edifier, wilberfloss, Razzerleaf, cold_fusion, Phantom2426, Cipher_O, Ms_Misguided, RiAN, Just_Writing, SoulChild, Marks, RichardJ, Penguinphile, POETICIASIMPLY, Remy_L, ChocolateThighs29, Alviola, Tallen

Dangerous Mind
United States 18awards
Joined 18th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 376

Congrats Numer.

Fire of Insight
Nigeria 4awards
Joined 12th Dec 2020
Forum Posts: 104

Thank you Tallen for holding such a memorable comp. Thanks to all the voters. It is an honor..
My gratitude also goes to all the participants..
Be safe fellas!

Fire of Insight
Nigeria 4awards
Joined 12th Dec 2020
Forum Posts: 104

Oh! My dynamite .
LJ darling, what am I gonna do without you!
Thanks dear

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 27awards
Joined 15th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 525

Congrats Numer90 on a well deserved win, and well done to Wally and Lj, both fine entries, thank you Tallen for giving us something to write about. Best R

Tyrant of Words
United States 159awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1897

Congrats to LJ on being runner up and to Numer90 for the win. Thank you to all who voted, I'm honored to stand in the podium.

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