Poetry competition CLOSED 8th December 2020 5:52pm
View Profile Poems by PoetsRevenge
RUNNERS-UP: wallyroo92 and Eerie

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Sonata Mulattica

poet Anonymous

Congrats to PR, Eerie, and Wally on your placements!

And great entry as well, Slip!

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th July 2018
Forum Posts: 891

Congrats, PR on the win. Congrats to Wally as well for your placement. As always, thank you for the critiques and for hosting the CCC!

Tyrant of Words
United States 123awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16944

Thank you, Eerie, for accepting the critique in the manner it was intended. Congratulations, again. <3

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1871

Congratulations to PoetsRevenge for winning the comp and to Eerie for runner up. As always Ahavati and Johnny, thank you for the runner up mention as well. I know you two put a lot of effort and work into these comps offering excellent feedback. Your contributions to DU are always welcomed in my book and I appreciate what you do for me in my journey.

Hope all is well in the upcoming holiday season.
Blessings to all.

Dangerous Mind
United States 29awards
Joined 30th June 2016
Forum Posts: 749

Congrats, Eerie and Wally on placing runners up, when I read your entries it felt like I was reading Dove, kind of eerie, Lol.  It's an honor to win. I enjoyed all the entries.

I voted for Dove in the poll, actually after reading 'November For Beginners' and several other of her poems.  I was so happy I could write a tribute to the poem in November, I'm glad it worked out that way, and I'm glad it was one of your favorites, Ahavati.  I did play around with my entry alot to get it sounding good, rearranging words, I went for a less is more approach on this short one and tried to maximize effect, I'm glad it worked.  And, I did remember from a past classic comp to put commas between adjectives even though I missed one.  Because cobalt is a color I didn't think it was a similar adjective to crisp so I actually left the comma out purposely, so that was intentional but colors are adjectives, after all so I realize that now.  

Thanks so much, Johnny and Ahavati for the critique and amazing opportunity to participate in this meaningful learning experience while at the same time honoring brave writers who bared their souls the way Rita Dove has. The depth of her poetry is amazing.  I look forward to uncovering more hidden gems in the future:)

Tyrant of Words
United States 123awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16944

You're very welcome PR & Wally. Entrants like you ( and other regulars such as slipalong, nomoth, Luna, Eerie, Val, Elena, et al) are the reason we host the classics, because of your love for poetry and desire to improve your writing skills. Thank you most of all for receiving these critiques in the manner in which they are given.

We wish you a most blessed holiday season filled with health and peace.

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