Time Capsule 2019
Joined 12th June 2013
Forum Posts: 168
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 168
Poetry Contest Description
A poem you would want others to read 500 years from now?

Dig truly deep within yourself as a poet and try to put yourself in the readers place 500 years in the future of what you want them to read. It can be on ANY SUBJECT. Only one poem can be allowed per artist.
Remember this poem is for the future poets, and everyone from all walks of life to read.

Joined 12th June 2013
Forum Posts: 168
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 168
The time is coming if we don't pay attention.
Charnel House
Where are we going
when we grow old?
Will we sit in a room
watching life go by
from an Old Folks tomb?
Awaiting the Grim Reaper’s
replacing our pain and
Family rejections……….
Will we pass away the
staring out the window
one day covered in
Will we ever come to
need to let go and love
before it’s too late?
why did
_________i wait?
when we grow old?
Will we sit in a room
watching life go by
from an Old Folks tomb?
Awaiting the Grim Reaper’s
replacing our pain and
Family rejections……….
Will we pass away the
staring out the window
one day covered in
Will we ever come to
need to let go and love
before it’s too late?
why did
_________i wait?
Written by Tallen
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Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1882
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1882

Time Trip
I hear the seconds tick away in my watch,
Tic-tic-tic the hands rotate round and round,
I wonder if my consciousness will come to pass
Into the future as the tic-tic-tic makes a sound.
I sit here at my desk in the middle of the night,
Wishing my words will one day transcend time,
Apologizing to my children and to their children,
For my generation’s mishaps and crimes.
I’m sorry we mistreated Mother Earth,
I’ve hope you’ve learned from our mistakes,
I trust you’ve studied our history, uncovered mysteries,
We tried, we tried for heaven’s sake.
But there was good in our era as well,
Oh the music was heavenly and divine,
The poetry and the artistry was swell,
Especially just right before my time.
Listen to the songs we used to sing,
With the hope that one day there would be peace,
Hear the poets and dreamers who dreamed dreams,
To the composer who composed his masterpiece.
We tried expressing our love for it all,
Us poets felt free, boundless, unlimited and so alive,
We strived to be kind and to show the world,
That poetry would live forever when archived.
So greetings my fellow poets and composers,
My fellow explorers, dreamers and visionaries,
Don’t let anyone tell you there are boundaries,
Let’s meet together in a time trip imaginary.
Joined 12th June 2013
Forum Posts: 168
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 168
Now that is real beautiful work. Thanks.
Joined 12th June 2013
Forum Posts: 168
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 168
And before you know it we will be at that stage.
Joined 19th Feb 2019
Forum Posts: 9
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 9
Wake up
There is no one outside
To blame or to fight
The world is within you
Each person, each event
A facet of your self
That yet remains to be embraced.
Go deeper than the surface
Recognize the voice that whispers
“Wake up, wake up!”
To blame or to fight
The world is within you
Each person, each event
A facet of your self
That yet remains to be embraced.
Go deeper than the surface
Recognize the voice that whispers
“Wake up, wake up!”
