New Years Funnies

Poetry Contest Description
Hosted by The Poetcast Project

The January show (episode 9) is coming up folks, and we would like to again offer up the hallowed end spot of the show to feature your poetry on the podcast. The podcast goes out on multiple platforms including Spotify and Apple Podcasts, so it’s great exposure.
If you've not heard the podcast yet you can listen to past episodes here:
In the spirit of New Year, we are asking you to write a funny New Years resolutions poem. For it? Against it? Make any at all? Express it in a poem! Just give it a funny twist.
You can approach this anyway you like, be creative.
Obviously we would really love if you would be able to read and record the poem yourself for us, but please do not feel pressured. We (or a member of the reading team currently being formed) will be able to read the poem out for you if you don't want too. We understand.
Need help with creating a video? Head on over to The Loud-Speaker poetry group for help and advice on your audio / video submissions:
* New poems only
* Audio / video / songs accepted
* Up to 3 entries per human being
* No extreme content / extreme erotica / a little swearing is fine.
* Winner agrees to have their poem read on The Poetcast Project January podcast.
* No word count, just don't go mad
* Any questions, please feel free to ask.
Good luck!
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1873
Prayer for 20/20
Dear God,
To you I pray. This coming year, please send true love my way.
My expectations are few from what I ask of you. She needn't be pretty, or sexy, nor culinary nifty.
She doesn't need to be an intellect like a doctor, lawyer or poet. As far as her temperament, I have no expectations, as I'm very tolerant. I just ask that she be one thing; rich.
Filthy Rich!
For I am tired of being a poor Son-of-a-Bitch!
To you I pray. This coming year, please send true love my way.
My expectations are few from what I ask of you. She needn't be pretty, or sexy, nor culinary nifty.
She doesn't need to be an intellect like a doctor, lawyer or poet. As far as her temperament, I have no expectations, as I'm very tolerant. I just ask that she be one thing; rich.
Filthy Rich!
For I am tired of being a poor Son-of-a-Bitch!
Written by snugglebuck
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Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1878
2019 NYE
Oh boy, another year is gone!
There’s more grays on my chin,
I’ve put on couple of pounds,
And there’s more wrinkles on my skin.
On New Year’s Eve I always take time reflect,
The good, the bad and the items left unchecked,
Asking myself again, where did the time go?
Making a new plan to make sure I won’t get wrecked.
So I look at my old goals left out in the cold,
And shit! I forgot to check many of them off,
Somewhere back there I got lazy and stalled,
As father time rolls by with a smile and a scoff.
Tonight I sit a bit nostalgic, pragmatic and ecstatic,
Thinking about how young and skinny I used to be,
Realistic that the years go into higher gear as they pass,
And my ass gets bigger because I’ve become carefree.
I gotta make sure I write my resolutions and objectives,
Work on the blueprint of the future I want to realize,
I gotta go into beast mode and reload with fuel,
So the fire will leave me inspired and energized.
There’s more grays on my chin,
I’ve put on couple of pounds,
And there’s more wrinkles on my skin.
On New Year’s Eve I always take time reflect,
The good, the bad and the items left unchecked,
Asking myself again, where did the time go?
Making a new plan to make sure I won’t get wrecked.
So I look at my old goals left out in the cold,
And shit! I forgot to check many of them off,
Somewhere back there I got lazy and stalled,
As father time rolls by with a smile and a scoff.
Tonight I sit a bit nostalgic, pragmatic and ecstatic,
Thinking about how young and skinny I used to be,
Realistic that the years go into higher gear as they pass,
And my ass gets bigger because I’ve become carefree.
I gotta make sure I write my resolutions and objectives,
Work on the blueprint of the future I want to realize,
I gotta go into beast mode and reload with fuel,
So the fire will leave me inspired and energized.
Written by wallyroo92
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Joined 24th Feb 2018
Forum Posts: 21
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 21
Resolution revolution
This year it is my resolution.
To not resolute it just causes mind pollution.
Instead I'll just be honest with myself and my peeps.
I don't plan on changing and wordful resolutions come cheap.
To save my frustrations, my stress and my sanity,
I will not try to lose weight well that would just be in vanity.
I will eat eat eat to my heart's content.
Until there is an effortless diet that is free, I'm sure someone will invent.
Exercise, are you kidding well that's just hilarious,
I'd rather watch you, I'll just live vicarious.
in fact to be true, I'll probably just stay fat and be happy.
spending my time on things I like, because honestly exercise makes me tired and snappy.
Moving on with my new outlook on the New years,
why promise to quit anything it will only end in tears.
Quit drinking? Nah, I don't think that would be wise.
Then I just have to hide it and I'd start telling lies.
Hmmm Well let's see what have I resolved to quit in years past?
I guess it doesn't really matter it never didn't last.
Maybe I should have promised to get some will power.
Because, I'm thinking that the lack of that is what cause my previous plans to go sour.
Though I did have the best of intention.
Stress and temptation and that darn lack of willpower didn't I mention.
While we're on this honest and truthful path,
I vow to be me now let's do the math....
A cheerful, chubby, slightly intoxicated, free thinker.
Open-minded and accepting won't just fall for society's crap hook line & sinker.
A woman with a peaceful soul and demeanor,
