Poetry competition CLOSED 5th September 2019 12:17pm
View Profile Poems by nomoth
RUNNER-UP: Ahavati

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FREEVERSE Poetry Comp.  #1 LOVE

Lost Thinker
South Africa
Joined 14th Aug 2019
Forum Posts: 6

Open Letter

Dear Darling
pave my road not to be gravel
it is dusty and curved,
no lights, its all dark

your heart compass
improves my sailing,
directing, my boat not to sink.

Endless Journey
as i travel,
be my paramedic
in my accidents

                                 your Soul
                                  My part

Written by imbongi
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Lost Thinker
India 1awards
Joined 8th Nov 2017
Forum Posts: 6


Love a trite but I write, if I don't write what else do I have?
Love him so much I have forgotten how to love
It's madness they say
If so it seems wonderful
To die again and again for him death would wonder
In wind I would still love him
In the burning flames I would still love him
In his rejection I would still love him
If I cannot feel anything I would still love him
It's raining but I cannot feel the rain
I'm crying but I cannot feel my tears
I'll always love him with a love that's beyond love
Written by kinalishohe
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878

The Heaviest Matter in the Universe

Love can flip your entire world upside down, with no logic and no sense. Your emotions are stirred with an unexplainable desire deep in your core you’re often left wondering, how did I come to this?
Science can explain the chemical reactions, between physical attraction and spiritual attachment, the heart doesn’t care for rationalization, it just wants.
Love has a special effect on the soul. It's tormenting when far away and it heals all wounds with a tender touch, a soft caress and the most caring kiss. Yes, love can make you do crazy things, from crossing deserts and oceans to conquering worlds. You will do anything to protect it, anything.  
Love...it will drive you wild with longing, a deep seeded need, it will tear you little by little, it will invade your every thought at a second of your day until you can’t take it anymore. It will make you write, spilling your most intimate thoughts and desires. It will linger in your heart for years, decades, centuries, eras, and ages and into lightyears away that knows no boundaries or time. It is the heaviest matter in the universe in the weight of tears when it’s unrequited.
Written by wallyroo92
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Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278

She's Not to blame

She was not
to blame
the blame is mine
to claim
i let her  
slide under
my skin
into my heart
with my eyes  
open wide
with my mind
on wishful thinking
dream time
as she sucked me dry
an emotional wasteland
she left behind
but as they say
will find a way
so my feelings
will learn
to grow again
one day

She wasn't to blame
the blame is mine
the signs were there
i refused to see
i didn't look
behind the scenes
behind her smile
behind her eyes
behind the walls
she hides behind
and for that
i pay the price
a broken heart
a fractured voice
a river of tears
when i remember  
the lonely fears
i thought  

i'd  left behind

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17530

Love is

broken in Spirit
but not faith: their
 trunks carved by Life
yet, places no blame
upon the hand
wielding the knife;
dry-furrowed Souls
  who continue to believe:
despite unrequited efforts
they'll never understand—
  though carry on  
  until their backs bleed;  
a combatant fighter
 using defensive maneuvers
to shield unhealed scars
 from future wounds—
offering nonetheless  
 themselves unto service  
whenever called upon;  
doesn't try to bury
  the hurt from remembering—
sits with it quietly instead
  learning the lesson it taught
  until free to move on  
Love is endurance—
  ceasing without end
even unto death
its capacity to give
  despite circumstance
Written by Ahavati (Tams)
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Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1404

I deeply congratulate the Wholly Unearthed Singlet Gem of All Your Collective Poetic Facets,  in the Outpouring (Un)defining Tearing Paining Painting Love...

Wishes to each of your timeles poems-of endless Love, in your hearty soulful artistry, freeflowing this comp.

Its hard when it comes to pick out poems for winner, as each of the Poem & You is a Winner ever.

Still as the comp. demands, would place as follows:

1) ne' tremesse o tristezza-  by nomoth :  a grandeur of Love coming alive in such vibrance, of your unique Poetic Appeal, Love subtly strongly felt in a shining calmness..Didnt expect such a spin out of this comp. so thanks!

2) Remnants of drift wood on the tide; maybe it could be a tree- by Commentonly: Such a terrifically beautiful yearn & search ...of Love amidst all the darkness glooms, your Tree of Hope is such eternal!! Intensely drawn, thanks.

3) Love is - by Ahavati : The unwavering sage speak on Love- the unceasing faithful & all-giving warrior it is ..Salutes to the Timeless Poetic Essence this poem exudes all over! thanks.

I truly wish you all to keep flowing & sculpting your poetic art ever, in the true soul & spirit of Love.

Thank you All Once again & Hope to see you sooner or later in next comp. Love Ever

poet Anonymous

Congrats Nomoth and CommentOnly! Those were excellent entries!

And well done, Ahavati Sweetie! ❤📝💕

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17530

oOF! Thank you so much for the placement, Uma! I truly appreciate it.  Congratulations, nomoth, it was indeed a beautiful entry and so worthy of the win.  Congratulations, Commentonly! It was achingly felt and worthy of second place!  Love is, and always shall be, immeasurable, particularly in words; however, we poets shall never cease our attempts to convey its essence.

JohnnyBlaze said:Congrats Nomoth and CommentOnly! Those were excellent entries!

And well done, Ahavati Sweetie! ❤📝💕

Thank you! ❤📝💕

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 12awards
Joined 24th Mar 2019
Forum Posts: 481

wow and good god I was not expecting this at all. thank you so much Uma it is so very encouraging even to be amongst these other beautiful poems. Big love to Commentonly and Ahavati and to all the others who entered. thank you again.

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