Written by MonicaT
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Forum Posts: 2159
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2159
Evolution Of Reincarnation
Much needed spiritual rest
I’ve returned to inspire the best
I’ve looked over the mountaintop
Things I’ve witnessed will not allow the flow of my mind to stop
I’ve tasted hunger
Seen the lifeless look on the faces of whoremongers
Beauty gone, virginity robbed while they were so much younger
Money will no longer be evident in this life
Turmoil led by continuous strife
Implanted devices denial if not
The mark of the beast will mark its spot
Elements of mankind
Mentally strangled under the signs of times
Some people out of sight will be out of their mind
No Love and No Hugs
Zombies roaming the streets enslaved to manmade drugs
Society ruled by salvages and gun toting thugs
I’ve seen the blood of death
The poor begging crumbs from off the tables of wealth
The Have and Have Nots
Cameras with no morals screened as a hanging Gordian knot
Viewers hitting like buttons without a script without a plot
Seen in the eyes of everyone
Silent observations of delinquency without a microphone
Are we now reaping from what technology has sown
Society fighting for a fifteen minute spot in the limelight
Charity giving, snatched away by Mother Nature’s cruel plight
Wandering sheep without a spiritual leader
I tell you all of this, and no I’m no mind reader or Sunday school teacher
Spiritual attuned from a land so far away
It all started from my denial on Judgment Day
QRS complex waves mounting up
Flat lining in and out
Paddles of Life to heart electrocuted without a doubt
Between the gray areas of an elevated body
Past the Masonic Temples, the Christian doors and even higher than the hidden secrets of the Illuminati
My spiritual being has evolved as it roamed
Traveling fast to a blinding light of the unknown
Been here done this
Second time around more cryptic bullshit
Excuse my phrase
But yet, I’m still mentally amazed
I write from remembrance to my Heavenly father to get this right
No time for sins no time for society’s political fights
Had He chosen the fiery road where would I be
Enteral Flames of Hell daily welcoming me
Now I have great days with living, giving and all
Thank goodness the bed of earth cushioned my heavenly fall
Angels sighed we lost one again
Why does women and men deny eternal life over sin
This is where my spiritual awareness all begins
I’m coming straight from the heart
My soul, the essence of my perceptions, given as an initial start
Thoughts between here and there.
The place where your mind wanders, the place no one seems to care
Heaven and Hell
On this earth one can never tell
I want my crown come this second time around
If I’m denied
For me, one step down
So, sit back, relax and allow me to engage your mind
From here to there, a land way before time
Have you ever said, I’ve seen this before
I’m your testimony to say it’s your first life reconnecting from no divine rewards
No it’s not Déjà vu
It’s your soul trapped while your head still bowed
God’s punishment to you for your Commandments of disavowal
Your body has resurfaced from a portal through minutes
Stay in this moment stay in it to win it
God’s words stated I must get this right
I hope through my words you will understand my emotional plight, while I never lose word of sight, as a person might
Although, it does occur at times, despite, that internal beam of spiritual light
The crown of glory He begs to place upon our head
Sacred scriptures given intellectually somehow escapes the mind from what we’ve just read
I’m sure my narratives will leave many thoughts of words unsaid
So, say your prayers before you get into bed
The subconscious is where the secrets lies
The pathway to our Creator and the mysteries behind the What, When, and the Whys
I’ve returned to inspire the best
I’ve looked over the mountaintop
Things I’ve witnessed will not allow the flow of my mind to stop
I’ve tasted hunger
Seen the lifeless look on the faces of whoremongers
Beauty gone, virginity robbed while they were so much younger
Money will no longer be evident in this life
Turmoil led by continuous strife
Implanted devices denial if not
The mark of the beast will mark its spot
Elements of mankind
Mentally strangled under the signs of times
Some people out of sight will be out of their mind
No Love and No Hugs
Zombies roaming the streets enslaved to manmade drugs
Society ruled by salvages and gun toting thugs
I’ve seen the blood of death
The poor begging crumbs from off the tables of wealth
The Have and Have Nots
Cameras with no morals screened as a hanging Gordian knot
Viewers hitting like buttons without a script without a plot
Seen in the eyes of everyone
Silent observations of delinquency without a microphone
Are we now reaping from what technology has sown
Society fighting for a fifteen minute spot in the limelight
Charity giving, snatched away by Mother Nature’s cruel plight
Wandering sheep without a spiritual leader
I tell you all of this, and no I’m no mind reader or Sunday school teacher
Spiritual attuned from a land so far away
It all started from my denial on Judgment Day
QRS complex waves mounting up
Flat lining in and out
Paddles of Life to heart electrocuted without a doubt
Between the gray areas of an elevated body
Past the Masonic Temples, the Christian doors and even higher than the hidden secrets of the Illuminati
My spiritual being has evolved as it roamed
Traveling fast to a blinding light of the unknown
Been here done this
Second time around more cryptic bullshit
Excuse my phrase
But yet, I’m still mentally amazed
I write from remembrance to my Heavenly father to get this right
No time for sins no time for society’s political fights
Had He chosen the fiery road where would I be
Enteral Flames of Hell daily welcoming me
Now I have great days with living, giving and all
Thank goodness the bed of earth cushioned my heavenly fall
Angels sighed we lost one again
Why does women and men deny eternal life over sin
This is where my spiritual awareness all begins
I’m coming straight from the heart
My soul, the essence of my perceptions, given as an initial start
Thoughts between here and there.