I admit with a few flaws I could be a little healthier, my house could be a little cleaner.
Would it be a better world for the masses,
If I starved myself, stop having a drink, or started going to exercise classes.
Or worse I could become a stressed-out mass of confusion,
because without the occasional drink, I might get a brain contusion.
I think we all know the answers to these deep, thought-provoking questions,
so I resolve that for this year I won't have a need to make long-winded confessions.
I'm making no promises to myself, I will keep no secrets locked up in vaults.
I will stay this same damaged,messed up, but honest girl full of faults.
To not resolute it just causes mind pollution.
Instead I'll just be honest with myself and my peeps.
I don't plan on changing and wordful resolutions come cheap.
To save my frustrations, my stress and my sanity,
I will not try to lose weight well that would just be in vanity.
I will eat eat eat to my heart's content.
Until there is an effortless diet that is free, I'm sure someone will invent.
Exercise, are you kidding well that's just hilarious,
I'd rather watch you, I'll just live vicarious.
in fact to be true, I'll probably just stay fat and be happy.
spending my time on things I like, because honestly exercise makes me tired and snappy.
Moving on with my new outlook on the New years,
why promise to quit anything it will only end in tears.
Quit drinking? Nah, I don't think that would be wise.
Then I just have to hide it and I'd start telling lies.
Hmmm Well let's see what have I resolved to quit in years past?
I guess it doesn't really matter it never didn't last.
Maybe I should have promised to get some will power.
Because, I'm thinking that the lack of that is what cause my previous plans to go sour.
Though I did have the best of intention.
Stress and temptation and that darn lack of willpower didn't I mention.
While we're on this honest and truthful path,
I vow to be me now let's do the math....
A cheerful, chubby, slightly intoxicated, free thinker.
Open-minded and accepting won't just fall for society's crap hook line & sinker.
A woman with a peaceful soul and demeanor,
I admit with a few flaws I could be a little healthier, my house could be a little cleaner.
Would it be a better world for the masses,
If I starved myself, stop having a drink, or started going to exercise classes.
Or worse I could become a stressed-out mass of confusion,
because without the occasional drink, I might get a brain contusion.
I think we all know the answers to these deep, thought-provoking questions,
so I resolve that for this year I won't have a need to make long-winded confessions.
I'm making no promises to myself, I will keep no secrets locked up in vaults.
I will stay this same damaged,messed up, but honest girl full of faults.
Written by Bluelulu
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Last call for this months Poetcast comp!
jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
Is It That Time Again?
( a Quatern )
It’s time to make a promise for the year,
To be steadfast in resolute success.
I try to see a glass half full and clear,
Instead of good intentions in a mess.
I sit and make a list in poet’s rhyme,
It’s time to make a promise for the year.
Of something not too hard for me to climb,
Yet making sure it’s near my heart & dear.
While staring at my list I feel a tear,
Because the page is blank without a clue.
It’s time to make a promise for the year,
But I can’t think of one thing I can do.
Am I a coward, why can’t I commit?
Do I have feet of clay, what do I fear?
Each year I go through this and have a fit,
It’s time to make a promise for the year.
It’s time to make a promise for the year,
To be steadfast in resolute success.
I try to see a glass half full and clear,
Instead of good intentions in a mess.
I sit and make a list in poet’s rhyme,
It’s time to make a promise for the year.
Of something not too hard for me to climb,
Yet making sure it’s near my heart & dear.
While staring at my list I feel a tear,
Because the page is blank without a clue.
It’s time to make a promise for the year,
But I can’t think of one thing I can do.
Am I a coward, why can’t I commit?
Do I have feet of clay, what do I fear?
Each year I go through this and have a fit,
It’s time to make a promise for the year.
Written by Jade-Pandora
(jade tiger)
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Congrats WallyRoo92! We’ll be in touch
Stay tuned for next month’s comp, announced soon 😎

Stay tuned for next month’s comp, announced soon 😎
jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
Congratulations, Wally, for the deserving win! I know your spoken version will be great!
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1873
Fun comp. Congrats to Wally. What a well deserved win. Wally is probably the most humorous poet currently in DU.
I loved reading all the submissions. Bluelulu's sarcastic work cracked me up. And I loved Jade's. Who can't identify with the frustration of trying to figure out a goal. But In have a suggestion for Jade; your New Year's resolution should be your continued DU contributions.
Thanks Ms. Sub.
I loved reading all the submissions. Bluelulu's sarcastic work cracked me up. And I loved Jade's. Who can't identify with the frustration of trying to figure out a goal. But In have a suggestion for Jade; your New Year's resolution should be your continued DU contributions.
Thanks Ms. Sub.
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1878
Thank you Missy on giving me the honor on this comp (The first one of the year).
Thank you Snugglebuck for your comment. They say laughter is the best medicine - well I may have an entire pharmacy to unload on DUP in 2020.
I hope everyone is having a great start to this year.
Thank you Snugglebuck for your comment. They say laughter is the best medicine - well I may have an entire pharmacy to unload on DUP in 2020.
I hope everyone is having a great start to this year.