Poetry competition CLOSED 5th January 2020 10:25am
View Profile Poems by AspergerPoet56
RUNNERS-UP: drone and butters

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Who do you think you are?

Lost Thinker
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Joined 16th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 10

Poetry Contest

Anything goes

Are you a poet, God, or whatever you think you are enter here and lets see your desire and your poetry. What can you offer to the world? lets see if you can trully offer something that can change human destiny, this is a world effort c'mon!! Lets see all you poets dancing with ink and expressing truths of the universal cry within you lets see you move someone in this world and make their day or even their life. Imagine that it is a possibility, lets go and do right for once on this planet! Please

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278

I Don't Know
who I think
 i am
but i know
what i try
to be

I'm not wise
with my stupid
and my
embarrassing skeletons
always take the cake
when i throw a party
to shed a tear
for my comfortable
that have left
for an early grave
but their shadows
still remain

I don't know
what i think
i am
but i know
what i try
to be

I don't know
all the words
that i speak
i rely on others
who will disagree
so i can think
through the fog
of ignorance
that's standing
in my way

I don't know
who i think
i am
but i know
who i try
to be


Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1902

We Are Autism

We are human
Of sorts  
In mutated form  
A minority  
That is growing  
Finding a voice  
We exist  
Despite attempts  
To change our identity  
The purpose of inclusion  
Is to educate  
Not eradicate  
So with open minds  
Open hands  
We bare our souls everyday  
It’s a hard thing to do  
Explaining how you function  
To everyone you meet  
Constantly jumping through  
Hoops designed  
To normalise us  
Who are we?  
 We are part of new sub culture  
We are  Autism  
We are self aware  
Yet deemed lacking  
Cause we operate differently  
Our focus  
Develops passions  
That colour the world  
Don’t dull our brush  
Or the vibrancy  
Will be lost among the grey  
Written by AspergerPoet56
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Lost Thinker
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Joined 16th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 10

How can you judge the beauty that you bestow upon us. Each one is unique each one is beautiful each one is love and everything destined in the universe. Amazing, Great job everyone... I cannot judge this nor am i a judge in the first place nor will i judge in this case. Peace, you are all amazing in your skin and bones just look at the soul you show, you are just lost in your own shadow this is the disability that you think you need to outgrow. You are loved no matter what, just love yourself and you will know the truth sitting in this comfort booth of conscious perception
that is the truth and always will be no matter the obstacles set before you!  Peace and Understanding or Overstanding if you know what i mean!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2116

Dream Weaver

Dream Weaver  
In this life can you make lost souls for once a true believer    
For the ones who have detoured from the righteous way    
Humanity eradicated, thoughts below as they continue to stray    
Once upon a time society had admiration for the things we say    
Helping one another in times of need    
So long ago forgotten, as the land of the brave constantly political bleed    
Dream Weaver    
Leave It To Beaver or mental deceiver    
Homes of such, has been systematically destroyed    
Troops are still being deployed    
Kids’ mentality is controlled by a pop of a pill    
Weapons in their hands for a direct kill    
Is this the passion of God’s will    
If so, Hell is going to be mighty full    
No one down below will have any say, or financial pull    
Heaven with a vast of spacious room    
Only if you can forgive the sins of the forefather’s, trickery gloom and doom    
Rebirth of the internal soul still looms    
After church service that concept is gone too soon    
Marches for peace    
Riots crying out from the streets    
This country is sowing for political seeds from what it reaps    
Dues must be paid    
Talks of ground wars, trade wars, plans have already been laid    
More violence, increased visions of discrimination    
Bombs planted set out for packaged elimination    
Police brutality initiations    
Male annihilations    
Will the bloodshed of America ever end    
Whispered words on the knees is where it all begins    
The more you pray, justice feels as if it’s a dream    
Political rebuff, back door wicked schemes    
Where are we heading, no one seems to know    
As I once told someone, I have an umbrella whichever the pouring rain flows    
Television, the vision of command    
Does not caress you, yet it demands    
Controls the minds of woman, baby, and man    
What you see are what the eyes are led to believe    
You must decipher to mentally perceive    
Working by the press of an alarm clock just to monetary achieve    
No money in hand, no fast cars to drive, no beautiful homes to stand in, only name read in remembrance others will come to grieve    
Dream Weaver    
Eyes have seen, ears have heard, keeping my eye on the sparrow achiever    
Hail to the Queen    
Some would question, however, words have never deterred my dream    
A tale for another day    
Yes, I would have my say    
As we speak, too many pressing issues to relate    
To sink venom, not my creed, I’ll leave that to the snakes    
I hope to always engage your mind    
My intellect is still flowing on cloud nine    
As I bow before God’s designs    
Life goes on    
Let the words of these issues be your guiding song    
I will not be gone for too long    
Closing my eyes, mind is now sailing    
Fate, Karma, and Destiny also prevailing    
Love and Hugs    
To all my readers who have crossed my path, I give you my kisses and mental rubs    
This Dream Weaver has ascended    
Celestial stars my soul has blended    
Make sure on earth, you always strive to stay in it    
Atrial plane, up here no pain    
Feel my echoing words in the midst of your earthly reign    
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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Lost Thinker
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Joined 16th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 10

