Poetry competition CLOSED 8th July 2019 7:36pm
View Profile Poems by wallyroo92

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poet Anonymous

Erotic_Goddess said:

There are 2 links I believe one is at the top and the other is under the new poem, I didn't put it that way but that's how it posted.

Yeah I see 2. Needs to be three if you would please.

The new one, and links to 2 older poems :)

Fire of Insight
United States 9awards
Joined 1st Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 87

Miss_Sub said:

Yeah I see 2. Needs to be three if you would please.

The new one, and links to 2 older poems :)

That's exactly what I was telling you. There are two links and a new poem in my submission post.
The first link being Between Ghosts and future, the poem below that Comforting Clots is the new poem and if you look below that there is another link for a poem titled The guard. Please let me know if you still don't see it and I'll resubmit.

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 29th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 69

Emergency Hall

Nobody would know what it is that you’ve been through.
Until expressed through the exhaustion of the day.
Compassion feels for efforts.
How could a human be so capable?
Driven by a heavy heart to care for those in need.
Determination became a good look.
Not just in sights but in the heating core throughout the body.
Who knew someone could have froze someone in the heat of a stressful day.
Frozen at the end of the hall.
Like the future the man awaits her arrival.
Written by ClearmindedVillain
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poet Anonymous

Emergency Hall

Nobody would know what it is that you’ve been through.
Until expressed through the exhaustion of the day.
Compassion feels for efforts.
How could a human be so capable?
Driven by a heavy heart to care for those in need.
Determination became a good look.
Not just in sights but in the heating core throughout the body.
Who knew someone could have froze someone in the heat of a stressful day.
Frozen at the end of the hall.
Like the future the man awaits her arrival.
Written by ClearmindedVillain
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ClearmindedVillain said:

Hello. Please can you submit two other links to poems from your back catalogue that you would want to talk about on the podcast for this to be considered a valid entry as per the rules.


Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1876


Do good things and put them out to the world,
It may or may not come back you right away,
But keep putting positive vibes going forth,
It’s a true good feeling to have everyday.

Good deeds can restore faith in humanity,
And kindness can cure sadness in the soul,
We should have faith in it so ecstatically,
That way our hearts will never grow old.

Whatever gods or creeds we each believe in,
I think we should always put forward our best,
Because karma may come back to us tenfold,
With selfless kind acts we truly become #blessed.

Let’s try to be more optimistic and we can be synergistic,
Live to give and give without expecting anything in return,
Being positive in what we create and we’ll surely make fate
Be kind to us for the good we’ve put out there in turn.

The sixteen pints of blood I donated these last four years,
May have helped strangers or saved somebody’s life,
But now I believe in karma just a little more,
Because this week someone else’s blood saved my wife.


Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1902

Scored Out Scribbles

This cavity
This cavern
This void
Where there was beating
A heart no longer

The sound of stampeding hoofs
Used to echo
Vibrate violently
Has now faded
More a deathly silence

Mimicking life
More an actor fluffing lines
The script rewritten
Scored out scribbles
Trying to define who I am

There is still breath
It clings
Like a new born to its mother
Yet the feeling
Is icy rain on skin

I keep clambering
Like turtles on a beach
Trying to reach the sea
Where I could drown
Or find a reason for living
Written by AspergerPoet56
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Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1902

i have tried adding the 2 poems to go with my new piece but seems every time I try it adds the poem not the link. It won’t matter but if for some reason I do somehow get chosen my 2 poems are 21st Century Spastic  and Human Paradox

poet Anonymous

Hello. Please bare with us while we deliberate.

Thanks and stuff

poet Anonymous

Congrats WallyRoo! We’ll be in touch to arrange an interview

Anybody else who took part in this thread if you would still like to talk to us please get in touch. We would love to have you :)

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1876

I'm very honored for this. Thank you very much and I look forward to chatting with you.
Talk to you soon.

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