Poem of the Month - January 2019
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2712
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2712
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Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2712
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2712

Every pair of eyes
In ancient lands and isolated villages,
in makeshift watercrafts
in the company of warlocks
and medicine men
and seductive shamans
spreading secrets.
In temples and halfway houses,
in prisons and poetry books,
in photos taken in the past
of people who didn't last,
I recognize...
one soul behind every pair of eyes.
And in wheelchairs behind window frames,
behind steering wheels and silent pains,
in family feuds and friendly fiascos,
in primitive solitude fishing with barbasco,
in court rooms and homeless shelters,
in award winning movie scenes
depicting machines murdering men,
in hospital beds and in gangs of skinheads wearing ugly threads,
even the buzzkilling, overprotective feds
I recognize...
one soul in every pair of eyes.
And here, from where I stand
upon this cloud
I'm floating far from the fear.
I turn around,
I see the secret,
I forget regret,
So nearly free.
And I hear songs of long forgotten dreams,
I sense waves of time crashing, flowing with the stream,
I recognize...
the love that lingers in our eyes.
Written by Hunterapsych
(Shaman among machines)
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Haley Quaquaversal
Joined 24th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 141
Haley Quaquaversal
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 141
Black Lake
‘It is a chilly God, a God of shades
Rises to the glass from his black fathoms’
- Sylvia Plath
‘Tis a black lake, one of indecision
Wherein the finished souls scream to the
Oblivion of bottomless trepidation.
Where here, they cannot turn back to
The fuzzy stasis of life itself ---
Aran-knit pleasantries
And a warm teacup on a
Green, knotty hillside and sheep in a mist,
Blank-eyed and innocent, no.
The hills have surpassed them a hundred times
And replenished them a hundred more.
The lake is reflected in the black of
Their little yellow eye-button,
And the lake is full of God.
Violence had escaped every lily-pad
Which floated, those little green dissidents
Umbillicied to wrathful Earth.
Murky and brown and full of remnants,
Shopping carts even poking through the mud
Ensnared with the bodies of past inhabitants
Of this great resource.
And within they dwell ---
Those civilizations of gnats
Waiting to emerge in spring among
Those straws of great, uncharted ruins
To be disturbed by only a footstep of
A frog-hunter in mud-waders.
There is little to poke around for,
It only disturbs the peace.
The lake is full of silent screams lapping
At the edges of solitude.
The lake absorbs all colors as
We fall into it and rises within our dreams,
Fed by fate's aquifers and
Underground streams of fancy.
Dubiously we give in to the chaos of
The thousand currents we oppose,
Falling in tandem into hopes oppresive formation.
I cannot love if I do not know how.
The unknowns are a nemesis we try to forget,
And we, like sheep are so forgetful.
God remembers nothing
And Winter’s end tells me everything.
Oh, flat water, how you reflect me in
Algae blooms of advisory deprivation.
Ferry me to your depths, oh stone,
Dropping, dropping, landing nowhere.
Tell me when I’ve arrived,
My heart feels nothing;
The abyss is within and I breathe
The million organisms as they
Habitate my lungs.
I drown in their procreations.
The World’s oar-dips are so brief
They disturb nothing,
Just catch my eye, glinting
And the eye is full of green haze.
Oh, Fields Of Mercy, to here I drift,
Here on a grassy hillside where
Above is below.
The slow plodders drink the dew
Off the grass, ruminating.
Dolorous whimsies surround them,
They drown in their own fatuity.
The pen plods like an oxen,
Then breaks free as a wild horse ---
Its liberation is a fleecing of what it
Never intends, never understands,
Never fully demands or tries to contain.
How the placid surface is so illusory.
And this God, he falls in holograms of
Tiny water-bound light chambers
Within the dark and
Among the still.
And, yet the green grass is never still,
I watch it ticking...ticking...
Counting each millisecond of its reaching
As it is trampled by hooves.
It still spins skyward and I rise with it
Though my heart sinks into the dark.