Amazing, Love your write, I see it this way, that GOD has to be, just he sent LUCIFER down with the bushes n trees to wreak havoc in hell until we are ready to see again, cuz what is pain but a brain signal telling you something is wrong in this world and you trust that to be reality and totality but have no memory of what you are truly destined to be and are already. Time will tell all stories remember that its an experience without psycho there is no love yo, n without love you wouldn't care bro.. Understand that life is a journey eternally expressing itself through everything that exists you must know that IT is not the destination but the journey that is important here on this plane.
I am really sorry that you feel this way about the world but who are you to get in the way of this show like you don't have enough power by yourself to change anything if others don't see it your way. We are just too small here to do anything.. not to say don't try - the total opposite
the question is who are you going to make to believe your cry or your personal worry. They don't care and they never will, because THEY are greedy lost psychopaths that are dissociated from the rest of the world and reality you can say that they are crazy and its true. Express your true feeling but don't ever worry constantly about the world because its not in your hand and it ain't your duty you small one, they have armies remember so be SAFE and understand please, its the ultimate way to go, without it there is no reasoning. The understanding of the idea of you and me will cease to be if you see what i mean, Basically we wouldn't exist at all without ideas -brain-mind-soul-body wouldn't be created at all infront of your eyes to see-experience and it wouldn't BE but a darkness for eternity.
Sorry for the long write but i had to say what i had to say and ONE last thing dont be overly worried about the world and dont feel guilty its in GODs hands or it is that way of life here in HELL which it is with LUCIFER down here. There is a HEAVEN and a HELL, HEAVEN can exist when we learn to make one and HELL is already here there's no need to find it anywhere, you wont burn in HELL for eternity after you die, CHrist has already died for "our" sins but its a sad story here on this planet and we are here to witness it, BELIEF or no BELIEF!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2116

Amazing, Love your write, I see it this way, that GOD has to be, just he sent LUCIFER down with the bushes n trees to wreak havoc in hell until we are ready to see again, cuz what is pain but a brain signal telling you something is wrong in this world and you trust that to be reality and totality but have no memory of what you are truly destined to be and are already.

Just a little clarification my love, God did not send Lucifer, Lucifer, the highest archangel fought archangel Michael and his army for trying to ascend like the most high into the Third Heaven, whereas, he was defeated out of Heavens and took one third of Heaven’s Angels with him, and as Critical Care Nurse, pain has its own neuron transmitters that signals the brain, and it all depend on the state of mind… a person who has used Acid/LSD does not receive those same transmitter when inflicted with the impact of pain the thalamus becomes more attuned/aware giving the user a false high of channeling that pain threshold to adapt.

Time will tell all stories remember that it’s an experience without psycho there is no love yo, n without love you wouldn't care bro.. Understand that life is a journey eternally expressing itself through everything that exists you must know that IT is not the destination but the journey that is important here on this plane.

Life is not a journey my friend, in some cultures, such as my own, it is celebrated as a rite of passage to mark our presence to adopt and learn in this civilization, and we are only evolve in earthly lessons by studying the Seven Charkas that gives us the fate to walk upon our destines, with a assuage of mental clarity of each one beliefs of theology

I am really sorry that you feel this way about the world but who are you to get in the way of this show like you don't have enough power by yourself to change anything if others don't see it your way. We are just too small here to do anything.. not to say don't try - the total opposite
the question is who are you going to make to believe your cry or your personal worry.

I do not feel like this, this is from my personal observation, my observation, two people will see the same thing, yet when asked, will decipher its conclusion in two separate theories

They don't care and they never will, because THEY are greedy lost psychopaths that are dissociated from the rest of the world and reality you can say that they are crazy and its true. Express your true feeling but don't ever worry constantly about the world because it’s not in your hand and it ain't your duty you small one, they have armies remember so be SAFE and understand please, its the ultimate way to go, without it there is no reasoning.

I cannot read your mind, therefore, I do not know who you are referring to when you say ‘they’ If you are speaking in reference to society. We come naked in the world with the truth of heart and mind, sadly to say, some of the world renown psychopaths/sociopaths are brilliant with an amazing high IQ, and to worry is a state of mental magnifications, it is when faith comes into question

The understanding of the idea of you and me will cease to be if you see what I mean, Basically we wouldn't exist at all without ideas -brain-mind-soul-body wouldn't be created at all in front of your eyes to see-experience and it wouldn't BE but a darkness for eternity.

Biology speaking, we would not exist without the conception of the egg and between 20 and100 million sperm cells dueling for that single sperm cell to mark the creation of its journey

Sorry for the long write but I had to say what I had to say and ONE last thing don’t be overly worried about the world and don’t feel guilty it’s in GODs hands or it is that way of life here in HELL which it is with LUCIFER down

Our fate is always in the Creator's hand, as we are here on earth, the state of the world is in man’s hand, everything in life is pre-ordained from the first and last breath you take… do we have choices, yes, we do, it’s what you and I call, Free Will…and that is the self destruction of the heart/mind, and detrimental to the world population when utilized in misguided proportions

There is a HEAVEN and a HELL, HEAVEN can exist when we learn to make one and HELL is already here there's no need to find it anywhere, you wont burn in HELL for eternity after you die,

Is there a Heaven and Hell?…to many theories, too many religions, and too my Deities one serves, and no one has spiritually claimed otherwise to refute or dispute. Remember everything in this realm we call life is based on the laws of theology from the Believer, to the Atheist, to Voodum, to the Pagan.

