Poetry competition CLOSED 1st July 2019 6:54pm
RUNNERS-UP: PoetsRevenge and Heaven_sent_Kathy

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Fear of Oneself

Dangerous Mind
United States 29awards
Joined 30th June 2016
Forum Posts: 749

Fly On The Wall In The Puritan Home (Silent War)

The long, empty darkness
voids every unwritten truth,
so I write it out from the blankness of abuse.

A bleak puritan way,
austerity for posterity,
a crawling, hairy mass;
but how could she endure this
gripped between her claws.

The walls are speaking,
the wallpaper roses laughing;
they are looking on, looking on
how can they go on looking on.

How are they not speaking
in ways people can hear.
Wars are unfolding as they sit,
tiny legs cling to them
scrambling, shouting
in their own unrecognizable language
and one falls onto the floor, shrieking.
Yet no one hears, no one notices,
no one understands.

How can this be a form of love,
this tenuous life,
how can this be a viable outcome,
this dusty floor,
this deafening silence.



( a non-entry )
Written by PoetsRevenge
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878

Ode to Boobies

Oh you majestic bird of the high seas,
I’d never heard of you until this documentary,
I perked up when the narrator said “boobies”,
So an ode is owed to your plight and victory.
Dear booby, though you and I may never meet,
Your flight is something to be admired,
When you dive into the waters in a great fleet,
It’s a mesmerizing scene that left me inspired.
Your species depend on clean efficient oceans,
We have to change our ways so you can thrive,
Mankind must understand and make a motion,
To guard the ecosystem and all its wild life.
Our Planet is something we must protect,
So that sea birds have access to great shoals,
It’s a symbiotic relationship we must respect,
Saving the earth should be every person’s goal.

Written by wallyroo92
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Dangerous Mind
United States 29awards
Joined 30th June 2016
Forum Posts: 749

Exclusive (Old Love)

I watched you lying there,
I was still learning to love you.
I observed your chest rising, falling,
the contours of your ribs  
and your breath rushing in and out
slowly in the captivity of your body
needing rest, and near me finding it
and welcoming it.
I heard the sounds around us
become more distant as we
maybe would become one day.
I saw the light around us dim  
as the sun went behind a cloud,
as one day our love might become
dimmer than now.
I remembered the first time I saw you,
how what was new then became  
what now is old, familiar and comfortable.
I thought of life before you and I couldn't
even remember it as more than a vague dream.
I became awake the day you were born.
I learned from you to love more each day.
As you rest, I imagine myself alone  
as before you came and I prepare myself
to one day return to being alone without you
and no longer knowing you.
I fashion a love for something in order to let it go;
to embrace a love of what I do not own.
#Sharon Olds
Written by PoetsRevenge
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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17586

Johnny and I would like to thank each entrant for studying and honoring Sharon Olds. This is not going to be an easy comp to judge ( as if any ever are ), so bear with us.  Please double-check for spelling, grammar, hashtags, and guidelines compliance errors.  We had one lose due to a spelling error, and another who didn't hashtag. That may seem minor, however, when judging is this tough ( and it is tough ) it can come down to the technicalities of guidelines and the basics to determine a winner.

You still have a few hours to enter before the comp closes!  

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17586

Thank you you to all entrants.  Judging is in process and we thank you in advance for your patience. Best of luck to each of you.

Please visit and consider participating in the latest Classic Corner comps:

Agnes Török Tribute: https://deepundergroundpoetry.com/forum/competitions/read/10867/#449801

Wendell Berry Tribute: https://deepundergroundpoetry.com/forum/competitions/read/10868/

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17586

Thank you again to each entrant who took the time to study and honor Olds with a tributary piece. As you know, judging can be quite tough in competitions like this, which is why we have a particular scale to guide us in regards to essence, content, form, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and, lastly, adherence to guidelines.  When neck-to-neck with another entrant one simple mistake can knock you out of placement.  Each was judged on a scale between 1-5, with 5 being the highest possible score, 1 the lowest.

That being said, congratulations to the following winners:

First Place: highlyfunctional

Second Place: PoetsRevenge

Third Place: Heaven_sent_Kathy

If each of you wishes to know your personal scores, please private message and we will be happy to share them along with our notes.

Again, thank you to all entrants who braved Olds. Please join us for July's female Classic Corner Tribute featuring Agnes Török:


poet Anonymous

Winning entries can be accessed by clicking on the avatars.


jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

My thanks to our hosts, Ahavati & JohnnyBlaze, for another golden opportunity in a Classic Corner competition - with the wonderfully expressive Sharon Olds!

Congratulations go out to winners: brother HF, and sisters PR & Kathy, for their stunning entries!

All the best to those who participate in the CC comps during July!


Dangerous Mind
United States 29awards
Joined 30th June 2016
Forum Posts: 749

Congratulations to Highlyfunctional, you really get Olds, she wrote from gritty experience like you did, often parent/ child subjects, excellent entry, I loved Kathys poem as well, a softer side but still so much like Olds, I really enjoyed this comp, I'm honored to place second..

Johnny and Ahavati, I really admire the advanced judging process, so astute, and it helps us entrants so much to know about how it works because it can guide us to write even better entries, thanks for the continued efforts to make your comps rewarding to be a part of, and attract readers with quality reads. It's been great :)

Thought Provoker
United States 9awards
Joined 1st Nov 2017
Forum Posts: 177

It's taken me a few to catch my breath, so now I'm able to express my thanks to Ahavati and JohnnyBlaze on the results of this competition.  And to give them my gratitude for these wonderful Classic Corner competitions, excellent and well-thought-out opportunities for participating writers to grow in ways they might not have reached for years to come.

I congratulate the winner highlyfunctional for his first place effort which took this reader to places one could definitely relate to.  And to PoetsRevenge, for her most deserving 2nd place win. In addition, I thank her for her kind remark in support of my entry.

And as for me, I always feel very honored whenever I place, no matter which way, to be in the company of poets who have excelled and beyond.

With utmost respect and wishes for success in the competitions to come.

blessed and blessings

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17586

You're very welcome, Jade, Kathy, and PoetsRevenge.   It's an honor to read the entries, albeit the judging process is tough. . .

See you at this months hopefully!  And don't forget to vote in the poll!


Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17586

Webmiss has been working very hard this morning and has implemented #SharonOlds! Please edit your entry themes to reflect such. Thank you again for all your entries honoring Olds, and congratulations to the winners.

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