An ocreous and soupy mirror under the
Floating algae, a greenery of hopefulness
Wherein it all becomes clear,
How I was meant to lay in the grass and dream,
To not remember this moment of clarity.
Folly extends its warm hand and I oblige
As I exit my body.
This is death, my friends,
And its bliss is my unmaking,
Its intrusion my bland release.
I sparkle and fade, forgetting
The life I made.
A buzzing of beetles and I go numb, mindless.
‘Tis then I realize God
In a sunbeam between clouds of cotton,
The fog lifts and I see the face,
The face of everything.
It rings clear as a dull cowbell.
The sheep have moved on and I remain
On this shoddy turf, a sky darkens,
Silver and wise and perturbed.
My hands trace an empty circle
And I am without anger or grief.
To be alone now is my only, last release.
I have drowned in this orifice that
Hollows to accomodate me,
I surrender to its peace.
I become mute to my own child
Unresponding to his voice.
Oh, hollow lullaby, such a sweet,
Sorrowful tune.
My heart opens on a blank page
And I am face-down in its windfall.
It bleeds a sunken language,
An archaic reckoning.
It releases its volumes to
Shrill advancement.
I say nothing, I am unmoved.
It was the Earth that moved under
My leaden mendacity.
It was the grass pushing forth,
The mirror-surface cracking
Fleeing all imprisoned images
To go forth skyward in dissipation.
And I dissipate dissolve,
I am not immortal and the lake does not hold me.
It is an illusion that it holds anything.
Even the waters are unformed,
As so is the bottom.
I sink into a murky plasticity
And it is all I ever was.
Words held no spell to overcome
Such a brevity of self-announcement.
Words were no match for Heaven’s great mantle.
And I, like grass am no match for
Crushing hooves or hungry grazers.
My words are to be repurposed,
Reworded, recinded, and remolded
As the caring of this is removed from my breast
Like a setting sun removes daylight.
My observations are all that remain
Their echoes all that still sing.
‘Tis all this that had given me purpose
And to this my final decree.
Their dimensions flatten as
I bend over the mirror and see him there,
‘Tis a wrathful God.
Rises to the glass from his black fathoms’
- Sylvia Plath
‘Tis a black lake, one of indecision
Wherein the finished souls scream to the
Oblivion of bottomless trepidation.
Where here, they cannot turn back to
The fuzzy stasis of life itself ---
Aran-knit pleasantries
And a warm teacup on a
Green, knotty hillside and sheep in a mist,
Blank-eyed and innocent, no.
The hills have surpassed them a hundred times
And replenished them a hundred more.
The lake is reflected in the black of
Their little yellow eye-button,
And the lake is full of God.
Violence had escaped every lily-pad
Which floated, those little green dissidents
Umbillicied to wrathful Earth.
Murky and brown and full of remnants,
Shopping carts even poking through the mud
Ensnared with the bodies of past inhabitants
Of this great resource.
And within they dwell ---
Those civilizations of gnats
Waiting to emerge in spring among
Those straws of great, uncharted ruins
To be disturbed by only a footstep of
A frog-hunter in mud-waders.
There is little to poke around for,
It only disturbs the peace.
The lake is full of silent screams lapping
At the edges of solitude.
The lake absorbs all colors as
We fall into it and rises within our dreams,
Fed by fate's aquifers and
Underground streams of fancy.
Dubiously we give in to the chaos of
The thousand currents we oppose,
Falling in tandem into hopes oppresive formation.
I cannot love if I do not know how.
The unknowns are a nemesis we try to forget,
And we, like sheep are so forgetful.
God remembers nothing
And Winter’s end tells me everything.
Oh, flat water, how you reflect me in
Algae blooms of advisory deprivation.
Ferry me to your depths, oh stone,
Dropping, dropping, landing nowhere.
Tell me when I’ve arrived,
My heart feels nothing;
The abyss is within and I breathe
The million organisms as they
Habitate my lungs.
I drown in their procreations.
The World’s oar-dips are so brief
They disturb nothing,
Just catch my eye, glinting
And the eye is full of green haze.