Christ has already died for "our" sins but it’s a sad story here on this planet and we are here to witness it, BELIEF or no BELIEF!

I understand my poet where your heart/mind channels from… however, until we are all on the same page, mentally and spiritually, this beautiful planet will always feel like a lake of fire to some, a melting pot to others, and the adaption of the land of the free…………..and the home of the brave…. That is a story for another day.

And thankful for your insightful response


Lost Thinker
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Joined 16th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 10

Thank you for your honest and detailed response i may or may not agree with you but that's not the point. I appreciate your involvement and when i say THEY, i mean the kings and queens of this world who run it, who would you think? There is so much information to write it would take me eternity and I'm not joking, about the world and everything from science to what dirt is. we are all made of the same stuff, "science" says that if you believe it or not but that's not the point hasn't life been trying to tell us something, SAME STUFF - Molecules- Atoms-Electrons and so on. I'm not here to change anyone's reality but doesn't that tell you something at all? I'm very curious. One thing to add is I'm neither religious or non-religious, i try to understand is all, no matter what the subject matter is!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2116

This Queen humbly bows unto in much earned respect. One thing I will always admire, is an intellectual response or positive feedback, it's the true nature of my creed I stand and live by;  in addition, it is always blissful blessing  to learn and accept each one's opinions. Thank you, and do enjoy the remainder of your evening

Lost Thinker
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Joined 16th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 10

Thank you Kitty much respect, You too enjoy the rest of your day! I have learned something today even if its of small weight not to say that small portions don't matter, the total opposite - everything is knowledge!

Dangerous Mind
United States 11awards
Joined 9th May 2019
Forum Posts: 1080

Related submission no longer exists.

Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540

Only in My Dreams

Only in my dreams am I truly at peace,
The moon is my constant companion;
My sweet Luna brings light to the darkest of nights,
Her soft glow lulls me to sleep.

Only in my dreams am I my true self,
I can be stripped of my dignity and face no persecution;
My body and soul are bared to be seen,
Yet I have no shame.

Only in my dreams am I truly happy,
My imagination reignites and runs wild;
My soul departs my body in search of adventure,
In the blink of an eye the universe is within my grasp.

Only in my dreams am I complete,
Love, peace and wisdom are the Holy Trinity;
Symbols flash before my eyes,
My mind translates their messages effortlessly.

Only in my dreams can I achieve anything,
Self-doubt and fear fade away into nothing;
I can be Superwoman, or I can be a dragon,
Or I could be at peace in your loving arms.
Written by LunasChild8
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Guardian of Shadows
Jamaica 14awards
Joined 27th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 784

tho oft i'm slain

Inner peace doesn't come from getting what we want, but from remembering
who we are.
—Marianne Williamson

caged bird, perhaps
that’s who i am

                              wings without flight
                    an endless plight
          shackled by rage
inside my cage

the broken harp
that’s who i am

                              no strings attached
                    tho i have watched
          new melodies
hang from the skies

the broken dream
that’s who i am

                              night sends no peace
                    for sweet release
          when dreams lay dead
upon their bed

poét of poets
that’s who i am

                              no ink is theirs
                    without my tears
          the heavens know it
i am a poet

child of the King
that’s who i am

                              caged bird, harp, dreams
                    poet it seems
          i rise again
tho oft i’m slain

© Copyright 2019 December 05
by Clyve A. Bowen♫
Written by cabcool
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

No Deception Mine Own Reception

I Am A Particle Yet You Bet I Am A Wave

I Am What I Let Go And I Am What I Save

I Am Nothing And More I Am Everything

Motion Commotion Still In Silence Sings

A Dream In Between What It Is I Mean

Reality Fatality More Than First Seems

Some Say A God In Heaven Does Trod

I Say I Am God And Smile With A Nod !
Written by Blackwolf (I.M.Blackwolf)
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Lost Thinker
Joined 28th Nov 2019
Forum Posts: 9


Step into my essence, dance to my own song
unusual quintessence, breath my sweet perfume
waltz my existence, inhale where I belong
hear my adolescence, where sorrow is entombed

Feel my heart beat, understand it's kind and giving
crawl beneath my skin, let empathy abide within
view my world with eyes of wonder, ever dreaming
have a sense of my intentions, understand where I've been

Speak my thoughts, misunderstandings will be erased
know my desire to rid injustice, so mankind may live in peace
walk among those dying daily, appreciate living's grace
tread that mile in my shoes daily, compassion will increase

Above all these there is one thing, wrap yourself entirely
in love and kindness, expect nothing in return
cast aside words spoken meanly, blessings you'll clearly see
feel the depth to which I love, understanding will be born
Written by Andiew
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