The place where your mind wanders, the place no one seems to care
Heaven and Hell
On this earth one can never tell
I want my crown come this second time around
If I’m denied
For me, one step down
So, sit back, relax and allow me to engage your mind
From here to there, a land way before time
Have you ever said, I’ve seen this before
I’m your testimony to say it’s your first life reconnecting from no divine rewards
No it’s not Déjà vu
It’s your soul trapped while your head still bowed
God’s punishment to you for your Commandments of disavowal
Your body has resurfaced from a portal through minutes
Stay in this moment stay in it to win it
God’s words stated I must get this right
I hope through my words you will understand my emotional plight, while I never lose word of sight, as a person might
Although, it does occur at times, despite, that internal beam of spiritual light
The crown of glory He begs to place upon our head
Sacred scriptures given intellectually somehow escapes the mind from what we’ve just read
I’m sure my narratives will leave many thoughts of words unsaid
So, say your prayers before you get into bed
The subconscious is where the secrets lies
The pathway to our Creator and the mysteries behind the What, When, and the Whys
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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Rain Woman
Joined 8th Jan 2017
Forum Posts: 85
Rain Woman
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 85
I Love
I love staring at a clear night sky for hours
I love to sit on my deck and paint the landscape
I love the smell of freshly cut grass and a campfire
I love to wander the forest by my house and take pictures from weird angles
I love to close my eyes and listen to the birds singing on a hot summer day
I love to read books while lounging in my bright orange bean bag chair
I love singing at the top of my lungs with music blasting from my speakers
I love chasing my dog all around the yard and tackling him
I love eating a chocolate lava cake while watching a movie with my sister
I love feeling the nerves I get right before acting on stage in front of an audience
I love going on a hike and being one with nature
I love fishing with my dad at our favorite lake
I love designing and creating a haunted house for my town
I love the taste of a smoothie any day of the year
I love traveling, seeing different places, and meeting new people
I love feeling the heat of the sun on my bare skin
I love the anxiety that comes with watching my favorite football team on TV
I love when people ask me what I'm passionate about
I love to spontaneously bake cookies in the middle of the week just because I felt like it
I love the smell of candles that fill my house when the power goes out
I love the game nights my family has on holidays
I love running around barefoot in my yard for no other reason than it feels right
I love to write poetry for all the world(or at least all of you) to read
I love to sit on my deck and paint the landscape
I love the smell of freshly cut grass and a campfire
I love to wander the forest by my house and take pictures from weird angles
I love to close my eyes and listen to the birds singing on a hot summer day
I love to read books while lounging in my bright orange bean bag chair
I love singing at the top of my lungs with music blasting from my speakers
I love chasing my dog all around the yard and tackling him
I love eating a chocolate lava cake while watching a movie with my sister
I love feeling the nerves I get right before acting on stage in front of an audience
I love going on a hike and being one with nature
I love fishing with my dad at our favorite lake
I love designing and creating a haunted house for my town
I love the taste of a smoothie any day of the year
I love traveling, seeing different places, and meeting new people
I love feeling the heat of the sun on my bare skin
I love the anxiety that comes with watching my favorite football team on TV
I love when people ask me what I'm passionate about
I love to spontaneously bake cookies in the middle of the week just because I felt like it
I love the smell of candles that fill my house when the power goes out
I love the game nights my family has on holidays
I love running around barefoot in my yard for no other reason than it feels right
I love to write poetry for all the world(or at least all of you) to read
Written by marina2020
(Rain Woman)
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Joined 12th June 2013
Forum Posts: 168
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 168
And I feel those are the things whoever reads this poem will feel about love, especially if the future is dark and full of hopelessness.

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