Oh, Fields Of Mercy, to here I drift,
Here on a grassy hillside where
Above is below.
The slow plodders drink the dew
Off the grass, ruminating.
Dolorous whimsies surround them,
They drown in their own fatuity.
The pen plods like an oxen,
Then breaks free as a wild horse ---
Its liberation is a fleecing of what it
Never intends, never understands,
Never fully demands or tries to contain.
How the placid surface is so illusory.
And this God, he falls in holograms of
Tiny water-bound light chambers
Within the dark and
Among the still.
And, yet the green grass is never still,
I watch it ticking...ticking...
Counting each millisecond of its reaching
As it is trampled by hooves.
It still spins skyward and I rise with it
Though my heart sinks into the dark.
An ocreous and soupy mirror under the
Floating algae, a greenery of hopefulness
Wherein it all becomes clear,
How I was meant to lay in the grass and dream,
To not remember this moment of clarity.
Folly extends its warm hand and I oblige
As I exit my body.
This is death, my friends,
And its bliss is my unmaking,
Its intrusion my bland release.
I sparkle and fade, forgetting
The life I made.
A buzzing of beetles and I go numb, mindless.
‘Tis then I realize God
In a sunbeam between clouds of cotton,
The fog lifts and I see the face,
The face of everything.
It rings clear as a dull cowbell.
The sheep have moved on and I remain
On this shoddy turf, a sky darkens,
Silver and wise and perturbed.
My hands trace an empty circle
And I am without anger or grief.
To be alone now is my only, last release.
I have drowned in this orifice that
Hollows to accomodate me,
I surrender to its peace.
I become mute to my own child
Unresponding to his voice.
Oh, hollow lullaby, such a sweet,
Sorrowful tune.
My heart opens on a blank page
And I am face-down in its windfall.
It bleeds a sunken language,
An archaic reckoning.
It releases its volumes to
Shrill advancement.
I say nothing, I am unmoved.
It was the Earth that moved under
My leaden mendacity.
It was the grass pushing forth,
The mirror-surface cracking
Fleeing all imprisoned images
To go forth skyward in dissipation.
And I dissipate dissolve,
I am not immortal and the lake does not hold me.
It is an illusion that it holds anything.
Even the waters are unformed,
As so is the bottom.
I sink into a murky plasticity
And it is all I ever was.
Words held no spell to overcome
Such a brevity of self-announcement.
Words were no match for Heaven’s great mantle.
And I, like grass am no match for
Crushing hooves or hungry grazers.
My words are to be repurposed,
Reworded, recinded, and remolded
As the caring of this is removed from my breast
Like a setting sun removes daylight.
My observations are all that remain
Their echoes all that still sing.
‘Tis all this that had given me purpose
And to this my final decree.
Their dimensions flatten as
I bend over the mirror and see him there,
‘Tis a wrathful God.
Written by PoetsRevenge
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Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17864
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17864
Lil' Danny's [perhaps](Last) Dissolution
Blue intrusions
in these
Foolish approbation[s]
of things never-quite-past(passed),
in frequent faulted memories, as if any trooth was exclusively
m a n i f e st ......................you
would have been love if it hadn't been so late in
'the course of things;,
& other'wishes
of brokenOldMen who have little, if No,
P l a c e, in the unmonied paradigm.......
So, who did you think i was? [ i'm not gonna fckn argue.]
eye'm whoever
you mighta w a n t ed 'me' to be.
I don't know how to be much of anything else.)
Written by dkzksaxxas_DanielX
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DU Webmistress
DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winning poem is Stargazer by DanielChristensen (nominated by crimsin) and the runners up are Kaleidoscope by crowfly (nominated by Josh) and Lil' Danny's [perhaps](Last) Dissolution by dkzksaxxas_DanielX (nominated by Ahavati).
Congratulations and thank you to all who took part.
Congratulations and thank you to all who took part.
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2712
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2712
a big congratulations dearest Daniel ✨
congratulations to my dear friend Sir Crow and Danny great writes all around 💕
congratulations to my dear friend Sir Crow and Danny great writes all around 💕