Poetry competition CLOSED 13th October 2019 7:10am
David_Macleod (14397816)
View Profile Poems by David_Macleod
RUNNERS-UP: crimsin and Heaven_sent_Kathy

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Your favorite poem...written by YOU

Dangerous Mind
United States 19awards
Joined 8th July 2019
Forum Posts: 919

Related submission no longer exists.

poet Anonymous

LunaGreyHawk,     positive comment moved to your poem's page

poet Anonymous

MaryWalker,  comment moved to origin poem page.

poet Anonymous

Magnetron, comment to be moved to original poem's page.

poet Anonymous

comment moved to poet's site.

Harry Rout
Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2014
Forum Posts: 433

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

badmathus: comment to be moved to poet's site.

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 3awards
Joined 17th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 868

poet Anonymous

butters,  comments to be moved to original poem's page

Thought Provoker
Joined 20th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 156

I Think, I Thought

When thinking of thoughts      
We think we already thought        
Out loud, we might say        
The other night on replay        
When we say it today        
Maybe said, the other day        
Now, but not before        
Before, but not now        
Forever, I will now know        
For now, I will never know        
My thoughts, I think        
I'm thinking, I thought        
I think, I thought        
My thought, I think        
Don't think of thoughts        
You think, I thought        
When thinking about, thoughts before        
I thought we should, just think right now        
I sort of think.        
I sort of thought.
Written by Fetchitnow
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poet Anonymous

RULE CHANGES, EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 2, 2019: As of this date, this competition’s rules have been amended to level the playing field for all. 1) One entry per human…no pseudonyms. 2) No prose poems or extreme (profane) erotic content will be allowed. 3) This will be a “silent thread” competition from this point on.  I will transfer the comments I made by prior entries to the entrant’s individual pages.  Reminders: 1st, 2nd & 3rd places will be awarded (by host and a “ghost judge”, who will assist with selection.  I apologize for my inexperience and naiveté; I will try to make everyone happy and ask for your indulgence. Please PM me, if you have any question.. Thank you!

Tyrant of Words
United States 151awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1843

Thick With This...

This t h i c k n e s s…it’s a sickness that thoroughly haunts me,  
With a thousand thrilling theatrics through and through,  
And therewith in the pith of these themes who’d thought,  
That the affable aesthetics would methodically taunt me too.  
Therefore I find these thoughts so soothing and therapeutic,  
Unearthing enthralling myths as if seeking a path to the truth,  
Thus I must theorize, or perhaps hypothesize that going forth,  
I am a thespian in the theater of the mind to my withered youth.  
With every breath I slowly wreathe between tongue and teeth,  
Seething with thirst immersed in depth of the sleuthing thread,  
I feel this thesis throbs, though smoothly with thwacking thuds,  
Tethering the nether part of my mouth and through to my head.  
I think I’m thorny but this thingamajig is north of ordinary,  
Amid a throng of thrusting verses thrashing in a chorus,  
Bathing in the wealth of ideas and thoughts altogether,  
With a strength three times t h i c k e r than my thesaurus.  
Don’t dither and come hither,  
It’s a threatening deathly thunder you’ll both love and loath,  
Then let me spread, or rather slather the word so t h i c k l y,  
With width and girth the thriving idiom is primed for growth.  
T h i c k.
Written by wallyroo92
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poet Anonymous

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