Poetry competition CLOSED 17th April 2019 10:06pm
RUNNERS-UP: Ely and Orc_Pirate_68

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My Kitty Kat

poet Anonymous

Catnip Kingpin

He sat on his throne,
a stone,
in the gardens, sun
blazing down upon his ancient stripes.

by way of jumbled genetics, fur
in splotches of mackerel grays
and blacks.

They called him “Shadow”, for
he lurked in them, green glass
eyes, boring
through souls, Fu-Manchu
whiskers stopping words
and hearts
of those who’d dare enter
his realm.

“You want somethin’, stranger?
I gots everythin’ you wants—catmint
far as ya nose can smell…”

He picked a yellowed tooth with
a daggar-like claw, waiting for an answer.

“What’ll it be ta-day?  I can clips
you off a sprig or two, and you be feelin’
jus fine…..but I needs my payment, first..”

A hand reached down, slowly
to touch his fur—
and he bore his head into it, with
a nip and a purr.

“Thas all I need….”

And the Catnip Kingpin fell victim
to the plants in his own garden, sunshine
still tingling, breezes still warm.

Heady, kitty daze…..

(In Memoriam to Shadow, 9/25/2002--4/9/2019)

Dangerous Mind
Mexico 6awards
Joined 20th May 2018
Forum Posts: 297

Tanks #24  ...Dark...

dark's alright  
as long as I can
see the light  
at the end of the tunnel...  
meanwhile  cat wants her tummy rubbed
Written by Ely (E.A.Rothwell)
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Dangerous Mind
Mexico 6awards
Joined 20th May 2018
Forum Posts: 297

Temptation and the Territorial Imperative.

The cat is in the window
watching porn on BIRDTV.
Her nose is pressed into the screen
she could no closer be...
The sparrows at the feeder
have her quivering with lust.
She has herself under control
but barely... only just...
The other day we went outside
Pearl lounged beside the bird bath.
The leafy shade Moringa made
concealed her from the foot path.
When 'nother cat came wand'ring by
'twere more  than she could bear.
She puffed herself to twice her size
and stiffened every hair.
She took up the chase in an awful haste
'twas a surprise to me.
The furry little cannonbal  
was quick as Mercury..
Down the lane Miss Pearl pursued
the luckless young intruder...
Who'd crossed her hidden boundary
and she couldn't have been ruder.
We've come back to the crux, now
of this conversation
She's learning how to navigate through
'most all situations...
Written by Ely (E.A.Rothwell)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

What Cats Can See

With black almond pupils
And wide golden eyes
A feline can see
What's on the other side

If one night your cat
Stares into a dark room
Where there is nothing
Know that she sees the spirit
Of someone or something

Your cat sees and feels
The spirits of your house
As easily as she senses
A vole or a mouse

So, be kind to your cat
And treat her well
For, if you don't
The spirits she will tell
Written by snugglebuck
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Dangerous Mind
Mexico 6awards
Joined 20th May 2018
Forum Posts: 297

Senryu #22  ...happy moment...

two kittens
round my ankles
softly wind...
Written by Ely (E.A.Rothwell)
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Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

Keep them coming - all really good entries so far :-))))))))))))))))))))))

poet Anonymous

Ah—thanks for the win! Bittersweet , though, as I wasn’t planning on losing Shadow so suddenly and unexpectedly 😿

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