Poetry competition CLOSED 19th December 2018 9:05am
crimsin (Unveiling)
View Profile Poems by crimsin

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let's see how vulnerable you can be!

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 9th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 53

Sweet Red Wine

A glass of wine you say
Oh I know you want to play
WIne so sweet and crimson red
We drink before we go to bed
Letting that brew go to our heads
Wine so red and sweet
It is now our lips should meet
Watched my clothes fall to my feet
Then intwined we are to greet
In that tangled web we spun
The wine and night has finally won
Written by Selosa67
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Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903

This Storm

This storm is right before my eyes
Thought I had seen them all
Feeling the strength of it
My senses now know
It’s a new reality

On the edge of destruction
A fragile moment sinking in
Like cracks on old porcelain
Everything is slowly breaking down
Drifting into the black

What was beautiful is now ugly
I am just a stain on the world
An unclean shadow
Dirty in every way
No redemption even from the devil

Close to my skin the knife cuts
A creator of scars
It never goes deep enough
I offer nothing but breath
To this dark saviour

Written by AspergerPoet56
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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

I'm so Lonely

I'm lonely
So damn lonely
As lonely as can be

If only
I had someone
To love me
Hold me
Kiss me
And tell me
Sweet things

O how much happier
I'd be!
Written by snugglebuck
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Daniel Long
Thought Provoker
United States 10awards
Joined 26th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 219

The Agony of Reality

If this is reality, then why does it feel so agonistic to my soul and just?
It is this foul winters’ slapping gust
That wants one to conform their “abnormal” psyche to certainty,
But I want my surrealist mind, and I can only hallucinate the senses of reality.

Can a flame live, breath and burn
In a mold of ice?
I have nowhere else to turn,
The realist world is not very nice.

And why is it when I walk down this surrealist, slush-ridden path
That my shoes don’t damp?
Sometimes I feel it is an innate wrath
When I suffer from writer’s-cramp.

Am I the flame?
and surrealism
are not the same!

Though I stand in the corner, I am the flame,
But the light shines not from what realists can see.
I’ve been there my whole life,
Its solitude quite hellish; loud with internal strife.

We all stare at corners; at what’s veiled within them;
And we don’t like who we see within cause’ they’re reticent.  
I don’t like what I see hiding in the corner either, yet I stand there too!
I love me, yet I despise me. I can’t hate what I am, nor will I change it.

I am me
And not you.
You are you
And I’m glad you’re not me.

All my realistic thoughts subdued,
Like a drunkard swigging wine.
Keep you to your solitude
and me to mine.
Written by gothicsurrealism (Daniel Long)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878

Secrets Revealed…Kind Of

I’m a walking riddle hiding amidst verses gone unnoticed,
Keeping meaningless age old secrets in an empty box,
And in the middle of these overlooked compositions,
I’ve revealed the truth but concealed it in a paradox.
I’ve expressed myself with the angst of a thousand years,
Cried tears that tried to tear and split my soul in half,
And the words poured like poor jeers falling on deaf ears,
So I hid amid lines and rhymes that will make you laugh.
But I like to capture the moment, despite of the torment,
This poetry is a diary destined to eventually tell my story,
Maybe it will pass the test of time when they read the signs,
But deciphered all too late because I lived without the glory.
I’m an exaggerator, a dreaming schemer and collaborator,
Exposing my raw emotion that takes cover in plain sight,
Even when the blatant and apparent trivial innuendo,
Lies there with open arms waiting for you to shine the light.

Fire of Insight
United States 13awards
Joined 1st Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 141

Stranded with Manners

Abroad in some sunnier yard
a cup clatters, slicing innocuous
remnants naively
from it's china



Fine as my fragility, tissue glass...this skin

I am choice - a hostess
I make no clinking

No issue
No issue

My chicken-wing scapulas
itching bare
cold sweat
my new, near-evening dew
crying into flaccid grasses

I'll be so good
I'll let it pass

pre-morning moaning
a melting nightchill

And the sun scales deafly over
while childhood is pried
beneath weighty limb and will

A recess time deeper leagues
mariner mind
sailed to fairer airs and fare

My vessel seized
a tempest of silence diseased
this hill - spoiling child breath

I could assemble my toys...
have a bit of tea...

Written by AtoMikbomb
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poet Anonymous

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Kurt Geric Dili
Twisted Dreamer
Philippines 1awards
Joined 19th Aug 2018
Forum Posts: 19

even you dont know

i am ready to get hurt anytime
even you dont know

i am willing to get wounded just for you

i am ready to love you more than you know

are the clouds arent enough at the heavens above
just to cover that past that hurts you soo much

every moment im ready to get hurt
even you dont know

lets try
just give me a chance
cloSe your eyes
and forget the past

cause i am ready to get hurt even you
dont know

Written by KGERICD (Kurt Geric Dili)
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Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1404


Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

Oh boy!
Now that DU worm has the goods on every one. 🐛
Fun comp.  Thanks Abigail for sponsoring.
Congrats to Crimson and Miss Sub.

Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672

thank you for feeling my poem so deeply 💕

congratulations Missy I'm honored to be standing with you ❤

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